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Intro: Hello everyone, today I am going to tell about a traditional craft village
called Vong Nguyet village. Here is every member of our group include:…..(tự
First is the location of Vong Nguyet village, the village is located in Tam Giang
commune, Yen Phong district.The name:”Vong Nguyet” means in the moon,
beatiful and dreamy to the point of fantansy.This is an acient village that carries the
full nature of Bac Ninh land in traditional heroic and romantic.
Second is the history of Vong Nguyet village. The village used to be called Ngot
Nhi village. The Chu people came here to start their first business. After The Chu
died, his grave was located in the field of Dong Tranh, overlooking the
semicircular pond. When the Tong invaders invaded our country,Chu Dinh Du and
ly Nguyet Sinh formed a militia team, contributing to a heroic victory on Nhu
Nguyet River in the spring of 1077. Today, Vong Nguyet still worships Nguyet
Sinh princess, the temple has been worshiped and state recognized as a historical
and cultural relic.
Third is the main product of Vong Nguyet village. The village is famous for
products from goiden silk, durable and shiny.Next is stages to do a product, there
are 5 stages to do a products:
+Firstly, pick the mulberry leaves that are just old enough, the leaves are dark
+Secondly, put the right number of leaves in each basket, spread the leaves evenly
on the surface.
+Thirdly, the silk is cocooned and they will be pulled by the cocoon to pull the silk
out of the pupa.
+Fourthly, we will pull all the silk out and then spin it again so the silk doesn’t
+Finally, we dry the silk threads in the sun and then exchange them with other silk.
Next are the experience you can do such as growing mulberry, raising slkworws or
you can even try to participate in the production of silks
Next we have the achivement of the village. It is well-known silk village with a
history of thousands of years. Vong Nguyet is also the village with the most Doctor
of Philosophy in Yen Phong district such as Ngô Như Ngọc, Ngô Nhân Hải, Ngô
Nhân Trừng, Ngô Nhân Triệt, Ngô Tuấn, Nguyễn Duy Thức.
Finally is the present status of the village, Vong Nguyet village was famous for a
silk craft village. However along with the flow of time, the craft village is facing
the danger of disappearing, if there is no solution for retain the values of traditional
craft villages. The village will only remain in people’s memory
-So in our opinion, they should eqip more modern and advance technology in order
to maintant it.
END:(chào khán giả + cảm ơn vì đã nghe bài thuyết trình).

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