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Programme: International hospitality management (BA)

3 year

International exhibitions of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Lecturer: Irina Petkova, Clive

Horscroft, Boryana Umnikova
Student number: 18027
Date of submission: 10.11.2020

Word Count: 2000

Table of Contents

Introduction and literature review ……………………………………………….……………….3

Overall PESTLE analysis……….………………………………………..……...……………….3
PESTLE analysis.……………………………………………….…………..…….………………4
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….………………9

Business tourism is a relatively new product that is offered on the Kazakhstan market of tourist
products and requires a comprehensive study and definition of the role of the state in its
promotion. The segment of educational events is a big business. It includes: corporate events,
conferences and conventions, exhibitions and expositions. (Allen, 2009)
-Corporate events are private events held by corporations or enterprises for their employees,
customers or interested persons. For educational events, they can include business trainings,
courses, advanced training of employees, seminars.
-Conferences and Conventions are a form of organization of scientific activity in which
researchers present and discuss their work. There are three types of scientific conferences:
scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical, scientific-technical.
- Scientific and theoretical. Discussion of new developments, research, discoveries, the study of
- Scientific and practical. Speakers build their reports based on personal observations, research
on the topic under discussion, or on the research of their colleagues.
- Scientific and technical. This is a kind of business communication between students and
teachers with representatives of companies. (Allen, 2009)
Exhibitions are a public demonstration of the achievement of certain branches of the material or
spiritual sphere of society, the main purpose of which is the exchange of ideas, theories,
knowledge while conducting commercial work. The functions of the exhibition are that the
exhibitions carry out marketing research in a specific segment of the market, present their own
products, exchange information between legal entities, as well as conclude contracts for the sale
of their products, technology for the production of goods. (Rogers, 2013)
Exhibitions are part of the business event industry. If exhibitions did not exist, they
should be invented because of all the activities to stimulate sales, only they look like a holiday.
This is facilitated by everything: beautiful rooms and stands, elegant people, a friendly
atmosphere, delicate treats, and enticing presentations.
The selected topic for this work - International educational exhibitions in the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Today, as well as for at least 5 years, this topic will be especially interesting and
relevant due to the rapid development of both the exhibition business and the tourism industry.
This report will focus on the analysis of PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, legal) (Berry, 2011) in the industry of international educational exhibitions in
Kazakhstan, which will establish what factors should be taken into account in the future, because
they may be potential threats or areas of opportunity in the coming years.

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