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J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003

Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation in the Era of

Modern Immunosuppression
*Nephrology Service, Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC), Washington, DC, and Uniformed Services
University School of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland; †Organ Transplant Service, WRAMC, Washington,
DC, and National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; ‡National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; 储Gastroenterology Service, WRAMC,
Washington, DC; Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland; and ¶The Jacksonville Transplant Center at Shands, Jacksonville, Florida

Abstract. Kidneys from donors who are positive for hepatitis C plications. It was found that DHCV⫹ was independently as-
virus (DHCV⫹) have recently been identified as an indepen- sociated with an increased risk of mortality (adjusted hazard
dent risk factor for mortality after renal transplantation. How- ratio, 2.12, 95% confidence interval, 1.72 to 2.87; P ⬍ 0.001),
ever, it has not been determined whether risk persists after primarily as a result of infection. Mycophenolate mofetil was
adjustment for baseline cardiac comorbidity or applies in the associated with improved survival in DHCV⫹ patients, pri-
era of modern immunosuppression. Therefore, a historical co- marily related to fewer infectious deaths. Adjusted analyses
hort study was conducted of US adult cadaveric renal trans- limited to recipients who were HCV⫹, HCV negative, or age
plant recipients from January 1, 1996, to May 31, 2001; fol- 65 and over, or by use of mycophenolate mofetil confirmed
lowed until October 31, 2001. A total of 36,956 patients had that DHCV⫹ was independently associated with mortality in
valid donor and recipient HCV serology. Cox regression anal- each subgroup. It is concluded that DHCV⫹ is independently
ysis was used to model adjusted hazard ratios for mortality and associated with an increased risk of mortality after renal trans-
graft loss, respectively, adjusted for other factors, including plantation adjusted for baseline comorbid conditions in all
comorbid conditions from Center for Medicare and Medicaid subgroups. Recipients of DHCV⫹ organs should be consid-
Studies Form 2728 and previous dialysis access-related com- ered at high risk for excessive immunosuppression.

The expected clinical course of hepatitis C infection as it affects small numbers of transplant recipients for whom complete data
organ transplant recipients, as well as the use and effect of kidneys were available during the study period or because cardiovascular
from donors who are positive for hepatitis C, remain controversial comorbidity was actually lower in patients who received DHCV⫹
topics in renal transplantation. Recently published data confirmed kidneys, yet the mortality risk for recipients of DHCV⫹ kidneys
that kidneys from donors who were hepatitis C positive (HCV⫹) was still greater than for patients who received DHCV⫺ kidneys.
were associated with an independently increased risk of death in Possibly, recipients of DHCV⫹ kidneys were sicker to start with
renal transplant recipients regardless of recipient HCV status (1). and thus had a higher risk of death unrelated to receiving a
However, donor hepatitis C seropositivity (DHCV⫹) was not DHCV⫹ kidney. Since that study, there have been substantial
independently associated with mortality when limited to patients changes in maintenance immunosuppression practices in the
with valid information (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Stud- United States. In particular, recent reports have confirmed that
ies [CMS] Form 2728) on comorbid conditions at the time of mycophenolate, in comparison with azathioprine, is associated
dialysis initiation. This may have been because of the relatively with a reduced risk of both death-censored graft loss (2) and death
with graft function (3). For better determining whether donor and
recipient hepatitis C serologic status remains important in graft
Received March 12, 2003. Accepted July 27, 2003.
Correspondence to Kevin C. Abbott, LTC, MC, Dialysis, Nephrology Service, and patient survival in modern clinical transplantation, a historical
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC 20307-5001. Phone: cohort study analyzing the 2002 United States Renal Data System
202-782-6462/6463/6288; Fax: 202-782-0185; E-mail: (USRDS) data assessed those factors associated with HCV⫹ kidneys while controlling for variables previously established to
The opinions are solely those of the authors and do not represent an endorse- have an impact on outcomes.
ment by the Department of Defense or the National Institutes of Health. This
is a government work. There are no restrictions on its use.
1046-6673/1411-2908 Materials and Methods
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Data Sources and Study Sample
Copyright © 2003 by the American Society of Nephrology The data set and analytical techniques have previously been de-
DOI: 10.1097/01.ASN.0000090743.43034.72 scribed (4). In summary, the USRDS standard analysis file (SAF)
J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003 Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation 2909

provided the primary file including information at the time of trans- ous history of access complications, as well as demographic and other
plantation. Follow-up information included dates and causes of graft factors related to patient survival, including donor and recipient age,
loss, dates and causes of death, approximate dates of allograft rejec- gender, race, recipient HCV serology, duration of dialysis before
tion, and follow-up serum creatinine levels. Files were merged with transplantation, body mass index, previous transplantation, recipient
the main file using unique patient identifying codes to obtain fol- sensitization, cold ischemic time, HLA mismatch, and use of immu-
low-up data. The file was also merged with SAF.PATIENTS to obtain nosuppressive medications. This analysis was performed for the entire
dates and causes of death. Fewer than 0.5% of living donor kidneys study population to construct propensity scores for the probability of
were seropositive for HCV, and therefore analysis was limited to receiving a DHCV⫹ kidney (1 if positive, 0 if negative). Nagelkerke
recipients of cadaver kidneys. Sirolimus and tacrolimus were not r2 and the c-statistic (with 0.5 indicating a probability equivalent to
widely used in clinical practice until 1996. Therefore, analysis was random chance and 1.0 indicating 100% prediction) were used to
limited to adult patients who underwent cadaveric kidney transplan- assess model fit and predictive power.
tation from January 1, 1996, to May 31, 2001. Information on med- Patient and Graft Survival. Survival time was defined as the
ications was limited to immunosuppressive medications. Only one time between the date of transplantation and death, the most recent
transplantation for a given patient during the study period (which follow-up date, or the end of the study period. Graft failure was
could have been a repeat kidney transplantation or a multiorgan defined as return to dialysis after transplantation and did not include
kidney transplantation) was included in analysis. Only cases with death with a functioning graft. Variables entered into the model were
specified HCV data for both donor and recipient were included. HCV those previously associated with patient and graft survival after trans-
serology (presumably ELISA, although the variable “HCSRN” legend plantation (5) or significant in univariate analysis in Tables 1 and 2
indicated only “hepatitis C antibody screen,” and transplant question- and included transplant center. Medication use was determined as
naires did not specify generation of ELISA) was not independently induction therapy (at discharge from the initial transplant hospitaliza-
confirmed. Similarly, the cause of ESRD could not be confirmed tion, primarily for antibody induction therapy) and maintenance ther-
independently. Additional variables in analysis included previous apy. Maintenance therapy was determined at follow-up visits at 6, 12,
hospitalizations for vascular or peritoneal dialysis access complica- and 24 mo. For allowing for changes in medication use, any use of
tions (infections, thrombosis, or other dysfunction) that occurred after medication at the specified visits was considerer maintenance therapy.
the first date of dialysis but before the date of transplantation. Co- This resulted in overlap of medications. Therefore, models were also
morbidity data, including selected laboratory data, from the time performed excluding medication overlap. Graft loss was analyzed as
patients presented to dialysis was also available from the CMS Form a time-dependent variable using previously described methods (6)
2728. Because these data were not available for all patients, these because it has recently been recognized as an independent predictor of
variables were used in separate models. Patients were followed patient mortality in kidney transplant recipients (7). Stratified Cox
through October 31, 2001. models were performed for each of the following subgroups of par-
ticular clinical interest: recipients who were HCV⫺, recipients who
Analytic Variables and Outcome Measures were HCV⫹, and recipients who were age 65 yr or older. Analyses
Factors Associated with Use of HCVⴙ Kidneys Given to were also performed excluding patients who received multiple organ
HCVⴚ Recipients. Because some American transplant centers al- transplants. Covariates whose Kaplan Meier plots violated the as-
low the use of HCV⫹ kidneys in certain recipients who are HCV⫺, sumption of proportional hazards over time were assessed using
we conducted a logistic regression analysis of factors independently yearly intervals after transplantation, as described in other, similar
associated with a HCV⫺ patient receiving an HCV⫹ kidney. This studies (8). Files were converted from SAS to SPSS using DBMS
analysis used stepwise logistic regression (forward likelihood ratio Copy 7.0 (Conceptual Software, Houston, TX). SPSS version 11.5.0
method) of factors thought to be clinically significant, such as previ- (Chicago, IL) was used for primary analysis.

Table 1. Characteristics of study population (continuous variables)a

Factor Study cohort Patients who died Patients with graft loss

Donor Age (yr; mean [SD]) 35.4 ⫾ 17.1 39.53 ⫾ 17.92b 39.0 ⫾ 18.5b
Recipient age (yr; mean [SD]) 47.0 ⫾ 12.5 52.46 ⫾ 12.08b 46.3 ⫾ 13.2b
Recipient body mass index (kg/m2; mean [SD]) 26.2 ⫾ 21.5 26.3 ⫾ 6.1 26.6 ⫾ 6.1b
Cold ischemic time (hr; mean [SD])b 19.6 ⫾ 8.4 20.5 ⫾ 8.5 20.8 ⫾ 8.6b
Peak PRA (%; mean [SD])c 13.9 ⫾ 25.9 14.9 ⫾ 26.7 20.3 ⫾ 30.7c
HLA mismatches (0–6) 3.33 ⫾ 1.80 3.43 ⫾ 1.78b 3.65 ⫾ 1.68b
Most recent serum creatinine at 1 yr posttransplantation 1.66 ⫾ 0.96 2.05 ⫾ 1.77c 2.09 ⫾ 2.74c
Years of dialysis before transplantation 3.84 ⫾ 3.91 3.9 ⫾ 3.8c 4.5 ⫾ 4.4c
Values from medical evidence form 2728d
hematocrit (%) 28.7 ⫾ 5.8 28.6 ⫾ 5.5 28.2 ⫾ 5.9
albumin (g/dl) 3.46 ⫾ 0.68 3.34 ⫾ 0.66b 3.38 ⫾ 0.69b
Analysis limited to patients with valid recipient and donor hepatitis C serologies. PRA, panel reactive antibodies.
P ⬍ 0.05 by t test versus patients who did not die or experience graft loss, respectively.
P ⬍ 0.05 by Mann-Whitney U test versus patients who did not die or experience graft loss, respectively.
Limited to patients who presented to dialysis on or after April 1, 1995 (thus limited to 63.3% of the study population).
2910 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003

Table 2. Analysis of associations with donor hepatitis C seropositivity by variable, adult cadaveric kidney transplant
recipients, January 1, 1996, to May 31, 2001a
All cadaveric kidney
Univariate RR Episodes of graft Univariate RR
transplant recipients Deaths (N [%])
(95% CI) loss (N [%]) (95% CI)
(N [%])

N 36,956 4552 (12.3) 2448 (6.6)

Mean follow-up (yr) 2.77 ⫾ 1.66
Variable (N)
recipient hepatitis C positive 2525 (6.8) 403 (15.8) 1.38 (1.24 to 1.55) 227 (8.9) 1.43 (1.24 to 1.64)
donor hepatitis C positive 873 (2.4) 174 (19.6) 1.80 (1.52 to 2.14) 68 (7.7) 1.20 (0.93 to 1.54)
Categories of donor and recipient
HCV (compared with D⫺/R⫺)
D⫹/R⫺ 280 (0.8) 72 (25.4) 2.49 (1.90 to 3.26) 18 (6.4)b 0.97 (0.60 to 1.56)
D⫹/R⫹ 593 (1.6) 102 (16.9) 1.49 (1.20 to 1.85) 50 (8.3)b 1.30 (0.97 to 1.75)
D⫺/R⫹ 1932 (5.2) 301 (15.5) 1.38 (1.24 to 1.55) 77 (9.1) 1.45 (1.23 to 1.70)
D⫺/R⫺ 34,431 (92.4) 4088 (11.8) 1 (reference) 2214 (6.4) 1 (reference)
Recipient male (versus female) 22,608 (60.4) 2821 (12.5) 1.07 (1.004 to 1.14) 1439 (6.4) 0.93 (0.85 to 1.008)
Recipient black (versus all other 9725 (26.0) 1252 (12.9) 1.09 (1.01 to 1.17) 830 (8.5) 1.49 (1.37 to 1.63)
Donor black (versus all other 4116 (11.0) 560 (12.3) 1.15 (1.04 to 1.26) 349 (8.5) 1.36 (1.21 to 1.53)
Dialysis in the first week 8810 (23.7) 1610 (18.3) 1.95 (1.82 to 2.08) 1320 (15.0) 4.28 (3.94 to 4.66)
posttransplantation (Y/N)
Body mass index ⱖ30 kg/m2 6586 (20.1) 819 (12.4) 1.11 (1.02 to 1.21) 494 (7.5) 1.27 (1.15 to 1.42)
(versus all others)
Donor CMV⫹ 22,806 (61.3) 2928 (12.8) 1.17 (1.09 to 1.25) 1563 (6.9) 1.12 (1.03 to 1.22)
Rejection in the first year 6642 (17.8) 996 (15.0) 1.34 (1.24 to 1.44) 678 (10.2) 1.82 (1.66 to 1.99)
posttransplantation, diagnosis
and treatment (Y/N)
Graft loss 2448 (6.6) 924 (37.7) 5.16 (4.72 to 5.64) NA NA
Repeat transplantation (versus 4083 (11.0) 496 (12.3)b 1.00 (0.91 to 1.11) 365 (8.9) 1.48 (1.32 to 1.66)
Cause of ESRD
diabetes (Y/N) 10,693 (32.8) 1737 (16.2) 1.69 (1.58 to 1.81) 566 (5.3) 0.75 (0.68 to 0.82)
Maintenance medicationsc
cyclosporine 22,724 (67.8) 2537 (11.2) 1.23 (1.14 to 1.32) 982 (4.3) 0.63 (0.57 to 0.69)
tacrolimus 14,235 (42.5) 1249 (8.8) 0.71 (0.62 to 0.77) 767 (5.4) 1.12 (1.01 to 1.23)
azathioprine 7985 (23.8) 1015 (12.7) 1.33 (1.23 to 1.44) 468 (5.9) 1.23 (1.10 to 1.37)
mycophenolate 26,433 (78.9) 2442 (9.2) 0.55 (0.51 to 0.60) 1104 (4.2) 0.47 (0.43 to 0.52)
sirolimus 2317 (6.9) 177 (7.6) 0.69 (0.59 to 0.80) 142 (6.1) 1.24 (1.04 to 1.48)
Induction antibody use 17,676 (47.8) 2037 (11.5) 0.87 (0.82 to 0.92) 1243 (7.0) 1.13 (1.04 to 1.23)
Previous hospitalizations for 6207 (16.8) 869 (14.0) 1.20 (1.11 to 1.30) 553 (8.9) 1.49 (1.35 to 1.64)
access complicationsd
Comorbidities from medical
evidence Form 2728e
chronic obstructive pulmonary 358 (1.5) 74 (20.7) 2.43 (1.87 to 3.15) NS NS
ischemic heart disease 1758 (7.4) 308 (17.5) 2.04 (1.79 to 2.33) NS NS
congestive heart failure 2493 (10.5) 426 (17.1) 2.05 (1.83 to 2.30) NS NS
peripheral vascular disease 1108 (4.5) 192 (17.3) 2.03 (1.72 to 2.38) NS NS
smoking 1249 (5.3) 156 (12.5) 1.32 (1.11 to 1.57) NS NS
alcohol use 201 (0.8) 33 (16.4) 1.79 (1.23 to 2.60) NS NS
Results given as % (N) or mean ⫾ SD. CMV, cytomegalovirus. NA, not-included in model; NS, not significant.
Only factors that were significantly associated with death or graft loss are shown in the tables, with the exception of hepatitis C
categories indicated, and repeat transplant with death as indicated.
Percentages do not total to 100 because of missing values and overlap.
Codes for access complications were 996.1x, 996.56x, and 996.6x.
This information from this form was available only for patients who started dialysis on or after April 1, 1995, or for 23,405 (63.3%)
of the study population.

Results were excluded (with some overlap between the two groups),
From January 1, 1996, to May 31, 2001, 46,078 adult leaving 36,956 patients for study in multivariable analysis.
recipients of cadaveric kidney transplants met study criteria Notably, recipients with missing HCV data (their own or
in the United States. Of these, 2914 (6.3%) recipients had no their donor) did not differ statistically from patients for
data regarding their donor hepatitis C status; an additional whom these data were known. Among study patients, only
6387 (13.9%) who lacked data for recipient HCV status 7121 (19.3%) recipients had valid data for HCV recombi-
J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003 Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation 2911

nant immunoblot (RIBA), 9.3% of whom were positive, and tion. Factors associated only with graft loss included elevated
only 1534 (4.2%) had valid data for HCV RNA, 10.2% of body mass index, longer cold ischemic time, and higher patient
whom were positive. There was no information on donor sensitization.
HCV RIBA or HCV RNA. Table 2 shows results of categorical variables and their
respective unadjusted associations with death and graft loss.
Factors Associated with Receipt of HCV⫹ Kidneys and Categories of donor and recipient HCV status were compared
of HCV⫹ Kidneys Given to HCV⫺ Recipients with D⫺/R⫺ (donor and recipient both negative). D⫹/R⫺ had
In logistic regression analysis of factors associated with the highest comparative mortality, and every other category
receipt of a HCV⫹ donor kidney, the following factors were had a significantly higher risk of death in comparison with
independently significant: HCV⫹ recipient, recipient age ⱖ65 D⫺/R⫺. However, there was no significant relationship seen
yr, black recipient race, older donor age, lower prevalence of for graft loss.
diabetes, increased HLA mismatch, longer cold ischemic time, Figures 1 to 6 show Kaplan-Meier plots of patient survival
and lower recipient sensitization. Notably, neither transplant stratified by recipient and donor HCV status, age, and use of
center nor any comorbid conditions in CMS Form 2728 were mycophenolate. Figure 1 shows HCV⫹ recipients only, com-
significantly associated with receipt of a DHCV⫹ kidney. In paring survival for those who received DHCV⫹ and those who
this model, which was used to generate propensity scores, the received DHCV⫺. Survival curves crossed at 2 yr, violating
Nagelkerke r2 was 0.54, and the c-statistic was 0.955 (95% the proportional hazards assumption. In analysis limited to
confidence interval [CI], 0.946 to 0.964). In logistic regression patients who survived at least 2 yr, DHCV⫹ was significantly
analysis, the following factors were independently associated associated with greater mortality compared with DHCV⫺ in
with use of a HCV⫹ kidney in a recipient who was HCV⫺: recipients who were HCV⫹ (P ⬍ 0.001 by log rank test).
recipient age ⱖ65 yr (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 4.98; 95% Figure 2 shows results only of patients who received DHCV⫹,
CI, 3.34 to 7.41, P ⬍ 0.001), black recipient (AOR, 2.82; 95% in which HCV⫹ patients had significantly lower mortality than
CI, 1.97 to 4.05), older donor age (AOR, 1.011; 95% CI, 1.001 HCV⫺ patients in unadjusted analysis (P ⫽ 0.01 by log rank
to 1.021; P ⫽ 0.045), longer cold ischemic time and higher test). However, these results did not persist in Cox regression
HLA mismatch, and lower use of tacrolimus (AOR, 0.57; 95% analysis. Figure 3 shows that DHCV⫹ was significantly asso-
CI, 0.39 to 0.85; P ⫽ 0.005). Neither a history of hospitaliza- ciated with increased mortality in recipients age 65 and older
tion for access complications, transplant center, duration of (P ⬍ 0.001 by log rank test). Figure 4 shows that mycophe-
dialysis before transplantation nor any comorbid conditions nolate use (versus all other medications, but primarily versus
from CMS Form 2728 were independently associated with use azathioprine) was significantly associated with reduced mor-
of a HCV⫹ kidney in a recipient who was HCV⫺. tality in patients who received DHCV⫹ (P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank
test). The significant association between DHCV⫹ and mor-
Patient and Graft Survival
A cross-tabulation of the study population by donor and
recipient HCV status (Table 3) disclosed that 280 (32%) of 873
of HCV⫹ donor kidneys were given to HCV⫺ recipients, and
593 (23%) of HCV⫹ recipients received an HCV⫹ kidney.
Table 1 shows continuous variables and their unadjusted asso-
ciation with death and graft loss, respectively. Factors that
were significantly associated with both death and graft loss
included older donor and recipient age, HLA mismatch, ele-
vated creatinine level by the end of the first year posttrans-
plantation, and longer duration of dialysis before transplanta-

Table 3. Adult cadaveric renal transplant recipients, January

1, 1996, to May 31, 2001a
Donor HCV⫺ Donor HCV⫹ Total

Recipient HCV⫺ 34,151 280 34,431

Recipient HCV⫹ 1932 593 2525 Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier plot of patient survival after renal transplan-
Totals 36,083 873 tation, hepatitis C–positive (HCV⫹) recipients only (n ⫽ 2525),
a stratified by receipt of a kidney positive for hepatitis C (DHCV⫹) or
Cross-tabulation of Hepatitis C seropositivity by donor and
recipient, among patients with valid donor and recipient hepatitis C negative for hepatitis C (HCV⫺). In the first 1 to 2 yr after trans-
serologies. HCV⫹, hepatitis C positive; HCV⫺, hepatitis C plantation, survival was equivalent; however, after 2 yr after trans-
negative. As shown, 32% of HCV⫹ donor kidneys were given to plantation, survival for DHCV⫹ was significantly lower than for
recipients who were HCV⫺. Other percentages are given in the DHCV⫺ (P ⬍ 0.001 by log rank test). This association remained
text of the Results section. significant in adjusted Cox regression analysis (see Table 4).
2912 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003

Figure 4. Kaplan-Meier plot of patient survival after renal transplan-

Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier plot of patient survival after renal transplan-
tation, limited to patients who received a kidney positive for hepatitis
tation, limited to patients who received a kidney positive for hepatitis
C (DHCV⫹; n ⫽ 873) stratified by recipients who received myco-
C (DHCV⫹; n ⫽ 873) stratified by recipients who were HCV⫹ and
phenolate mofetil (MMF) or those who did not (no MMF). In unad-
HCV⫺. In unadjusted analysis, HCV⫺ patients had significantly
justed analysis, patients who received MMF had significantly reduced
lower survival than HCV⫹ patients (P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank test).
mortality compared with those who did not (P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank
However, in adjusted Cox regression analysis, this difference was NS
test). This significance persisted in adjusted analysis (see Tables 1 to
(P ⫽ 0.37).
5). The only major cause of death that was lower in users of MMF was
death as a result of infection.

Figure 5. Kaplan-Meier plot of patient survival after renal transplan-

tation, limited to patients who used MMF stratified by recipients who
received a kidney positive for hepatitis C (DHCV⫹) or negative
Figure 3. Kaplan-Meier plot of patient survival limited to patients hepatitis C (DHCV⫺). In unadjusted analysis, patients who received
who were aged 65 and older (n ⫽ 732). Recipients of hepatitis C DHCV⫹ had significantly increased mortality compared with those
positive kidneys (DHCV⫹) had lower survival than those who re- who did not (P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank test). This significance persisted in
ceived HCV⫺ kidneys (P ⫽ ⬍0.001 by log rank test). Survival was adjusted analysis (see the Results section).
comparable until approximately halfway through the first posttrans-
plantation year. Analysis was limited to 3 yr because of insufficient
numbers of DHCV⫹ past that point. Furthermore, among recipients
aged 65 and older who received DHCV⫹, 19 of 20 specified causes ing (right columns) comorbid information at the time of dial-
of death were due to either infection or liver disease/hepatitis. ysis initiation. Data on comorbid conditions were available
only for patients who started dialysis on or after April 1, 1995,
or for 23,405 (63.3%) of the study population. Patients with
tality persisted regardless of the use of mycophenolate use, prolonged waiting times before dialysis would have been less
however (Figures 5 and 6). likely to have this information. As shown, DHCV⫹ was con-
The independent association of DHCV⫹ with patient sur- sistently associated with increased risk of mortality in both
vival for the entire study cohort is shown in Table 4. Table 4 models. In Table 4, HCV⫹ recipients had a favorable interac-
shows results of analysis excluding (left columns) and includ- tion with DHCV⫹, but this association did not persist after
J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003 Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation 2913

who received DHCV⫹, unadjusted 4-yr survival was 49% for

mycophenolate users versus 27% for non-mycophenolate users
(P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank test). In comparison, among recipients
age 65 and older who did not receive DHCV⫹, unadjusted 4-yr
survival was 71% for users of mycophenolate versus 57% for
non-mycophenolate users (P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank test). Results
of analysis did not differ in models excluding overlapping
Causes of death were listed as known in ⬎44% of all cases.
Among the 873 recipients of donor HCV⫹ kidneys, the cause
of death was known in 36% of cases. Therefore, results were
not compared statistically. Infection was the leading specified
cause of death for recipients of DHCV⫹ kidneys, similar to the
Figure 6. Kaplan-Meier plot of patient survival after renal transplan- incidence of infectious deaths of those who received DHCV⫺
tation, limited to patients who did not use MMF stratified by recipi- kidneys. In contrast, cardiac death was less common in recip-
ents who received a kidney positive for hepatitis C (DHCV⫹) or ients of donor HCV⫹ kidneys (13.2%) than in donor HCV⫺
negative hepatitis C (DHCV⫺). In unadjusted analysis, patients who (22.8%) recipients. Deaths as a result of any liver disease were
received DHCV⫹ had significantly increased mortality compared
more common for recipients of donor HCV⫹ kidneys (6.9%)
with those who did not (P ⬍ 0.01 by log rank test). This significance
than for recipients of donor HCV⫺ kidneys (1.5%).
persisted in adjusted analysis (see the Results section).
Neither HCV⫹ nor DHCV⫹, separately or as an interaction
term, was significantly associated with graft survival in ad-
justed analysis of factors including serum creatinine at 1 yr
adjustment for baseline comorbid conditions. Also in Table 4, posttransplantation (Table 5). However, HCV⫹ recipients
use of mycophenolate had a favorable interaction with HCV⫹ were at increased risk of graft loss in a model that included
that did persist in analysis including comorbid conditions. In only baseline factors at the time of renal transplantation (and
recipients age 65 and older, in whom it is often assumed that thus not including allograft rejection, delayed graft function, or
the contribution of DHCV⫹ to mortality would be minimal, posttransplantation serum creatinine levels).
DHCV⫹ had a significantly adverse interaction. This interac-
tion did not persist in the smaller model accounting for comor- Discussion
bid conditions. Mycophenolate use had a significantly benefi- The present study confirms that patients who receive kid-
cial interaction with DHCV⫹ only in the model accounting for neys from HCV⫹ donors are independently at increased risk of
baseline comorbid conditions. Results of analyses excluding mortality. Increased risk persisted in adjusted analysis of every
patients who received multiple organ transplants were not subgroup assessed. Furthermore, the leading cause of death in
substantially different. patients who received DHCV⫹ kidneys was infection, in con-
Stratified analyses were also performed limited to recipients trast to the leading cause of death for all other renal transplant
who were HCV⫹, HCV⫺, and age 65 and older, respectively. recipients, namely, cardiovascular disease. These findings sug-
In HCV⫹ recipients, analysis was limited to patients who had gest a direct adverse effect of DHCV⫹ kidneys on survival in
survived for at least 2 yr after transplantation because of the renal transplant recipients, rather than greater severity of pre-
violations of the proportional hazards assumption shown in existing illness in patients who are given DHCV⫹ kidneys.
Figure 1. The association of DHCV⫹ with mortality was Recent recommendations include restricting the use of
actually stronger in the model accounting for comorbid condi- DHCV⫹ kidneys to patients who are HCV RNA positive, not
tions (AHR, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.20 to 3.45) than in the larger just ELISA positive (9). However, it is not clear that such
model that did not account for comorbid conditions (AHR, patients would be protected from infection by all strains of
1.43; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.02). In HCV⫺ recipients, DHCV⫹ HCV.
was significantly associated with mortality in models without A possible adverse effect of DHCV⫹ kidneys, at least in
(AHR, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.75 to 3.26; P ⫽ 0.025) and with (AHR, HCV⫹ or elderly recipients, has often been discounted be-
2.25; 95% CI, 1.56 to 3.24; P ⬍ 0.001) comorbid conditions. cause of the long duration between inoculation/viral transmis-
Among recipients age 65 and older (Figure 3), the association sion and development of cirrhosis in patients who contract
of DHCV⫹ with mortality was the strongest of any subgroup HCV in the general population (10). This long incubation
(AHR, 3.48; 95% CI, 2.35 to 5.17; P ⬍ 0.001 in the model period has been presumed also to occur in transplant patients,
without comorbid conditions, and AHR, 3.99; 95% CI, 2.46 to possibly disregarding the impact of maintenance immunosup-
6.49; P ⬍ 0.001 in the model with comorbid conditions. pression in this population. However, very rapid progression of
Associations of DHCV⫹ with survival by use of mycopheno- clinical hepatitis has been documented after renal transplanta-
late are shown in Figures 4 to 6. Mycophenolate use had a tion as well as in other immunosuppressed conditions, namely
significantly beneficial interaction with DHCV⫹ in this age HCV and HIV coinfection (11–14) In addition, HCV positivity
group, accounting for comorbid conditions (AHR, 0.49; 95% in the general population is associated with a significantly
CI, 0.27 to 0.90; P ⫽ 0.03). Among recipients age 65 and older increased risk of opportunistic infections even in the absence of
2914 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003

Table 4. Multivariable associations (by Cox regression) with patient mortality in adult cadaveric kidney recipientsa
Without comorbidities With comorbidities
P value AHR 95% CI P value AHR 95% CI

Donor HCV⫹ ⬍0.001 2.12 1.72 to 2.87 0.003 2.66 1.38 to 5.13
Recipient HCV⫹ 0.026 1.34 1.04 to 1.74 NS
Liver-kidney transplant 0.013 2.76 1.24 to 6.17 0.008 3.26 1.35 to 7.86
Most recent serum creatinine level at 1 yr ⬍0.001 1.21 1.18 to 1.24 ⬍0.001 1.18 1.15 to 1.22
posttransplantation (per mg/dl)b
Diabetes as cause of ESRD ⬍0.001 1.84 1.70 to 1.99 ⬍0.001 1.81 1.62 to 2.02
Years of dialysis before transplantation ⬍0.001 1.04 1.03 to 1.05 ⬍0.001 1.04 1.02 to 1.05
(per year)
Recipient age ⱖ65 yr ⬍0.001 2.45 2.21 to 2.74 ⬍0.001 2.36 2.02 to 2.74
Delayed graft function ⬍0.001 1.29 1.18 to 1.41 0.001 1.23 1.09 to 1.38
Donor CMV⫹ 0.001 1.16 1.07 to 1.27 0.035 1.13 1.01 to 1.26
Donor age (per year) ⬍0.001 1.007 1.005 to 1.01 ⬍0.001 1.008 1.005 to 1.011
Mycophenolate usec ⬍0.001 0.68 0.63 to 0.74 ⬍0.001 0.69 0.61 to 0.77
Previous hospitalization for access 0.016 1.15 1.03 to 1.30 0.040 1.21 1.01 to 1.46
Propensity score for receiving DHCV⫹ 0.027 1.033 1.004 to 1.063 0.77 0.99 0.93 to 1.05
kidney (per higher quartile)
Transplant Center ⬍0.001 NG ⬍0.001 NG
Comorbid conditions from CMS Form
ischemic heart disease NA 0.007 1.24 1.06 to 1.45
congestive heart failure NA ⬍0.001 1.59 1.40 to 1.82
peripheral vascular disease NA ⬍0.001 1.56 1.30 to 1.87
smoking NA 0.011 1.28 1.06 to 1.56
Interaction terms
HCV⫹*DHCV⫹ ⬍0.001 0.51 0.36 to 0.73 NS
recipient age ⱖ65 years*DHCV⫹ 0.002 1.91 1.26 to 2.91 NS
mycophenolate use*DHCV⫹ NS 0.043 0.55 0.30 to 0.98
N in final sample 21,465 15,454
All variables significant in univariate Kaplan Meier analysis in Table 1 were entered into stepwise Cox regression analysis (see
Methods section for covariates used). Only variables significant in final analysis are shown. For variables in quartiles, the hazard ratio is
for higher quartiles above the mean.
Results shown for patients who survived at least 1 yr after transplantation.
Compared with patients taking azathioprine or sirolimus, and limited to patients on calcineurin inhibition (either cyclosporine or
This information from this form was available only for patients who started dialysis on or after April 1, 1995, or for 23,405 (63.3%)
of the study population.
NG, not given due to the large number of transplant centers analyzed.

clinically overt liver disease (15). Figure 1 shows that during adversely affect T-cell function. These effects occur very early
the first year after renal transplantation, mortality among after transmission in animal models, often before clinical ill-
HCV⫹ recipients was similar whether they received DHCV⫹ ness (19), and may have implications for the development of
or DHCV⫺ kidneys. It was only after 2 yr that those who vaccines to hepatitis C (20,21). An abstract reported that such
received DHCV⫹ kidneys manifested increased mortality. effects on T-cell activity are additive to the effects of cal-
Thus, recipient HCV⫹ serology pretransplantation does not cineurin inhibitors (22). Thus, evidence is mounting that acute
seem to be protective in the long term when a DHCV⫹ kidney transmission of hepatitis C through donor kidneys could result
is transplanted. in heightening of immunosuppression, even early after trans-
Transplant clinicians have long appreciated that HCV⫹ plantation. The apparent crossing of survival curves at 2 yr
transplant recipients are vulnerable to overimmunosuppression seen in Figure 1 for HCV⫹ recipients of DHCV⫹ kidneys is
(16,17) and have attempted lower doses of immunosuppression consistent with this hypothesis and also consistent with find-
or even steroid-free protocols with some success (18). Reports ings that recipient antibodies to HCV do not necessarily pre-
now indicate that hepatitis C viral peptides may themselves vent new HCV infection (23).
J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003 Hepatitis C and Renal Transplantation 2915

Table 5. Multivariable associations (by Cox regression) with graft loss (censored for death) in adult cadaveric
kidney recipientsa
Hazard ratio for
Variable P value 95% CI
graft loss

Model including most recent serum creatinine level at 1 yr

donor HCV⫹ 0.66 0.77 0.25 to 2.42
recipient HCV⫹ 0.51 0.85 0.52 to 1.39
HCV⫹*DHCV⫹ 0.58 1.48 0.37 to 5.85
most recent serum creatinine level by 1 yr ⬍0.001 1.30 1.15 to 1.47
posttransplantation (per mg/dl)b
delayed graft function ⬍0.001 3.57 1.83 to 6.94
duration of dialysis before transplantation (yr; [per higher 0.049 2.88 1.01 to 8.23
N in final sample 20,890
Model not including serum creatinine (baseline factors only)
recipient HCV⫹ 0.006 1.70 1.16 to 2.49
black recipient ⬍0.001 2.05 1.56 to 2.68
donor age (per year) ⬍0.001 1.02 1.01 to 1.03
donor black 0.03 1.50 1.04 to 2.16
All variables significant in univariate Kaplan Meier analysis in Table 1 were entered into stepwise Cox regression analysis (see the
Methods section for covariates used). Only variables significant in final analysis are shown. For variables in quartiles, the hazard ratio is
for higher quartiles above the mean.
Results shown for patients who survived at least 1 yr after transplantation.

DHCV⫹ seemed to have particularly adverse consequences yet to show a benefit of mycophenolate in either renal or liver
for recipients aged 65 and older, a group in which it has been transplantation for recipients with HCV infection, albeit with
assumed that the impact of DHCV⫹ might be minimal. Elderly very short follow-up and lack of a direct comparison with
transplant recipients are at greatly increased risk of death as a azathioprine (27–32). However, Fasola et al. (33) showed that
result of infection; minimization of immunosuppression has manifestations of hepatitis C disease recurrence after steroid-
been recommended in these patients (24,25). Low-dose immu- resistant allograft rejection following orthotopic liver trans-
nosuppression may be an even more important consideration plantation seems to be less severe in patients who use myco-
for elderly recipients of DHCV⫹ kidneys. phenolate. Mycophenolate has also been used as adjunctive
The present analysis shows a continued high percentage of therapy in the treatment of HIV infection (34,35). However,
DHCV⫹ kidneys given to recipients who were HCV⫺ in the some of the benefit of mycophenolate use may also be due to
United States, a practice that is proscribed in Europe (26). lowered rates of acute rejection after transplantation (36).
Many American transplant centers note that use of DHCV⫹ Certain limitations of the current analysis must be consid-
kidneys for HCV⫺ recipients is limited to patients who are ered, and they are similar to those of our previous report (1).
elderly or have significant access problems limiting their abil- The most important was an inability to assess the relative
ity to receive dialysis. Although our ability to ascertain access- survival of recipients of DHCV⫹ kidneys compared with their
related problems was limited to those who had Medicare as potential survival if they remained on maintenance dialysis.
their primary payer while on dialysis, we did not find that Although HCV⫹ recipients may have an increased risk of
previous hospitalization for access complications or serious mortality compared with all other renal transplant recipients
comorbid illnesses were independently associated with this (37,38), Pereira et al. (39) showed that HCV⫹ recipients have
practice; instead, older age and black race were the strongest a net survival advantage after renal transplantation compared
associated factors, independent of time on dialysis before with remaining on dialysis. However, information on HCV
transplant, comorbid conditions, or access complications, all status before transplantation is not available in the USRDS
factors that are often cited as reasons to consider renal trans- database. We also could not assess the development of HCV
plantation in patients who would otherwise not be transplant seropositivity after renal transplantation. There was incomplete
candidates. information on comorbidities, although transplant patients are
We did not find that any specific immunosuppressive med- consistently screened for serious diseases before placement on
ications were harmful in patients who were HCV⫹ or the cadaveric waiting list. Longenecker et al. (40) found that
DHCV⫹. In fact, we found a beneficial interaction between the specificity of CMS Form 2728 was ⬎90% for cardiovas-
mycophenolate and patients who received DHCV⫹ kidneys cular disease, although sensitivity was lower. Cardiovascular
after adjustment for comorbid conditions. Recent trials have disease may certainly present after initiation of dialysis, but it
2916 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 14: 2908–2918, 2003

is often occult and detected earlier by serial echocardiography of the optimal types and levels of immunosuppression (partic-
than by clinical manifestations. After 2 yr of dialysis, most ularly mycophenolate mofetil) in patients who receive
patients have discernible cardiovascular disease; therefore, the DHCV⫹ kidneys may be enlightening regarding diminishing
duration of dialysis before transplantation may be a reasonable mortality risk and optimizing overall outcomes, and any pa-
surrogate for underlying comorbid conditions (41). In any case, tients who receive a DHCV⫹ organ should be monitored
the best predictor of acute coronary events in the general vigilantly for infection. Finally, transplant professionals must
population is the combination of C-reactive protein and LDL consider ways to increase safely and effectively cadaveric and
levels (42), which were not available in the database. Causes of living organ donation in ways that best serve all who are in
death were incomplete in nearly 50% of patients, precluding need of a life-saving organ transplantation.
firm conclusions about mortality. Nonetheless, the analysis
includes nearly the entire transplant population and thus min-
imizes the likelihood of sampling error and referral bias. Trans- References
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