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I haven’t heard of you for a while and I wish to meet you in the next holiday, but anyway.
Subject:winter holiday
Date:the 12th of February 2019

Dear Mario,
How is it going? I am writing to you in order to describe my winter holiday.Here, in
Roumania it lasts 3 weeks. I start by telling you that it was an unlucky holiday at the beginnig
because I got sick and I didn’t feel so good in the first week. But, after that I was able of
doing what I want. I spent Christmas days with my family, sharing gifts and telling stories.
Unfortunately, it didn’t snow enough so I couldn’t make a snowman or playing with snow as I
was used to.
After the New Year’s eve I went into a mini holiday to mountais where I stayed just 3
days, but it was beautiful. I learnt how to ski. I am not so good at it, because it wasn’t enough
time to practice. But I enjoyed every minute. I had an wonderfull time.
Enough about me. I’m looking forward to hear news from you. And I hope, we will see us

Your friend,

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