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AC3 – INGLÊS – 2ª

Complete as frases com o passado simples (verbo no passado) ou o presente
perfeito (HAVE/HAS + PARTICÍPIO PASSADO) dos verbos em parêntesis.

a) Planet Earth __________________ a lot since the 18th century. (To suffer(ed))
b) The President _________________ to a climate meeting in 2020. (To go – went – gone)
c) My family __________________ to the Amazon forest last week. (To travel(ed))
d) The environmentalist _________________ about climate change many times. (To talk(ed))
e) I ________ just ___________ that documentary you talked about on TV. (To see – saw –
f) My brother ________________ about greenhouse effect for many years. To read – read –

• Entregar ao professor, em uma folha de papel, em sala, até o dia 14/9

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