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Fitness Fundamentals
TARGET EXERCISE for: Specific Set and Duration Intensity
Movement Repetitions

ex. Chest Pulling- 3 sets of 20-30 60 sec low

5-10 specific
pulling exercise

Power Hamstring Bending the 4 or 8 sets of 30 sec moderate

knee joint, 12-20
Extending the
hip joint and
Rotating the hip
joint – Running,
cycling, and
hiking exercise

Endurance knee flexion, 3 sets of 10 2-3 minutes high

Performance Activity

According to your section age bracket make a table of Fitness

Fundamentals to Come up with one routine for the whole
With Music and 8-10 minutes. Wear your FEU Shirt, Jogging
Pants and rubber shoes.
Performance Activity-Group Feb 11,2023 through Breakout
Performance Task

Performance Task- Recorded video performance.

Individual Fitness Fundamentals
table..Choreograph a routine for 8-10 minutes.
With Music wearing your FEU Shirt, Jogging
Pants and shoes. Submission - Feb 10,2023

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