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The charts below show the average percentages in typical meals of three types of nutrients,

all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The illustrations below compare and contrast the data on the differences in the amount of
three kinds of nutrients that Americans consume in usual meals, which might affect people's
health with a high consumption. Those are sodium, saturated fat and added sugar and
measured in percentage
Overall, it is obvious from the demonstrations that dinner and lunch in the USA include a
large portion of sodium, while the snacks cover a vast amount of added sugar.
It can be seen clearly that dinner and lunch contain the highest proportion of sodium (43%
and 29% respectively) and saturated fat (37% for dinner and 26%) for lunch. Conversely, the
intake of added sugar in lunch and dinner is much lower, which are 23% and 19%
According to the charts, both breakfast and snacks consume a similar percentage of sodium
which is 14%. Then the consumption of saturated fat in breakfast is dwarfed by that of the
snacks, which is 16% in breakfast and followed by the other with 21%. As for added sugar,
there is a noticeable figure that snacks contribute the largest proportion of this nutrient, at
42% and nearly tripled that in breakfast, which just comprises 16%.
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