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4 EVS Question Bank

For Term-1

1. Going to School …………………………………………………. 1

2. Ear to Ear ………………………………………………………… 7

3. A Day with Nandu ………………………………………………. 12

4. The Story of Amrita …………………………………………...... 16

5. Anita and the Honeybees ……………………………………… 19

6. Omana’s Journey ……………………………………………...... 22

7. From the Window ……………………………………………...... 28

8. Reaching Grandmother’s House ……………………………... 31

9. Changing Families ……………………………………………... 35

10. Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu Tu ……………………………………….... 36

11. The Valley of Flowers ………………………………………... 38

12. Changing Times …………………………………………….... 41

13. A River’s Tale ……………………………………………….... 43

14. Basva’s Farm ……………………………………………….... 45

1. Going to School
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
roof, wood, roads, bamboo, rope, camel cart, motorcycle, planks of wood,
wide, deep, rocky, uneven, four, five, cement, bricks, iron rods.

a) Bamboo Bridge is made of ____________ and ____________.

b) Trolley is used to cross the river which is ____________ and
c) ____________ or ____________ people can sit in a trolley.
d) Cement bridges are made of ____________, ____________ and
e) Vallam is made of ____________.
f) In desert, we use ____________ to move from one place to another.
g) A bullock-cart has no ____________.
h) Bicycles can be used to cover long distances on ____________.
i) The front of jugad is a ____________ but the back is made out of
j) Paths in the mountains are ____________ and ____________.

II. Write ‘True’ for the correct statements and ‘False’ for the wrong
a) Fifty people can easily sit in a trolley. [ ]
b) Some bridges have steps. [ ]
c) Camel can move easily on sand. [ ]
d) It is very easy to walk on snow. [ ]
e) On the mountains paths are very even. [ ]
f) In thick forests sounds of birds can be heard. [ ]
g) It is easy to walk on smooth surface. [ ]
h) The children living in plains find it difficult to walk on mountains. [ ]

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III. Where(states) do you find the following ‘bridges, means of transport
and paths’?





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IV. Match the type of bridge with the material it is made of

Type of bridge Material
Trolley bridge Bricks, iron rods and cement
Bamboo bridge Wood and iron rope
Cement Bridge Iron
Iron bridge Bamboo and rope
V. Which would be easier – using the pulley or not using the pulley to
lift the things? Put a ✓.

VI. Guess the names of the places using the given hints.
Hints Places

a) Rains heavily. ______________

b) Strong iron rope is used to cross the river. ______________

c) Small boats are used. ______________

d) Camel carts are used. ______________

e) Bullock carts move through green fields. ______________

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f) Sunlight does not pass through it. ______________

g) Our feet sink into it. ______________

h) Paths are rocky and uneven. ______________

VII. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)

1. A ___________ helps us in lifting heavy things
a) bamboo b) lift c) pulley d) trolley
2. The jugad is made out of
a) a motor cycle b) planks of wood c) waste material
d) All of these
3. A cement bridge is _________ than a wooden bridge.
a) stronger b) lighter c) weaker d) cheaper
4. A bamboo bridge is a _____________ structure.
a) puccca b) kuchcha c) semi-kutchcha
d) semi-pucca
Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
I. Explain the following terms.
a) Trolley
b) Vallam
c) Pulley1
II. Answer the following questions.
a) Why do we need bridges?(or) How are bridges useful for us?
b) What do children in some parts of Kerala use to travel on water?
c) What sounds can be heard in jungle?
d) What kind of paths do the mountains have?
e) Name the things by which bridges are made.
Long answer questions (2 marks questions)

Answer the following questions.

a) What difficulties would you face without bridges?

b) Why is it difficult to walk on snow?
c) Name the vehicle in the given picture.
Why is it called so?

A pulley is a wheel on an axle.

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d) Give four examples of pulleys from our surroundings2.
(or) Where all do you see the use of pulleys?

e) How a cement bridge is different from a bamboo bridge?

f) Mark the following states on the map of India.
1. Assam 2. Jammu and Kashmir 3. Kerala
4. Rajasthan 5. Gujarat 6. Uttatakhand

A well, an elevator, a crane, a flagpole and a washing machine

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2. Ear to Ear
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)

I. In the above picture the artist has drawn wrong ears on the heads of
the animals. Give correct ears to the animals in the table given below.
Animal Ear








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II. Group the following animals into
Deer Sparrow Giraffe Crow
Tiger Duck Ant Lizard
Pig Fish Snake Cat
Frog Buffalo Elephant Cow

Animals whose Animals whose

ears we can see ears we cannot see

III. Match the following animals with their skins.

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IV. Name the animal

a) with ears like fan ________________

b) with ears like leaves ________________
c) with ears on the top of its head ________________
d) with ears on both sides of its head ________________
V. Group the following animals into
Fox Elephant Camel Pigeon
Eagle Crow Sparrow Pig
Mouse Cat Peacock Duck
Hen Koel Buffalo Cow

Animals that have hair on Animals that have feathers on

skin skin

Animals that give birth to Animals that lay eggs


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VI. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
pattern, tiger, dinosaurs, tiny holes, eggs, peacock, hair, babies, feathers,
a) We cannot see a bird’s ____________.
b) A bird has ________________ on both sides of its head.
c) A bird’s ears are covered with ____________.
d) The different patterns on the animals are due to the ____________ on
their skin.
e) If an animal did not have any hair on its skin, then there would be no
____________ on its skin.
f) The animals whose ears can be seen and have hair on their skin give
birth to ____________.
g) The animals whose ears cannot be seen and do not have hair on their
skin lay ____________.
h) ____________ is our national animal.
i) ____________ is our national bird.
j) Many many years ago there were ____________ on the earth, but not

VII. Write ‘True’ for the correct statements and ‘False’ for the wrong
a) All animals have ears that can be seen. [ ]
b) Lizards have tiny holes on their heads. [ ]
c) Cows and buffaloes do not have hair on their body. [ ]
d) Animals with hair and ears that can be seen lay eggs. [ ]
e) We can read about dinosaurs in books. [ ]
f) The number of tigers is going down in India. [ ]
g) Animals that have feathers and their ears cannot be
seen give birth to babies. [ ]

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VIII. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. _________ have tiny holes on both sides of their head.
a) Animals b) Human beings c) Birds d) Insects
2. Animals can be easily recognized by _________ on their skin.
a) patterns b) colour c) hair d) marks
3. Elephant has __________ type of ears.
a) leaves b) fan c) square d) triangle
Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
I. Name any two animals which

a) have ears that can be seen ____________, ____________

b) have ears that cannot be seen ____________, ____________

c) have hair on skin ____________, ____________

d) do not have hair on skin ____________, ____________

e) give birth to young ones ____________, ____________

f) lay eggs ____________, ____________

g) have feathers on skin ____________, ____________

h) that have tiny holes to hear ____________, ____________

II. Answer the following questions

a) How do birds hear?
b) Why do animals have different patterns on their body?
c) Name an animal which lived on the earth many many years ago, but
not anymore.

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d) Which is our national animal?
e) Which is our national bird?
f) Name two animals that look like dinosaur.

Long answer questions (2 marks questions)

a) Why is the number of tigers going down in India?
b) Why can’t we see a bird’s ears?

3. A Day with Nandu

Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
10 to 12, nani ma, mud, water, 14 to 15, oldest, herd, 200, sleep, females,
elephants, bears, monkeys, 2, 4, baby, cool, 100.

a) A group of elephants is called a ____________.

b) Elephants do not ____________ much. They sleep for ____________
to ____________ hours.
c) A three months old baby elephant weighs around ____________
d) The ____________ female is the leader of the herd of elephants.
e) An elephant herd has mainly ____________ and ____________
f) Male elephants live in the herd till they are ____________ years old.
g) A herd may have ____________ female elephants and young ones.
h) An adult elephant can eat more than ____________ kilograms of
leaves and twigs in one day.
i) Elephants love to play with ____________ and ____________.
j) Mother’s mother is called ____________ in Hindi.
k) ____________, ____________ and ____________ are three animals
used by man for their entertainment.
l) The mud keeps elephant’s skin ____________.

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II. Pictures of some animals are given below. Write the names of groups
of the animals. (Choose the correct word)
gaggle, pack, shoal, colony, herd, pride, swarm, litter, flock.

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III. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. Big _________ of the elephant work like a fan,
a) trunk b) tusks c) eyes d) ears
2. Animals move in a herd in search of ________.
a) friends b) food c) friends d) water
3. Elephants love to play with ______ and water.
a) leaves b) trees c) mud d) balls
4. Elephants eat
a) meat and eggs b) sugar and grain c) forest fruits
d) twigs and leaves

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Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
I. Answer the following questions.
a) Why did the members of the herd start spreading out when they
reached the jungle?
b) What games do baby elephants play?
c) How many elephants are there in a herd?
d) Who is ‘nani ma’ in Nandu’s herd?
e) Why do you think the egret3 is sitting on the buffalo?

f) Which animals do we use for riding?

g) Which animals do we use for carrying loads?
h) Why the snakes are not happy in the snake charmer’s basket?
Long answer questions (2 marks questions)
a) Name any four animals that live in groups.
b) How do the elephants keep them cool?
c) Name any four animals used by man for entertainment.
d) List the good and bad points of living in a group.

The egret eats the insects on the skin of the buffalo.
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4. The Story of Amrita

Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
Hunting, Plants, Jambaji, trees, animals, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Amrita,
peacocks, Khejadi, Bishnoi, three, Bishnois.

a) Khejadli village is near ____________ in ____________.

b) People of this village took great care of plants, ____________ and
c) The villagers followed the teachings of ____________.
d) ____________ played for hours in the shade of the trees.
e) People of khejadli village are called ______________.
f) More than ____________ hundred people died to save the trees.
g) Goats, deer, hares and ____________ roamed fearlessly there.
h) ____________ of animals is not allowed in this area.
i) The ____________ tree was the most common tree that grew in
Amrita’s village.
j) ____________ and animals can survive without us, but we cannot
survive without them.
k) Amrita belonged to the ____________ community.
l) ____________ village got its name because of many khejadi trees.

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II. Write ‘True’ for the correct statements and ‘False’ for the wrong
a) People of Khejadli village took great care of plants and animals. [ ]
b) Amrita’s friends were trees. [ ]
c) Amrita saw some strangers in her village. [ ]
d) Some strangers had come to plant new trees in Amrita’s village. [ ]
e) Amrita gave her life to save trees. [ ]
III. Answer in one word.
a) A person who takes care of plants and trees. __________________
b) A place where grass, small plants or trees grow on their own without
being planted by anyone. __________________
c) Name a bird which we cannot see anymore4. __________________
IV. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. _________ were Amrita’s best friends.
a) Peacocks b) Animals c) Children d) Trees
2. The king wanted the trees to be cut because
a) the wood was needed for his palace
b) they were very old
c) he wants to construct a big city
d) he wants land for cultivating crops
3. The villagers protected the trees from being cut by
a) snatching away the woodcutters’ axes
b) pleading the king not to cut the trees
c) hugging the trees
d) killing the woodcutters
4. Plants and trees are __________ for us.
a) useless b) important c) not important d) burden

Short answer questions (1 mark questions)

Answer the following questions.

a) How did Khejadli village got its name?

b) Why had strangers come with axes in their hands?

c) Why did the king need wood?

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d) What did Amrita do when the men were about to cut the trees?

e) Why did the king change his mind?

f) Who are Bishnois5?

g) Why do people hunt?

h) Why did government make rules against hunting animals?

Long answer questions (2 marks questions)

a) Why the number of sparrows and mynahs are becoming less?
b) Write a short note about Khejadi tree.

Bishnois are a nature loving community that lives in Rajasthan.
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5. Anita and the Honeybees
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
young, goats, questions, brothers, five, school, litchi, wholesaler, one, Queen
bee, nectar6, box, bee-keeping, October, December, Worker bees, litchi,
February, male, Soldier, colonies, dance.

a) Anita stays in village with her parents and ____________.

b) She teaches ____________ children.
c) When she was young, she used to spend all day with her
d) She asked many ____________ to her teachers.
e) She told other villagers about sending their daughters to
f) There were many ____________ trees in her area.
g) Her college is ____________ kilometres away from her village.
h) Anita wants to become a ____________ to help village people to get
right price for their honey.
i) Bees, ants, termites and wasps live in _____________.
j) There is only ____________ Queen Bee in a beehive.
k) ____________ lays eggs.
l) Honeybees suck ____________ from the flowers and turn into honey.
m) Honeybees are kept in a ____________.
n) One needs to do a ____________ course to keep bees.
o) Honeybees lay eggs from ____________ to ____________.
p) Honeybees are attracted to the ____________ flowers.
q) The litchi trees come to flower in ____________.
r) Without __________ bees there would be neither hive not any nectar
s) The ____________ bees have no special role as workers.

A sweet syrup in flowers.
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t) The ____________ ants look after and guard the ants’ nest.
u) When a bee finds a flower with nectar, it does a special kind of
___________ to call the other bees.
II. Write ‘True’ for the correct statements and ‘False’ for the wrong
a) Anita’s village is in Muzaffarpur district. [ ]
b) Education up to class V is free in the village. [ ]
c) There were many mango trees in Anita’s village. [ ]
d) Honeybees are attracted to litchi trees. [ ]
e) Cost of each box was ₹ 2000. [ ]
f) Honeybees lay eggs from October to December. [ ]
g) Male bees work all day long. [ ]
h) Litchi trees give flowers in February. [ ]
III. Given below are few sentences on ‘Anita becoming a bee keeper’.
Put them in sequence by numbering them.

• I want to become a wholesaler to get the right price of honey.

• I brought two boxes for keeping bees.
• Now I have 20 boxes.
• Many times, the bees would sting me.
• I got 12 kilos of honey from each box.
• I joined a course in bee-keeping.
• I brought sugar to make the syrup for honeybees.
• I collected ₹ 5000 by teaching children.

IV. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)

1. __________ are the most important bees for the hive
a) Queen bees b) Worker bees c) Male bees d) All of these
2. ___________ live and work like honey bees.
a) Termites b) Wasps c) Ants d) All of these

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3. Every child has a right to ________ education up to class VIII.
a) paid b) free c) no d) half paid
4. Anita’s college was ________ from her village.
a) 5 km b) 7 km c) 9 km d) 6 km
5. Anita goes to college by
a) bus b) a motorcycle c) a cycle d) an autorickshaw
Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
I. Answer the following questions.
a) Where did Anita live?
b) Why she did not go to the school earlier?
c) How did her mother help her so that she could get more time to study?
d) When do the honeybees lay their eggs?
e) What happened to Anita when she was still learning about bee-
f) Which other insects those live together in a group like honeybees?
g) What difficulties Anita faced in bee keeping?
h) What do people put on the part of the body where bees have stung?
i) What are different colours of honey?
j) How do ants live?
k) What kind of eatables attract ants?
l) How many legs does an ant have?
• Big ant _____________
• Small ant _____________
m) What does a worker bee do when it finds flowers with nectar to inform
other bees?
n) Why did Anita want to become a wholesaler?
o) Who explained the importance of study to Anita’s parents?
Long answer questions (2 marks questions)
Answer the following
a) How did Anita manage her problem of money?
b) How do Anita’s parents help in bee-keeping when she goes to college?
c) What are the uses of honey7?
d) Write the functions of the bees in the beehive:

Honey gives us instant energy. Honey is used to cure wounds, cuts and burns. It cures
sore throats. It reduces constipation problem.
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• Queen bee:
• Male bee8:
• Worker bee:
II. Draw an ant and colour it.

6. Omana’s Journey
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
Gandhidham, Ticket collector, dhokla, lemon rice, brown, dry, opposite, slept,
friends, Amma, Appa, Kerala, holiday, Ahmedabad, Sunil, Ann, fractured,
plaster, Kozhikode.
a) Omana and Radha were ____________.
b) They were going to ____________ for a ____________.
c) Radha ____________ her leg and it was put in ____________.
d) The train has started early in the morning from ____________, in Kutch
e) Omana boarded the train at ____________.
f) ____________ and ____________ have the lower berths.
g) Amma has brought ____________ with chutney, ____________ and
some mithai.
h) After lunch some people ____________.
i) The fields were ____________ and ____________.
j) Omana made friends with ____________ and ____________.
k) Sunil and Ann are going to their grandmother’s house in ___________.

A male bee mates with the Queen bee to produce baby bees.
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l) The __________________ checked the tickets of Omana’s family to
see that they were in their proper seats.
m) When the train is at a high speed things outside seem to be running in
the ____________ direction.
II. Write ‘True’ for the correct statements and ‘False’ for the wrong
a) As the train came, there was so much confusion. [ ]
b) Omana’s Amma had brought idli, vada in tiffin. [ ]
c) Train stopped at Valsad station for two hours. [ ]
d) Omana made friends with Sunil and Ann. [ ]
e) Sunil and Ann were going to Delhi. [ ]
f) There was no water in the bathroom. [ ]
III. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. The doctor said that Radha should not move her leg for
a) six days b) six months c) six weeks d) None of these
2. Omana passed her time on the train by
a) writing her diary b) looking out of the window
c) eating meals and snacks d) all of these
3. At Valsad, Omana’s family bought ___________ to eat.
a) lemon rice b) dhokla with chutney
c) batata vada d) bananas and chikoos
4. Sunil and Ann were going to their grandmother’s house in _________.
a) Gandhidham b) Valsad c) trivendrum d) Kozhikode

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IV. Identify the people in the pictures given below. Choose the correct
word to fill in the boxes.
Porter, Guard, Ticket collector, Sweeper, Police, Driver, Booking

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Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
a) Why was Omana going to Kerala?
b) Why couldn’t Radha go with Omana?
c) Where was the train coming from?
d) Why was it so crowded at the doors of the coach?
e) What does TTE stand for?
f) What did Omana see out of the window?
g) Why couldn’t Omana clean her teeth?
Long answer questions (2 marks questions)
I. Answer the following questions.
a) Who all were sitting with Omana’s family in the train?
b) What are some of the things that are sold at Railway stations?
c) What does the ticket checker do?
d) How will you recognise the ticket checker?
II. Rewrite Omana’s journey in proper sequence:
• As the train came, there was confusion everywhere.
• The train stopped at Valsad station.
• Ticket collector came to check the tickets.
• Omana’s family reached the station and checked their names on the
reservation chart.
• Omana and her family managed to find their seats and put their
luggage under them.
• Omana kept looking out of the window.

1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________

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III. What work the following people do at railway stations?

a) Porter:

b) Guard:

c) Driver:

d) Ticket checker:

e) Railway police:

f) Sweeper (Safai karmchari):


g) Booking clerk:

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III. Draw the route taken by Omana’s train in the map and enlist the

states covered by it.

Ans: ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________ and


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7. From the Window
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
comics, father, mother’s mother, bars, Gandhidham, Bridges, giddy,
Ahmedabad, Kottayam, mother’s elder sister

a) Omana saw some people going under the ________ of level crossing.
b) Omana started her journey from _______________.
c) The train is coming from _________________.
d) Omana felt ________ when she looked down from the train.
e) Omana climbed on the upper berth to read __________.
f) __________ are needed to cross rivers.
g) Omana and her family got off at ________________
h) Valiyamma means ______________________________.
i) Ammumma means ________________________.
j) Appa means _____________.

II. Match the following

Madgaon Bridge on the river
Rattling sound Mountains
Tunnels Goa

III. Complete the table.

Language Where it is spoken



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IV. Some relations in your family are given in Hindi. Write in them in
your mother tongue.

Relation In Hindi In your mother tongue

Your father’s father Dada

Your father’s mother Dadi

Your mother’s father Nana

Your mother’s mother Nani
Your father’s sister Bua

Your mother’s sister Mausi

Your father’s brother Chacha

Your mother’s brother Mama

V. Choose the correct answers (MCQs)

1. Kozhikode is in the state of ________
a) Gujarat b) Goa c) Kerala d) Tamilanadu
2. A way built through a mountain is called __________.
a) tunnel b) crossing c) bridge d) underpass
3. Omana’s train took _______ days to reach Kottayam from Gandhidham.
a) one b) two c) three d) four
4. Sunil and his family get down at __________.
a) Ahmedabad b) Kozhikode c) Kottayam d) Ernakulam
5. Madgaon is in the state of ________.
a) Gujarat b) Goa c) Kerala d) Tamilanadu
6. While the train was moving, it suddenly became dark because
a) the lights went off b) the train was crossing a river
c) the Sun went behind a cloud d) the train passed through a tunnel
7. At the end of the train journey, Omana’s family will go to ________.
a) Kozhikode b) Kottayam c) Valliyamm’s house
d) Ammumma’s village
VI. Match the following
Station Time or Activity
Kottayam Around 6 o’ clock
Madgaon Lunch
Udipi Late at night
Kozhikode Early morning

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Short answer questions (1 mark questions)

I. Name any two

a) vehicles that run on diesel ______________, ______________
b) vehicles that run on petrol ______________, ______________

II. How many tunnels and bridges are there in the route from Goa to Kerala?

Long answer questions (2mark questions)

I. Give reasons
a) There was so much smoke and noise at the level crossing.
b) We cannot cross the railway track when the gate is closed.
c) Everything becomes dark in the train.
*d) The lights come on when the train went through the tunnel
*e) The train wheels make a rattling sound when it was crossing the river.

II. Why are the bridges made?

III. On the way from Gujarat to Kerala Omana crossed many states. List
those states.

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8. Reaching Grandmother’s House
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
fare, seats, water, Kottayam, rippling, ten

a) Valiyamma’s house is in ____________.

b) Omana’s group had ____ people when they went to the bus station.
c) They had to share the _______ on the nus.
d) The bus dropped them by the ________ side.
e) People had to pay the ______ before getting into the ferry.
f) Omana saw the __________ of the still water as the ferry moved.

II. Choose the correct answers (MCQs)

1. The bus dropped Omana’s family at the side of _______
a) the road b) a river c) a lake d) Ammumma’s village
2. A railway time table gives information about
a) the route of the train
b) the arrival and departure time at each station
c) the stations along the route
d) All of these
3. Omana’s family reached Ammumma’s place on
a) 16 May b) 17 May c) 18 May d) None of these
4. Which of the following methods of transport was not used by Omana for
reaching Ammumma’s place?
a) Bus b) Boat c) Aeroplane d) Train
5. Ammumma lived
a) close to Valliyamma’s house b) at Kottayam
c) near a railway station d) on an island
6. Omana’s family took a _____ to cross the river.
a) boat b) ferry c) vallam d) steamer
Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
a) What is a ferry9?
b) Omana travelled by different kinds of transport after she got down from the
train. What are they?
c) Omana left Ahmedabad on 16th May. How many hours did it take her to
reach ammumma’s house?
d) Why did Omana’s family has to share their seats in the bus?

9 A ferry is a boat that is used for transporting passengers and goods.

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e) What three forms of transport did Omana use to reach Ammumma’s
f) What is the full form of PNR10 on a railway ticket?

Long answer questions (2mark questions)

a) What all did Omana see as she stood along the railings of the ferry?
*b) What details does a ralilway time table give?
c) What information does the train ticket give?
d) Look at the picture of a railway ticket and answer the following

i. The PNR number: ______________

ii. Date of journey: ______________
iii. Train number: ______________
iv. Ticket fare: ______________

10 Passenger Name Record

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e) Study the Railway time-table given below and answer the following
S.No. Station Arrrival Departure Distance
Time Time (Kilometres)

1 Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Start 15:10 0

Terminus Railway 1

2 Mumbai Dadar Central 15:22 15:25 9

Railway Station(DR)

3 Kalyan Junction(KYN) 16:05 16:08 53 1

4 Karjat Railway Station(KJT) 16:48 16:50 100 1

5 Lonavala Railway 17:37 17:40 128


6 Pune Junction(PUNE) 19:00 19:05 192 1

7 Daund Junction(DD) 20:35 20:40 267 1

8 Solapur Railway 00:15 00:25 454


9 Gulbarga Railway 02:30 02:33 567


10 Wadi Junction(WADI) 03:50 04:00 604 2

11 Sedam Railway 04:24 04:25 641


12 Tandur Railway 04:54 04:55 674


13 Lingampalli Railway 06:39 06:40 765


14 Hyderabad Begampet 07:01 07:02 783

Railway Station(BMT)

15 Secunderabad Junction(SC) 07:45 08:00 789 2

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i) From which station did the train start?

ii) How many minutes did the train stop at Pune station?

iii) On which day of the jouney did the train reach Secunderabad station?

iv) How much time that the train take to reach Pune from CSMT (Mumbai)?

v) What is the distance that the train tralvelled from CSMT (Mumbai) to

vi) How many minutes does the train stop at Solapur station?

vii) Name the stations in which the train stops only for one minute.

viii) Name the stations in which the train stops for 5 minutes.

ix) At what time does the train reach Pune station?


x) Write the number and name of the train


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9. Changing families
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. A baby girl is born in ________ family.
a) Tsering b) Nazli c) Nimmi d) None of these
2. Now there are ________ members in Nimmi’s family
a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
3. _________ father has been promoted
a) Nimmi’s b) Tsering’s c) Nazli’s d) None of these
5. Tsering’s father is going to work in another city because of his
a) transfer b) promotion c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)
6. Nazli’s __________ is getting married.
a) younger brother b) father’s younger brother
c) aunt d) elder cousin
II. Match the following
Family Reason for changes
Nimmi father’s promotion
Tsering elder cousin’s marriage
Nazli has a new baby sister
Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
a) Why was there excitement in Nimmi’s family?
b) What was written in the letter, which Tersing’s father received from his
c) Why was there a great joy in Nazil’s home?
d) How did Susheela get help from the Panchayat?
c) What is the minimum age for marriage for girls?
d) What is the minimum age for marriage for boys?

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10. Hu Tu Tu, Hu Tu Tu

Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.
weight lifter, four, kabaddi, rough, 29, Mumbai, uncles, coach, rules
a) Kabaddi is a ________ game, yet it has many rules.
b) Karanam Malleshwari won ______ medals in international events.
c) Karanam Malleshwari is a ________________.
d) Malleshwari has ____ sisters who also practice weight lifting.
e) Jwala, Leela and Heera live in __________.
f) All three of them played __________.
g) Their ____________ encouraged Jwala,Leela and Heena to play kabaddi.
h) Every game has some _______ which every player should follow.
i) A person who teaches a sport is called a __________.
II. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. Karanam Malleshwari was a _________
a) Kabaddi player b) weight lifter c) Kho-Kho player
d) boxer
2. Jwala, Leela and Heena live in _______
a) Mumbai b) Chennai c) Delhi d) Kolkata
3. Heena, the youngest sister became a ________
a) guide b) commentator c) referee d) coach
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4. When Shyamala touched the centre line, the girl who argued from the
team was _______
a) Ruby b) Rosy c) Reena d) Ronit
5. How many players will be there in a Kabaddi team?
a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight
6. Kabaddi is born in ________
a) America b) England c) China d) India
7. In Kho-Kho, what happens when someone touches you?
a) No points are counted b) The game ends
c) You remain in the game d) You get ‘out’
8. All games have rules which every ________ should follow.
a) referee b) spectator c) player d) None of these
Short answer questions (1 mark questions)
1. What does it mean to be out in games?
2. Name some games in which it is very important to touch the players.
3. What are the other games in which the central line is very important like
4. What made Jwala, Leela and Heena famous?
5. What are the games in which, besides the players you have to touch
somethings or colours?
6. Who is a coach?
7. Why was important for a Kabaddi player to hold his/her breath until he/she
had touched the centre line?
8. At what age Karanam Malleshwari started weight lifting?
9. How much weight can Karanam Malleshawari lift?
10. Name any two outdoor games?
11. Name any two indoor games.
12. Name any two team games.
13. Name any two individual games.
14. Who encouraged Jwala, Leela and Heena to play Kabaddi?
Long answer questions (2mark questions)
1. How Kabaddi is played?
2. When does one get out in Kabaddi?
3. How do we resolve disputes in games.
4. How does a coach teach? How does a coach make a player practise?
How hard do you think a player has to work?
5. Why were girls not allowed to play Kabaddi in olden days?
6. How do people call Kabaddi in different parts of our country?

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11. The Valley of Flowers

Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks
kachnar, Itr, creepers, pluck, Madhubani, pollen, stamen. petal, sepal, water
lily, Uttarakhand, banana, sahjan, nectar11, white, buds, lotus, bride, Bihar.
1. The valley of flowers is in the state of _______________
2. _______________ paintings are a very old form of Indian folk art.
3. We should not _______________ flowers but collect flowers that are
4. Unopened flowers are called _______________
5. People in Uttar Pradesh eat a vegetable dish made of _______________
6. The Kannauj district in Uttar Pradesh is famous for _______________
7. Flowers grow on trees, bushes and _______________
8. _______________ is a flower that grows on a water plant.
9. People in Kerala eat a vegetable dish made of _______________ flowers.
10. People in Maharashtra love to eat Pakoras made of _______________
11. Flowers which bloom at night are generally_______________ in colour
and have a sweet smell.
12. The colourful part of the flower is called _______________
13. The outermost green leaf like part is called _______________
14. The thin structures inside a flower are called _______________
15. The yellow powder inside a flower is called _______________
16. Insects like bees and butterflies suck_______________ from flowers.
17. Madhubani is a district in _______________
18. _______________ is our national flower.
19. Banna means _____________.
II. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. Madhubani is
a) A place famous for its paintings
b) A place famous for preparing perfumes
c) A place famous for its sweets
d) None of these
2. In the valley of flowers, flowers bloom
a) all round the year b) only in summer
c) for a few weeks in the year d) in spring

Nectar: a sweet liquid that is produced by flowers.

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3. Plucking a flower means
a) picking it up from the ground b) breaking it from a plant
c) removing it from a bouquet c) All of these

III. Do as directed
1. Name the design in the picture.

2.In which state do we find this design?

3. Name the following

Two flowers that
a) grow on trees:
b) grow on bushes:
c) grow on creepers:
d) grow on water plants:
e) bloom only at night:
f) bloom in the day and close at night:
g) you can recognise by their scent even with your eyes closed:
h) bloom all the year round:
i) bloom only in certain months: never have any flowers:
j) are used for making medicines:
k) are used for making colours:
l) are used to make scents(perfumes):
m) are used to dye cloth:
n) Name a flower that is used to make chutney:
o) Name a flower changes its direction to always face the sun:

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p) Name a flower having thorns on its tree:
q) Name any two flowers which are used to make different dishes.
r) Name any two flowers that are used for decoration

Short answer questions (1 mark questions)

1. How did the valley flowers get its name?
2. What is the difference between a flower and a bud?

3. Why do people buy flowers?

4. Name the things that are prepared from flowers in Kannauj.
5. In what forms do flower sellers sell their flowers?
6. What do we call a person who sells flowers and bouquets?
7. What is so special about the colours used in Madhubani paintings?

Long answer questions (2mark questions)

1. What is “Madhubani” form of art? (or) Write a short note on “Madhubani”
form of art.
2. Name the parts of the flower.
(Petal, Stamen, Pistil, Sepal)

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12. Changing Times
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks
India, Pakistan, Dera Gazikhan, Pakistan, nine, Haryana, teacher, Sohna
1. Chetandas’s family lived in ________________.
2. Today Dera Gazikhan in _________.
3. Chetandas was _____ years old when his family left Dera Gazikhan
4. In 1947, our country was divided into ______ and ___________.
5. Chetandas family had been given some land in ______________ village.
6. Sohna village is in the state of ______________
7. Chetandas was a ______________ by profession.

II. Choose the correct answers (MCQs)

1. Chetandas’s family made a _______ house in Sohna village.
a) mud b) pucca c) shack d) bungalow
2. Chetandas’s daughter Simi got married and moved to ________.
a) Mumbai b) Chennai c) Delhi d) Palwal
3. Chetandas’s younger son Montu Moved to _________.
a) Mumbai b) Chennai c) Delhi d) Palwal

III. Name
a) a person who repairs taps and pipes:
b) a person who fits electric wires and plugs etc:
c) a person who lays bricks, tiles etc:
d) a person who make things out of wood:
e) a person who paints walls, doors etc:

Short answer questions (1 mark questions)

1. Give reason
a) Chetandas’s father put the branches of neem and keekar trees on the
wooden frame.
b) A lot of mud was used when Chetandas’s house was made.
c) Chetandas’s mother coated their house with cow dung and mud.
2. Why are bricks baked?
3. What are the materials used for making a kutcha house?
4. What are the materials used for making a pucca house?
5. Where did Chetandas live in before partition?
6. Where did Chetandas live in India after partition?

Long answer questions (2mark questions)

1.Write the differences between a kutcha house and a pucca house?

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2. Look at the picture and fill in the table:

Work Tool What is the person

Breaking stones, mixing
cement and sand
Making walls, floors and
fixing tiles
Fitting of pipes
Electrical fittings

Work Tool What is the person
Breaking stones, mixing Hammer, spade, iron Labourer
cement and sand pan
Making walls, floors and Spade Mason
fixing tiles
Fitting of pipes Pipe cutter, pliers Plumber
Electrical fittings Wire, screw driver Electrician

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13. A River’s Tale
Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks
Salt, Stone, Fiver, Diseases, mountains, boiling, filtering
1. __________ dissolves in water.
2. __________ does not dissolve in water.
3. A river starts from __________.
4. ___________ and __________ make water clean.
5. ___________ is a source of water.
6. _________ are caused by drinking dirty water.
II. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. River water will not become dirty if you
a) bathe in it b) drink it c) put garbage into it
d) wash clothes in it
2. The colour of water will change if we try to dissolve ________in it.
a) mustard oil b) sugar c) salt d) cooking soda
3. ___________ are sources of drinking water.
a) Mountains and hills b) Cities and villages
c) Rivers and lakes d) Oceans and seas
4. The colour of river water is ___________ when it comes down from the
a) green b) reddish-brown c) the colour of mud d) blue
III. Match the following
Sand dissolves in water
Boiling water pollutes the water used
Milk has many fish it is clean
Washing clothes does not dissolve in water
River water makes it drinkable
IV. Group the following words
Sugar, Flour (Aata), Salt, Dal (Pulses), Cooking soda, Sherbet, Oil, Soil

Dissolve in water Does not dissolve in water

Short answer questions (1 mark questions)

1. Where does the river start from?
2. Where does the river end?
3. Name any four sources of water.

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4. Name any four solids which dissolve12 in water.
5. Name any four solids which do not dissolve in water.
6. Name any four liquids which dissolve in water.
7. Name any four liquids which do not dissolve in water.
8. Name two things that give colour to water.
9. Which is the best way to clean water?
10. What happens when there is a flood?
II. Give reason
1. We cannot drink sea water.
2. It is important to clean the water before we drink it.
3. We should not drink water from rivers and lakes directly.
4. Sometimes we see dead fish floating on rivers.
5. The colour of the water changes when flows through the cities.
6. Levels of water in rivers and lakes are not the same in different seasons.

Long answer questions (2mark questions)

1. At what places did the colour of the water in the river changes? Why?
*2. How does the water in rivers and lakes become dirty?
3. How can you prevent Water pollution (to become dirty)?
4. How do we purify water at our homes?
List some ways to make water fit for drinking.
5. Draw pictures showing any two ways of cleaning the water.

to mix with

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14. Basva’s Farm

Very short answer questions ( mark questions)
I. Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks
Illige, weeds, Belvanika, July, onion, Kurige, iron, farmer, Weeds13
1. Basva’s father is a __________.
2. Basva’s family lives in ____________ village in Karnataka.
3. in the month _________, Basva’ father starts preparations for sowing the
onion crop.
4. Khunti is an ______ rod used to dig the soil.
5. Basva’s father planted _______ seeds in the field.
6. ________ is used for sprinkling the seeds.
7. _______ also come up with sprouts14.
8. ________ is a sharp tool used to cut the dried leaves.
9. If there are too many _______ the onion plants will not be healthy.
II. Choose the correct answer (MCQs)
1. The onion seeds were sown in the month of
a) June b) July c) August d) December
2. The khunti is used for
a) planting the soil b) digging and loosening the soil
c) taking out the onions d) watering the crop
3. The onions took ___________ to start sprouting after the seeds were
a) 10 days b) 6 weeks c) 3 months d) 20 days
4. The onions are ready to be removed from the soil when
a) the leaves start turning green b) the onions become red in colour
c) the leaves dry up d) the onions become visible above
the soil

A weed is a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields of crops and prevents the plants
that you want from growing properly.
A shoot of a plant
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5. We have to be careful while using illige because
a) it is delicate b) it can make you ill
c) its blade is very sharp d) None of these
6. _____________ is used to cut the dried leaves from the top of the onions
a) khunti b) Illige c) Kurige d) Knife
7. ____________ grow in fields and gardens, without being planted.
a) Mushrooms b) crops c) weeds d) None of these
III. Write “True” or “False”
1. Basva goes with his father to the farm to help him. [ ]
2. It is not important to drop the right quantity of seeds. [ ]
3. Weeds take up the water and fertilizers from the soil. [ ]
4. Basva might not go to school for some days as he has to help his father.
[ ]
5. This time the onions were not big and healthy. [ ]
6. Onions were carried to the market in a truck. [ ]
IV. Match the pictures, their names and the work they do by drawing

To cut the dried

Kurige leaves from the top of
the onions

Khunti To plough the field

Bullocks To dug the soil and

loosen it

Illige To sprinkle seeds in

the fields

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V. Many steps are needed to grow crops. Look at the picture and mark
them in the correct order.
1. Digging the soil
2. Sprinkling seeds
3. Removing weeds
4. Removing weeds
5. Taking out onions
6. Packing the onions

Short answer questions (1-mark questions)

I. Give reason
1. It is necessary to drop the right amount of seeds at regular distance
2. It is important to remove weeds from the field where the crops are grown.
3. Onions should be taken out at the right time.
II. Answer the following
1. What are weeds?
2. How do the weeds damage the crops?
3. What for Khunti used?
4. What for Illige used?
3. What for Kurige used?
4. How did Basva’s father come to know that the onions are ready to be
taken out?
5. Why was Basva’s family happy after taking out onions from the field?

The End

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