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Model Paper

Name: _______________ Roll No: _________ Class: I Subject: English

I. See the picture and the name of it.





II. Unjumble the following letters with the help of given clues.
1. Doctor works here.
H S P O T I L A- ______________
2. Teachers come here to teach.
S H L O C O- _______________
3. We buy things from here.
E R A M K T- _______________
4. Postman picks letters from here.
P S T O O E F C F I- _________________
5. We get bus from here.

S U B T O P S- _________________

6. He Teach us in the school

E T C A H R E- ________________

7. He brings milk for us.

L K I M N A M- ________________
8. Children play here.
K A P R- _______________
III. Write True or False for following statements.

1. Clouds bring us rain.

2. Water is used for painting.

3. Children play in park.

4. A postman brings letters.

5. Plants can live without water.

6. Plants can live without water.

7. People go to police station when they fall sick.

IV. Match the following

V. Write five domestic and wild animals.

Wild animals Domestic animals

. VI. Write one-word answer for the following questions.

1. Where do children play?

2. Where do people buy different things?
3. Who makes furniture for us?
4. Who brings letters to us?
5. What is the main source of water?
6. Where do we go, when we fall sick?
7. What do plants and animals need for their survival?


VII. Write answer for the following questions.

1. How does water play an important role in our life?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________


2. What are wild animals?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________


3. What are domestic animals?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________


4. What helps the birds to fly?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________

VIII. Find the names of the animals from the following puzzle box.

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