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Topic nursing

Topic 1: when is it necessary to get a patient’s informed consent?

Purpose : protect health care workers and provide clear information to patients about the
procedure which is going to be carried out.
When: major injuries/ invasive procedures
Topic 2: what are the most common reasons for hospital admissions in vietnam?
- By A&E
- By refferal
- Routine medical check – ups
Topic 3: emergency
1. What is an emergency and what isn’t? give ex
2. Describe triage categories
Topic 4: triage assessment
Topic 5:
Topic 1:
Sign the consent from to protect patients and healthcare workers. During the process of
getting consent, healthcare workers answer all patients questions relating to benefits, risks,
side effects, alnative options. Consent is a document including verbal consent, written
consent, informed consent, implied consent and patient’s agreement and full understanding
toward the procedure. It is signed before surgeries or invasive procedures such as cardiac
cathetenzation, gastrocopy, qppendectomy. There is no need to get consent from patients for
some physical examination like auscultation, inspection, percussion or palpation
Topic 2:
There are the most common reasons for hospital addmissions in viet nam. The first, the most
common reason by A&E. People go to the hospital because they have accident traffic and
some cases are shock, uncontrolled fever, unbearable pain. The second, people go to the
hospital by refferal, because some severe cases in lower hospital that is lack of equipment,
technology is unqualified and staff nurse havent level enough so they must be tranferred to a
higher hospital for treatment. Finally, they go to the hospital by routine medical check-ups. It
is a good habit, they ussualy take medicine on basic of six or twelve months. They go to the
hospital to check their health and they identified deaseas so they must be addmisons the
hospital for treatment.
Topic 3:
An emergency sitiuation is not always easy to define, but most A&E department would agree
on the following criteria. An emergency is when a patient has stop breathing, suffers from
severe chest pain, is bleeding severely, is unconscious, has had a serious head injury, has a
severe burn and a severe allergic reaction. Whereas, an appointment with a local doctor or
things like bruises, cuts or minor injuries are not considered to be an emergency.
Topic 4:
There are some triage assessment. The first, it is critical that cannot wait. In this sitiuation,
patient is dying or in a life threatening condition. A very grave sitiuation that requires top
priority. The second, it is urgent that see within thirty mins. In this sitiuation, acute disorders,
but patient is in a stable condition at the moment. Requires attention soon ar risks seriously
impaired body functions and parts. The third, it is semi-urgent that see within one hour. In this
sitiuation, suffering from minor illness but life is not immediately threatened. Will need to re-
triage later in worsening condition. Finally, it is non-urgent that discharge. In this sitiuation,
satis factory conditionwhich does not present cause for concern. Inapropriate attendance in
emergency department.
Topic 5:

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