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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
Activitiy objective introduction ................................................................................ 4
Introductory Activities ............................................................................................ 8
Ice Breakers ............................................................................................................ 9
Name Games ......................................................................................................... 43
Energizers ............................................................................................................. 54
Fun Activities ........................................................................................................ 67
Team Building ....................................................................................................... 77
Communication ................................................................................................... 148
Self-Awareness ................................................................................................... 158
Setting Priority ................................................................................................... 162
My Value ............................................................................................................ 164
Emotions ............................................................................................................ 168
Self-Discipline ..................................................................................................... 172
Boundaries .......................................................................................................... 175
Stepping Out of Comfort Zone ........................................................................... 179
Emotional Intelligence ........................................................................................ 185
Empathy .............................................................................................................. 195
Leadership........................................................................................................... 197
Resource Management ....................................................................................... 198
Goal Setting......................................................................................................... 216
Project Presentation ........................................................................................... 219
Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 220
Trust..................................................................................................................... 223
Stereotypes ......................................................................................................... 225
Bullying ............................................................................................................... 230
Gratitude and Appreciation ................................................................................ 236
Plays .................................................................................................................... 240
Career Day ........................................................................................................... 242
Sports Day ........................................................................................................... 244
Sugar Cubes........................................................................................................ 256

This is the SOL Academy Activity Handbook.
This handbook contains all the activities that have been carried out throughout the
whole SOL Academy program.
This Handbook will help you organize your session and find activities suitable for your
amazing session!
The Activities in this Handbook are organized according to their objective and how
effective they are to help you find activities with ease.

Activity Layout:
Activities Objective Headline
Activity Name:
Time: minimum time needed for the activity
The objective of this activity (if there is any)
The description of the activity and how it is done
Reference: A YouTube video reference to help you understand the activity (if there
is any)
All the preparations that are needed for the activity (if there is any)
All the materials needed for the activity (if there is any)
Music: The type of music needed (if there is certain type/genre needed)
Reflection Questions:
Questions to guide you through the reflection of the activity
Photos/documents that help you prepare for the activity

Introduction for activity objectives:
Introductory activities:
The main objective of these activities is to let the participants know the
theme of the semester

Ice Breakers:
A game or activity that is used to introduce people to each other so that
they feel more relaxed together. An ice breaker can be a useful way
to start a presentation or training session.

Name Games:
Games that help participants know and memorize the names of the other

An energizer is a brief activity that is intended to increase energy in a group by
engaging them in physical activity, laughter. They can be used with any group,
including during training.

Fun Activities:
Activities made for fun😊

Team Building:
Activities that work on increasing the bond and trust between participants
and building a strong team

Activities that helps to develop the communication skills of participants and
how to communicate correctly with everyone around them

Activities that let the participants have a clear perception of their
personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation,
and emotions

Activities that help participants focus on what they should do even if they
don’t want to (ex: school project)

Activities that help participants understand their own physical and mental
boundaries and respect other’s boundaries

Stepping Out of Comfort Zone:

Activities that help participants step out of their comfort zone and do things
they have never done because they were afraid to step out of their comfort

Emotional Intelligence:
Activities that help participants to identify, manage and control their
emotions and the emotions of others

Activities that help develop how the participants understand and share
other’s feelings

Activities that develop the leadership skills of the participants and gives
them glimpses of how it is like to be a leader and the leader’s roles

Resource Management:
How to use the available resources even if they are limited in order to
complete your task and how to make good use of them

Goal Setting:
Activities that help participants to identify what they want to achieve and
how to put the right steps to achieve it

Project Presentation:
Activities that help participants in planning, making and presenting a project

Activities that help participants know their roles and responsibilities in
anything in their lives

Activities main goal is to develop trust between participants and
themselves; and between participants and each other

Activities that show the bad side of bullying and help participants in fighting
bullying in the right way and how to stop it

Gratitude and Appreciation:

Activities that help participants be aware of the value of the things they
have even if it was small, and also be thankful that they have it

Fun plays that has a moral at the end

Career Day:
Activities that help participants decide which career they want to pursue,
then help them know the right steps to do in order to pursue this career.

Sports Day:
A fun day with sports activities only😊

• Activities marked with (**) are highly recommended by the creators
of this handbook
• Activities marked with (*) are recommended by the creators of this

Introductory Activities
Theme Puzzle:
Time: 20 min
(each team will do their puzzle on their own and then will be compiled together)
Each team will be given some puzzle to put together among their teams After that,
the team will realize that their puzzle will not be completed without the rest of the
teams so that all the teams will be compiling their puzzle to make the theme of the
semester in one big puzzle
Semester theme printed on a big scale puzzle with piece number of more than double
number the participants

Theme Overview:
Time: 10 min
The theme is presented
And in the groups, let the participants sit and share what they want to learn

Ice Breakers
Giants, Trolls, Wizards:**
Time: 10 min
(all the participants need to be divided into 2 big teams)
This is an adaptation of rock, paper, and scissors. Giants beat Trolls, Trolls beat
wizards, and Wizards beat Giants. So, the big group is separated into two groups.
The individual groups huddle and establish which creature they are going to be. So,
when the facilitator gives them the signal each team has to show their form (Giants
stand up straight with arms erect to the sky and roar, trolls crouch and snicker, and
Wizards flick the wrists/wands while making "ssst" sound). Whichever team wins runs
and attempts to take the losing players before the losing players reach their home
Have 4 or five rounds

Rock paper scissor:**

Setup for Human Rock Paper Scissors
As a large group, decide a full-body pose that will signify each element (e.g. Rock –
each person of one group will bend down and hug their knees and curl into a ball so
they look like a rock, Scissors – each person of one group will stand with legs
shoulder-width apart and both arms up and hands behind the head so they look like
a scissor).
Playing Human Rock Paper Scissors
After the poses are decided, break participants into two groups. For each round,
each group will need to do one of the poses (everyone in each group will need to do
the same pose). Each group will have 5 minutes to strategize. Once all of the groups
have their poses ready, a facilitator will have the two groups face each other and
count down from three (e.g. three….two…one….SHOOT). On “SHOOT" each group
will need to strike one of the three poses. Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beat Paper,
and Paper beats Rock. You can play however times you’d like. Best out of 5 rounds
is a good number for a medium sized group.

Guess the Leader:**
One person is chosen from the participants and is asked to leave the room, while
others decide the leader. Now, the chosen leader has to come up with a set of
actions which the remaining players have to follow, and shift from one set to the
other in matter of seconds. The person who was asked to leave now enters the room
again and has the task of identifying the leader. The leader has to be careful that
when he switches from one action to other, only his followers notice the change

Killer Wink:**
Have everyone stand in a circle. All players close their eyes and the facilitator selects
one person by tapping his or her shoulder. This person is now the secret “killer,” or
“mystery mingler.”

Now, have all of the group mingle around and through the general space, making sure
to look at each other in the eyes. The mystery killer is in the mix and try to wink at
other players without being detected by others. If a person is winked at, they must
continue mingling for a few seconds and soon “die” a horrible death right there in the
general space and sleep or sit on the ground. Play continues. If a live mingler thinks
they know who the killer is, they stop and proclaim “I accuse!” At that point everyone
else stops and if one other person wants to accuse, they say the same thing, then
both accusers point at their perceived killer. If both accusers point at the same person,
and they are the killer; the game is over, if the point to different people, both accusers
are dead; if they point to the same person who isn’t the killer, they are both dead as
well. The game continues until the killer is identified by the only one mingler left.
There is NO TALKING or communicating of any kind allowed!

Wink Murder:**

Ask the group to sit in a circle. Choose a number of playing cards to match the number
of participants in your group. Be certain your selection contains an ace. Each
participant then draws a card. They must not comment or show it to anyone else. The
player who chooses the ace is the murderer and he kill his victims by winking at them!

The game begins quietly with players sitting looking at each other. When someone
catches the eye of the killer and is winked at, they are killed, and can die in any
manner they choose. Some prefer to die quietly with a whimper, some opt for the
blood curdling scream technique, while others might fall off their seat and lie prone on
the floor. The object is to identify the murderer while trying not to be killed in the
process. An incorrect guess results in instant death!

Materials: Playing Cards

There is nothing as contagious as laughter. For this adult icebreaker, the goal is to
keep from laughing. First, instruct participants to pair back to back. Second, count to
three and have everyone turn and face their partner. Third, they are to look into each
other's eyes and keep a straight face and serious with no speaking. Fourth, if
someone smiles or laughs, they sit down. Fifth, those who remain standing find a new
partner. Finally, the activity continues until there is only one person left, the winner.

My name is?:*
Go around the group and ask each participant to state his/her name and attach an
adjective that not only describes a dominant characteristic, but also starts with the
same letter of his name e.g. generous Grahame, dynamic Dave. Write them down
and refer to them by this for the rest of the evening.


Each person is given a sheet of paper with a series of instructions to follow. This is a
good mixing game and conversation starter as each person must speak to everyone
else. For example;

• Count the number of brown eyed boys in the room.

• Find out who has made the longest journey.
• Who has the most unusual hobby?
• Find the weirdest thing anyone has eaten.
• Who has had the most embarrassing experience?

A sheet of paper containing instructions

Name Rap:*
Time: 15 min
Group divided into groups of 5-6, each team will select one to rap a song that
rhymes with the selected name. At least four sentences should be produced. The
remaining team should have a beat either by using their voice or body (hands, legs).
Best rhyming rapper wins.

Backward Clumps:*

Divide into pairs. Ask each pair to sit on the floor with their partner, backs together,
feet out in front and arms linked. Their task is to stand up together. Once everyone
has done this, two pairs join together and the group of four try to repeat the task. After
they succeed, add another two and try again. Keep adding people until your whole
group is trying to stand together.

Thread the needle:*
Time: 20-25 min


The whole group is divided into three main groups. First group called borders are
standing in a circle and the other two groups are outside. The second group are
called the mouse and they have a head start to get in the safe zone inside the circle.
The third group are the cats and they have to catch the mice before they enter the
safe zone, and when they hold a mouse he is frozen outside the circle and in order
to win the group with the bigger number wins.

One Minute Please!:


The aim of the game is to talk for one minute on a given subject. You announce the
topic and a member of the group is randomly selected to speak for one minute. Use
a pack of cards to randomly select i.e. person who draws the lowest number. Choose
subjects to stimulate the imagination and which may be amusing. Put a stopwatch on
each person to see how long they last before drying up! Subjects might include, my
earliest memories, my favorite computer game, why beans are good for you, 10 things
you can do with potatoes, Alligator wrestling.

Pass the Orange:


Ask the participants to form a circle. Give the first participant a large orange and
explain they need to pass this around the circle. No problem. BUT, it has to be passed
around the circle using only chin and neck. If the orange is dropped, it must be
returned to the previous player in the circle and the game restarts.

NOTE: Put into consideration the personal boundaries of the participants


Large Orange

People Bingo:
Great for new groups. Make a 5 by 4 grid on a piece of card and duplicate for everyone
in your group. Each box contains one of the statements below. Encourage the group
to mix, talk to everyone to try and complete their card. If one of the items listed on the
bingo card relates to the person they are talking with, have them sign their name in
that box.

End the activity after 10 minutes and review some of the interesting facts the group
has discovered about each other. You can add your own statements appropriate for
your group.

• Has brown eyes

• Has made the longest journey
• Has eaten the weirdest food
• Plays Tennis
• Is wearing blue
• Speaks a foreign language
• Knows what a muntjak is (it's a small deer)
• Plays a musical instrument
• Has 2 or more pets
• Has been to the most foreign countries
• Hates broccoli
• Has 2 or more siblings
• Name begins with an 'S'
• Loves Chinese food
• Loves to ski
• Knows what a quark is (A quark is a tiny theoretical particle that makes up
protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus. So there!)
• Loves soccer
• Likes to get up early
• Someone who’s favorite TV show is CSI
• Someone over 6ft tall

Materials: Cards with 5x4 grid, Pens or Pencils

Time: 15 min


The Facilitator will tell the participants you are going on an imaginary picnic. Ask the
participants to introduce themselves and saying what they’re going to bring, and as
you go in the circle you need to mention all the previous names and food that will be
brought. The name of the food has to start with the same letter of your name.

Ex: my name is fady and I’m bringing Figs.

Next person: His name is fady and he’s bringing figs

My name is Mona and I’m bringing Mango

Music: Soft

Skills Showdown:
Separate the large group into smaller teams of 4-6 people, depending on how large
the group is.
Announce the first activity that each team must participate in. After you have said what
the activity is, ask for one member of each team to come and compete against the
others. For example, if the first round is for “the highest jump" than you would tell each
team what the game is and ask them to choose the member that they want to compete
for this title. Other activities can include: most push-ups, who has the longest middle
name, who can throw an object the farthest, best dancer, most sit-ups, etc. Be creative
and come up with a nice variety of quick games!

Would You Rather…?:

Questions may range from silly trivia to more serious content. On the way you might
find out some interesting things about your participants! Place a line of tape down the
center of the room. Ask the group to straddle the tape.

When asked 'Would you rather?’ they have to jump to the left or right as indicated by
the leader. I've included 20 starter questions, just add your own and let the fun begin.

Would you rather...?

• Visit the doctor or the dentist?

• Eat broccoli or carrots?
• Watch TV or listen to music?
• Own a lizard or a snake?
• Have a beach holiday or a mountain holiday?
• Be an apple or a banana?
• Be invisible or be able to read minds?
• Be hairy all over or completely bald?
• Be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
• Make headlines for saving somebody's life or winning a Nobel Prize?
• Go without television or fast food for the rest of your life?
• Have permanent diarrhea or permanent constipation?
• Be handsome/beautiful and dumb or be ugly and really smart?
• Always be cold or always be hot?
• Not hear or not see?
• Eliminate hunger and disease or be able to bring lasting world peace?
• Be stranded on a deserted island alone or with someone you don't like?
• See the future or change the past?
• Be three inches taller or three inches shorter?
• Wrestle a lion or fight a shark?

Time: 15 min
(All the participants play together as one team)
This is a game about forming and reforming groups as quickly as possible. The leader
will direct the group to form smaller groups, based upon some criteria verbalized to
the group, at a signal. The goal is to get as many people to introduce themselves to
as many other people as possible. It is not designed to see how fast or successfully
the group can accomplish the group number. The leader needs to give the group
enough time to incorporate and then introduce themselves to one another if the
incorporation calls for it. It is important to keep the pace of the game rather fast.
Example incorporations:
• Get into a group of three and introduce yourself; Get into a different group of
five people and introduce yourself; (sharing your favorite film)
• Get into a group of people who have shirts that are the “same” color and
introduce yourself; (hobbies)
• Get into a group of people who have the school year and introduce yourself;
(family members)
• Get into a group of people whose names have the same vowel come first in their
first name and share your first names;
• Get into a group of people who were born in the same season (fall, winter,
spring, summer);
• Think of the last digit of your telephone number and get with every person who
has the same last digit

Candy Introduction:
Time: 10 min
(each group will do this activity alone)
Each team will sit together and be ready to play the game You need to have any
candy that has multiple colors (such as M&Ms, Toffee or any other)
Pass around the candy and tell each participant to choose anywhere from 1 to 2
pieces of anything that they want. Instruct them not to eat it yet, though. After they
have chosen their candy, you will tell them what each candy type/color represents.
Go along one by one, or by color and the participant share their names and the
information about themselves.
This game can also be played with toilet papers. They rip how much they would
normally use, and then they have to say a fact about them per sheet of toilet paper.
The colors:
• Red – Favorite hobbies
• Green – Favorite place on earth
• Blue – Favorite memory
• Yellow -Dream job
• Orange – Wildcard (tell us anything about yourself!)
• Brown – Movies & Music
Candy with different colors

Once Upon Time:


Ask each participant to think of either the name of a person, a place or a thing. Invite
them to share this with the rest of the group. Select one of your group to begin a story.
However, within 10 seconds they must mention the person, place or thing they have
thought of. After 10 seconds (use a stopwatch or kitchen timer) the story is continued
by the next person who must also mention their person, place or thing within the 10
seconds. Continue until everyone has made a contribution. The stories can get really
weird, but that's part of the fun!

Red Light, Green Light:
Start the game out as being the person at the front. Have the kids line up on the other
side of the room. Rules of the game: If you turn your back and say "green light", the
kids try to run and tag you. If you jump to face forward and say "red light", then the
kids have to freeze- if you see anyone moving while there's a "red light", you need to
call the person by name and they have to start over from the beginning. The first
person to tag you is the winner of the game- this person can be "it" and be in front of
the room to start a new game.
- To make things more interesting, you can ask the kids to hop on one foot, crab walk,
jump backwards, skip, or other actions to reach you.

Run Rabbit Run:

Ask for two volunteers to be "it"/the wolves. Have the kids line up on the other side of
the room. When the Wolves say, "Run rabbit run!", the kids try to run to the other side
of the room. If the Wolves tag them before they get to the other side of the room, then
kids need to sit down where they were tagged. The kids become Trees and can use
their arms to tag other running kids. The Wolves repeat step 2 until all but two people
have been tagged. These two people are the winners and will become the Wolves in
the next game of Run Rabbit Run.

Two Truths One Lie:

Time: 20 min


Each Participant is going to tell 2 truths and one lie and the rest of the team needs to
guess which is the truth and which is a lie

Music: Soft

Convince Your Partner:
Participants stand randomly and are asked to pair with the closest partner standing
beside them. They are then asked to convince their partner in 2 minutes with
something that doesn’t make sense for example “how eating chicken makes you a
fun person”. Then the facilitator announces that partners should now switch and the
person convincing should now be convinced with the same topic but for another
reason. When time is up the facilitator will randomly ask participants for their reasons.
The game can go on for a couple of rounds and every time the participants will have
to switch partners and discuss a new topic.
The statements: (statements up to the creativity of the facilitator)
1. How wearing blue socks shows how smart you are
2. Why having a cat make you a good singer?
3. Why7 sunlight makes you better at sports?
4. Why wearing mismatched makes you crave shawrma?
5. Why wearing blue pants makes you smarter?

Divide the young people into pairs. Ask them to take three minutes to interview each
other. Each interviewer has to find 3 interesting facts about their partner. Bring
everyone back to together and ask everyone to present the 3 facts about their partner
to the rest of the group. Watch the time on this one, keep it moving along.

What Time Is It?:
Time: 30 min


Get to know each other (memorize names, share memories)


Each participant will have a piece of paper and a pen. The facilitator explains that they
need to draw a clock on the piece of paper. They each need to make appointments
with people that they don’t know corresponding for each number on the clock (12
other participants) where they are both free at the same time. Write down the name
of that person.

The facilitator then tells the time and a question to be discussed. The participant then
needs to find their corresponding conversational partner and discuss the question.

Each round is 3 minutes


1. A Day you will never forget and why?

2. If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would it be?

3. What animal best represents you and why?

4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

5. How would you spend a million dollars?

6. How do you want to be remembered?

7. What are the 3 most important people in your life?

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

9. If you could take only 3 items with you to a deserted island, what would they

10. What was your dream jobs growing up, why?

11. If you could change one law, what would it be?

12. What’s your greatest failure, and how did you overcome it?


60 Recycled papers, 60 pens

Music: Soft/Deep

Tall Stories:
Time: 15 min


The leader starts a story with a sentence that ends in SUDDENLY. The next person
then has to add to the story with his own sentence that ends in SUDDENLY. Continue
the story until everyone has contributed. The story becomes crazier as each young
person adds their sentence. Tape it and play it back. For example; 'Yesterday I went
to the zoo and was passing the elephant enclosure when SUDDENLY......'

Music: Soft


The first player says: "I went to the supermarket to buy an Apple (or any other object
you can buy in a supermarket that begins with an A). The next player repeats the
sentence, including the "A" word and adds a "B" word.

Each successive player recites the sentence with all the alphabet items, adding one
of his own. For example; 'I went to the supermarket and bought an Apple, Banana,
CD, dog food, envelopes, frozen fish'. It's not too hard to reach the end of the
alphabet, usually with a little help! Watch out for ‘Q’ and ‘X’ ☺

Deserted Island:

The situation is dire — following a shipwreck, everyone has been stranded on a

deserted island! Each person is allowed to bring one object to the island — ideally
something that represents them or something that they enjoy. The first part of this
icebreaker is simple: each person is asked to describe what object they would bring
and why. This need not be realistic; if someone loves music, he or she might choose
to bring a guitar, or an animal lover might choose to bring a dog, a food lover might
choose to bring sirloin steaks, and so on. Encourage people to be creative.
After everyone has introduced their object and why they have chosen that object,
the teambuilding portion follows. Divide into smaller groups and ask everyone to
work together to improve their chances of survival by combining the various objects
that they introduced. If necessary, you can add more objects, but be sure to use all
the objects that everyone mentioned. If you wish, you can reward the most creative
group with a prize.
Lost on a Deserted Island is an approachable way to get people to open up and
share a little bit about themselves and what they enjoy or value.

Spider web:
Participants will stand in a circle, ask the first volunteer to hold the string. Ask him to
introduce himself and then send the piece of string to another person in the circle to
introduce himself as well, etc., until we create a web like the spider web and then
we’ll pass it back.
Wool string

The Question Web:

You need to have a spool of string or wool for this game. Ask the young people to
stand in a circle. Hold on to the end of the string and throw the ball/spool to one of the
young people to catch. They then choose a question from 1-20 to answer. A list of 20
sample questions is given below. Adapt for your group. Holding the string they then
throw it to another member of the group. Eventually this creates a web as well as
learning some interesting things about each other! At the end of the game you could
comment that we all played a part in creating this unique web and if one person was
gone it would look different. In the same way it's important that we all take part to
make the group what it is, unique and special.

1. If you had a time machine that would work only once, what point in the future or
in history would you visit?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
3. If your house was burning down, what three objects would you try and save?
4. If you could talk to any one person now living, who would it be and why?
5. If you HAD to give up one of your senses (hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling,
tasting) which would it be and why?
6. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
7. Do you have a pet? If not, what sort of pet would you like?
8. Name a gift you will never forget?
9. Name one thing you really like about yourself.
10. What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
11. Who's your favorite cartoon character, and why?
12. Does your name have a special meaning and or were you named after
someone special?
13. What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
14. If you are at a friend's or relative's house for dinner and you find a dead
insect in your salad, what would you do?
15. What was the best thing that happened to you this past week?
16. If you had this week over again what would you do differently?
17. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
18. What book, movie or video have you seen/read recently you would
recommend? Why?

Spool of string or wool, A list of questions for participants to answer

Name That Person:

Divide into two teams. Give each person a blank piece of card. Ask them to write five
little known facts about themselves on their card. Include all leaders in this game too.
For example, I have a pet iguana, I was born in Iceland, my favorite food is spinach,
my grandmother is called Doris and my favorite color is vermillion.

Collect the cards into two team piles. Draw one card from the opposing team pile.
Each team tries to name the person in as few clues as possible. Five points if they
get it on the first clue, then 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The team with the most points win. (Note: if
you select the most obscure facts first, it will increase the level of competition and
general head scratching!)


Blank Cards, Pens

Around the World:


The leader begins by saying the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain
that can be found in an atlas. The participants next to him must then say another
name that begins with the last letter of the word just given. Each person has a
definite time limit (e.g. three seconds) and no names can be repeated. For example
- First person: London, Second Person: Niagara Falls, Third Person: Switzerland


Ask the group to sit in a circle. Write 20 'IF' questions on cards and place them
(question down) in the middle of the circle. The first participant takes a card, reads it
out and gives their answer, comment or explanation. The card is returned to the
bottom of the pile before the next person takes their card.

This is a simple icebreaker to get participants talking and listening to others in the
group. Keep it moving and don't play for too long. Write your own additional 'IF'
questions to add to the list.

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

2. If I gave you $10,000, what would you spend it on?
3. If you could watch your favorite movie now, what would it be?
4. If you could talk to anyone in the world, who would it be?
5. If you could wish one thing to come true this year, what would it be?
6. If you could live in any period of history, when would it be?
7. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
8. If you could be someone else, who would you be?
9. If you could have any question answered, what would it be?
10. If you could watch your favorite TV show now, what would it be?
11. If you could have any kind of pet, what would you have?
12. If you could do your dream job 10 years from now, what would it be?
13. If you had to be allergic to something, what would it be?
14. If money and time was no object, what would you be doing right now?
15. If you had one day to live over again, what day would you pick?
16. If you could eat your favorite food now, what would it be?
17. If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
18. If you were sent to live on a space station for three months and only
allowed to bring three personal items with you, what would they be?
19. If you could buy a car right now, what would you buy?

Cards with questions written on them


Give each participant a piece of white card. Ask them to draw and cut out a life-sized
shape of a face. They can also cut out eyes and a mouth if they wish. Each young
person is then asked to decorate their card face. One side represents what they think
people see/know/believe about them i.e. on the outside. The other side represents
what they feel about themselves i.e. things going on the inside, what people do not
necessarily know or see.

This is best used in an established group where the young people are comfortable
and at ease with each other. 'Masks' is also a good discussion starter on self-image
and self- worth.


Crayons or Paints, Markers, Scissors and White Card


Flags is a get-to-know-you activity, helping participants express what's important to

them or more about themselves. Ask each participant to draw a flag which contains
some symbols or pictures describing who they are, what's important to them or what
they enjoy.

Each flag is divided into 4 or 6 segments. Each segment can contain a picture i.e.
favorite emotion, favorite food, a hobby, a skill, where you were born, your family, your
faith. Give everyone 20 minutes to draw their flags. Ask some of the group to share
their flags and explain the meaning of what they drew.


Large Sheets of Paper, Crayons, Markers and Paints

Word Link:

This is a word association game. Ask the group to sit in a circle. The first person starts
with any word they wish i.e. red. The next person repeats the first word and adds
another word which links to the first i.e. tomato. The next person repeats the previous
word and add another word link i.e. soup, and so on. To keep this moving, only allow
five seconds for each word link.

Object Stories:

Collect together a number of objects and place in a canvas bag. The objects can
include everyday items i.e. a pencil, key-ring, mobile phone, but also include some
more unusual ones i.e. a fossil, holiday photograph, wig!

Pass the bag around the group and invite each young person to dip their hand into
the bag (without looking) and pull out one of the objects.

The leader begins a story which includes his object. After 20 seconds, the next person
takes up the story and adds another 20 seconds, incorporating the object they are
holding. And so on, until everyone has made a contribution to your epic literary tale

Add Words:

Simple, completely ridiculous and a lot of fun. The first person says a word, for
example 'The'. The second person says the first word and ADDS a second word of
their choice, and so on. At the end you might have a complete sentence!

For example, 'The aardvark spiraled into the puddle of custard clutching his
skateboard while whistling his favorite Bjork melody.' The fun thing is putting twists in
the sentence so that the others have a hard time coming up with a word that fits. ADD
WORDS can be played a few times without being boring.


You begin by thinking of a word and then give the first letter. The next player thinks of
a word beginning with this letter and gives the second letter. The third player thinks of
a word that begins with the first two letters and adds a third. The object of the game
is to avoid completing a word. When a player has completed three words or failed to
add a letter they can rest their brain for the remainder of the game! You might need a
dictionary handy to adjudicate on some words.

Newspaper Puzzle:

Divide into teams of five or six people and give each group a copy of the SAME
newspaper. Ask them to spread the newspaper out in front of each team. Describe a
particular advert, article, fact or picture from the paper and the group has to find it, rip
it out and bring it to you. The first team to bring it gets a point. Continue calling out
items and the winning team is the one with the most points.


SAME Newspaper for each group

Name Grid:

Divide the young people into groups of four. Each group needs paper and pens. Ask
them to draw a grid on which they write their forenames. For example,


Give each team three minutes to write down as many words (three letters or more)
that they can make only using the letters in their names. Letters must adjoin each
other in the grid, but do not have to be in a straight line.

When the time is up each team adds up their score.

3 or 4 letter words = 1 point

5 letter word = 2 points

6 letter word = 3 points


Papers and Pens/Pencils

Line Up:

Ask the groups to line up. Works best with 8-10 in a line. If you’ve got a bigger group,
split them up and challenge each line to complete the task first. Ask the group to form
a new line in order of....

• Height, from smallest to tallest.

• Birthdays, from January through to December.
• Shoe size, from smallest to largest.
• Alphabetical first names (A-Z).
• Alphabetical grandmother's first names!
• Anything else you think up.

Balloon Hugging:

Select three pairs of the same gender to help you with this game. Give each couple
three balloons. The pair must blow up and knot all their balloons. Then place two
under the girl's armpits and one between the pair as they face each other. The pair
then has to burst the three balloons simultaneously by hugging each other. The
winning couple is the pair who burst all their balloons in the quickest time. You need
to see this to believe it!



Chocolate Chomp:

Ask everyone to sit in a circle on the floor. In the middle of the circle place a large bar
of chocolate on a plate, a knife, a fork and three items of clothing – gloves, scarf and
a cap. (Don't forget to remove the wrapper from the chocolate!) Each person in the
circle takes a turn at rolling a dice. On throwing a six they run to the middle of the
circle, put on the items of clothing and try to eat as much chocolate as possible.
However, they can only cut it with the knife and pick it up with the fork. As soon as
someone else throws a six, they run to the middle, put on the gloves, hat and cap,
and take over. Continue until all the chocolate is eaten.


Dice, Lots of Chocolates, Plate, Knife, Fork, Gloves, Scarf and a Cap


Whistle and Burp:

Invite three to take part in this simple game. Ask them to sit together at the front of
the group. Give each of the boys five crackers and give each of the girls a can of coke.
On the signal the boys must eat the crackers as fast as possible and then whistle a
pre-selected tune to the satisfaction of the rest of the group. They then hand over to
their partner (girl) who must drink the coke and then burp audibly. The first couple to
finish wins a packet of crackers and a can of coke!


Crackers and Cans of Coke/Pepsi

Pass the Polo:


Invite the group to line up in teams of six. Give each person a toothpick, which they
must hold in their mouth. The person at the front of the line has a polo on his toothpick
and he must (without using his hands) pass the polo down the line. If anyone drops
their sweet, the team must start again from the front of the line with a new polo.


Toothpick and Polo Sweets


Divide your group into teams of 6-8. Each team forms a small circle. Ask them to
extend their right hand across the circle and hold the left hand of the other team
member opposite them. Then extend their left hand across the circle and hold the
right hand of another group member. The task is to unravel the spider's web of
interlocking arms without letting go of anyone's hands. Give them a three-minute time
limit to complete the task.

Song Scramble:

Before the session write out the first lines from several well-known songs but write
down only one verse on each piece of card. Make sure that only enough songs are
used to cover the number of people present. The cards are then scattered on the floor.
Once the game begins each person grabs a card and tries to find the holders of the
other cards which will complete the verse or section of the song. The winning group
is the first one to correctly assemble and sing their song.


Cards with song lines on it

Movie Star Scramble:


Divide the group into pairs, each with a paper and pen. Ask them to visit the cards
you have previously prepared and placed around the room. Their goal is to
unscramble the names of 20 famous movies stars i.e. SHRIN FOR ROAD (work it out
yourself!) Points are awarded for each correct answer. Alternatively, there is ANIMAL


Papers and Pens/Pencils

Twenty Questions:

20 questions is an old party game which encourages deductive reasoning and

creativity. One player is selected to think of an item. The rest of the group tries to
guess the item by asking a question which can only be answered with a simple "Yes"
or "No." Truthful answers only please, as anything else will ruin the game.

The Human Chair:

Invite everyone to stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder. Each person then turns to
the right to face the back of the person in front of them. Ask them to place their hands
on the shoulder of the person in front. On the count of three they slowly begin to sit
down on the lap of the person behind. As long as everyone is helping the person in
front of him or her to sit, then everyone should be supporting the weight of everyone
else. Of course, should someone slip, the game becomes 'human dominoes.' ☺ It
might take a couple of attempts to complete the challenge.

Time: 15-20 min
Participants are split into groups of 10 each and are asked to stand in circles in a
‘ninja pose’. On the count of 3, they are supposed to jump away from each other
doing a ninja cry. In order, each participant is allowed only one move and should
aim to lightly and quickly hit another person’s hand/palm only. If successful, the hit
palm/hand has to be removed from the game and placed behind this person’s back.
This player now plays with only one hand. Winner of the game is the last person
with a ‘hand’ still in the game.

Building a team:
Time: 15 min


Give everyone a slip of paper when they come in that has a famous person,
character, or something that could be “grouped” on it. The goal is for people to find
other people that are a member of the same “group” and get together. Then, once
people find everyone in their group, they can do something as a group if you wish.


Paper notes with labels on it, tape, pens

Time: 20 min


Prior to the activity, on sticky labels list different animals/people/foods/things and

their partners on different labels; e.g., ‘Prince’ and ‘Princess’, ‘Cat’ and ‘Dog’, etc.
Place one sticker on the back of each person. Participants are to find their partner,
but first will need to establish who they are. Participants can look at the backs of
others, but not their own. They can only ask “yes/no” questions to establish their


Paper notes with labels on it, tape, pens

Shoe Talk:
Time: 20 min


Often at the start of a youth camp or youth group year there are many people who
don't know each other. Even the leaders often don't know many of kids. What's
needed is a good ice breaker game which doesn't put too much pressure on

• Split the group into 2 halves.

• Get each half of the group to line up against opposite sides of the room or hall.
• Get each person to take off 1 shoe and make a pile of their team's shoes.
• Get each person from one team to come a select a random shoe from the
other team's pile and then find the person that shoe belongs to.
• Once they have found their match, have a question ready so each person in
the pair can ask each other a get to know each other a little bit better. Make
sure you don't leave this time too long, but don't make it too short either, give
both people a chance to answer.
• Get the other team to do the same process with the first team's pile of shoes.

Telephone Charades:
Instructions for How to Play
Choose five or six people (or ask for volunteers) and ask them to line up in a row,
facing the left side of the room. Ask the first person to turn around to see the first clue
to be acted out. Reveal the clue to the person and display the clue to the audience as
The first person turns around and taps the next person in line on the shoulder. He or
she then acts out the clue using classic charades rules (no talking or noises
permitted). The second person then taps the third person and acts out his or her
understanding of what was acted out. This process continues until it reaches the last
person in line, who must guess what the action is.
This game is funny because the acting tends to warp and get distorted based upon
each person’s interpretation of what is going on.

A good variation to try is to have two teams line up and act out the same clue
simultaneously. The teams that guess the clue correctly (or most correctly) wins the

a cat bathing itself
going skydiving
fishing and catching a huge fish

Blindfold Questions:
Time: 15 min
Put participants in a circle, with one student, blindfolded standing in the middle. Turn
the participant around a few times. Tell the participant to point at the person in front
of him/her and ask a question (e.g. "How old are you?", "What's your favorite food?,
etc.). After the reply the blindfolded participant must guess the name of the
participant she/he is talking.
Blindfold fabric

Not in My Half!:
Time: 10 min
The simplest of games, again, but exhilarating and fun nonetheless. Divide the
hall/space into two, or even four, depending on the size of your group, and split your
teens up into two teams. You can then use beanbags or rolled up paper balls which
must be spread out in each half of the room. On the leader's signal, each team must
attempt to get rid of all their beanbags into the other team's half. This goes on for as
long as you wish, but both teams must stop dead when you give the signal - if they
don't, award penalty points. The winning side is the one with fewest beanbags left.
Bottles of water or bags of participants

Improvise Away:
Time: 15 min
Here's an improvisation game that really gets the laughs going – great as an
icebreaker game or with teens who know each other well. Write several famous lines
or phrases on individual pieces of paper, then place them in a hat or box. Have two,
three or four teens stand in front of the group, with one choosing a phrase. Then time
them to act out a scene for at least three minutes, starting with that particular phrase.
Note: they will be divided into smaller groups. The activity can be done for both
younger and older groups.
Not only does this game get teens' imaginations going, it also allows those who
normally are a bit shy about joining in have the chance to take part. A clever youth
group leader will make up teams of shy and less shy teens, to make sure that
everyone has a chance to give it their all. If you want, you can also have them dress
up for extra effect.

Interview Three Words:

Time: 10 min
Assign each person in the group to another person from the group. Then have them
find out as much of the following information about each other as they possibly can in
2-3 minutes; name, hobbies, family, state, school/job, favorite color, favorite food,
favorite type of music, etc. They can interview back and forth or each person could be
assigned to interview one person while a completely different person is interviewing
them. Then have them use 3 words to describe their assigned partner, but 3 words
only. (Example: Joe Bob was my partner, funny, energetic, verbose).

How Much Do You Use:
Time: 15-20 min
Each group Leader in his/her group Have the participants sit in a circle and tell them
that you are going to pass around a roll of toilet paper. Invite players to “take as much
as they will need to get the job done.” After every one has had a good laugh over the
amount of paper they took, tell them that for every piece of toilet paper they ripped
off, they must tell the group one thing about themselves
Toilet papers

Mute Line-up:
Participants are asked to line themselves up according to their date of birth (not year).
For example, someone born on the 16th of January would be closer to the front than
someone who was born on the 5th of May.
The rules of the icebreaker are:
• Participants must not talk or use their mouth in any way.
• Pens/pencils, etc., cannot be used.
• Diaries cannot be used.
Encourage participants to use their initiative. Instead of lining up according to birth
date, participants could be lined up according to any number of characteristics, such
as the first letter of the suburb they live in, etc. Another option would be to blindfold
everyone and get them to line up according to their height.

Never Have I Ever:
Children sit around in a circle and put ten fingers out in front of them to keep score.
One child stars by saying "Never have I ever...." and then stating something that he
has never done. If any of the other children have done that particular thing, then they
lose a life and must turn one finger under. Play continues until someone has lost 10
lives and is out.
It won't take long before children realise that the idea "never have I ever" is something
that they haven't done but lots of other children have. For example, "never have I ever
been on an airplane" or "never have I ever worn pink".

My Favorite Things:
Ask the children to draw, one in each section, their favourite toy, food, person and
animal. When they have finished, sit the children in a circle with all the pictures in the
centre. Can they guess whose is whose?
A piece of paper divided into four sections for each child (or print out a copy of our
template, below, for each child), colouring pens and pencils

Tell Me Something:
Sit in a circle and choose one child to start. She tells the group a little about herself.
The next child to her left then picks an aspect of what she has told and adds her own
snippet of information. What she says must be slightly different, but linked. Sometimes
the adult might like to intervene with a quick prompt to help a shyer child. The
examples below make it clear.
Child 1: I often go to stay with my grandparents at the weekend.
Child 2: My grandmother lives in Australia so I don't see her very often.
Child 3: My family went on holiday to Australia last year and it was amazing.
Child 4: My favourite animals at the zoo are the wallabies.
Child 5: Is a wallaby the same as a kangaroo? I used to have a kangaroo cuddly toy
called Wally.
Child 6: I like animals.
Teacher: I like animals too. If you had to pick only one animal to be your favourite,
which one would you pick?
and so on...
Child 1: I often go to stay with my grandparents at the weekend.
Child 2: I often go to stay with mine, too.

Bring Back My Bonny:

Time: 5 min
Have the kids sit in a large circle with the leader in the middle. The leader explains
that every time he says a word beginning with the letter B, the group members are to
stand if seated, and sit down if standing. Once the leader is sure everyone
understands, he sings, “Bring Back My Bonny.”

Draw the Object in Front of Me:
Time; 10 min
One of the pair should draw whatever the object in front of the other person who
describes it to the first person.

Draw Me:
Time: 15 min
The pairs should not face each other. The one who is drawing the other one should
be blindfolded. The other one should describe has facial features so that the other
can draw him. Funny faces will be produced from this activity.

Make a Chair:
Time: 25-30 min
A group needs to make chair out of sticks and salsal, the most stable chair wins.

Finish the Yoghurt:

Divide participants into groups of two who are blindfolded, they should try to feed each
other and the group who finishes first wins. The pair should communicate how to move
their hands and faces to adjust themselves for the spoon.

Name Games
Trip To the Moon:**
Time: 15 min
Aim: To say an item that begins with the first letter of your name
Here is an effective game to help students remember their classmates' names. This
introduction game works best with young learners.
The aim of the game is for students to join a trip to the moon. Tell the students that
you are a spaceship captain and you are going to travel to the moon. You want some
students to join you, but each student must bring something for the trip.
To begin the game you say, “I’m the captain of a spaceship. I’m going on a trip to the
moon. Who wants to go with me and what are you going to bring?”
Then, hand out a paper with the following written:
My name is ________ and I will bring a/an/some ________.
The students who are allowed to go are the ones who will bring something that begins
with the first letter of their name. However, you don’t explain this to the students. It’s
up to them to work it out!
The first student then stands up and says, “My name is ________ and I will bring
a/an/some ________."
If the item doesn't match the first letter of their name, you say, "I’m sorry, you can't
Then, you move on to the next student. If a student manages to work it out or
accidentally says an item matching with the first letter of their name, you accept them
on board.
Eventually, most of the students will understand the game when they see that some
of the students are allowed to go.
Materials: Paper with “My name is ________ and I will bring a/an/some ________.”
printed on it and Pencils
Name game (fruit or vegetable):*
Time: 10-15 min
Participants say their names and then the name of a fruit or vegetable that starts with
the same letter. The next person has to remember the names of the people before
him and then say his name and the fruit/vegetable and so on.

Action Syllables:
Time: 10 min
With the group standing in a circle, have the participants each choose an action for
every syllable of their name. Example: Elvis has 2 syllables, so he does a hip shake
with “El” and snaps his fingers for “vis”. Once Elvis has done his action while saying
his name, the whole group repeats. After the 2nd person does his/her name, the
whole group repeats, then does Elvis’s again. And so on ‘til everyone’s done it.

Peek A Who:
Time: 7 min
This speedy name game is a great way to boost the energy level of a group. It’s also
a good way to introduce group members to one another. After playing this game
everyone surely remembers who is who.
How to play:
The group is split into two teams and the facilitator holds up a curtain, blanket or sheet
between teams. It is important that no one from either team can see the other side.
The teams are asked to nominate one player to come to the front. When the players
are at the front, the facilitator drops the curtain. The players at the front must then
shout out the name of the player opposite them as quickly as possible. The person
who shouts second (or can’t remember) must then join the other team.
The game ends when everyone has had a go or one team loses all its members.
A curtain big enough for half of your group to hide behind

Compass Name Game:
Time: 10-15 min
1. Have participants stand in a circle.
2. One volunteer stands in the middle of the circle and starts the game as the
3. The caller points at a member of the circle and says one of the following: You,
Me, Left, or Right.
4. Based on which direction the caller says, the person being pointed at must
correctly name that person. "You" is the name of the person being pointed at.
"Me" is the caller. "Left" or "Right" are the people on the person on the circle's
left or right side.
5. Once the caller points and says the direction, he/she must count to five aloud.
The person must correctly identify the name before the caller reaches five.
6. If the person in the circle incorrectly identifies the name, or doesn't speak in
time, that person becomes the new caller in the middle of the circle.
7. If the person correctly identifies the name, the caller must move onto a new
person of their choice.

First Name:
Time: 7 min
Have everyone count the number of letters in their first name. Now ask them to find
someone who has the same number of letters. Those two are now partners. If a
person can't find someone let him/her use another name s/he is called by (i.e., a
student named Matthew may use the name Matt and then look for someone with 4
letters instead of 7.) If they still can't find someone pair up with a person who has the
closest number of letters.

Time Bomb:
Time: 10 min
Ask the group to stand in a circle and have each person to say their name. Now,
throw a tennis ball to someone in the group. They have 2-seconds to call the name
of someone and throw the ball to them. If they cannot remember a name, the tennis
ball “bomb” explodes and that person is out of the game.
The round ends when the only people left know everyone in the group. You can make
the game more fun by having a prize for people who don’t get “blown up” by the tennis
ball after a few rounds.

Paired Sharing:
Time: 5 min
Ask the participants to move around the room and find someone they do not know or
who they know the least of anyone else. When everyone is in pairs, the facilitator
announces the topic partners can talk about, and a designated amount of time to do

Point and say YOU!:

Time: 5 min

Name Roulette:
Time: 10 min
To play this game you need to form two equal circles, one inside the other. Set the
circles up so one person from each circle is physically standing back to back to one
member from the other circle. (I use a spot on the ground to mark the spot for each

These circles both start moving in clockwise motion, ensuring each member of the
circle passes through the "spot". Someone who is not in either one of the circles and
not facing them, will call stop. At that point the people on each spot must turn around
and face each other. The person who names the other first wins that round and the
"loser" joins the other circle.

Bumpity Bump Bump Bump:

Time: 7 min
Arrange all players in a circle. Give them time to ask the names of the players on
either side of them. Once the names are known, the person in the middle goes up to
a player and says "(name)___, bumpity bump bump bump." That person then has to
say the names of the people sitting/standing beside him/her before the middle person
finishes saying "bumpity bump bump bump."
The person in the middle can randomly yell out bumpity bump bump bump and
everyone has to find a new spot on the edge of the circle. Then repeat.

My Name is and I Like To:
Time: 10 min
Everyone in the group stands in a circle. The first person says, "my name is and I like
to (insert a hobby and act out a motion from that hobby)”. The rest of the group says,
"Person’s name likes to (hobby) and acts out motion. Example: “my name is Dave
and I like football (acts a motion from football) ". The next person repeats the process.
The rest of group then says that person's name, hobby and motion and then moves
to first person's info. And so on.

Killing the Fly:

Time: 10-20 min
Players are standing in a circle. One of the participants is standing in the middle of
the circle and is trying to hit someone (gently) with a rolled newspaper (or something
If the person he/she is trying to hit manages to say the name of someone else standing
in the circle, the “fly killer” has to go after that person. If the person whose name was
said doesn’t manage to say someone else’s name, he/she becomes the “fly killer” and
has to go to the middle of the circle. This game is ideal for learning everyone’s names.

Pat Pat, Clap Clap, Snap Snap:
Time: 15-20 min
The participants are all seated in a circle and all together they pat their thighs twice
then clap twice and then snap their finger twice. On the first snap a participant must
mention his own name and on the second snap the name of another participant. The
participant chosen will then mention his name on the second go and then someone
else's name and so on. (This should make more sense when demonstrated by the

Back to Back:
Split children up into partners however many as necessary. Then put them next to
their bucket of water balloons. This is a relay race so have another bucket about 15
feet away.The players have to put the water balloon between both of their backs and
walk to the other bucket. If your balloon breaks you must go back and get another
Set a time limit and when the times run out see which team has the most water
balloons in their bucket.

Who is Missing?:
Time; 2 min per round
In small groups of 5 or 7, all the children introduce themselves. One child lies on the
floor curled up in the middle of the circle, and someone puts a blanket on top of them.
We chant "who is missing, who is missing" and one of the people from the circle
moves away out of sigh. We keep chanting until we remove the blanket and the child
needs to guess the name of the person that is missing from the circle.

Clapping Game: (9-12 years)
Time: 5-10 min
Kids go around clapping each other’s names with each syllable. "Ma-ha-mad" (3
claps) "Lai-la" (2 claps)

Time: 5-10 min
In a circle, we sit cross-legged and a leader starts to chant
"Hickley pickley bumblebee who can say their name to me? (points at someone in the
loudly: ALIA!
they repeat: ALIA
softer: aaliaaaa
super soft until they're all focused and watching leader's mouth move: alia
Kids take turns saying each others' names

Point & Shoot:

Time;10-15 min
Puts people on the spot for learning names. Ideal name game finale. Split the group
in half. Have two volunteers hold a blanket or groundsheet between the two
groups. Group members gather together, to plan and avoid being seen by the other
group. The group sends one member to crouch close to the blanket and be involved
in the shoot-out. The holders count "1, 2, 3" aloud then drop the blanket. Each
contestant tries to say the other person's name first. Whoever is the winner "captures"
his/her combatant for the winner's team. The blanket goes up again -- continue until
one team captures all of the other team.

Time: 10 min
Kids divided into 5 groups. In each group, they go around circle saying something
about themselves, and have the group come up with a nickname for them based on
that something in 30 seconds. Most creative & fastest person to nickname someone
else wins and then the winners from 5 groups get together and whoever comes up
with fastest and creativest nickname wins all. Calculated with stopwatch.

Hammer or Nail:
Time: 10 min
Asks people a series of wacky "Are you X or Y?" questions, e.g., hammer or nail, sun
or moon, present or future.. horse or gazelle, lion or lioness, eagle or lovebird,
elephant or mouse, skirt or jeans, steak or salad... etc

Time: 15-20 min
In a circle, 1 person in the middle says someone's name. The named person has to
say another person's name before getting tagged by person in middle.Fun way to put
people on the spot with learning names.

Ball Pass:
Time: 20 min
Get the group to stand in a circle. Give 1 person the ball. To start off they need to
make eye contact with the person who they are going to throw the ball to. As they
pass the ball to someone, they have to shout their own name as they throw the
ball. When you have done this a few times, get them to throw the ball and shout out
the person’s name who they were throwing it to. When people are remembering each
other’s names, you can add another ball and have 2 balls going around at once

People to People:
Time: 20-30 min
Pair up in groups of two and stand back to back. Make sure participants introduce
themselves to one another. Then the leader will say different combinations that the
group has to try to get to while staying back to back (right hand to right hand, left
foot to right foot, head to head, right hand to left leg, etc…). The pairs must maintain
all called combination until they switch partners. Once the leader says People to
People they will then go switch partners.
If you have an odd number of participants, the odd person is the leader. Once pairs
switch, the odd person out is the new leader.

Action Game:
Get the group in the circle. One person will start. They have to think of an animal or
action that begins with the first letter of their name . then you have to perform the
action or animal and then song the action you have done and your name .E.G,
Swimming Sam so Sam would act out that she was swimming then says Swimming
Sam. Then it would be the next persons turn so they would be the next persons turn
so they would have to do Sam’s action first. then do their own. Keep going until
everyone has been and it will end up being the last person who has to do
everyone’s actions and say everyone’s names. When you have finished you could
change direction and get them to think about new ones to use

Fact or Fib?:
This is a good activity for determining your students' note-taking abilities. Tell
students that you are going to share some information about yourself. They'll learn
about some of your background, hobbies, and interests from the 60-second oral
"biography" that you will present. Suggest that students take notes; as you speak,
they should record what they think are the most important facts you share. When
you finish your presentation, tell students that you are going to tell five things about
yourself. Four of your statements should tell things that are true and that were part
of your presentation; one of the five statements is a total fib. This activity is most fun
if some of the true facts are some of the most surprising things about you and if the
"fib" sounds like something that could very well be true. Tell students they may refer
to their notes to tell which statement is the fib. Next, invite each student to create a
biography and a list of five statements -- four facts and one fib -- about himself or
herself. Then provide each student a chance to present the 60-second oral
biography and to test the others' note-taking abilities by presenting his or her own
"fact or fib quiz." You can have students do this part of the activity in small groups.

Time: 5min
Participants will stand in a circle and repeat after the facilitator.
The facilitator will start by saying “se se core “then the participants will repeat. Then
“se co re sa “then” asisi sisi manga “. then the facilitator will keep changing his tone
to maintain the energy level.

Who is the leader?:**

Time: 5 min
One participant is left outside while the rest decides on a secret leader to follow his/her
movements. The person comes in again and needs to figure out who the leader is.

Time: 15 min
Everyone sits in a circle. Each player chooses a fruit or vegetable. Player A says their
fruit/veggie, then the player's fruit/vegie that they want to pass it on to... i.e. Player A
says "Strawberry strawberry, broccoli broccoli" player B says "broccoli broccoli, carrot
carrot"... and so on.
What makes this game interesting is that you can't show your teeth at any point (which
you do by pulling your lips over your teeth). If you do happen to show your teeth and
get caught by anyone, you alert the group by screaming "teeth teeth" and flapping
your arms at the player like wings (making sure you don't show your teeth in the
process!). Depending on how you want to play, you can do elimination or points lost
when teeth are shown.
If this gets too easy, get them to grab their tongue or something else to make it harder.


Get all the participants to team up into groups of 3 people to a Team (Forming Triads)
…. you will get many groups of 3s

Get two people in each team to extend their hands outwards and hold each other’s
hands, as you have seen in the clip. This pair is known as the “trees“

Position the third person between this two and he becomes the “squirrel”. The
simple adage, the squirrel found in the trees.

If you have 2 or 1 person left over and are not able to form this group of 3, it is fine
cos they will be the ones shouting out the commands.

When the command “Hunter” is shouted, the squirrels must move out of their trees
move to another tree. As the command is shouted out, the folks who shouted the
command will compete for a space amongst the trees, hence you will have a situation
where 2 more people are caught without a place to go and they can shout out the
command again

When the command “Fire” is shouted, the “trees” must move out of their spot and
move to another squirrel. The “squirrels” must stay where they are when this happens.
As the command is shouted out, the folks who shouted the command will compete for
a space amongst the squirrels, hence you will have a situation where 2 more people
are caught without a place to go and they can shout out the next command and so
forth. Comprehend!!

When the command “Earthquake” is shouted, the “trees” and “squirrels” must move
out of their spot. This where you have a complete pandemonium, where a “tree” can
become a “squirrel” and vice versa. Hey it is an ice breaker, so go easy on the rules;
you need not be strict with it


The Monkey:*
Time: 10min
The facilitator states a category and then starts by saying anything within that
category. Everyone then has to very quickly say something within the category when
it’s their turn and no repeats are allowed. If someone is stuck then they are the
monkey. No one can talk to the monkey or answer his question. The monkey’s aim is
to make someone talk to them for example by asking questions or making a very weird
statement that catches someone’s attention. The person who responds to the monkey
then turns into the monkey. The category is changed every round.

Super Hero Surprise:

Time: 10 min
With whole group, participants pair in the back of each other and they act out one of
3 super heroes; superman, wonder women and batman. Each one has a sign. The
aim of the pair is to act the same superhero (I can better show it to you)
After they finish playing, they introduce themselves to each other while sharing one
piece of information about themselves

Tide’s in/Tide’s Out:

Time: 10 min
Draw a line representing the seashore and ask participants to stand behind the line.
When the facilitator shouts “Tide’s out!”, everyone jumps forwards over the line. When
the leader shouts “Tide’s in!” everyone jumps backwards over the line. If the facilitator
shouts “Tide’s out!” twice in a row, participants who move have to drop out of the

I Let Her Go Go:
Time: 10 min
When the facilitator says walk every participant walks around the room
When the facilitator says stop every one stops and stands still
After a couple of rounds, it gets harder:
You switch between the words so when the facilitator says walk every one stops and
stands still
When the facilitator says stop every one walks around the room

Time: 30 min

Give a leader the sun then give each kid a planet and they need to get around the
sun. If too close, they die.


• Sun
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune

Music: Soft

Morgan freeman narration

Lip Sync Battle:
Participants will be divided into groups; one participant will sing a song with his lips
only without using his voice and his group will try to guess the song. Each song
guessed correctly grants the group 1 point. The group with the most points wins
Songs List:

I’m so fancy

All I do is win – Dj Khaled
I can’t feel my face

Shake it off – Taylor swift

Frozen – Let it go
Ed-sheeran – Shape of you

I believe I can fly

Passenger – Let her go

Bruno mars – uptown mars
Justin Bieber – Baby

Shawn Mendes – Stitches

john legend – all of me
Taylor swift – love story

Bruno mars – Grenade

One direction – what makes you beautiful
Adele- hello

Marron 5 – Sugar

Bon jovi – it’s my life

Shout It Out:
Time: 5 min


The team leader will shout a phrase and the participants will repeat.

• I say bacon you say beef

• I say foxy you say penguin
• I say egg you say omelet
• I say Sol you say Academy
• I say super you say star

“Purr” And “Pukutu” :(9-12 years)
Time: 5 min


Ask everyone to imagine two birds. One named “purr” and the other named “Pukutu”.
If you call out “purr”, the participants need to stand on their toes and move their elbows
out sideways. When you call out “Pukutu”, the participants have to stay still and may
not move. If a participant moves, he/she is disqualified. This participant may distract
the other participants

Horse Race:
Time: 7-10 min


We are in a horse race, participants are jockeys on horses and the facilitator is the
commentator. They are racing around the track and thus, there are certain moves
they need to follow/do. Actions: trot (clapping hands on knees), jump fence, racing
around the corner, sharp corners and gallop (faster than trotting)

Name That Tune:


Someone sings/ recites 2 Lines of a song and the rest have to guess it. If requested
the player can give few other hints or lines.

Last Letter:

A Category will be picked and then the first person says something within the category
for example “girls names”. The next person will have to say something within the
category that starts with the last letter of the previous answer.

The Green Glass Door:
Time: 10 min


The facilitator instructs that there is something called the green glass door, and only
certain objects (and possibly actions) are allowed inside of it. Give them a few
examples like these: you can have a hammer but no nails; you can have a spoon but
no fork; books but no words; trees but no leaves; apples but no oranges; moon but no
sun; glasses but no eyes; feet but no toes; etc. Try to get the players to come up with
objects that go inside and respond with "yes" or "no." (The secret rule is that only
words with a double letter are allowed.) If they don't understand the pattern at all and
are terribly frustrated at this seemingly illogical place, you can give them a hint along
the lines of "look at the letters," or "what do 'green,' 'glass,' and 'room' have in

Jump In/Out:
Time: 5-7 min
Participants will be standing in groups. Facilitator would shout out jump in and then
jump out, they have to do what is said. Repeat for a couple of times. Then facilitator
shouts jump right jump left, they have to do the same. After a couple of round mixing
both, the facilitator changes the rule, now they have to do the opposite of what is said.
Example: Jump in would be jump out and jump right would be jump left.
Scoring method: the group with the fewer wrong moves wins.

Number Six:
With this one you need to be very short in your instructions as you cannot make it
relevant unless you are teaching about the number 6. However, it will keep even the
most reluctant participant amused but not until the very end.

• Stand up
• Raise your right foot
• Draw a circle with you foot anti clockwise (pause and let them practise and
find their balance)
• Lift your right arm in the air with your index finger pointing out
• Draw with your finger, the number six, starting from the inside up (this is
opposite to how most people write the number 6)
• Keep circling that foot anti clockwise

Creeping Closer:

Select one person from the group to be the captain. The captain has to stand on one
side of the room, facing the hall.

The rest of the players have to stand on one limb, touching the opposite wall. The
objective of the game is to touch the captain.

The players can move freely, but have to maintain complete silence. If the captain
turns around, the players have to freeze still. If the captain catches anyone moving,
then the whole team will have to return to the starting position.

You can even split the group into two teams who have to compete to touch the captain
first. Or let each participant touch the captain individually. If he is caught, he can return
to the start, but the other players will stay where they are.

It is one of the excellent team building exercises for teens, as everyone has to work
together and communicate effectively.

Spot the Difference:


Divide the teens into two groups:

Make the first group stand, facing the second group. The second team has to set an
amount of time to look at the appearance of the opposing team.

Once the time is up, the second group has to leave the room and change ten things
about them. The things must be noticeable. They cannot change things that are out
of view.

When the second group returns, the first team has to observe and write down the
changes. You set an amount of time for noting down the chances.

Now swap the roles of the group and continue with the game.

The game will improve focusing ability in children.


Paper and Pen

Drop the Ball:

The game is best for small groups.

Give each group 12 straws and 18 inches of masking tape.

Give the kids ten minutes to build a container that can catch a golf ball dropped from
a height of ten feet. Let the player select the ‘ball dropper’.

The ‘ball dropper’ has to stand on a chair, holding the golf ball at the eye level. The
group leader or player will place the container on the ground where he thinks the ball
will land. Give each team three to five attempts.

The group that can get the ball in the container the most times will be the winner.

The game will encourage healthy competition and cooperation.


Gold Balls, Tape, Straws

Cups and Downs:


1. Place the cups in the middle of the room. Half should be upside down, and the
other half should be right up.

2. Divide the teens into two teams and name one team ‘up’ and other ‘down’.

3. The ‘up’ team has to turn the right way cups down, and the ‘down’ team has the
flip the upside down cups. Assign a specific time to complete the task.

4. After the allotted time gets over, count the cups.

The team that has the most up turned cups will be the winner.


20 or more cups

Sugar & Salt:

Gather the participants in a circle at the end of the day. Tell the participants that they
should come up with a salt pack and sugar pack for the day or the activity they just
completed. An salt is a part of the day or activity that they did not enjoy, something
they disapproved, or an experience they did not particularly like. A sugar is a positive
experience, such as a something they liked about the day, a specific act of teamwork
they observed, a compliment for someone else, or other positive comment. It’s best
to start the debrief with the salt so each participant can end on a positive note.

Blindfold Maze:

Blindfolded participants are given a route by their partners, and then tasked with
retracing their steps without any instruction to try and end up as close to the start point
as possible.

Blind Retriever:

In this fun and challenging blindfold activity, the group is split into smaller sub-teams
and must compete against each other to try and retrieve an object. One person is
blindfolded in each team and directed by their team-mates using simple commands
to try and find the object before the other

Human Shapes:

Working together as a team, the groups have to use their bodies to form letters and
words. The fastest group to form a certain scene/thing narrated by a leader wins.


One Two Ping Four Pong:


The participant will stand in a circle. The students decide upon a direction to follow
(clockwise or counter-clockwise). Someone starts by saying any positive number
which is not multiple of 3 or 5. The next person mentally increments the number by
one, then:

If the number is not multiple of 3 or 5, he says the number;

If the number is multiple of 3, he says ping and claps

If the number is multiple of 5, he says pong and jumps!

The one who makes a mistake gets out and the game continues.

Counting Circle:

All the students stand in a wide circle blind folded without seeing who's on their sides,
students must begin counting together from 1 to 50 (considering that they are 45-50
in total). The trick is that one of them can make a mistake by counting before his turn
considering that he felt the voice approaching, and thought it was his turn while
someone on his right still didn't have his turn yet. If this happens, they restart again
counting from 1. When it get interesting, they will count the second round till 100
(which means two cycles).

1 2 3 or Clap Up:

Caterpillar Activity:

Apple, Banana, Orange:


The participants will stand in a circle facing each other with their hands on each other’s
back. The facilitator will say apple they have to jump forward and when he says
banana they have to jump backward and when he says orang they have to jump an
turn to the other side. The facilitator has to keep changing in the order and in the


Fun Activities
Time: 15 min


Divide the participants into two teams, give the participants numbers to each team
and they have to be equal. The facilitator holds a “tissue paper” and call out two
random numbers. The first to take the tissue is the winner.


Tissue paper.

Sayadeen El Samak:*
Two leaders stand on side of the room and the other at the other side and all the
participants are at the middle. The goal is to service the time before it ends inside
without being hit by the ball. If a ball it caught one of the players that are out gets to
come inside.


Tamaseel Eskendereya:*
Time: 10-15 min
When you hear the music, the participants dance and when it’s over, they freeze. If
caught moving, they lose and when they freeze they have to get creative

Simon Says:*
This traditional favorite will never get old. To start, choose one player (probably a
parent for the first round) to be Simon. The rest of the players will gather in a circle or
line in front of Simon as he calls out actions starting with the phrase “Simon says”:
“Simon says…touch your toes.” The players then have to copy Simon’s action,
touching their toes. If Simon calls out an action without uttering the phrase “Simon
says,” the kids must not do the action. If a child touches his toes when Simon didn’t
say…, he or she is out of the game. There are lots of great ways Simon can trick
players into doing actions when Simon didn’t say: Simon can perform an action
without uttering a command, for example, or he can perform an action that doesn’t
correspond with the command. Fun! The last player left in the game wins and
becomes the next Simon.

Hot Potato:

This game will have everyone giggling. Ask the kids to sit on the floor in a circle. Turn
on some tunes and have them pass the potato (a bean bag or soft ball) around the
circle as fast as they can. When the music stops, the player holding the potato leaves
the circle. Keep going until only one player is left and wins the game.

What Is That?:
Different cups containing different items (salt, pepper, hot sauce, cooking oil, baking
powder, vanilla, water…etc.) Participants take turn blindfolded and tasting and
guessing the item.
salt, pepper, hot sauce, cooking oil, baking powder, vanilla, water
40 plastic cups

Duck Duck Goose:
Time: 10-15 min

All the participants sit in a circle, and one person passes each person saying duck,
then randomly selects a person saying goose, the goal of the game is to sit at the
place of selected person without touching him/ her.

Who Will Win A 7alawa? (Who will be a millionaire?):

Time: 10-15 min


All participants’ names in a bowel, selected names will come out for the first selection
phase. One will remain and will have questions and answers related to SOL Academy.

Sweets, bowel, prepare questions

Quick Switch Chasey:

Time: 15 min
Usually played in a hall, this game requires 2 even teams. 1 team kneels down in a
line through the middle of the room, ensuring there is plenty of space for people to run
around them. They must kneel in a pattern of 1 player facing one way, then the next
facing the other way.

The other team needs to run around the group of players in the middle. 1 player from
the kneeling team is chosen to be "it". They must chase the other team around - if
they tag a player, that player then sits out. At any stage, the "it" player may touch a
kneeling player on the back and swap with them. The kneeling player must go out the
way they are facing and the "it" player must touch them from behind.

Four Corners:
Time: 15 min

1. You'll need to play in a room with four corners,

2. Each corner must be labeled with a number, from 1-4.

3. The person who is blindfolded (preferably some type of facilitator) will go into the
middle of the room and begin counting to ten. All of the other players must scramble
for one of the four corners. If anybody cannot make it to a corner in time, they must
be eliminated for the round.

4. When the countdown is done, the facilitator will yell out a number between 1 and 4
Anybody in the corner of that number is eliminated for the round.

5. This pattern goes on until there is only one other person standing. They win!


Blind fold

Time: 30 min


Now the group decides on a "problem;" explained: Everybody is the person to their
left, or has green socks on, or everybody on one half of the room is one person and
everybody else is another; there are hundreds of variations - be creative!
Once a "problem" has been determined, have the selected person come back in the
room. Now, he/she has to stand in the middle of the circle and go around, in any order
they want, and ask people yes/no questions. Popular questions include:

"Are you a guy or a girl?"

"Are you wearing a sweatshirt?"
"Do you have brown hair?"
"Are you wearing socks?"
And endless numbers of questions of course.

People who are asked the questions have to answer them, keeping their "problem" in
mind. For example, if everybody is the person to the left, and I am a blond girl but a
red-headed guy is sitting to my left, I have to answer like I am the guy to my left. So,
if the "It" person asks me "Do you have red hair?" I'd answer "Yes." If the "It" person
asks if I am a guy, I'd say "Yes!" This can be pretty funny at times!
Now, let's say someone answers incorrectly? Anyone who realizes that person has
answered wrongly now yells "Psychiatrist!!" At this call, everybody gets up and moves
to another place. But their "problems" now apply to the way the room is situated - if I
am the person two to the right, I am now whoever is newly the person two to the right.
The point of this is for the "It" person to figure out the group's "problem." Once he/she
has, the last person to answer a question goes out of the room and is "It." (Or whoever
the group decides on to be "It")

I-spy/ ‫أنا شايف‬:

One person picks something in the bus or road that they can see and says a piece
of information about it. For example, “I spy something that can be eaten”, or “ ‫انا شايف‬
‫“ )حاجه بتبدأ بحرف ال(ح‬and if requested he/she can give more than one hint. That thing
has to be something the player can see in the bus or on the road. The rest of the
group have to guess it. The first person to guess that thing correctly is the one who
will spy next.


A piñata will be hung; a person gets blindfolded and has 3 chances to break the


3 piñatas

Time: 15 min


A group of 15 people all need to stand on a small carpet. The objective is for
everyone to be inside. After they’re all standing, fold the carpet in half and ask them
to stand on it too. Keep folding it until it’s the smallest possible.


2 Carpets

Time: 15 min

A classic twister game


Twister board

Face Painting:

Participants have the option of getting their face drawn


Face paint, paint brushes

Pin the Wart on the Witch:

Time: 30 min


There’s a picture of a witch set up with a missing piece. A person is blindfolded and
is given the missing piece and needs to pin it correctly.


A drawing of a witch, a missing piece of the picture tied to a pin and a blindfold

Scary story telling:


A flashlight goes around and they tell scary stories

Materials: Flashlight

Screaming Contest:

Participants go to the screaming station and they need to take the scariest selfie to


Black background and camera stand and camera

Create Your Own Spell:

Time: 30 min


Different drinks and candy are laid out, they need to create the perfect “spell” in the
form of a combination of ingredients. Judging panel chooses the best drink/spell


Different drinks – orange juice, apple juice, cocktail, 7 up, coke, jelly beans, oreos,
candy in general, etc.

Find the Candy:


Lots of balloons will be all around, some contain candies inside. They need to find
the ones with the candy


Balloons filled with candy and many others with no candy

Guess That:
Time: 15 min


Many drinks will be laid out – some normal and some weird – and will be blindfolded
and they need to guess what is in what drink by taste


Different drinks laid out – soft drinks, vinegar, lemon juice, milk, rayeb, 3aseer
roman, mix moz, etc.

Who’s the Best Mummy:

Time: 30 min


They’re given toilet paper roll and half a cup of water. Who’ll create the best


At least 30 toilet paper rolls, filled water bottles

Freeze Frame:

Based on the party game of musical statues. Invite the partesepents to quietly move
around the room and await your instructions. As they are walking the leader calls out
the name of a sport, for example, golf, soccer, rugby, swimming, parachuting, polo,
basketball, horse racing etc. When they hear the name they must stop immediately
and hold a still ‘freeze frame’ illustrating or acting out the sport.
Take a photo of the most life-like or descriptive ‘freeze frame’ in each round for
future display :-) You can play variations to the game by shouting out emotions, job
titles or even animals

Ha, Ha:

Begin by having all the players sit in a circle. Tell all of the players they have to
remain as solemn and serious as they can throughout the game. Pick one player to
start the game, saying “Ha” once. The player standing next to him says the word
“Ha” twice. Following this pattern, the third player says “Ha” three times.

Team Building
Build a Country:**
Time: 35-40 min
Participants will be divided into max. 5 teams. They will each receive different colored
paper (flags) and choose a name for their country and write it on it).
Each Team will build a country that contains important institutions. Each team will
choose which institution to start with and start working to get enough money to build
it. There will be 5 Stations where you can earn money.
Once completing the task at the station, the team gets an amount of money. They
keep saving until they can afford to add institutions to their country. The bank can
sometimes close, or increase prices of a certain building, or have a sale.
Each team will rotate around the 5 stations. They won’t divide and conquer.
The institutions will be hung up on the window by the bank. Once a certain building
has been sold, it will be marked “SOLD to team X”
Group decision making, Goal setting and planning, Prioritizing, Familiarization with
important institutions in their country and its roles, Teamwork
Serious, intense and adventurous
Print the attached file X4
Monopoly Money made using scrap paper and markers (5, 10, 20 mil)
2 Jumping Ropes
Printed pictures of institutions
Glue tag to hang pictures on wall/window
5 different colors of paper (2 copies of each color=10 total)

Station 1: Math Mania
Team members will be given 3 math problems per visit. They have to work it out
mentally without using their phones/calculators/paper. They will receive 10 amounts
of money after the 3 problems.
Station 2: Workouts
Each X number of workouts will have a corresponding Y amount of money in return.
The team can divide the number of workouts among themselves.
Station 3: So you think you’re funny?
Each team will have to come up with a stand up to make a TL laugh
Station 4: Act it out
A selected candidate will have 1:00 min to Act the card given to him/her.
Station 5: Tongue Twisters
One Team member will have to look at a sentence for 30 sec and say it 5 times as
fast as possible.
Central Bank: a TL will be responsible for managing the buildings
Reflection Questions:
1. When you were doing this activity, what did you need to do at first?
2. How were you able to build your country?
3. What were some institutions you had to buy?
4. Was there an institution that was more important to build first?
Wrap up: As citizens of this country, we need to be familiar with how it is run and how
it is organized. It is our role as citizens to see the full picture of what makes up our
country to be able to help it.

Station 1:
Each 3 problems solved = 10 mil

Station 2:
WORKOUTS (each workout for 5 mil)
• 10 push-ups
• 5 burpees
• 20 jumping jacks
• 20 jump ropes
• 10 squats

WORKOUTS (each workout for 10mil):

• 25 push-ups
• 7 burpees
• 45 jumping jacks
• 35 jump ropes
• 15 squats

WORKOUTS (each workout for 20 mil):

• 50 push-ups
• 14 burpees
• 70 jumping jacks
• 70 jump ropes
• 30 squats

Station 3:
So you think you’re funny?
Try to make the TL laugh
30 mil

Station 4:
ACT IT OUT:( Every 5 = 10 Mil)
1. Marriage
2. Firefighter
3. Judge
4. Pilot
5. Soldier
6. Ninja
7. Giraffe
8. Mosquito
9. Monkey
10. Hippo
11. Mirror
12. Tea pot
13. The Matrix (movie)
14. X-men
15. The Avengers
16. James Bond: Skyfall
17. Kung Fu Panda
18. Ghostbusters (movie)
19. 2 Guns (Movie)
20. Iron Man (Movie)
21. The Wolverine (movie)
22. The Lion King (movie)
23. Inside Out (movie)
24. La La Land (movie)
25. Doctor Strange (movie)
26. Jaws (movie)
27. Inception (movie)
28. The Wizard of Oz (movie)
29. Titanic(Movie)
30. Skydiving (Action)
31. Skiing (Action)
32. Tennis
33. Basketball
34. Soccer
35. Mission Impossible
36. The Walking Dead (tv show)
37. Mr Robot (tv show)
38. Mad Men (tv show)
39. “It’s raining men” (song)
40. “Fly me to the moon” (song)
41. “Eye of the tiger” (song)
42. “Chandelier” (song)

Station 5: TONGUE TWISTERS: (1 Sentence*5 Times* = 5 Mil)

1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
2. Good blood, bad blood
3. Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better
4. ‫خيط حرير على حيط خليل‬
5. ‫حسام حسب حساب حسن‬
6. ‫ليرا ورا ليرة‬
7. ‫حــوش خمـيـس خــوش حــوش‬


2. ‫وزارة‬
3. ‫الجيش‬
4. ‫كنيسة‬
5. ‫جامع‬
6. ‫مبني األذاعة و التلفزيون‬
7. ‫مركز نووي‬
8. ‫األوبرا‬
9. ‫برج عجوزة الماْئل‬
10.‫نافورة ترافي‬
11.‫برج نفيسة‬
12.‫متحف الهانوفر‬

‫وزارة الصحة ‪1.‬‬
‫وزارة الداخلية ‪2.‬‬
‫وزارة الخارجية ‪3.‬‬
‫وزارة التعليم ‪4.‬‬
‫األزهر ‪5.‬‬
‫كنيسة ‪6.‬‬
‫وزارة النقل ‪7.‬‬
‫‪8. Infrastructure‬‬
‫وزارة الثقافة ‪9.‬‬
‫‪10.‬‬ ‫وزارة السياحة‬
‫‪11.‬‬ ‫مبني األذاعة و التلفزيون‬
‫‪12.‬‬ ‫القوات المسلحة‬
‫‪13.‬‬ ‫وزارة االستثمار‬
‫‪14.‬‬ ‫البنك المركزى‬


Goal Setting, Creativity, Social Intelligence


A murder case has happened, one of the team leaders is murdered. It is now up to
the participants to work as detectives to solve this murder case and catch the

Participants will be shown a video of the victim’s last visits to the suspects a week
before the murder. Then the participants will be divided into groups and will have 6
stations, after completing each station they will get to ask the suspects a question and
try to collect clues to know who the murderer is! Once they figure out who the murderer
is they go to facilitator (Head of Detectives) to know whether their conclusion is
correct. The first team to know who the real murderer is correctly wins.
Team Leaders MUST prepare a video of the victims last visits to the suspects


1. Victim
2. Doctor
3. Psychologist
4. Friend
5. Door Man
6. Wife
7. Son/Daughter
Note to Team Leaders:

• The roles will be played by Team Leaders

• The suspects will be facilitating the stations.
• Leaders CANNOT answer the following questions:
1. Are you the killer/kidnapper?
2. What did you do in the video?
• Give ambiguous and short answers


1. Magic cane

2 TLs will hold a broom, and let it drop. The participant needs to catch it before it falls.
2. Name the country/Planet
TL need to point at a country and the participants need to guess the name of that

3. Orders

TL will ask the Team to do something together…it can range from having a weird
request (Red Sock) to making a word with their bodies

4. Spin and shoot

Each Participant will have to do 20 spins and try to shoot the ball into the bucket on
the floor

N.B: Please be careful as some of them will be very dizzy and fall (Add buzz on the

5. Impress me/ Make me laugh

You have to make the TL laugh

6. Take a stand
All team needs to stand in a small square.


Time of the murder

Weapon of the murder


2 Broom sticks

A Map with no countries on it

2 Baskets

2 New Tape rolls

A Pepsi bottles plastic holder

All small balls


1. Lab Coat /stethoscope

2. Glasses/notes/ Pen / Prepy
3. Casual clothes

4. Galabeya

5. Pjs/Aprin

6. Cap / Game Controller/Ripped jeans

Music: Intense

Suspects relation to the victim:

1. The Doctor have been treating the victim for a serious injury for months and
after having no actual result the victim is always angry and mad so he puts him
under a drug that made have a blurry vision and pass out.
2. Psychologist, because of the victim’s injury he had to go get over his trauma,
but he’s always treating his doctor badly so he hypnotizes him and make him
spill all his secrets

3. Friend, always loving and caring and the victim always like to hang out with
him/her. They argue all the time and give each other angry looks but that’s okay
cause they always make up for it by sharing gifts

4. Door man, always says hi in the morning without looking or caring to notice the
person who cleans his car
5. Wife loves the victim and cares a big deal for him, however they fight because
of stuff the victim does in the house that irritates her

6. Son/Daughter, the basic, don’t go out and don’t stay late don’t drink this don’t
eat that. do your homework. Doesn’t pay much attention for their achievements.

Script for the video:

(The next story happens on a week’s spam)

SCENE 1: Monday
The Victim wakes up, gets dressed, says hi to his wife and kids kisses on their
Victim in a sleepy voice
Good morning honey
Wife *meh*
Good morning sweetheart
can you make breakfast I’m really hungry
Wife *angrily*
The victim gets dressed
Good morning Kids *Kiss on the forehead*
good morning dad * while kids resisting him*

The victim grabs his breakfast and leaves

SCENE 2: Tuesday
After a day at the office the victim decides to go to his Doctor
Good evening, what seems to be the problem?
Well, I’ve been feeling this pain I told you about even though I’m taking my
medication. *Slightly angry*
Well let me take a look
Doctor looks at the victim’s place of injury and presses where it hurts
WHAT ARE YOU DOING? *Says Angrily*
I’m sorry *Not even sorry*
Doctor writes a prescription
Take this, it will help
The victim snaps it out of his hand with and angry look and leaves angrily
The victim buys the medication and takes it during a meal

SCENE 3: Wednesday
The victim meets up with a friend for a chat
you won’t believe what the doctor did yesterday. this guy is pushing it
yeah, I know how doctors tend to get
pff, you don’t even know the half of it * Condescending*
well, I actually do, you know this one time…
Gets interrupted by the victim
Anyway, we need to order the check I gotta go now

Friend looks angrily at the victim while he signals the waiter for the check

SCENE 4: Thursday
The victim gets back home and no one greets him, so he goes to check on the kid

heyy my baby, how was your day today?
did you finish your homework?
why not?
I got busy doing other stuff
What stuff, you know how important your education is, and you that you ……
The kid loses interest half-way and starts having an internal dialogue
Kid thinks to himself
my god! Every time the only thing he talks about is my homework, I’m tired of this I
need a break…I wonder what my life would be like without him? *Fades in*
and that’s why it’s important, HEY, were you listening
yes, dad, yes *with a sneaky look*
are you okay?

I’m not but I will be soon *gives his dad an angry look*
ok good night
The victim gets up and leaves.

The victim was entering his house
‫سالم عليكم يا استاذ‬
The victim doesn’t answer

The victim was leaving his house

The Doorman
‫صباح الفل يا استاذ‬
The victim doesn’t answer again

SCENE 6: Friday
The victim visits the psychologist for his weekly session:

Hello, how are we doing today
I am awesome
Oh really, Tell me more
well my wife and kids are in good health, my wife adores me and so my kids, my
friends love me. Even my doorman Loves me. I mean can life get any better?
that’s great *with an evil-ish grin*
I know, my life is great man, anyone would wish for what I have

Psychologist gets his pendulum out and start to hypnotize the

let’s try something to make your life even better
what….whaaa……..*Goes to sleep *
The victim spills his secrets

SCENE 7: Saturday (The murder)
Foggy scene of a person using a knife/rope to kill the victim while he’s asleep alone
on the bed at home
Then him on the floor and all the suspects around him.

Police investigators ask for the Participant’s help to solve this case!!

Time: 1.5 hour
Each TL will be reenacting a villain. Every 45 min the Clues becomes useless. There
will be an instruction guide that will be in a foreign language. In order to understand
you need to look at the given dictionary. Polish, Spanish, Danish.


Printed Clues

Dictionary in 3 languages
Instruction Guide

Ascii Table

6 Envelopes

Candle stamp

Music: Intense

How will the game go:

1. Participants will be divided into 4 groups
2. The facilitator will start by explaining that a country will be firing a rocket at Egypt
but we don’t know the coordinates of that country so, the participant must help
the president (one of the TLs) to find the coordinates
3. Each group will receive one of the 4 files listed below printed with a paper printed
on it the Ascii table
4. The participants will try to solve the paper but everything on it is just diversion
they have to look at the number and translate it into letters using the Ascii table
but it will give them unordered letters and they must order it to give them a
5. After solving the paper, they go to the facilitator and give him the name of the
country and the file
6. Upon confirming that they solved it right, the facilitator gives them an envelope
containing one of the 4 spy profiles based on the country that the participants
came up with after solving the first clue

7. After solving the 2nd clue and catching the spy, they will take the spy to the
facilitator and the facilitator will give them the 3rd envelope
8. The letter will be in a foreign language so the participants must translate it using
the dictionaries listed below
9. The letter contains numbers, the participants will put the numbers and the
periods in the same order and they will get the coordinates
10. The first team to get the right coordinates wins
Note to the Team Leaders:

• All TL will play the game just like any other. Only the spies will have more than
one role.
• The spies will stall when they get caught as spies to make it more interesting.
• The 1st envelope should take no more than 30-35 minutes, 2nd envelope 10-15
min Maximum, 3rd envelope 15+ minutes
• If by any chance any team is lacking behind or speeding ahead of time, please
help balance the process
• Each team will have different numbers in their 1st file that will lead them to
different countries
• The 2nd envelop (spy profile) must be given according to the name of the country
that the participants got from the first envelope
• Each spy will have a different envelope with a different coordinate so the four
coordinates are right
• To make it easier for the younger group separate the numbers in the first
envelope by dashes (-) to let them know that they are different letters
• You SHOULDN’T give the participants any hints unless they are really behind
and they need this hint or it is too hard for them
• Participants can ONLY translate the 3rd envelope using the dictionaries below

1. Teamwork: did you feel like you're a part of a team?

2. Communication: Were you able to communicate everything you wanted to
3. Leadership: who was the leader?
4. What role did you play: Helper, leader, communicator an observer, do you
usually take that role in your life?
5. Do you like it? do you want a different one?
6. What kind of challenges did you face?

Group 1’s 1st envelope(Croatia):

This is a list of everything you will need:

Slh fsjd nfj sdnacmnsdaf jklnasdjkfnsdjkfnjksdnf jasfjknshdjfhjsdf
sdjhfjsdhjkfbasdjbfjaebfsdjh 108 jdasjfb sdjkbfj asdbjkfasdjkfsdjkl
sdjdhfjsdhfjakhsdj [tkshfas dh’’fasdhfhsd d klasfnjsdf .sdf sda
fbhasdbfsdbfasdf. F asdgfjdjgk Please follow these instructions to
solve the code. First dklas adsfsaf adf sdfa sdaf dsaf gsafg sd
nmvcbnmxvbioeritupierou jdfskglsngn,.dfgs/rgsg.dfgsdfhgsd fjk
g sdjhfjkahasdjkfhjk sdkla fhjksh jk hjdshjafhsdjfhe uiwghlfdb
vfjkgherabjvuifddf Second:: ajksdbjk asjkd sdfjklbas sfjnsa asfjk
ghdfjbvndrbgvjhbfdvuhkerjv sdj sda jkasdfjk bsdjkb jkasbjkf bsdjkabf
jklbd klasb fjasdb jbas and last make sure you sdjkahf asdfjkb sadfjkl
djkl all you will need is ;bjasdb jklasdb jkbsdjklfb uwerweor
euwbuobufdasbj fbasdj hfasdjh jhsda bfhasdbfjhsdbfh bgfuiwe
rgblsjbf weuitpiyitowehrpiBFD s asdasd asd sdfa sadfs df sda sad fs
? x Ω
asdjk asjkd ajk What does Vevian has that Veronica doesn’t? dasd as
asjsnafjkl sd sdfbjsdbfjksd sdf fsdknfjksdnkj n jsdnfjkasdbfjkd sjk
Snakes’ favorite word ? asjknd asdjk askld dklfbg sldfj ;asjd fl jksdaf
, asdfjklasdfj sdjkfkasdbn c 10890184612156108sdhfjklas blasd fkls
jklsadf jklsjkldaf nasjkhf sdjklfh iu ihrgn g fg dfg dgh k gh sdf vdas
gdfg kfgk ghbf z sdv zx bxd fgj gh kdgy hf dvc d vfd b

A 54 J 66 S 2
B 24 K 34 T 78
C 3 L 48 U 32
D 4 M 76 V 1
E 5 N 8 W 440
F 26 O 92 X 236
G 122 P 12 Y 242
H 38 Q 23 Z 228
I 45 R 6
Team 2 1st envelope (Costa Rica):

This is a list of everything you will need:

Slh fsjd nfj sdnacmnsdaf jklnasdjkfnsdjkfnjksdnf jasfjknshdjfhjsdf
sdjhfjsdhjkfbasdjbfjaebfsdjh 108 jdasjfb sdjkbfj asdbjkfasdjkfsdjkl
sdjdhfjsdhfjakhsdj [tkshfas dh’’fasdhfhsd d klasfnjsdf .sdf sda
fbhasdbfsdbfasdf. F asdgfjdjgk Please follow these instructions to
solve the code. First dklas adsfsaf adf sdfa sdaf dsaf gsafg sd
nmvcbnmxvbioeritupierou jdfskglsngn,.dfgs/rgsg.dfgsdfhgsd fjk
g sdjhfjkahasdjkfhjk sdkla fhjksh jk hjdshjafhsdjfhe uiwghlfdb
vfjkgherabjvuifddf Second:: ajksdbjk asjkd sdfjklbas sfjnsa asfjk
ghdfjbvndrbgvjhbfdvuhkerjv sdj sda jkasdfjk bsdjkb jkasbjkf bsdjkabf
jklbd klasb fjasdb jbas and last make sure you sdjkahf asdfjkb sadfjkl
djkl all you will need is ;bjasdb jklasdb jkbsdjklfb uwerweor
euwbuobufdasbj fbasdj hfasdjh jhsda bfhasdbfjhsdbfh bgfuiwe
rgblsjbf weuitpiyitowehrpiBFD s asdasd asd sdfa sadfs df sda sad fs
? x Ω
asdjk asjkd ajk What does Vevian has that Veronica doesn’t? dasd as
asjsnafjkl sd sdfbjsdbfjksd sdf fsdknfjksdnkj n jsdnfjkasdbfjkd sjk
Snakes’ favorite word ? asjknd asdjk askld dklfbg sldfj ;asjd fl jksdaf
, asdfjklasdfj sdjkfkasdbn c 18415641086-12906108sdhfjklas blasd
fkls jklsadf jklsjkldaf nasjkhf sdjklfh iu ihrgn g fg dfg dgh k gh sdf vdas
gdfg kfgk ghbf z sdv zx bxd fgj gh kdgy hf dvc d vfd b
A 54 J 66 S 2
B 24 K 34 T 78
C 3 L 48 U 32
D 4 M 76 V 1
E 5 N 8 W 440
F 26 O 92 X 236
G 122 P 12 Y 242
H 38 Q 23 Z 228
I 45 R 6
Team 3 1st envelope (Finland):

This is a list of everything you will need:

Slh fsjd nfj sdnacmnsdaf jklnasdjkfnsdjkfnjksdnf jasfjknshdjfhjsdf
sdjhfjsdhjkfbasdjbfjaebfsdjh 108 jdasjfb sdjkbfj asdbjkfasdjkfsdjkl
sdjdhfjsdhfjakhsdj [tkshfas dh’’fasdhfhsd d klasfnjsdf .sdf sda
fbhasdbfsdbfasdf. F asdgfjdjgk Please follow these instructions to
solve the code. First dklas adsfsaf adf sdfa sdaf dsaf gsafg sd
nmvcbnmxvbioeritupierou jdfskglsngn,.dfgs/rgsg.dfgsdfhgsd fjk
g sdjhfjkahasdjkfhjk sdkla fhjksh jk hjdshjafhsdjfhe uiwghlfdb
vfjkgherabjvuifddf Second:: ajksdbjk asjkd sdfjklbas sfjnsa asfjk
ghdfjbvndrbgvjhbfdvuhkerjv sdj sda jkasdfjk bsdjkb jkasbjkf bsdjkabf
jklbd klasb fjasdb jbas and last make sure you sdjkahf asdfjkb sadfjkl
djkl all you will need is ;bjasdb jklasdb jkbsdjklfb uwerweor
euwbuobufdasbj fbasdj hfasdjh jhsda bfhasdbfjhsdbfh bgfuiwe
rgblsjbf weuitpiyitowehrpiBFD s asdasd asd sdfa sadfs df sda sad fs
? x Ω
asdjk asjkd ajk What does Vevian has that Veronica doesn’t? dasd as
asjsnafjkl sd sdfbjsdbfjksd sdf fsdknfjksdnkj n jsdnfjkasdbfjkd sjk
Snakes’ favorite word ? asjknd asdjk askld dklfbg sldfj ;asjd fl jksdaf
, asdfjklasdfj sdjkfkasdbn c 85216169610890sdhfjklas blasd fkls
jklsadf jklsjkldaf nasjkhf sdjklfh iu ihrgn g fg dfg dgh k gh sdf vdas
gdfg kfgk ghbf z sdv zx bxd fgj gh kdgy hf dvc d vfd b

A 54 J 66 S 2
B 24 K 34 T 78
C 3 L 48 U 32
D 4 M 76 V 1
E 5 N 8 W 440
F 26 O 92 X 236
G 122 P 12 Y 242
H 38 Q 23 Z 228
I 45 R 6
Team 4 1st envelope (Nigeria):

This is a list of everything you will need:

Slh fsjd nfj sdnacmnsdaf jklnasdjkfnsdjkfnjksdnf jasfjknshdjfhjsdf
sdjhfjsdhjkfbasdjbfjaebfsdjh 108 jdasjfb sdjkbfj asdbjkfasdjkfsdjkl
sdjdhfjsdhfjakhsdj [tkshfas dh’’fasdhfhsd d klasfnjsdf .sdf sda
fbhasdbfsdbfasdf. F asdgfjdjgk Please follow these instructions to
solve the code. First dklas adsfsaf adf sdfa sdaf dsaf gsafg sd
nmvcbnmxvbioeritupierou jdfskglsngn,.dfgs/rgsg.dfgsdfhgsd fjk
g sdjhfjkahasdjkfhjk sdkla fhjksh jk hjdshjafhsdjfhe uiwghlfdb
vfjkgherabjvuifddf Second:: ajksdbjk asjkd sdfjklbas sfjnsa asfjk
ghdfjbvndrbgvjhbfdvuhkerjv sdj sda jkasdfjk bsdjkb jkasbjkf bsdjkabf
jklbd klasb fjasdb jbas and last make sure you sdjkahf asdfjkb sadfjkl
djkl all you will need is ;bjasdb jklasdb jkbsdjklfb uwerweor
euwbuobufdasbj fbasdj hfasdjh jhsda bfhasdbfjhsdbfh bgfuiwe
rgblsjbf weuitpiyitowehrpiBFD s asdasd asd sdfa sadfs df sda sad fs
? x Ω
FJAJOIE;LKJHGFDDuring the interrogation the suspect suggested
to go with so he doesn’t blow his cover asd asd
asjkd ajk What does Vevian has that Veronica doesn’t? dasd as
asjsnafjkl sd sdfbjsdbfjksd sdf fsdknfjksdnkj d sjk Snakes’ favorite
word ? asjknd asdjk askld dklfbg sldfj ;asjd fl jksdaf
, asdfjklasdfj sdjkfkasdbn c 1081690901224410blasd fkls jklsadf
jklsjkldaf nasjkhf sdjklfh iu ihrgn g fg dfg dgh k gh sdf vdas gdfg
kfgk ghbf z sdv zx bxd fgj gh kdgy hf dvc d vfd b

A 54 J 66 S 2
B 24 K 34 T 78
C 3 L 48 U 32
D 4 M 76 V 1
E 5 N 8 W 440
F 26 O 92 X 236
G 122 P 12 Y 242
H 38 Q 23 Z 228
I 45 R 6
Team 1 2nd envelope(Croatia):

Croatian Spy
* Wanted by 4 Countries


- Best Sniper to perform
Stationed in Costa Rica — Sniper on dry land
- Explosive expert
July 1994 - 2000 - Good with Stealth

Stationed in Nigeria — Black-ops

July 2000 - July 2005 AWARDS

Stationed in Finland— Operation Desert - 5 medals of Honor

Storm - 3 Purple Heart Medals
June 2005- June 2010 - Military Merit
- Militia Medal
Stationed in Croatia— Team Leader - Legion of Merit
July 2010- Present
- Order of the Falcon


FAMOUS FOR Arabic, English, French,
Dutch, Portuguese,
Height — 175 cm

Weight — 65 Kilos

Medium built, Shrimp Lover—


Addicted to chicken and can’t cook —

ouukaaayy. Bad eye sight — Recent

Team 2 2nd envelope (Costa Rica):

Costa Rican
* Wanted by 4 Countries


- Best Sniper to perform on
Stationed in Croatian — Sniper dry land
- Explosive expert
July 1994 - 2000 - Good with Stealth

Stationed in Nigeria — Black-ops

July 2000 - July 2005 AWARDS

Stationed in Finland— Operation Desert - 5 medals of Honor

Storm - 3 Purple Heart Medals
June 2005- June 2010 - Military Merit
- Militia Medal
Stationed in Costa Rica — Team Leader - Legion of Merit
July 2010- Present
- Order of the Falcon


FAMOUS FOR Arabic, English, French,
Dutch, Portuguese,
Height — 179cm

Weight — 79 Kilos

Loves Macarona Bachamél— w keda

Oh and Chocolate lava cake — bgd

Team 3 2nd envelope(Finland):

* Wanted by 4 Countries


- Best Sniper to
Stationed in Costa Rica — Sniper perform on dry land
- Explosive expert
July 1994 - 2000 - Good with Stealth

Stationed in Nigeria — Black-ops

July 2000 - July 2005 AWARDS

Stationed in Croatia— Operation Desert - 5 medals of Honor

Storm - 3 Purple Heart
June 2005- June 2010
- Military Merit
Stationed in Finland — Team Leader - Militia Medal
July 2010- Present - Legion of Merit
- Order of the Falcon

Arabic, English,
French, Dutch,
Height — 171 cm Portuguese,
Weight — 85 Kilos

Eats lots of Pizza, Steak and burgers — eshta


Great Hair (RIP)— Ya Gama3a

Team 4 2nd envelope(Nigeria):

* Wanted by 4 Count


- Best Sniper to
Stationed in Costa Rica — Sniper perform on dry land
- Explosive expert
July 1994 - 2000 - Good with Stealth

Stationed in Croatia — Black-ops

July 2000 - July 2005 AWARDS

Stationed in Finland— Operation Desert - 5 medals of Honor

Storm - 3 Purple Heart
June 2005- June 2010
- Military Merit
Stationed in Nigeria — Team Leader - Militia Medal
July 2010- Present - Legion of Merit
- Order of the Falcon

Arabic, English,
French, Dutch,
Height — 175 cm Portuguese,
Weight — 70 Kilos

Loves Mint Ice Cream

Cherry Coke and Gatorade is her favorite

drinks, Short Hair — Recent

SPY 1 (Croatia/Croatian):

Coordinates: 45.1000 N, 15.2000 E

Team 1 3rd envelope(Croatia):

Hej Dušo,
ja sam razmišljao o tebi. to je bio četiri dana otkako sam napisao
za vas zadnji, žao mi je. Ali to je u redu, pišem ti sada pa vas molimo
da nema potrebe da mi pošaljete sve te bijesne slova u redu?
Danas nam je činiti pet poena kao kaznu, a ja ne mogu izdržati i
moje noge su bolan. PERIOD. čak sam rekao tisuću puta žao.
Nadam se da ova poruka vam dobro pronalazi i uvijek znam da
volim te deset puta puta.
Oh, zaboravio sam spomenuti da imam samo jednu najbolju
prijateljicu iz mojih pet prijatelja ovdje. PERIOD. tako da bolje mi
poslati više od tih pisama. ali to nije bitno jer smo posadu od dvije
tisuće svejedn


Hey Honey, I’ve been thinking about you. it’s been four days since i wrote to you last,
I’m sorry. But it’s okay, I’m writing to you now so please no need to send me all these
angry letters okay? Today we had to do five runs as a punishment and i can’t take
anymore and my legs are sore. PERIOD.

even i said a thousand times sorry.

i hope this message finds you well and always know that i love you ten times fold.
Oh, i forgot to mention that i have only one best friend out of my five friends here, so
you better send me more of these letters. PERIOD. but it doesn’t matter cause we’re
a crew of two thousand anyway

SPY 2 (Costa Rica/Spanish):

Coordinates: 9.7489 N, 83.7534 W

Team 2 3rd envelope (Costa Rica):

Querida Joesphine,
Han pasado años desde la última vez que te escribí nueve meses
para ser exacto. PERÍODO. Todavía recuerdo que el último día que
vi tus hermosos ojos fue el séptimo día del cuarto mes. Ahora estoy
en Costa Rica, la naturaleza no se parece en nada a la escena en
todos mis viajes a ochenta y nueve condados. Mi investigación
sobre los monos araña de ocho patas está yendo mejor de lo
esperado. El gobierno incluso me ha proporcionado tres locales
como asistentes de investigación. PERÍODO. Por lo general, nos
levantamos a las 7 a.m., pero ayer me levanté a las cinco para ver
el amanecer dorado durante 34 minutos.

Tuyo para siempre,



It’s been ages since I last wrote to you nine months to be exact. PERIOD. I still
remember the last day I saw your beautiful eyes it was the seventh day of the fourth
month. I am now in Costa Rica; nature is nothing like I’ve ever seen in all my travel to
eighty-nine counties. My research on the eight legged spider monkeys is going
better than expected. Government has even provided me with three locals as
research assistants. PERIOD. We usually wake up on 7 am but yesterday I woke up
at five to watch the golden sunrise for 34 minutes.

SPY 3 (Finland/Finnish)

Coordinates: 61.9241 N, 25.7482 E

Team 3 3rd envelope(Finland):

Hei beibi,
se on pitkä aika, koska olen kirjoittanut sinulle viimeiseksi. Kuusi
päivää on tarkka. Olen pahoillani, että olen ollut todella kiireinen
yksi tavoite täällä. PERIOD.
Kaipaan sinua ja kaipaan lapsia. meillä on ollut yhdeksän uhkaa
viimeisten kahden viikon aikana ja se on pitänyt minulle neljä yötä.
Yksi ystäväni täällä antoi minulle pihvi lounaalle tänään, mikä on
aika erikoista, koska en syö sitä kahden kuukauden aikana.
Teimme rutiinin, joka kestää viisi päivää. Minun täytyi ajaa
seitsemän kierrosta neljästä KM: stä. Se on ollut hullu, mutta joka
tapauksessa sanoo hyvät lapset ja tiedän, että sanoin, että olen
palannut kahdeksan kuukauden ajan, mutta näyttää siltä, että
olisin voinut jäädä vielä kahteen.
anteeksi rakkaudesta. Rakastan sinua.


Hey Babe, it’s been a long time since i wrote to you last. Six days to be exact. I’m
sorry I’ve been really busy with one of the missions here. PERIOD. I miss you and i
miss the kids. we’ve had nine threats in the past two weeks only and it’s been keeping
me up four nights. One of my friends here gave me steak for lunch today, which is
pretty special because i haven’t eaten that in two months. We did a routine run for
five days, i had to run seven laps for four KM. It’s been crazy but anyway, say hi to
the kids and i know i said i will be back in eight months but from the looks of it i might
have to stay for two more. forgive me love. Love you.

SPY 4 (Nigeria/Igbo):

Coordinates: 9.0820 N, 8.6753 E

Team 4 3rd envelope(Nigeria):

Hey hụrụ n'anya,

ọ otú ogologo ebe m dere, ị ikpeazụ. 9 ọnwa na-kpọmkwem. M

mwute i na na na-arụsi ọrụ ike na m efu ka dike mgbanwe.
M na a na-eri nke ọma n'oge na-adịbeghị, ha na a na-enye anyị
asatọ tuna Mkpọ kwa izu ka ọ dị mma.
oh, nwoke otú i na uche gị na-atụ uche otú anyị na-fechapụta ịzụta
iri abụọ Mkpọ nke pịa ude mana-etinye hanaihe niile anyị achịcha
Man, ọ na-owu na-ama ebe a, m na-ahụ naanị ya na-agbalị ịgwa
ụfọdụ ndị enyi m ebe a ma ọ dịghị ihe na-eji tụnyere gị n'anya m
na-echeta mgbe mbụ anyị mụtara banyere asatọ asụsụ nke
ịhụnanya na isii ụzọ na-ekwupụta ha, were anyị oge ụfọdụ ma ọ bụ
ọnụ ahịa ya. Olee otú m nwere ike ichefu onyinye na ị na-na na
nyere me. The ùkwù okooko osisi, nke nwere ise tulips ọkacha
mmasị m.
Agbanyeghị, m na ọ fọrọ nke nta na-eme na m nnofega, atọ ndị
ọzọ ụbọchị na-aga na i ga na-jikọghachiri gị ọzọ n'anya.


Hey dear,
it’s been so long since i wrote you last. nine months to be exact. PERIOD. I’m sorry
I’ve been busy with my zero to hero transformation. I’ve been eating well lately;
they’ve been giving us eight tuna cans per week so that’s good. oh man how i miss
you and miss how we used to hang out buy twenty cans of whipped cream and put
them on all our pies. Man, it’s getting lonely here, I’m all alone trying to talk to some
of my friends here but nothing is compared to you love i remember when we first had
to learn about the eight languages of love PERIOD and the six ways to express them,
took us some time but it was worth it. How can i forget the gifts that you’ve given me?
The bouquet of flowers, containing the five tulips my favorite. Anyway, I’m almost
done with my shift, three more days to go and I’ll be reunited with you again love.

Team 1 Dictionary(Croatia):

O About
Četiri Been
Otkako Days

Dana Four

Sam Have been

Hej Hey

Dušo Honey

Nadam Hope

ja/Nadam I

to je bio/to je u It’s

Message Ova

This Se da

Žao Sorry

razmišljao Thinking

Puta Times

Tebi You
pa nema Please

Činiti Do

Pet Five

Puta puta Fold

slova u Letters

I forgot Love you

Sve Me

nema potrebe no need

Oh Oh
Poena Runs
these angry te bijesne
Da volim ten

Te deset Times
a mi pošaljete to send

Danas Today
Pronalazi Always
Žao/sam Am
Ali But
Poruka Finds
I uvijek Know
Zadnji Last
Sada Now
Redu Okay
Sam Since
mi je Sorry
za vas To
Vama to you
Dobro Well
Pišem Writing
Napisao Wrote
Vam You
a ja ne I can't
i moje noge and my legs
Su are
Kao as a
Samo jednu Friend out
Zaboravio Znam
Kaznu punishment
Spomenuti Mention
Najbolju Of my
Da imam One best
Bolan sore
mogu izdržati take anymore
Tisuću Thousand
Rasd Times
nam je we had to

Team 2 Dictionary(Croatia):

Estimado Dear
aikojen ages
apinoilla Monkeys
Costa Ricassa in Costa Rica
en nothing
etta to
hämähäkki spider
huomasin I saw
investigación Government
jalkainen legged
kahdeksan eight
kahdeksankymmentä eighty
kaikki scene
kirjoitin last

koskaan I've ever
Kun since
Kuukauden nine
Kuukauden month
luonto on nature is
Matkustaa travel
Menee is going
Minun in all my
Mitään like
Muistan I still
Neljännen fourth
Nyt now
Odotettua better than
Olen I am
On on the
on ollut been
Ottaen exact
päivä of the
päivänä day
paremmin. expected
Se it's
tarkalleen months
tarkasti to be
teille wrote
Tutkimukseni My research
vielä remmeber
viimeisenä the last
viimeksi I
yhdeksän to you

Team 3 Dictionary:

Hei beibi Hey Babe

ja kaipaan lapsille and I miss
Jäädä I might
Palaan I will
pitänyt keeping me
rutiini did
teille viime last
Vaan eight
Yhdeksän nine
aika kun since
ajaa a routine
Ajan weeks
anteeksi rakkautta forgive me
antoi gave me
Eilen run
en ole I haven't

Eräs one of my
erikoinen special
että that in
hei to the
here here
hullu, crazy
ja and
ja se on it's been
Joka anyway
joka which
juosta seven
kahdeksassa be back in
kahden two
kahden two
kahdessa two
Kaipaan sinua I miss you
Kesti Lasted

kierrosta for
kiireinen really busy
Kirjoittanut to you
Koska because
kuukaudessa. months
Kuusi six
Lapset kids
Lounaalle For lunch
meillä the kids
Melko pretty
minua koko yön up all night
minulle pihvi steak
Minun yesterday
mutta but
Näyttää months
neljä four

Olen I wrote
olen ollut sorry
olen pahoillani I am
olisin the looks
ollut been
ollut pitkä a long time
on is
on ollut we've had
on tarkka to be exact
päivää days
piti I had to
Rakastan sinua Love you
sanoa hi
sanoi I said
se on it's been
Se on it's

seitsemän laps
siltä but from
syönyt eaten
täällä here
Tänään Today
Tapauksessa say
tavoitteena the missions
Teimme we
tiedän I know
todella I've been
Uhkia threats
Vain only
Vielä have to for
viikkoa weeks
Viikon more
Viimeisen in the past
Viisi Five

Voinut of it
Yhtenä with one of
Ystäväni friends
Yötä nights

Team 4 Dictionary(Nigeria):

ikpeazụ nine
mgbanwe. transformation
na i ga and I'll be
na-ahụ am
ndị enyi some of my
ọzọ ụbọchị more days
anyị mụtara we first had to
asụsụ the eight
banyere asatọ learn about
exact exact
gị ọzọ n'anya you again love
Hey hụrụ n'anya, Hey Dear
ịhụnanya of love
itoolu ka to be
m I
m dere I wrote you last
m dere I
m ebe a ma friends
m na ọ fọrọ I'm almost
Man Man
mgbe mbụ I remember when

mwute i Am
mwute i sorry
na m efu ka dike to hero
na na na-arụsi I've been
na-adịbeghị lately
na-agbalị ịgwa ụfọdụ trying to talk to
na-ama ebe a lonely here
naanị ya all alone
na-echeta you love
na-eme na m mgbanwe with my shift
na-eri nke eating
Nke languages
Nwere the five
ọ dịghị ihe bụ here but nothing
ọ otú it's been
ogologo ebe so long since
ọkacha mmasị m. my favorite
ọma n'oge well
ọnwa Months
ọrụ ike busy
Osisi of flowers
tụnyere gị n'anya m is compare to

ahụ pies
ike ichefu the gifts
kwa per
ọ na-owu it's getting
ùkwù okooko bouquet
achịcha our
Agbanyeghị Anyway
ahịa ya. worth it
anyị been giving
asatọ us
atọ three
gị na-atụ and miss
ha na a na-enye they've
ise tulips tulips
Izu week
ịzụta iri abụọ Mkpọ cans of whipped
m nwere I forget
ma na-etinye hanaihe and put
ma ọ bụ but it
Mkpọ cans
Na you've
na ị na-nyere m. given me
na isii and the

na-aga to go
na-ekwupụta ha ways to express
na-fechapụta Twenty
na-jikọghachiri reunited with
niile anyị them on all
Nke containing
nke nta done with
nke pịa ude cream
Oge some
oh nwoke oh man
Olee otú how can
ọnụ was
Onyinye that
otú i na uche how I miss you
otú ọ dị mma so that's good
The the
Tuna tuna
uche otú anyị how we used to buy
ụfọdụ time
ụzọ six
were anyị took us

On the Floor:**
Divide participants in teams. Ask each of the teams for a reasonable no of hands,
feet, heads, backs and knees according to the number of participants per group.

Time: 20-25 min


Communication, Teamwork, Creativity/Judgment, Trust

Guide the blindfolded Volunteer through a landscape of Bombs (Cones)
All groups will stand behind a line, Cones(Bombs) are thrown in a random spot while
the volunteer is blindfolded.
1. No group should cross the line-→ Start Over
2. If the Volunteer steps on a cone they have to lose a leg, 2nd time they need to
start over
All available cones, tape, 6 blindfolds
1. How did it feel receiving instructions?
2. When do you need guidance?
3. How much do you need guidance? is there too much guidance?
4. Do you ever feel blind?
5. which Characteristics would you like in your guide?
6. Et3alemna eih min el le3ba dih?
7. Hal kan el tawasol sahl?
8. Kanet emta sahla?
9. Figure out different unique words?
10. Lo3’a elli bensta3melha, 3arefiin ma3naha, what are the other ways to deliver
a piece of information? Barriers of communication?
11. When the other person is not responding?
12. We did not agree on a plan?
13. When we got to plan, what changed? Did you find it easier?

Mine Sweeper:**
Time: 20-25 min
Forgiveness, Team-work, critical thinking, observational skills
Each TL will have a 4x5 Rectangular shaped maze marked out on the floor. Each TL
will pick a path that is unique to him/her. The kids will line up so that taking turn they
would try to find out the path. Once the participant steps on a wrong square they need
to leave the game and the next kid has to try and repeat. Until they all get the entire
path correct.
If and only if the path is revealed, taking turn, they all need to walk in the same path.
If one fails, they need to start all over for the same path.
Scotch tape, cones, 10 A4 Papers (Recycled)
Music: Exciting
1. How did you feel when someone failed?
2. Do you think it is okay to give second chances?
3. Can you think of a time when someone gave you a second chance? how did
that feel?

You might sometimes not get things right the first time but when you keep trying and
basing your decisions on your previous actions as well as being observant to other
people’s mistakes you would eventually find your way.

Chinese Masters:**
Time: 1 hour

Objective: Complete tasks as a group

Description: The participants are divided in groups with 4- 6 people in each group.
Each group gets a note with colors in a specific order. Each leader is a Chinese Master
(CM) and is a color. The groups have to find the colors in the right order, by finding
the CM and perform a task. When a group finds a CM, they have to be the entire
group, to perform the task. They ask the CM of the color they hope the CM is. They
ask like this: “Please, dear CM: Are you the color…?” CM answers: “Maybe I am, but
before I answer, you have to do me a favor.” Then the CM tells them to do something
(sing a song, brush the hair, get a cup of water, tickle a leader etc.) Now everybody
in the group has to do the task and when they are finished they ask again about the
color. If the CM is the color they want, they continue with the next color. If not, then
they have to find another CM and ask again…


• The group cannot ask the same CM in a row.

• The CM should only come up with tasks, that they will have done towards
themselves. Experience shows, that there can be “fights” between the leaders…
• Bo3bo3 wears a garbage bag, painted face with black paint
Preparation: Leaders should use some time to prepare costumes, make-up etc., to
make the game as fun as possible. Then they hide in the surroundings


Notes with Colors, Costumes for the Leaders

Connect the Dots:*
Time: 30-35


Using the kids’ imagination, they will try to connect to dots to create a story out of
random pictures. Each TL will have 10 pictures. Each team will pass by a TL
showcasing the 6 pictures picking only one (Not repeated picture) to continue their


Teamwork, Conflict resolution, Decision making, planning


10 pictures x no. of teams

A Shrinking Vessel:*
Time: 20 min
Creative Problem Solving

Make a space on the floor and have your whole group (or a set of smaller teams)
stand in that space. Then gradually shrink the space, so the team will have to think
fast and work together to keep everyone within the shrinking boundaries.

A rope, blanket, or tape to mark a space on the floor

Hula Hoops:*
Time: 5-7 min
Participants will be standing in a circle of 20 with one hula hoop. They have to pass
the hula hoop through their body a full round at least one.
4 Hula Hoops.

Laser Field:*
Time: 15 min
First, team leaders have to divide the participants among two groups according to the
theme of the day, like the last session, cowboys and native Americans, then after
doing the identity per team [cheer, dance and storyline], team leaders will be scattered
among the room, with the nylon robe tied on them as poles for the laser beams.
Each team has to hold hands and try to walk through the laser beams without touching
any, if any laser beam is touched the leaders will do the alarm sound (beeeb, beeb)
and then they will have to do it again.
It will be done for once
(The nylon red robes like laser beams, face paint)

Water Buckets:*
Time: 15 min
The team task is to move the water from the one full bucket to the empty bucket. The
only tool the team is allowed to use is a spoon.
Rules of the activity:
• Only one person can go by a time
• No one is allowed to use anything to carry the water
• Don’t hold the bucket with your other hand
After the team finishes, the amount of water transferred is measured
Buckets, Water

Human Pinball:
Time: 15 min
(each team alone)
Everyone stands in a circle facing inward and their task not to let the ball pass through
their legs
1. Players must stand with legs spread feet touching the person next to them.
2. Players must them bend and swing arms between legs
3. Players can’t close their legs or knees
4. Players can’t use their legs to defend the ball, only hands
If a player gets hit, he/she is out

Rhythm Circle + Singing:
Time: 20 min


All participants in a big circle, then one of them is asked to do a rhythm, it can be
whatever like a clap, a whistle, a footstep, etc. then the next one is asked to the same
and the one after and so on. They have to mostly do a different rhythm from the one
before them. There can be repetitions as they are a big number. At the end of the
circle, we will have a song from rhythms... Keep them doing it for a couple of minutes.

Team Challenge:
Time: 20 min
Each 2 teams will compete against each other
The task of each team is to challenge the team in front of them with 3 challenges and
see if they can do the challenge. Each team should take their time in the beginning to
think of their challenges
Challenges can be individual or group challenges in anything
The challenges are presented sequential. For example, team A presents the first
challenge then, team B tries to do this challenge. Afterwards, team 2 presents the
After the 3 rounds, one team will be having a better performance in the challenge
Team Leader Note:
Make sure of the safety of the challenges before doing them

Running the Fear in a Hat:
Distribute a sheet of paper and a writing utensil to each person. Instruct them to
anonymously write a fear or worry that they have. Tell them to be as specific and as
honest as possible, but not in such a way that they could be easily identified. After
everyone is done writing a fear/worry (including the group leaders), collect each sheet
into a large hat.

Shuffle the sheets and pass out one per person. Take turns reading one fear aloud,
and each reader should attempt to explain what the person who wrote the fear
means. Do not allow any sort of comments on what the reader said. Simply listen
and go on to the next reader.

Unique and Shared:

Ask participants to form groups of five people with the people around them. Pass out
sheets of paper and writing utensil. The first half of the activity is the Shared part.
Instruct a notetaker for each group to create a list of many common traits or qualities
that members of the group have in common. Avoid writing things that are immediately
obvious (e.g. don’t write down something like “everyone has hair” or “we are all
wearing clothes”). The goal is for everyone to dig deeper than the superficial. Allow
about five or six minutes and then have a spokesperson from each subgroup read
their list. If there are too many groups, ask for a few volunteers to read their list.
The second half is the Unique part. Keep the same groups or, optionally, you can ask
everyone to rearrange themselves into new groups. On a second sheet of paper have
them record Unique traits and qualities; that is, items that only apply to one person in
the group. Instruct the group to find at least two unique qualities and strengths per
person. Again, strive for qualities and strengths beyond the superficial and past the
obvious things anyone can readily see. Allow another five or six minutes.
Paper and Pens

Complete Each Other:
Participants stand in a circle and the facilitator starts by saying a sentence and stops
midway letting the next person in line add to it and so on till everyone has contributed
to form a story.

Line Up:
1. This is a useful activity for groups of 16 or more.
2. For large groups, organize participants into smaller groups of 8 to 20 people.
3. Explain that when they are asked to line-up in a particular way they need to get
into the lines as quickly as possible.
4. When any one group finishes the line-up, the group’s members should clap to
indicate that they have finished.
Line up criteria options include:
• Line up in order by age
• Line up in order by shoe size
• Line up in order of height (shortest to tallest)
• Line up in order alphabetically by first name
• Line up in order by date of birth from January to December
• Line up in order by number of brothers and sisters you have

Bomb Shelter Game:
Time: 3 min explanation, 23-25 game time

Create a safe environment where each Kid will get the chance to express themselves
and say their opinion without being judged as well as invest in critical thinking and
critical decision making/Prioritizing.
Divide the group into teams. Inform each group that they are in an air-raid shelter after
an atomic bomb has fallen. The shelter only has enough air and food supply for Half
of the participants (if odd take the smaller number). The remaining members must
leave the shelter so the others can survive. Randomly assign roles to each group
member by choosing out of a hat/bucket. Each group member must plead his case
on why he should stay in the shelter. The group decides as a whole who must stay
and who goes by voting. 1st round is 5 minutes, every round after that will be 30
seconds less. (5,4.30,4.... etc.). The Facilitator will then ask each group about the **
Roles and why did the team decided to keep/kill them.


• Doctor**
• Housewife
• Movie star**
• Politician
• Cook**
• Engineer**
• Dentist
• Mechanic
• UN Delegate
• Professional Actor
• Professional Dancer
• Farmer
• Dog**
• Pregnant Woman**
• Pilot
• Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man with a gun


Doctor Housewife Movie Star Politician

Cook Engineer Dentist Mechanic

UN Actor Dancer Farmer

Dog Pilot

Pregnant Woman

Man With a Gun


Intense filled with suspense (Pirates of the Caribbean)


Print the Word Document attached TWICE

Key Word Music Roulette:

Time: 20 min
Participants will sit in the same groups of the previous activity. Then a TL will show
them a keyword. The main goal of this activity is that they have to come up with 3
songs that have this keyword. Each team will have a representative that comes up
to show the facilitator the 3 songs. The winning team will have to perform a dance of
their favorite song of the songs that they came up with.
Love, Skr skr, fly, cool, hero.
Flash cards

Time: (20 min)
The participants will be one big group and they will form a line then they will be
acquired with blocks of wood. The goal is to use these blocks to reach the other
side. THERE WILL BE OBSTACLES, if a participant steps on the floor the whole
group will have to start from the beginning.
Blocks of wood, cones

Paper Plane Contest:

Time: 30 min


Split into attendance groups or groups of 6, have them construct and design their very
own functional paper plane. The plane is then scored on the following factors:
aesthetic (design) and functionality (how far it flies).

Twist: have them design an exact replica of their initial plane but in less time and score
them on that as well.


Papers + color

Team Identity:
Time: 25 min

In attendance groups, each group is required to come up with their team name, shout,
logo/design in 10 minutes and then present it to the rest of the groups.


Chart + colors

Create Your Own Team Building Activities:
Time: 1 hr


The group leader should present participants with this fake problem: The hour was
going to be spent doing a problem solving activity, but as the group leader- you don’t

know any and you don’t want to do one that the participants have already heard or
tried previously. The goal- or problem- then, is to have each group of participants
come up with a new problem solving activity that they’ve invented themselves. Groups
should be no larger than four or five people and at the end of the hour, each group
must come up and present their new problem solving activity. Aside from being a
problem solving activity in and of itself, this activity also promotes creativity,
communication, trust, and time management, among other things.

Tied up Race:
Time: 10 min per race – estimated 7-10 races


Each 2 people get tied together by their feet by a rope and they start a race


10 small ropes

Flour Contest:
Time; 10 min per round


Four plates of flour are set up, each with a coin hidden in the middle. Their hands
are tied up, and they need to find the ping pong ball using their face. First one wins.


100 plastic plates, bags of flour, 4 ping pong balls


Time; 15 min


Each group leader sits with his/her team members to create a name, slogan & flag
for their team so instead of calling groups by numbers we will call them by their
name for example (instead of group 1,2 3, …etc it will be group brazil, the musical
group, celebrities…etc) Also the parents will say that my child is in celebrities' team
and I want to pick him up also the group will take a photo with their flag and will be
posted on facebook page.


6 Flipcharts • Markers • Papers

Four Pointers:

To begin this activity, mark two lines ‘A’ and ‘B’, about 10 meters apart. Form groups
of 6 or 7 people.

The objective of this activity is to get the team from line ‘A’ to line ’B’, using only four
points of contact with the ground.

• The group must:

Cross at one time
• Assist each other
• Be in contact with each other
• Only have four contact points with the ground at any one time
• Complete the task in the required period of time (you decide)

The gap can be widened to make the activity more challenging. It can also be made
greater or easier by adding or subtracting the number of points of contact, or
changing the group size.


Give each participant a piece of paper and several crayons or markers. Have each
person write his/her name (large letters) and, with each letter, draw something that
is of interest to him/her. For example, the letter “O” can easily be turned into a
smiley face for someone who is happy, or a “W” could be turned into a person
waving his/her arms with pompons to signify a cheerleader.

Chain Gang:

Begin by asking students "Who can do something really well?" After a brief
discussion about some of the students' talents, have each student write a different
talent on separate paper strips and do this talent in front of the class, then create a
mini paper chain with the strips by linking the five talents together and let them do all
together. As students complete their mini chains, use extra strips of paper to link the
mini chains together to create one long class chain. Have students stand and hold
the growing chain as you link the pieces together. Once the entire chain is
constructed and linked, lead a discussion about what the chain demonstrates -- for
example, all the students have talents; all the students have things they do well;
together, the students have many talents; if they work together, classmates can
accomplish anything; the class is stronger when students work together than when
individual students work on their own. Hang the chain in the room as a constant
reminder to students of the talents they possess and the benefits of teamwork.

Flying Balls:
Reference: Click on the link below to watch a video for the activity.(we will play the
first activity only from beginning of the video to 01:40 min.)

Capture the Flag:
Time: 30 min
Each two teams will do this activity in front of each other
Before the game, prepare:
First of all, a big open space just isn't going to work. Since a big part of this game
involves hiding and ducking around corners, a more forested area would be ideal.
As far as how many players you need, it doesn't really matter as long as both teams
are equal (although at least five per team is generally a good number). The playing
field must be divided into three areas, with the two teams separated by a neutral
space. Each team must hide their flag somewhere in their area, making sure that
nobody from the other team can see where it is. If you don't have a couple of flags
handy, or anything

The Rules of the Game:

Both teams get five minutes to hide their flags. Once the flags are hidden, the
game begins. Obviously, in order to win the game, you must capture the other team's
flag and bring it back to your own territory. But if team member from the other team
touches you while you're standing on their part of the field, they are allowed to take
you straight to freezer (which is a small patch of land in their territory). You can be out
from the freezer if one of your team members touches you, and there's no limit to how
many times you can be thrown back into the freezer
The picture shows the division of the field
2 Different Flags

Kings and Soldiers:
Time: 15 min
(two teams against each other)
Before Playing:
The area needs to be divided into 2 zones with cones
The aim of the team is to safely transfer the king from his/her point to the safe zone
on the other areas of the field which is divided into 2 areas. One area on each side is
the safe area for the team and it has the zone of the opposite team. In the safe zone,
players can’t be hit.
The teams can attack the other teams with foam ball. If any player gets hit by the ball,
he/she is out. If the king is hit, the other team wins
You can play 3 rounds.
Cones, Foam Balls

Get the Key:**
Time: 20-25 min


Communication, Teamwork, Creativity/Judgment, Trust, Creativity


TL will sit/stand in the middle of the circle blindfolded. Only one participant can get
the key in front of/underneath him/her. If the TL points at them they need to start


12 keys (can be replaced by cones)


1. How did you communicate?

2. Did you help each other?
3. Was anyone frustrated?
4. What was the most challenging part of this activity? Why and how did you
solve it?

Sell Me Your Product:

Time: 20 Min


Participants will be divided into 3 Groups. Each group will come up with an item of
choice and they will try to sell it. But the twist is that they will have to introduce their
item without speaking. The only time they are allowed to speak is when they say the
name of the item


Papers and markers

Who am I?:*
Prepare a self-adhesive label or post-it note for each young person in your group.
Write on it the name of a well-known or famous person. This can be an historical
character or current sportsman, musician, TV personality, celebrity etc. Have a good
mix of men and women. Keeping the names hidden, stick the post-it notes on the
foreheads of everyone in the group. They must then ask questions of the others to
find out their identity.

Each person takes a turn to ask questions and figure out who they are. For example,
Am I alive? Am I female? Am I in a band? Only yes or no questions can be asked. If
the answer is no, their turn is over. If the answer is yes, they can ask another
question and keep going until they get a no or guess who they are. Keep playing
until everyone has guessed, or if time is short, stop after the first few correct answers.

150 Sticky notes
Justin Bieber


Taylor swift

Selena Gomez

Katy Perry

Robert Downey Jr.


Jennifer Lawrence

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson


Johnny Depp

Denzel Washington



Tom Cruise

Brad Pitt

Ben Affleck

Angelina Jolie


Barack Obama

George Clooney

Christian Bale

Tom Hanks

Will Smith

Chris Pratt

Emma Watson

Jennifer Aniston

Daniel Radcliff

Scarlett Johansson

Robert De Niro

Ahmed el sakka

Amr Diab

Umm Kulthum

Nancy Agram

Tamer Hosny

Kazem el saher

Ahmed Helmy

Asser Yassin

How Nice Can You Be?:
Time: 15min


Participants will be paired up randomly and labeled partner A and partner B. Partner
A needs to start by telling Partner B nice things such as: I like your smile, your hair
looks nice, you have a great voice, you make me happy, I wish you success, I hope
you achieve your dreams, etc. They then switch and now partner B says nice
statements to Partner A.

Reflection Questions:

1. Was it easy to tell people nice things? Did it take any effort?
2. What was their reaction when they received nice statements? How did that
make you feel?
3. How did you feel having someone say nice stuff to you?
4. What did you want to hear someone tell you? Would that have made you
5. Do you think it would be hard for us to do this day to day, make people’s days
better, even in the smallest of ways?
6. How do you think this would make the world better?

Time: Infinite
Team work, Communication skills, forgiveness
Each Team will nominate a new team member each round. The facilitator gathers all
the nominees and in private picks a movie, object or action to tell. Each nominee gets
back to his/her team and does not start till they hear the buzzer.
Each Correct Description is worth 2 points
Each Incorrect description is worth 0 points
Cheating is worth -2 points
After a team reaches 4-6 points depending on the difficulty of the tasks, they are given
a Card board and a marker for the next words.
6 Large Card Boards, 7 NEW Markers
Music: Intense Playlist

Movies Objects Actions
The Matrix Bottle Jaywalking
The curious case of Benjamin Chair Drinking tea
Forest Gump Blow dryer Sleeping on the couch
Dumb & Dumber Carpet Sleep walking
The Terminator Air conditioner Writing a letter to a loved one
La La Land Pillow cases Jaywalking
The lion king Calendar Drinking tea
Mohema f tal abib Plant Dancing a ballet
E7na betou3 el autobus Window Shopping at the mall
Embratoriet mim Spaghetti Flipping pancakes
El 7afid Space Setting a tent
Bashteri ragel Wi-Fi Filming a movie
El basha telmiz Infinity Mowing a lawn
Tiir enta rocks Washing an elephant
Sone3a fi masr Milking a cow

Time: 20 min
Learn about perception


Tolerance Prejudice Morality

Community Injustice Friend
Family Freedom Democracy
Police Racism Human Rights
Love Success

Divide the Participants into teams, each participant will have a piece of paper and a
pen. Each round, each team will get a perception card, each participant will be given
a couple of minutes to describe what’s on that card in his/her own words or drawings.
No one is allowed to ask questions to talk at this stage. After that they will all share
what they wrote to rest of the group. Each Round is 10 min on average.
Round #1:
a. The group picks the first word they want to define
b. Each Student in the Group takes a minute or so to write down a few words or
phrases which the word meaning.
c. When everyone is finished writing down their ideas, the group does a “go-
around”, each student taking turns sharing what they wrote
d. If there is time left tin Round#1, Participants can ask each other clarifying
questions to further explore the meanings each person shared
e. After about 10 minutes, they get to pick a new card and repeat the precious
120 Scrap paper
60 pens
The table above printed 12 times

Music: Soft

1. Would you like to share what you wrote down?
2. What do you think made you choose these words/sentences/drawing(s) to
describe this perception card? (where did these associations come from?
Culture, school, friends)
3. Do you feel that your perception of that card is the right one? Or that anyone
else was wrong? Why?
4. Do you think having different point of views or perceptions can influence a
conversation/relationship negatively? how? Why?
5. Do you feel left out when you have a different point of view? when? How did
you react?

Perspectives II:
Understanding that each individual brings perception to his/her experiences and to
the information which he’/she is exposed to is not an easy concept to learn and
integrate into one’s view of life. We don’t’ all think alike. Even between and amongst
people who have a lot in common, perception differences exist. Also, our Value does
not vary based on our perception. ($100 example)
Story 1:
Picture a woman walking down the street with three young children.
Story 2:
Imagine you’re in a car. You stop at a traffic light and a limousine pulls up next to the
car you’re in.
Lead the discussion around the participant’s different responses. Draw parallels
between how each of us perceives information differently depending on our own
experiences and what we have been exposed to in our lives.
Have each student write about a recent conflict which she/he believes was a result of
a perception differences.

Music: Soft

Let’s Get Serious:
Time: 30 minutes (20 activities + 10 reflection)


Participants are randomly spread around the room and are asked to close their
eyes and spin 3 times or until the facilitator asks them to stop. They then need to
face the person closest to them and discuss a question posed by the facilitator.
They have 2 minutes for each dilemma and after that, are asked to repeat the same


1. You’re walking down the street and find 1000 LE. What do you do?
2. Your friend cancels on you last minute and you’re already dressed – how do
you react?
3. Your best friend asks for your help to cheat on an exam – what do you tell
4. You heard your brother/sister/cousin lie to their parents. Do you tell on them?
5. You were playing with a ball at home and accidentally knocked over a vase.
Your mom heard the crash and came running in. Do you tell her you were
playing with the ball or do you make any lie up to avoid severe punishment?
6. Your parents gave you money for a science lesson but your friends want to go
out and you’re short on cash – do you use the lesson money?
7. You’re grounded at home but your friends want to go out and you’re home
alone. No one will find out if you leave – do you?

Reflection should be done in attendance groups

Reflection Questions:

1. Who would like to share anything interesting they heard during the activity?
2. Why do you think our answers are different from one another? What makes
me act different than you?
3. How does this reflect in real life?
4. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt this kind of conflict? What did
you do?
5. How do our actions define us? (Start slowly introducing the concept of

Closing Statement:

In general, we are all different people that have been through different experiences
that have shaped our lives and perceptions. What’s most important is understanding
what makes us do what we do. We need to look deeper and analyze why we are

who we are and why we act in a certain way over the other – knowing your values
and understanding what governs your behaviors is essential for us to stay true to
ourselves at all times.

Mystical Island:
To express one’s self through art
Each Team will have a Panneaux where they get to draw an island where they can
later divide into roughly equal parts and get to draw/color or even create shapes with
construction paper to glue on their part.

• 60 small colorful Construction papers
• Water colors
• 6 Glue Sticks
• Coloring pens
• Pens
• Pencils
• Oi pastels
• 60 Brushes

Calm and Soft

Time; 15 min


Give each participant a sheet with various tasks and ask them to complete it when
you say “GO!” Here are some samples:

• Get a male to do five push-ups and sign here.

• Stand on one foot with your arms outstretched for 20 seconds. Have someone time
you and sign here.

• Leap frog over someone five times.

• Get someone to whisper the pledge of allegiance and sign here.

• Get a female to recite a nursery rhyme.

• Shake hands with someone you do not know and continue holding hands while
debating the merits of your favorite ice cream flavor.

• Have someone teach you a dance step (even if they make it up).

• First person to complete the entire sheet wins.

My Hand: (9-12 years old)*
Time: 20 min


Each participant will be given a paper and asked to trace his/her hand on the paper.
Once done, they will be required to write all the good things they can do with his hand
on the hand in 7-10 minutes. Then there will be a 5-10 minute group sharing/space.


Papers + markers + colors

Elf Defense:
Time: 15 min
(Two teams playing in front of each other)
You need two sets of different colored balloons. Around 25 to 50 of each for two teams
of play. One balloon will be tied in each player leg (each participant will have 2
balloons, one balloon tied in each leg)
Form two teams of elves. Each team must defend its treasure (a pile of balloons) while
attempting to steal or destroy the other team's treasure. Use two different color
balloons, one for one team.
If the 2 balloons of the participant are popped, the participant is out

When the time ends, count the remaining balloons for each team.
Two sets of different colored balloons

Time: 20 minutes (15 minutes activity + 10 minutes Reflection)


Participants to be divided in groups of 20. Together, they are asked to fill in all red
cards with “positive” human traits like kind, smart, funny, etc. and all the blue cards
with “not as positive” like selfish, slow, lazy, etc.

Once they fill in a card, they go stick it on the 2 big charts hung up – one saying “things
we want more of” and the other “things we want less of”. Once everyone is run out of
ideas, have them all stand back and read all the traits written on both charts. Then,
they need to go up and write their initials under any trait they believe they possess
some of – whether positive or negative.


2 big Charts + colored papers (half red, half blue)

Reflection Questions:

1. Who would like to share how they felt adding their initials under any trait?

2. Do you believe it’s possible for a person to only have good traits? Or can we
have negatives too?

3. How do we know our weaknesses? And strengths? Is it even important to know?

4. How do you think we can capitalize and grow our strengths?

Closing Statement:

Who here loves superheroes? Do you think superheroes are only strong? No, they
are not! Even superheroes have strengths and they do have weaknesses. They get
defeated sometimes right? Then what makes them superheroes? They succeed and
become superheroes because they know they have weaknesses and they choose to
admit to fight to decrease them. They don’t give in to them, but they make sure they
take them into account. Not just that, but they also know what they’re good at and are
constantly working on becoming even better at that.

Self- Acceptance Worksheet:

I am a brave person. An example of a time I was brave is


I am capable of being happy. A time I was happy was


I am a good friend. A time I was there for a friend was


I am capable of making decisions for myself. A time I made a good decision was


I am loved and cared about. People who care about me are


I am talented. Two things I am really good at are


Me & Myself:

A group of statements is given to each group where they need to go and stick it under
the appropriate theme bubble. They have a certain time to do it. After that, the theme
will be explained by the facilitator and the connection will be made clear. Strike system
should also be explained then.


Foam titles (ME & MYSELF, MY SKILLS, MY FUTURE) + gluetac

+ Statements :( Values, strengths, weaknesses, goals, dreams, priorities, past

successes, past mistakes, personal challenges, time management, money
management, energy management, communication skills, presentation skills,
identifying opportunities, effective teamwork, effective communication, leadership
skills, change management.)

NOTE: this can be used as an introductory activity

Time Capsule:
Time: 15 min


A letter from ones self with the kids saying their Hopes, Expectations, and Fears from
entering SOL Academy. - They have to decorate the letter with colors. - Will be given
back to them at the last sessions of SOL AIM: to show them how much they have
changed through their SOL experience.


Envelope. - Markers. - Papers.

Setting Priority:
Have a Heart:*

1. Understand the stresses of having to choose

2. Creating a thought process that favors priorities

3. Ethical Dilemma


Ask the Kids to make a group discussion concerning a highly charged imaginary
situation where “You are a surgeon at a large hospital. Your committee must make a
very important decision. Seven patients need a heart transplant. There is only one
heart donor at this time. All of the patients are eligible to receive this heart. All are
physically able. And all have compatible tissue and blood typing. Which patient
should receive the heart and why? All committee members should agree on this
(You may wish to acknowledge that most recipients of organ transplants are now
managed by a nationwide network, which removes some of this decision-making
pressure from the surgeons…Also, TLs remind the Kids that patients who do not
receive this heart will not automatically die. Some (not all) will probably
survive until another donor is available.)
TLs and ATLs will navigate the conversation and make sure everyone is sharing and
having their turn. DO NOT give any further instructions to the group. A team
delegate will come and explain the decision process. The facilitator will decrease time
due to problems they come up with on the spot to put the kids on the spot.

Patient Waiting List:

A. 31-year-old male; African American, brain surgeon at the height of his career;
no children

B. 12-year-old female; Vietnamese; accomplished violinist; blind

C. 40-year-old male; Hispanic, teacher, 2 children

D. 15-year-old female; Divorced, 6 months pregnant

E. 35-year-old male; Hispanic; Owns Multibillion dollar company, deceased


F. 17-year-old female; waitress; high school dropout; supports/cares for a brother

who is severely disabled

G. 38-year-old female; AIDS researcher; no children

Poster board with the “Patient Waiting List” (from below) written on it, 14 Papers and
14 Pens.


1. What was your decision?

2. How did you arrive at your decision?
3. What decision-making method did you use (consensus, voting, etc.)?
4. How was your decision influenced by your values? Attitudes? Prejudices?
5. Who provided leadership in your group?
6. How were disagreements and conflicts handled?
7. How satisfied are you with your own level of participation in this exercise?

My Value:
Learn about their own values and perception of themselves
Each Participant will have a piece of paper and a pen. Each will write down the
qualities they think they possess and go back to glue it on their panneaux. From a
large panneaux where positive qualities will be listed.


List of Positive Qualities:

1. Focused
2. Positive attitude
3. Flexible
4. Strong communicator
5. Brave
6. Generous
7. High self-esteem
8. Task Oriented
9. People oriented
10. Confident
11. Intuitive
12. Observant
13. Self-acceptance
14. Dreams Enthusiastic
15. Balanced
16. Admits mistakes
17. Good Listener
18. Productive
19. Practical
20. Quick
21. Achiever
22. Knowledgeable
23. Leader
24. Initiator
25. Original
26. Outgoing
27. Active
28. Independent
29. Mediator
30. Cheerful
31. Forgiving

32. Sensuous
33. Sporty
34. Devoted
35. Rebellious
36. Cooperative
37. Modest
38. Genuine
39. Skilled
40. Sensible
41. Helpful
42. Responsible
43. Logical
44. Wise
45. Easy going
46. Trust-worthy

12 Panneaux. 6 markers. 120 Scrap paper
Music: Mild

Buddha Statue story:**

Buddha statue was a normal statue in a temple in 1954, a new building was built at
the temple to house the statue. It was being moved to its new location on 25 May
1955 and it is clear that during the final attempt to lift the statue from its pedestal, the
ropes broke, and the statue fell hard on the ground. At that moment, some of the
plaster coating chipped off, allowing the gold surface underneath to be seen. Work
was immediately stopped so that an evaluation could be made.

Our gold is inside. Everyone is made of gold. But like the statue has been there for
long time and people didn’t know its real value
Reflection Questions:
1. What is the statute made of?
2. What did people think it is made of?
3. As people, every one of us is valuable regardless of what people think
4. What will you do different when you go home today?

That’s why it is important to know that we are unique and are valuable.
We look like that we are moving the water but we are losing
Self Portrait:*
Time: 15 min
This activity helps the participants to think of themselves and reflect on their
Each group will do this activity in a quite area with a nice smooth music
1. Explain to the campers that they are going to create their own personal strength
Say, “We are going to do an artistic project today. First, though, I would like you to
close your eyes. Before we begin drawing our portrait, we are going to do a little
creative visualization. All you have to do is close your eyes, relax, and listen to my
voice. Let your mind wander and imagine as I am talking. This will help you get in the
right frame of mind before you start drawing.
Think about some of the things you like about yourself: these can be things you can
see and do, such as having strong legs and being a fast runner, or special qualities
or traits you have, such as being a good listener or friend (pause for one minute or a
little longer).
Think about some of the things you are good at doing: your talents, skills, and special
abilities (pause).
Think about some of the times in which you feel really good about yourself. Times
when you feel valued, respected, and capable. What are the things you did that made
you feel this way? (Pause).
2. Now ask the campers to open their eyes and draw a portrait of themselves. It can
be just their head or an image of their entire body, but suggest they take some time
to put in some of the details. Give them about 10 minutes to work.
3. Distribute paper and markers (or magazines, scissors, and glue if collaging) to
4. Once they have the basics of their portraits, announce the next step, “Begin to write
with words, or draw with pictures around the outside of your portrait, some of your
skills, talents, abilities, and attributes you thought about at the beginning of the
exercise.” If needed, repeat the questions listed above and give them 10 minutes to

A4 papers, Colored pen
Famous Versus Successful:
Time: 30 min
You don’t have to be famous to be successful
3 Guest speakers will stand at 3 different/Distant areas of the room. 2 Rounds, 10
minutes each will take place where participants will listen to the guest’s story and ask
him/her questions. Then they switch to another guest. TLs will stand with the guest to
coordinate and facilitate the discussion.
• 3 Panneaux (Creative way of displaying who’s the guest is and what he/she did)
(Ask the Guest Speaker to bring a couple of pictures of what they do/Materials
they use for their craft)
• 3 Markers
Music: Calm

Video Shooting:
Time: 20 min
Every participant is required to take a video with their mobiles that reflects who they
are. So, each participant has to tell us more about him/her self through this video. So,
they have to answer at least 4 questions of the following questions:
• What are you good at?
• What do you like most about yourself?
• What makes you happy?
• What makes you unhappy?
• What you enjoy the most?
• If you have the chance to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
The video has to be maximum 3 minutes. They can help each other or appear in each
other’s videos but each one has his/her video
They have ten minutes for doing the video and 10 minutes sharing parts of their videos

Music and Feeling:**
Time: 15 min
(the whole group)
The music starts playing, and participants write a story that reflects the music
The music changes, so the participants change the plot of the story accordingly
Music (lots of different songs with different emotions)

Mini Challenges 1 (Balls):**

Time: max 10 min
The team divides themselves into two lines. each two participants pass the ball to
each other till they reach the bucket. the two behind them start once they’re done. the
team who finished first/ or gets the most number of balls win.
Winning team gets 10 points, losing team gets 5 points
Ball, Bucket, boards made out of cardboards

Charades of Emotions:
Time: 20 min
Each attendance group will be given a set of cards with names of emotions
The team task is finish as many cards as possible. With each card, 2 team members
can get and act it out without using facial expression (it has to be shown through a
situation or body language) and the rest of team members try to guess the name of
With each emotion discovered, participants share when they feel this emotion
Emotions are:
• Bored
• Frustrated
• Excited
• Jealous
• Annoyed
• Anxious
• Embarrassed
• Delighted/ pleased
Cards with emotions written on it

Mini Challenges 2 (Q&A):

Time: max 10 min
Each team gets a piece of cloth (blindfold). A question will be asked, and whichever
team raises or throws the cloth in the air first gets to answer. If the answer is wrong,
the other team gets the chance to answer.
One correct answer = 10 points.
2 pieces of cloth

Mini Challenges 3 (Human Scrabble):
Time: max 10 min
Each participant gets a paper with letters on them. They have one minute for each
round to make as many words as they can.
They get 2 points for each letter they use and additional 5 points for words longer than
four letters.
Cards with letters written on them
Reflection Question on Music and Feeling, Charades of Emotions,
Mini Challenges 1 & 2 & 3:
1. How did you feel when you listened to the different songs?
2. How do you usually express emotions? (pick an emotion they mentioned)
3. Do we understand our emotions all the time? And why?
4. Do our emotions bother us sometimes? And why?
5. Why is it important to know how we feel?
6. Which feeling did you like the most and why?
7. How did it feel working in a team?
8. How did you feel when your team won/lost in each challenge?
9. Do our emotions bother us sometimes? And why?
10. (OLDER) Can we change the way we express our emotions over time?

We are always feeling something. Each feeling is important. It’s important to know
what we are feeling and how we are expressing it. Our feelings are linked to our
behavior. When you are sad, you can sit alone. When you are angry, you may fight
with others. Whatever way you choose to express the feeling, just be aware of them.

Bring It On:
Time: 20 min
Ask your attendees in advance to bring a small personal item. During your session
you let everyone [with a small group] elaborate on why the item is important to them.
Alternatively, you can do the same by asking your audience to bring a song along.
This is a perfect activity to facilitate personal introductions within a group [e.g. upon
the start of a new course].
Small talk by a psychiatrist or a counselor

(the talk can be replaced by a video, or it can be compiled to the

reflection time):
Time: 10 min


The aim of the talk is to present to the participants the following learning points:
• What are emotions? (Is it a good or a bad thing?)
• How does it work? (What happens in the brain?)
• What triggers my emotions? And how to control and get over some negative

Introduce emotions wheel and take it to do at home (you can do one with them as

As you introduce the wheel talk about the fact that all emotions are helpful, even the
big and overwhelming ones and that making an emotions wheel can help us to identify
how we are feeling at any given time. Talk through each of the emotions on the wheel.
• What is this emotion? How does our body feel when we feel angry/sad/happy?
How does our face look?
• Can you share an example of a time that you felt angry/sad/happy?
• Can you draw a picture of that memory in this part of the wheel?
Repeat for each section of the wheel.

Alternatively, you could ask the participant to draw their face when they feel each
emotion. Or to draw or write how their body reacts


Emotions Wheel

Marshmallow Challenge:**
Time: 20 min
(all the teams will be playing at the same time)

Each team will have to build a tower using the following tools
20 sticks of spaghetti, one yellow tape, 1 large marshmallow, scissors (to cut
materials) and string to measure
The Rules:
Your challenge is to build the tallest freestanding structure using ONLY the above
listed materials.
• The winning team is the one that builds the tallest freestanding structure
measured from the ground surface to the top of the marshmallow.
• The team’s structure must stand on its own for measuring. Teams touching or
supporting their structure will be disqualified.
• Teams can use as much or as little of the 20 sticks of spaghetti, tape, and string
provided. Extra materials CANNOT be provided.
• The entire marshmallow must be on the top of your structure. Cutting or eating
part of the marshmallow will disqualify your team.
Spaghetti, Marshmallow, Yellow Tape, Scissors, Measuring tool, Score Sheet

Create Your Own Chart:*

Time: 1 Hour
All of the participants will sit on the floor, each participant with an a2 paper and
scissors. The magazines are put on the floor all around the room and there’s a big
box of markers in the room. We will leave time for the participants to create their
own collage that describes their personality and thoughts.
80 Charts, Scissors, MANY random magazines and newspapers, markers

Cups & Strings:*
Time: 15 min
The objective of this activity is for players to work as a team to stack all the cups in a
pyramid. The challenge is that players cannot touch the cups. They may only use the
rubber band tool and their voices
Facilitation Tip: This game is easier to demonstrate than to explain. Use four players
to demonstrate and invite the rest of the group to gather around and watch.
• Place 10 cups and the rubber band tool you prepared for one group before the
game on the table—or floor space—in the middle of the four players who will
serve as your demonstrators.
• Give each of the demonstrators a string and explain that they must pull on their
string to stretch out the rubber band to fit around the cup.
• Direct the group to try to move one cup, and point out how each member of the
group must use the tool together and adjust the tension they place on the string
for it to work effectively
• Players aren’t allowed to use their hands and they aren’t allowed to talk, if a cup
falls, they need to get it with the string
Materials: Cups, Rubber Bands, Strings

Earth Ball:
Time: 20 min
The group task is to keep a beach ball or balloon in the air for a specified number of
hits without letting it hit the ground.
Additionally, no one person can touch the object twice in a row.
Set a goal with the group for the number of hits that the group can make following the
After your group meets its goal (10) then (20), it can increase the target number.
This fun activity is much harder than it seems! If the group is struggling, give them an
opportunity to review their strategy and create a plan for the next attempt.
Score Sheet

Reflection Questions on Marshmallow Challenge, Earth ball and Cups
& Strings activities
Time: 20 min
Okay, today, we did a lot of activities where we were given a goal (building a tower)
and you had to accomplish this goal in 20 minutes and you had to work together to
make this happen. I would like to hear from everyone how was this like for you.

1. How did it feel when you were working together to accomplish the goal?
2. How did you feel about the rules of the game? Did you like all of them?
3. What were you thinking about during the game?
4. What kept you going?
5. What can stop you from continuing the game?
6. What can you do about that?

Closing statement: LEADER’s TALK of an example of self-discipline.

Self-discipline is the bridge which will help you reach the other side. Self-discipline is
how we control ourselves and do what is right even when we don’t feel like doing it.
Many things in our lives needs us exert effort, not to do what we feel like doing but to
do what make us reach the other side. For example, sometimes we need to study
subjects we don’t like. But this is because we want to succeed in the school. Without
self-discipline, you will not be able to reach some of your goals in your life

All together:
Time: 10 min
• Ask the group to find a partner and pair up. (males with males, females with
• The pairs sit on the ground with their backs to each other.
• The partners then reach behind their backs to link arms with each other.
• When the leader says, Go, the partners attempt to stand up without separating.
Team Leader Note:
While pairing with gender, bear in mind the weight as well

Relationship Mapping:
Time: 10 min
A relationship map is a visual tool that helps people define who they trust and how
they relate to others. To create a relationship map, the participants draws a circle with
his/her name in the center. They then draw other circles surrounding the main circle
that portray every important relationship they have. This process continues, until the
teenager defines his family, closest people, and casual acquaintances. They then
color each circle according to its type.
Team leader will demonstrate their own maps and elaborate on what makes etc. a
good, bad, or meh relationship, and refer to the Friendship Spotlight activity.
NB: Differentiate to participants that there is a difference between good relationship
and people you love, bad relationships and people you dislike. I can love someone
but have a bad relationship with them.
• RED = Bad relationship
• YELLOW = I should be cautious in this relationship
• GREEN = It’s a good relationship

Friendship Stoplight Game:
Time: 15 min
To explore friendships using a spotlight analogy
• RED = Stop! These are bad signs of a friendship!
• YELLOW = Caution! These are warning signing on a friendship!
• GREEN = Go! These are good signs in a friendship!
1. Divide participants into attendance groups and share the Friendship Scenario
Cards evenly among the groups.
2. Put the RED, YELLOW, GREEN poster headings on the wall.
3. Instruct the groups to read the cards and decide which color best represents
each scenario
4. Have teams stick them on the wall under the corresponding color heading and
discuss why they put it that way
(the statement is attached separately in another sheet)
You are afraid of your friend’s temper.

Your friend criticizes you or people you care about.

Your friend threatens to hurt you.

Your friend bullies and makes fun of other kids at school.

Your friend pressures you to do things you do not want to do.

You are nervous that if you tell your friend something personal, s/he will tell other
people at school.

Your friend sometimes makes fun of you.

You rarely get to plan what the two of you will do together.

Your friend tells you not to hang out with certain people.

You enjoy being with this person, but you also enjoy spending time with other friends.

You usually feel happy when you are with this person.

Your friend respects your feelings and your opinions.

Reflection Questions on All Together, Friendship Stoplight Game and

Relationship Mapping Activities:
Time: 20 min
1. Was it easy for you to stand up without using your hands? And why?
2. While trying to stand, what helped you? What hindered you?
3. What makes our relationships different (some people are closer than others)
4. Do you think it is important to have boundaries with people and why?
5. Whom people can we trust like the blindfolded person? And why?
6. For Older (collective):
• How do you define a good, bad, or meh relationship?
• What are the characteristics of each?
• When I talked about what makes a relationship good, bad, or meh, did you
agree to what I said?
• Can we improve every one?
• For the ones we can, how can we do that?
• What is our role in relationships?

Boundaries Explanation:(9-12 years)
Time: 15 min
• All leaders will be wearing hula hoops all session without explaining why until
the time of the activity.
• Two circles will be drawn and the hula hoop would be the third circle.
• Hula hoop is the circle that should not be entered except with the approval of
the person explaining that this is the personal space and should not be entered.
• Medium circle is ok to enter and be around, perfect for communication and
interactions to all people.
• Large circle is not good as its too far and cannot communicate with.
• Demonstration should be in place.
• Each participant in the room draws his/ her personal space according to their
Hula hoop the number of leaders

Reflection Questions:
1. What is personal space?
2. Who is allowed in the personal space?
3. How to react when someone enters your personal space?
4. In an uncomfortable situation how to stop the person entering your personal

Stepping Out of Comfort Zone
• Stepping out of your comfort zone is the way to learn new things and grow.
• Recognize what holds us back from trying new things
• We have to take risks to reach our goals
• Changing your habits starts with changing your perspective
Goals & Learning Outcomes:
• To introduce to participants the concepts of comfort zones, learning edges,
and danger zones
• Participants will be able to define what their comfort zone, learning zone, and
danger zones are.
• Participants will have a basic understanding of how to define what triggers
them and what they feel like when triggered
• To show that everyone has different levels of comfort with different topics,
activities, etc. and that you are the only one who knows when you are in the
different zones. So:
• You have to be the one who pushes yourself and knows when you are
• We should try not to judge other people or make assumptions about what
might be comfortable/easy for some people based on what is
comfortable/easy for ourselves
• To emphasize that learning happens outside of our comfort zones, and that
it requires that we sit in our discomfort sometimes, challenge ourselves, and
take risks

Zone Challenge:(9-12 years)
1. Make three circles with the balls (one big circle with red balls, smaller circle
inside with yellow balls, smaller circle inside with green balls)
2. Divide participants into 2 groups.
3. Each group stands in a line a few meters outside the outer red zone (facing the
4. There are plastic balls distributed in the red, yellow, and green zones. (Red balls
in red zone, yellow balls in yellow zone, green balls in green zone).
5. Each team has a bucket. The goal is to one by one go and get balls from the
zones and get them back in the bucket. Each color is equal to different points;
green =1 point, yellow =3 points, red=6 points. Team with most points wins.
6. For each ball collected, the person has to do a challenge to get it back to the
bucket. Participants can choose not to do the challenges if they don’t want to,
but they leave the ball behind.
Plastic balls (red, yellow, green) all available
Zone Challenges sheet printed for Team Leaders
Zone sheet printed for participants
2 buckets

Pop Your Fears:(9-12 years)
• Recognize what holds us back from trying new things
• Changing your habits starts with changing your perspective
1. Same two teams are now presented with 6 balloons each team (2 green, 2
yellow, 2 red).
2. Inside the balloons are small challenges to do. These are team challenges, the
whole team must do them together to win the points.
3. Each team picks only 3 balloons to pop from the 6. If they pop a balloon, they
MUST do the challenge presented. If they resign from doing one challenge, then
they lose ALL points of all 3 balloons.
4. Different colored balloons present different points. green =1 point, yellow =3
points, red=6 points.
1. Human knot and untie yourselves
2. Human knot and untie yourselves

1. Each pair sits on the floor, back to back, and try to get up without unlocking their
2. Each pair sits on the floor, back to back, and try to get up without unlocking their

1. Count as a group from 1-20
2. Make a perfect circle

4 red balloons, 4 yellow balloons, 4 red balloons, slips of paper printed to place inside
balloons (1 copy)

Reflection Questions:
• Any initial reactions to the activity?
• What did you notice about yourself in this activity?
• What did you notice about the group?
• What were some ways you noticed your social identities effected your
placement that you’d like to share?
• Anything else you’d like to add to our discussion of this activity?
Try to get the group to understand:
1. Where their own learning edges are,
2. That everyone has different levels of comfort with concepts, topics, activities,
3. That optimal learning happens when they are being challenged or challenging

• We have to take risks to reach our goals
• Stepping out of your comfort zone is the way to learn new things and grow.
1. Distribute pen and printed paper to each participant.
Explain the concepts of safety, comfort, learning edges, and danger zones:
2. We are going to talk about the concepts of comfort zones, learning zones, and
danger zones. These circles on the ground represent the three different zones. The
smaller green one is the Comfort Zone. (Ask people to move to the innermost circle)

We all have zones of comfort about different topics and experiences. Having difficult
conversations and doing social justice work often asks us to move beyond our
traditional areas of comfort so that we can open ourselves to new challenges,
knowledge, and awareness. Inside our comfort zone we are rarely being challenged;
therefore, rarely learning.

(ask participants to list all of the things that make them comfortable. What do they feel
safe? What is easy for them? What is familiar? They can list things from the
Ask participants to share.

3. (Ask people to move out to the second yellow circle) We call the edge of our comfort
zone, the learning zone. When we are on the learning edge, we are most open to
expanding our knowledge and understanding – as well as expanding our comfort zone
itself. Being on this edge can be uncomfortable or we may feel out of balance. We
may experience this as feeling annoyed, angry, anxious, surprised, confused,
defensive, or in some other way uncomfortable. These reactions are a natural part of
the process of expanding our comfort zones and are a part of the learning process.
The challenge is to recognize when we are on a learning edge and then to stay there,
and sit with the discomfort we are experiencing, to see what we can learn.
(Participants then write down the things that they aren’t comfortable doing or are
scared of doing on a small piece of paper.)
Ask participants to share.

(next, ask participants what keeps them inside that green comfort circle? Possible
answers include: fear of failure, fear of ridicule, lack of opportunity, peer pressure or
not wanting to be different, lack of confidence, past lack of success, lack of support,
habit, etc.)
Ask participants to share.

4. (Ask everyone to move to the outer most dangers circle, the red one) Too far
outside our comfort zone and we begin to resist new information and withdraw. This
is the danger zone. We can shut down or have other strong reactions that make it
hard or impossible to comprehend new information.

(ask participants to write down things that make them freeze with fear or run away.)

Ask participants to share if they want to.

Red, yellow, and green tape to make three concentric circles on the floor

Closing Statement:
Express that the intention of the activity is not to see where other people are and judge
them based on where they are, but to reflect on your own position and what is
impacting you being where you are on each statement
Fear is the only thing that keeps us inside our comfort zones. We are afraid of failing,
afraid of what we can be capable of. To break out of our comfort zones means to be
brave. Being brave isn’t being not scared but recognizing that you are afraid and
holding steadfast despite being afraid.
Only by changing the way we look at things that scare us can we break through them.
We have to see those things like they are challenges, not obstacles. We have to
recognize what makes us comfortable inside our comfort zone, what makes us
anxious in the learning zone, and what makes us afraid in the red danger zone.
The objective is to step into the learning zone until it becomes our comfort zone. Once
it has, the danger zone becomes in turn our learning zone. This is how we overcome
our fears.
Emotional Intelligence
Drawing Time:**
Time: 1hr
The idea of the activity is to make two very obvious unfair situations for two competing
groups and make them understand life is unfair and how to deal with these emotions.
The activities are made by creating two isolated groups and show the end results and
show the materials given at the end at each group.
Group A: Has many colors, has help of leaders, has many different colors, and little
amount of paper, and a head start
Group B: Limited coloring markers, too many papers to finish and less time than other
Please print in a size A1 CANSON paper, two papers are enough to complete the
task but more paper can be used for ATLs, team leaders and extras if time is too short
to be used for the participants.
Reflection questions (please feel free to add more)
1. How does it feel to be with privileges than others?
2. How does it feel being in an unfair situation?
3. Is this situation fair? Why?
4. Have you ever dealt with a similar situation in life? How did you do about it now?
5. Who in the world around us are facing such situation?
6. What will you do to change such act?
7. How to deal with these emotions?

Good or Bad Teacher: (older)
Time: 30min
There will be a flip chart that is divided into 3 columns (characteristics, Feeling, Action Do/Not to do)

• Ask the whole group to think about the characteristics of a “Good

teacher” and think about the characteristics of a “Bad Teacher”.
• The participants will share out the characteristics of a the “Good
• The participants now will come up with the Characteristics of the “Bad
• Then ask the participants how it would feel studying with that “Good
• The participants will share their emotions towards that teacher (look for
happy enthusiastic, encouraged)
• Then we do the same thing with the “Bad Teacher”
• The participants will be told that they will be taking a random subject
with the “Bad teacher” all week long feeling demoralized, depressed,
negative, and stressed. What the things that they would do and not do?
(look for: being lazy, disruptive, not ready to work)
• Then the participants will be told that they will be taking the same
subject but with the “Good Teacher” feeling happy, motivated, and
ready to work. What are the things that they would do and would not
• What did you learn from this activity?
• From the discussions in the activity it was very clear that emotions and
feelings do affect our performance. In fact, if you think about your own
energy and motivation level, you’ll recognize that whether at home or
at work certain moods often dictate your pace, enthusiasm, and
interactions with others. Nothing motivates me to clean the house or
cook quite as much as the anticipated arrival of a welcome guest. What
may have seemed like a chore in one state of mind suddenly becomes
fun in another. The same holds true at work. If I’m feeling overwhelmed
or defeated, a simple task may seem insurmountable. When my mood
is lighter, I can breeze through the same task and even much more
difficult ones without even noticing.
• Closing statement: our emotions are highly correlated with our
performance, and since we are all in the business of performance
improvement, we all need to focus on emotional intelligence.
Materials: A flip chart papers, pens, and marker
Fill a Jar:
Time: 20 min
Students will draw unexpected items inside a drawing of a jar. What to do: 1. They
will be given a paper with a jar printed on it. 2. Your students can fill the jar by drawing
something that you normally wouldn't find in a jar (a truck, a teddy bear, a tree etc.)
3. Display the finished works
Paper, Pencil, Markers or crayons

Drawing Adventure:
Time: 20 min
Participants will create drawings based on an imaginary journey. This is a great warm
up activity or 15 minute end of class filler. It will get your students' creative juices
flowing! • Ask your students to imagine that they are going on an adventure. • Ask
your students the following questions: o "Where are you going on your adventure?"
(a distant land, somewhere you've been before? a new place?) o "How will you get
there?" (by car, plane, train, on foot, via a new mode of transportation?) o "Who will
you see when you arrive?" (a friend? a family member? a creature? an alien?) o "What
will you do on your adventure?" Then, allow your students to draw their adventures!
Pencils, Paper, Pencil crayons or crayons or pastels or markers

Reaching the target:*
Time: 15 min


This game is played with the whole group with a large space area.

All the teams have the same start point and their target is to reach the finishing line.

Give each participants a character on a slip of paper and they have to act upon their
character. The characters are:
• Someone who can’t see
• Someone who can’t hear
• Someone who can’t move one leg (or two legs if possible)
• Someone who can’t talk
• Someone who can’t move his/her hands
Team members has to think of a plan and guide each other to the finishing line

When the game starts, make sure to change the place of the people who can’t see


Slips of paper with the names of character written on each slip

Reflection Questions:
1. Reflect in small groups:
2. How did you feel while acting your character?
3. What made you reach your finishing line?
4. Could you do it on your own? And why?

Helping Chain:
Time: 15 min


Give the participants canson colorful paper pieces

And ask them to think of something nice someone did to them throughout their last

(the different forms of kindness – kind words, kind actions, kind hands, and kind

let the participants share their experiences and write down on the piece of paper
(*note: make sure to leave the edges of the paper empty as it will be rolled)

after they finish writing, roll each piece and stapler while connecting it into a chain,
put different colors after each other

Now, how do you see these acts of kindness?

It is a chain across all of us. It is strong and big

Now, think of one act of kindness that you will do to someone (they don’t have to
decide now) and they will share it next time

Give each participant an empty paper slip to fill it in their week and bring it next time

Materials: A4 Papers, Colored Pens, Colored Paper

Presenting Yourself:
Time: 30 min
• Talk about how one should look like (personal hygiene, clothes, appearance)
• Talk about how I should talk with others (clear voice, proper eye contact,
proper posture)
• Talk about on how to properly speak (how to have self-confidence, what to
say and what not to say)
• Talk about presenting ourselves to different people is differ but also the
• There will be a team leader that will lack the skills of self-presentation and
the participants will give him the key skills to help him in his upcoming
• Participants will write down the good and the bad habits of representing
themselves into 2 columns.
• Then we will give that team leader those characteristics.
• Conclusion: Presenting yourself is something very important because you
want to give a good first impression to them about you. Appearance is the
most important aspect of introducing yourself because this is the first thing
that people look at when they meet you. Aspects of leaving a strong first
impression is talking with a clear and firm voice and having proper posture.
It’s also important to know what to say and what not say.
Big A3 paper, paper, pens, marker.

Resource Management
Participants are divided into 3-4 teams (average 7-8/team).
Each team starts with resources: Time (all), Money (50 $), and Energy (40 ml)
• Time passes in timers, you can’t stop it
• Money is earned and bought
• Energy is replenished
Their goal is to buy stuff to add to their lives from Shop.
Grim Reaper goes around and can grab anything he wishes (time/money/energy) of
If Time is up on your timer, you’re dead.
Balloons randomly thrown to boost time/energy/money. They can trade this for
anything they want from the designated stations at any time. Balloon is popped once

Station Earn Currency Task

Time is Money Money Time Riddles

Make Your Money Money Energy Physical Challenges

Power Up Energy Time Meditation

Lottery Energy Money Raffle tickets

Time Trade Time boosters/sell Energy/Money Bargain, trade

Shop Things in Life Energy, money, time --

• This document printed
• Icons document Printed
• 2 gluetac packs
• 2 White charts
• Scissors (the good kind)
• Permanent marker
• 3 A4 papers white
• Green marker
• Blue marker
• Red marker
• Scrap paper
• Monopoly money
• Pens
• Facilitator notes document printed
• Large empty water bottle
• 12 small water bottles
• 4 different food colorings
• Bowl
• 4 kitchen timers
• 4 different colored charts (small)
• Red balloons
• Grim Reaper costume

Reflection questions :( feel free to add your own)
- Reflect on what the team bought
- How did you make these decisions?
- How were you able to buy this stuff? What was your strategy?
- What was your priority? What was your least?
- Why did you choose to invest in (time/money/energy) in particular?
- Are these things that you typically manage in your life? Or does someone manage
them for you?

Time is Money:
Facilitator Instructions:

Station Materials:
• Riddles and sudoku
• Money
• Scrap paper
• pens
Riddles: 20 pounds prize for every two riddles solved, 10 min deducted for every
two riddles
Sudoku: 50 pounds prize for every 1 sudoku, 20 min deducted for every one

Station 1 Main Task

Time is Money Riddles

Station 1 Riddles
1. Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?
2. He has married many women but has never been married. Who is he?
3. How are a jeweler and a jailer alike?
4. How many bricks does it take to complete a building made of brick?
5. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
6. How much dirt is in a hole 4 feet deep and 2 feet wide?
7. I am used to bat with, yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball, yet it is never
thrown. What am I?
8. I have a head like a cat. I have feet like a cat. But I am not a cat. What am I?

9. I know a word of letters three, add two and fewer there will be.
10. If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would
11. If an egg came floating down the Green River, where did it come from?
12. If there are fifteen crows on a fence and the farmer shoots a third of
them, how many crows are left?
13. If two's company and three's a crowd, what are four and five?
14. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don't have it. What
is it?
15. If you were in a dark room with a candle, a woodstove, a match and a
gas lamp which do you light first?
Riddle Answers:
1. A ton
2. A Priest
3. The jeweler sells watches and the jailer watches cells.
4. Only one - the "last" one.
5. Once. After the first calculation, you will be subtracting 5 from 20, then 5 from
15, and so on.
6. There is no dirt in a hole.
7. Eyelashes.
8. A kitten.
9. Few.
10. None. Roosters don't lay eggs!
11. A chicken.
12. None. The rest of the crows flew away when they heard the gunshot.
13. Nine.
14. A secret.
15. The match.



Make Your Money:
Facilitator Instructions:

Station Materials
• Money
• Empty water bottle

Station 2 Main Task

Make Your Money Physical Challenges

Challenge Prize Currency

20 lunges (both legs = 1) 20 $ 10 ml energy

20 squats 20$ 10 ml energy

1 min lunge hold 20$ 10 ml energy

1 min wall sit 20$ 10 ml energy

20 pushups 20$ 10 ml energy

10 burpees 20$ 10 ml energy

1 min plank 20$ 10 ml energy

3 min plank 50$ 20 ml energy

5 min plank 100$ 50 ml energy

Power Up:
Facilitator Instructions:

Station Materials:
• 4 Energy bottles (different colors)

Station 3 Main Task

Power Up Meditation

Sequence of yoga poses will earn you 30 ml of energy:

• Mountain pose
• Sun salutation
• Forward bend
• Forward lunge
• Plank
• Downward dog
• Forward dog
• Cat-cow pose
• Warrior pose
• Pigeon Pose
• Rest pose (1 min)

For every full cycle, take 20 min from time

Facilitator Instructions:

Station Materials:
• Raffle tickets (draft paper)
• Pens
• Bowl

Station 4 Main Task

Lottery Raffle Tickets

Raffle Ticket Price: 20

Maximum number of tickets bought: 10/ team

Cut up draft paper into raffle tickets; write random 4-digit numbers twice on the
same paper. When a team buys a ticket, cut that paper in half, give them number,
keep the copy of the number in the bowl.
When a team earns the lottery, they have to present the ticket in order to claim the
energy prize. No ticket, no prize.


Time Trade:
Facilitator Instructions:

Station 5 Main Task

Time Trade Bargain

In this station, teams will either BUY or SELL time to other teams.
They choose their currency, either money or energy.
In order to BUY time: they have to announce to other teams that they want to buy
time for money/energy.
In order to SELL time: they have to announce to other teams that they want to sell
time for money/energy.
They decide the amount, and try to attract teams to the booth.
Your role as facilitator is to mediate the transaction between both teams.
If more than one team is attracted, they have to bid for the item for sale/for buy.
Teams can attract other teams through skits, songs, acts, announcements...etc.
They can buy time boosters
Note: time sold/bought has to be either 10 min, 20 min, or 30 min. Nothing else!
Time Boosters:

x2 x4
Facilitator Instructions:

Station Materials:
• Merch for sale

Station 6 Main Task

Shop Sell

You are the shopkeeper. Your role is to sell time merchandise, money merch, or
energy merch.
Each item is labeled with its price.
No bargaining or trading allowed (trading items, using a different currency, trading

TIME merch MONEY merch ENERGY merch

item price item price item price

Family time 30 min mansion 100 Nutrition 30 ml

Friends 20 min Sports car 150 Health 20 ml

Hobbies 15 min Private jet 200 Sports 30 ml

Sleeping in 10 min games 50 Honors Achievement 20 ml

Chillin’ 10 min Fancy clothes 50 Sports Trophies 20 ml

Boat in Sahel 100

Family Time:



Sleeping in:



Sports Car:

Private Jet:


Fancy Clothes:

Boat in Sahel:




Honors Achievement:

Sports Trophies:

Goal Setting
Setting Things Straight:(Act 1)
Time: 25-30 minutes
Show video on goals and the importance of constantly striving to achieve them.
After video is played, facilitator should give a small talk about the importance of always
striving for more and always dreaming.
Then ask the participants to dream – give them pens and papers and ask them to
write down their goals – no matter how small. Tell them that they are accountable for
everything they write and that we’ll be helping them bit by bit reach their goal
throughout the semester – at least put them on the track towards achieving it.
Goals should also be discussed in attendance groups.
Pens & papers, projector + screen
❖ After the first activity is done you can pack it up with the second activity.

Activity 2:(Continuation of Act. 1)
Time: 40 – 60 minutes (depends on the variations involved)
On 30 pieces of paper, write down 10-15 different variations of a “task” or “obstacle”.
The participants each chooses a paper and needs to accomplish the written tasks in
order to reach their “goal”
Tasks are:
1. Physical obstacles:
a. Jumping Jacks
b. Jump through hoops
c. Push Ups
2. Mental obstacles:
a. Solve a riddle
b. Solve a math equation
c. Write a paragraph on why your goal is important to you
d. Find 10 words that rhyme together
3. Social obstacles:
a. Get people to support your cause/goal (sign-ups)
b. Make a leader laugh
c. Sing about your goal
The different variations of the obstacles must include at least 2 of each ‘category’ and
with different values. For example, one paper could have: 10 jumping jacks, 5
pushups, solve 3 math riddles, write a paragraph on why your goal is important and
sing about your goal.
Each participant needs to finish his/her paper in the fastest time possible. Once a
participant’s ‘tasks’ are completed, he/she can proceed to run towards the “goal”
poster, attempting to avoid the 3 balls being passed around him/her. Once successful,
this person wears the medal holds the trophy and takes a picture. We do this till
everyone is done.
2 hoops, 3-4 big balls (labeled health, family, school and social life), flipchart and
markers, long rope, big chart with ‘GOAL’ written on it, 1 medal + trophy for pictures.

Time: 15-25 minutes
Everyone will be asked to blow up a balloon and tie it to his/her leg. The winner of the
game is whoever still has an intact balloon before time runs out.
As soon as the time starts, everyone will start trying to step on others’ balloons – all
failing to realize that they could all win simply by all keep their balloons and not
stepping on others.
Balloons + strings
Reflection should be done as a group reflection/closing statement:
In life, we’re all fighting our own battles and trying to achieve our own goals. We each
have something specific we’re going through that perhaps no one would understand
but the only thing we have in common is that we all want to move forward. Achieving
my own goals should never be on the expense of another person’s goal – being a
strong team means we all achieve our goals together. Finishing up today, we each
have set our very own personal goals and we have a glimpse of what it’s going to take
to achieve them – it’s going to be hard, there will be days where you’ll feel tired and
de-motivated, but it’s those days where you make sure you fight the hardest because
it’s right after that you start to see results and change.
Facilitator should also remind the participants that there will be a goal checkpoint later
on in the semester.

Project Presentation
Review the KWL Chart:
Time: 15 min
Note: each group will have chosen their project topic before this session)
• Each group will sit and review the chart together
• They will share the information they learnt about their topic and decide on how
they will work during the sessions
Materials should be decided the session before based on the project of each group

Working on the project:

Time: 20 min
Each group should be working on their project and its presentation
Materials should be decided the session before based on the project of each group

Groups Presentations:
Time: 45 min
Each group will present their project to the rest of the groups
Note: order of the presentation should be balanced into the various ways of
Materials should be decided the session before based on the project of each group

Mission Impossible:**
Time: 1 hr
This is a big game in which it will be introduced as follows:
You have a mission as a team to stop a nuclear weapon but your only way is through
finishing the challenges ahead of you.
You are competing against the clock
Then, the team starts with the activities one after another till one team stops the
nuclear weapon
Notes to the team leader:
Note that this game depends on the fast pace for the team. So, don’t let your team
spend so much time on one activity. If they can’t do it, move to another one. The
order doesn’t matter

Time: 15 min
The whole team is supposed to cross the space web while connected. No body parts
are supposed to touch the web. If at any point the team is disconnected or they touch
the web more than 3 times, they start all over again.

Halim Stick:
Time: 15 min
Place the stick on the right position on the ground, starting from standing position
1. All the team should be touching the stick with Index fingers of both hands All the
TIME during the game
2. If any hand wasn’t touching the stick at a certain point the team return to start point
3. No one is allowed to hold the stick from above If that happen All team return to start
Banner Stick

Ball Trolley:
Time: 15 min
1. The whole team lines up and everybody gets a ball that he sticks between his
stomach and the stomach of the person in front of him.
2. A line for males and a line for females
3. The team has to travel from point A to point B without any of the balls falling to
the ground.
4. If any of the balls falls, the team starts all over again.
10 Rubber Big Balls

Back Mirror:
Time: 15 min
The team have to walk backwards from a point to the other all connected
1. No looking back, they can only use the mirror.
2. They can’t hit the cones (start over)
Mirror, Cones

Rope Writing:
Time: 15 min
Each team is given a pen with 6 ropes tied to it. Team should write "Connection" on
a piece of paper by holding the pen form the ends of the ropes.
1. Team is not allowed to touch the pen
2. Players should hold the ropes from the end (50 cms away)
Paper, Pen, Strong Rope

Reflection Questions on Mission Impossible, Halim Stick, Hula Hoop

Circle, Ball Trolley, Back Mirror, Maze, Rope Writing:
Time: 20 min
1. How did you feel while finishing the activities?
2. What made you finish the challenge?
3. What did you learn today about yourself? And your team?
4. As a team member, what were your roles and responsibilities?
5. in every aspect in our lives, we have roles and responsibilities
6. In your personal life, what are your roles and responsibilities in your different
7. What are roles and responsibilities that I need start to take care of? (to myself,
my school, my family, the environment)
Share with the group one thing you will do

Traitor:(9-12 years)*
Time: 45 min
That’s the core activity, it will be divided into four rounds each round with different
First they will be with the same two groups done at the beginning of the day. And
there will be balls on the ground.
For each round, time includes preparations
Round 1(5 mins)
They will just be told to run around and gather balls, knowing that they can only
carry one ball at once, and at the end points will be counted according to the balls
per team
Round 2 (10 mins)
They will be in pairs, per team and then one of them will be blind folded, and the
other has to guide him/her to the position of the balls.
So one guides and the other do the physical work.
Round 3 (10 mins)
Same pairs per team but back to back, and they have to gather the balls but not
using their hands
Round 4 (10 mins)
They will be individuals again, but this team for each person there will be a balloon
tied to his/her leg and they will have to repeat round one but this time the one whose
balloon will be blown is not qualified to gather balls, and there will be a traitor per
team, that his/her role is to do what it takes to make his team lose.
Traitor will be picked by team leaders

Reflection is to be done per attendance group.
1. How do u feel after the game
2. How did u feel after win/lose
3. In case of win, do u think the team work was the reason of your win? Why?
4. In case of lose, do u think it would have been better if there was team work?
5. What do you think is the importance of team work?
6. On what basis you should trust anyone?
7. Is trust a must in every team? Why?

• Balloons
• Plastic balls
• Two buckets
• Blind folds

Blind Field:
Time: 20 min
(each team plays alone)
Every three participants form a team. One is blindfolded and sent to retrieve balls to
put them in the bucket, the second is can see the blindfolded one but cannot talk, and
the third is facing the second (can’t see blindfolded but can communicate with them).
The goal is to get as many balls in the bucket as possible to win.
Team Leader notes:
• Scatter cones and balls in the class after each pair’s round.
• If participants can’t really grasp the game, simplify.
Blindfolds per team, cones, balls

Stereo Types:
Time: 3 min explanation, 10 min game time, 15-20 min Reflection

To make each kid pick a stereotype based on only visual incentives thus making it
clear that kids pick a word to judge a person and then by putting it in the bucket
demonstrating their actions that follow in real life towards that person.
4 TLs will stand in 4 distinct spots across the room blindfolded and dressed as their
character in stop motion. Each kid will have 4-6 pieces of papers where each will
contain a printed Stereotype. A bucket will be placed in front of each TL where kids
will place only one of the four printed pieces of paper.

Nerd (Glasses, Lack of fashion sense (boring colors and style of clothing)

Cool Kid (Sun glasses, preferably muscly, striking a pose)

Scary kid that nobody likes (A lot of scars and tattoos drawn with a marker)

Loner: they have no friends (sitting on the ground in a lonely way)

Nerd Profile

I might have my sunglasses on, don’t talk much and isn’t a big fan of sports, but what
I do know is that I’ve won multiples 1st place prizes in the Yearly held Mathematics
competition. I’ve started to develop an app will help gather funds for building roofs all
over the country. I’ve been taking some violin lessons and I’m getting pretty good at
it. And believe it or not I play football and my favorite team is Barcelona.

Scary Profile

I might have a lot of tattoos but as a child I used to have a *Medical Condition* and
so I had to do a lot of surgeries growing up. My therapist suggested to my parents
that it might ease the pain if I got tattoos to cover the scars. I am insecure about my
body but aren’t we all. I Like to ride bicycles and motorcycles but I don’t want to be a
gangster. I sing and paint in my free time as well as volunteer with different charity
organizations to help orphan kids who didn’t get the chances we got.


Print Attachment Files TWICE. 4 Buckets.

Music: Calm and serious (heartfelt).

Reflection Discussion:

If you would pick a friend, who would that be?

Do you feel like you only pick one type of friends?

What do you think made that decision?

What do you usually look for in a person before you approach them, or become friends
with them?

How do you feel if you can become friends with all of them?

DO you notice that some people are left out, all the time?

What stereotype do you think people will use for you?

Is it really reflective of you?

Do you feel like you have to belong to a ‘group’?

Note to TLs: It is okay if people do not have answers to these questions on spot, the
point is to get them thinking.


Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner


Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner


Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner


Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner


Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner


Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd Nerd

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary Scary

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner Loner

Introduction to Bullying:
Time: 30 min
Before we start this activity there will be a small talk about the topic of bullying
saying that this topic is very sensitive and must be taken seriously and and sensibly.
then a Team Leader will tell an incident.
1. Video/ Reflection
2. Name of the video: Anti-bullying tips for kids with, "Five Ways to Stop
Bullying!" (Educational Videos for Students)
3. The participants will be shown a video on bullying and how it affects people
around them, and then Team Leaders will ask those questions about the
1. What did you see in this video?
2. Can you relate to this video?
3. How did this video make you feel?
4. What can we say about that video?
5. What did you learn from this video?
6. Do you think that bullying is something that we can be proud of?
7. After watching this video, is bullying something that can be always done and
be okay with it?
8. After watching this video will you ever stop a bullying situation when you see
9. Will you stand up to a bully?

Reflection questions:
Bullying is something that we can't be proud of because it hurts other people. We
have to be kind to others no matter how they treat us. We have to help who those in
need whether they are the bullied people or the actual bullies.

Do it Yourself…:
Time: 45min
• Participants will be divided into 4 groups… the Team leader will act 3
situations that consist of all types of bullying and then each group will have a
big sheet of paper and analyze each situation and come up with solutions.
Then each group will come up and show their results to the whole session.
• Then participants will have a piece of paper and will have to write their bullying
moment where they have bullied or have been bullied.
• Then participants will have the time to come up and share their moment.
• Participants will take the time and rip their papers and throw them away as if it
is now gone.
• Participants will be able to analyze the situations from 3 perspectives ( Bully,
The Bullied, Spectators)
• Participants will know how to stand up against a bully
• Participants will know how act when they see a bullying act
• participants will come up with way to make the situation even worse
• during the discussion the TL will be asking those questions:
1. What type of bullying is this?
2. What could have the bully said other than what he said previously?
3. What could the victim have done other than standing there?
4. What could the spectators have done other than laughing or joining in?
5. What would make the situation even worse?
• Please make sure that all of the participants are engaged in the activity.
• Situations:
1. All Team Leaders will be sitting in a classroom and a teacher will ask a
question then student will answer incorrectly, then another student stands up
and laughs at him then all of the students laugh. (verbal)
2. Person1 and peron2 will come and push person3 and person3 falls… person4
and person5 will just stand there and watch. (Physical)
3. Someone will start walking and another three people will keep talking about
her in a bad way. (Social)
In the end of any bullying session
There will be a pledge that will be said at the end of the session and all
participants will have to sign this pledge

Bullying – What is It and Why Not Do It?:
Time: 35 min
Part one: in their groups, participants are given index cards and they have to come
up with as many different ways that people bully as possible. Write each reason on
each index card.
Then, when they are done, they are handed one of the “Bullying – what is it?”
handout. They have to divide the ways people bully into the categories on the
handout. If they don’t have them ready, they come up with some on spot. After that,
they need to come up with a definition of bullying and write it on one index card. We
can have some groups share their definition together with the rest of the groups.
Part two: we will choose four participants, and let them draw one of the “Why We
Bully” cards. They have two minutes to come up with a SHORT role play that
illustrates what is on the card. The other participants have to figure out the reason.
Repeat that for a couple of times.
Then, we will have a lightening round where we discuss in a large groups reason
why NOT to bully. Then, we do reflection in smaller groups. After the closing
statement, they are given the “Self-Acceptance” worksheet.

Reflection Questions:
1. What do you think of bullying?
2. How do you think being bullied makes people feel?
3. If you or someone you know is being bullied, what are some ways that can you
can do for help or to stop the bullying? OR how can you make a difference at
school? Do you think you can stop bullying? How? What are some ways that
you could help someone who is being bullied?
4. If someone started bullying you, who would you talk to about the situation?
Who are some of the people that would help you? (Make sure to emphasize
that IT IS OK – and actually they have - to talk about it and tell someone they
trust about to make it stop).
Closing Statement:
Video about bulling from your choice , Name of the video: Anti-bullying tips for kids
with, "Five Ways to Stop Bullying!" (Educational Videos for Students)

What is Bullying?
Cyberbullying Emotional

Verbal Physical

Gossiping Your definition:

People bully because it makes them feel
smarter, stronger and/or better than the person
People bully because other
being bullied
people do it
People bully because they want People bully because it keeps them from being
to be accepted by a certain bullied

Gratitude and Appreciation
Gratitude Tree/chain:**

Time: 20 min
Participants will be asked to write down things they’re grateful for – one on each paper.
Each needs to write down at least 6-7 things. They will then link all of them together
to form their gratitude chain.
80 Colored Paper (20 each of red, blue, green, yellow, purple, etc.) + Markers + 4

Thank You Letters:

Time: 20 min
Have the participants sit and write letters to some important people in their lives saying
thank you. The main aim of this activity is for them to show gratitude to those people
we happen to take for granted.
Ribbons/String + Papers + Markers

Time: 15-20 min
Write the top 20 things you’d like to change about your life
Write the top 10 things you are grateful for
Materials: 60 A4 papers, 60 pens
Music: Calm and inspiring
*Attendance groups should get together to discuss and share*
1. Reasons for these changes?
2. How often you think of the things that you are grateful of?
3. Do you think this is important?
4. Can you imagine what happens when we forget the things we are grateful for?
5. Try to elaborate the pressure of the Fast paced internet pushing everyone to
over or underestimate their qualities as well as flaws?

Skits in Family Situations – Show the Things That Happen at Home &
Parents Perspective:&&&
Time: 35 min
Team leaders will act out short skits for participants to show
the things that happen at home and different situations from daily life . and at the end
of every skit they should say a line on the whole skit>.
Suggestions foe skits:
‫مش عجبني البس‬/‫لبس في الغسيل‬
‫لما بيقولوا ال‬/ ‫لما بنكون عايز حاجه و ينسوا يجبوهلنا‬
+ TALK (5 minutes) addressing how we take things for granted and don’t actually
appreciate the thought and effort put into the things they do for us.

Break groups into teams of 4-6 people Give each group a piece of cardboard and a
marking pen. Tell them they will have two minutes to think of one word that
describes something they all have in common and to write that word on their piece
of cardboard. When time is up, give each group a tube of toothpaste. Tell them they
have two more minutes to outline the word they have just written as creatively and
neatly as possible using the toothpaste. When time is up, make a few quick
comments about how well the groups have followed directions; how creative they
are, etc. Explain that the best part of this activity is about to begin because now the
groups will have two minutes to figure out how to get the toothpaste back into the
toothpaste tube. The team that can do it neatly with the least amount of toothpaste
left on the outside will be the winner. After two minutes, interrupt the groups and ask
them if they have completed the task. If they ask for more time, tell them you can
give them one more minute. If they ask for still more time, allow yourself to be
persuaded, but let them know that’s absolutely the most you can give them.
When time is up, interrupt and ask participants
Tell everyone that the real reason for doing this activity was to demonstrate that
toothpaste can’t be forced back into the toothpaste tube. And the same thing is true
of the words we use when speaking. Once something is said, we can’t get those
words back again. That’s why it is so important to think about what we’re about to
say before we say it.
Tubes of toothpaste, Cardboards, Markers

Pick n’ Choose:
Time: 30-35 min


Prioritizing, Decision making, Self-Awareness and a Clearer vision


The facilitator will ask the participants to fold the paper they have into 4 equal
partitions. Each partition will contain a category of their life (People, Things, Hobbies
or something that you love to do, Memories) revealed in a sequential matter. The
Facilitator will then ask to write the top 4 results of each category giving 5 min for
each. Top 4:

• People they care about and are important in their life

• Things/Objects they have that will never want to lose

• Hobbies or something they enjoy doing

• Memories of high significance to them

• Favorite Places

After all participants are done with all the categories the participants have to cut these
results in smaller pieces so that each would be separated from the other. The
facilitator then orders them to remove these pieces of paper in a random manner such
as (Remove 4 papers of any category of lower significance, remove 3 pieces of any
of lower significance…etc.) giving 1 minute and decreasing as you go so that only 3
papers are left in total. Using the fact that whatever they give up they will live without
for the rest of their lives.

Materials: 120 A4 papers, 60 pens

Music: Meditational

1. Your results are the things that you care about the most
2. Why and how did you pick these? What’s the motivation and reasoning behind
your choice?
3. Can you actually imagine your life without everything else? And how will that
affect you?
4. Act it How did it feel when you were limiting your list?
5. Does this happen in real life?

The Play!!!!:**
Time: 1h 30m
There will be a small play that will be presented by the leaders. The best part is that
the participants are in control of this play and they get to choose the actions that take
place in the play. They will sit in a big group, and each stop they will be given choices
to make (they will have 1 min to decided) then these choices will foreshadow the path.
There will be dead ends where the character has reached to the point where he cannot
continue then the participants will have 3 restarts where they have the chance to
restart where they want in the scene.
Main character
2 Friends
El 7ob
1) 3 crumbled paper
2) 3 straws
3) Joy stick
4) Blanket
5) 100 L.E.
6) Pillow
7) Books
8) Sign ( with “bike renting” written on one side & “koshk ,canteen” on the other)
9) Cigarettes
10) Papers
11) Pen
12) Gym set

13) Gym bag
14) Clothes

Reflection question:
1. What happened in the play?
2. What did you learn from the play?
3. Do you really believe that people can always have an effect on us?
4. Now do you believe that the choices that you make can really affect you?
It is always important to know how to take the right decisions in your lives because
any choice that you make will affect you as a person and also it will affect other people
whether it affects them badly or in a good way.

Acting Scene in Se3eedy Theme:

Convert a Song to a Scene Se3eedy Theme
Divide all participants into groups, give each group a scene or a song to act in a
sa3eedy style, give them time to come up with a play then let every group preform in
front of everyone.
1. Titanic Scene, or standing in the hall of fame
2. The Godfather, or Amareen Tamaly ma3ak
3. 3asal eswed, or Sugar Maroon 5
4. Harry potter, or Something Just like this Coldplay
5. Pirates of the Carrabin, or My heart will go on Titanic

Career Day

1. Magazines at least 15
2. Scissors (enough for everyone to use and share)
3. Glue Sticks (enough for everyone to use and share)
4. Colors (enough for everyone to use and share)
5. 50 A3 papers for an individual activity for each participant (not including leaders)
6. 50 A4 papers (for evaluations)
7. 45 copies of the attached document to be distributed to each student (not
including leaders)
8. Paper tape (to hang posters)
9. 42 Pencils or Pens

Activities Outline:
Intro and Ice Breakers (15 minutes)
Some interactive name games and icebreakers

Activity 1: Songs & TV shows (10 minutes)

Participants identify the TV shows and songs that they like the most and write the
main words that describe them in their work -sheet .
Then, they pick the words that describe them from the songs & TV show list ( P.1)

Activity 2: Create your life book (40 minutes)

All of the participants will sit on the floor, each participant with an a2 paper and
scissors. The magazines are put on the floor all around the room and there’s a big
box of markers in the room. We will leave time for the participants to create their
own collage that describes their personality and thoughts.
Participants make their own collage on A3 papers then they sit in reflection groups
and present their ideas

Activity 3: Find your True Color
• Part A: (15 minutes) Individual work
Each participant will go around the room and look into the posters on the
wall.each poster has a specific color with key personality words that relate to that
color … they will pick the words that match their personality and write them down
in their worksheet. ( P.2)

• Part B: (20 minutes) Group work

People who share the same color will sit in groups and discuss the strength,
Interests, dreams, and challenges of each personality type (color)

• Part C: (10 minutes) Presentation

Groups will present the findings of their discussion to the rest of the participants

Activity 4: Finding your Occupation (30 minutes)

Facilitators will have cards with description of different professions without
mentioning the name of the profession. Participants will pick the description cards
that match their interest and write them down in their worksheet…
Facilitators then help participants to make the link between the description and
Facilitators then relate professions to different majors that would prepare them to the

Activity 5: Action Plan (20 minutes)

Group discussion on how participants would like to plan for their goal

Evaluation (20 minutes)

Quick activity where facilitators go over the main objectives of the session and give
each participant a card with his color and personality description
Team Leader is to prepare good energizers to be done in the transitional time from
one activity to another

Sports Day
*Split into 2 Teams (T1, T2)
Team RED and Team BLUE
To do:
• Blow balloons and fill them water
• Cut and divide ribbons
• Prepare material
Point System

Dodgeball 1 point/Match
Water Balloon Toss 1 point per Round
Obstacle Course Best (shortest) time Wins 1 Point
Jumping rope Longest consecutive jumps 1 point
Sprint Best Time wins 1 Point
Relay Race Best Time wins 1 Point
Hostage 1 Point/Match

TL Score Sheet
*On a separate sheet, write down the score of each participant, then on this
score sheet write the fastest/number of jumps.

Game TEAM # # - Score Team score

Dodgeball # of Rounds Won
Water Balloon Toss # of Full Tosses
Sprint Quickest Trial
Relay Race Quickest Trial
Jumping Rope Longest # of jumps
Obstacle Course Quickest Time
Hostage # of Rounds Won

Like capture the flag, court is divided into two zones, zone for team A, zone for team
B. Within team A’s zone, there is a safe circle of team B, and vice versa. Team A has
a hostage from team B held in the safe circle (marked by cones). Hostage is
blindfolded and tied up.
Objective of Teams is to get through the enemy zone into their safe circle, and carry
their hostage out and back to their own zone.
Participants wear ribbons. Teams can only pull opponent’s ribbons if they are present
inside their home zone. If opponent is inside enemy zone and has his ribbon pulled,
they are out.
Music: exciting

Obstacle Course (YOUNGER&OLDER):
Easy Version:
Criss Cross cones
Jump over cones
High knees through tires
Hula hoop jumps
Crawl under blanket (2 TLs holding)
Sprint to finish

Difficult version:
Hands are tied (last two participants of Older team)

Water Balloon Toss (YOUNGER):

The team gets to stand in a zigzag formation (marked by cones). A bucket filled with
water balloons is placed at one end the and an empty bucket on the other. The team
needs to pass all the water balloons to each other and in the empty bucket. Each 3
Balloons the Facilitator asks the team to take ONE STEP BACK. Each successful
pass of a balloon from one side to the other counts as a point.

Sprint, Relay Race, Jumping Rope (YOUNGER&OLDER):

* All get to try, ONLY the fastest or the longest times are recorded
* 3 players at a time. Change the players after each round.
Sprint cone to cone and back x2
Relay Race
Min 3 players. Suicides! (5 cones)
Jumping Rope
Longest Consecutive jumps are recorded.

• Volleyballs (all)
• Cones (all)
• Rope
• Whistles x10
• Water (60 water bottles)
• Big Red Cones (jump over)
• Hulla hoops x8
• Tires x10
• white cloth x2 (something to go under)
• Balloons x40 (Red and blue)
• Buckets (4 big buckets + 6 small buckets)
• Jumping ropes x5
• Ribbons x140 red + 140 Blue
• Mashabek x70
• Blindfolds x4
• Face crayons
• Tape (Duct tape, Scotch Tape, sherit le7am)
• White board markers
• White Board as Panneau
• Stopwatches x2
• IPod with good music!!!
• Glue tag
• Habl ghaseel
• Big scissors
• Pens
• Scrap papers
• Pins for winners x30

Sports Day 2

Each TL should have :

1. A list of all teams

2. Schedule

3. Score sheet

4. Whistle

5. His/her phone as a stopwatch

Sound System and Water:

Water need to be put in the shade

Sound system needs to be up and running at 9:45

Score Sheet

Football Match 1

Football Match 2

Dodgeball Match 1

Dodgeball Match 2

Running Timing

Relay Running Timing

# Rope Jumps

Get The Ball timing


• Match Score format:

My team’s Score – The opponent’s team score
• Total # of Jumps in Both Consecutive Rounds done by the entire team.
• Get the ball Best Time Only

Football Tournament:

1. Make sure there are 2 goals

2. Make sure there are 2 balls

3. Referee whistle

4. The football court boundaries made by the long rope.

5. Marks using the tape will be put on the ground as a reminder if the ropes
6. Assess the amount of space needed for 2 runners to run simultaneously.


1. The Dodgeball court boundaries made with rope as well as middle line made
with tape ( or we’ll use the already existing lines)

2. 5 balls put in the middle of the court.


1. If a player passes the line he/she are out

2. If a player get a direct hit he/she are out

3. If a ball hits the ground before the player, he/she are not eliminated
4. If a player crosses the boundaries of the court, he/she are out.

5. If time is up, the team with the most players in the field wins


a. Team are not of equal number even though all players are on the field

Give the smaller team X number of lives instead of the missing players
b. Teams are not of equal number because some of the players doesn’t want to or
can’t participate

Solution: Get them in court even if they’re going to lose on purpose

Race/Relay Race:

1. Making sure at the start of this station there is 2 stopwatches.

2. 2 TL will test the Running course make sure it’s wide enough


Each Team will have 4 individual runners and 6 relay runners.

This station will be going on throughout the sports day only the racers are going to
participate in this activity and the rest of the team will be playing in the other stations

Get The Balls:


(This station and Jumping Rope station will be happening simultaneously)

½ of the 2 teams will be competing against each other.

3 balls will be placed at different distances from the starting point.

Each Team Member in this station will have to get each ball and place it in a bucket
placed infront of his Team’s Line –up.

Bucket : At the Starting Point

1st ball : 5 m
2nd ball = 10 m

3rd ball = 15 m

1. Starting line is set by tape

2. Balls are 5 meters apart starting from the starting line

3. Bucket placed on the starting line

Jumping Rope:

(This station and Jumping Rope station will be happening simultaneously)

½ of the 2 teams will be competing against each other.

Players will jump the rope


1. Each Player will count for themselves and inform the leader directly

2. If at any point the Player stops, another player gets to chance to try..and so on
till all the team have tried
25 Jumps = 1 Point
50 Jumps = 2 Points
100 Jumps = 4 points
200 jumps = 10 points
300 jumps = 20 points
400 Jumps = 40 points
400+ Jumps each 100 jumps = 10 points

4 Functioning ropes at the jumping rope area which will also be made clear by tape


1. Cones

2. Flags
3. Tape
4. Rope

5. Moshtarak

6. Balls

7. Football

8. Jumping Rope

9. Small rope
10. Big Rope

11. Stopwatch

12. Score Board

Sports Day 3
Warm-Up: (30 min)
1. Team Division:
Teams divided
Distribute ribbons, face paint, plain flags, -- red and blue
Assign team captains
• Red ribbons
• Blue ribbons
• Red face paint
• Blue face paint
• Red flag
• Blue flag
• Three red cloths
• Three blue cloths

2. Team Physical Warm-Up:

Each team captain leads their team members in physical warm up (max 5 min)

3. Speedster X-O:
Participants line up at line set up, 10m ahead, there’s an X-O layout. Each team
gets three pieces of cloths for their team, and one by one they race to layout and
place their cloth. They play X-O. If there is a tie, the team can still race to rearrange
the cloths. (2 layouts can be set up depending on number of participants-- max 7 per

Captain ribbons (with X on them)

Reverse Football: (30 min)
Normal football but in reverse. Each team will try to score into their own goals to
earn points. (funny because its the normal football )

Quidditch: (30 min)

Each team has to protect their hoops, and score in the other team’s hoops.
Quidditch is played using balloons (1st round: 5 balloons, 2: 10, 3: 15)
Balloons are slightly filled with some water to make them heavier.
• Red hoop
• Blue hoop
• Something to hang the hoops on
• 50 red balloons
• 50 blue balloons

Bosbos Ball (30 min) - Older only

Like baseball.
There are 9 bases on the field. Home base is where team 1 lines up. Team 2 is
spread out inside the field. Team 1 throws the ball anywhere in the field (as long as
inside perimeters), and runs towards the first base. Team 2 tries to catch the ball
before it lands. If they do before Team 1 member reaches the base, team 1 is out. If
the ball hits the ground, they must retrieve it and place it inside the bucket in the
middle also before team 1 reaches the base. If they play is long, team 1 member
can make his way to base 2 (or further), just as long as he touches the base he
arrives at it. Goal is for team 1 to make their way around all bases and reach back to
home base.

• White tape
• Bucket
• Handball
• Hoola hops

Sugar Cubes
Sugar Cubes:**
Participants will have the chance to write a few kind and positive words to each other
and put in an envelope to take back home as a memory and a goodbye.
TLs will write a small kind word to their attendance groups before the session.
Participants will stand in a circle and will place the envelope where they are standing
so that each envelope will be in a unique place.
Envelopes, papers and pens

Time: 15 min
Each attendance group will sit together and share the following:
• What they learnt through the program
• What they discovered new about themselves
After the sharing, groups say goodbye to each other


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