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Original Research Article

Clinical Rehabilitation
2022, Vol. 36(11) 1424–1449
Physical therapy for facial nerve © The Author(s) 2022

paralysis (Bell’s palsy): An updated Article reuse guidelines:
and extended systematic review of DOI: 10.1177/02692155221110727
the evidence for facial exercise

Amir J Khan1,2 , Ala Szczepura2 , Shea Palmer2,3 ,

Chris Bark4, Catriona Neville5 , David Thomson5,
Helen Martin6, and Charles Nduka5

Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the effectiveness of facial exercise therapy for facial palsy
patients, updating an earlier broader Cochrane review; and to provide evidence to inform the develop-
ment of telerehabilitation for these patients.
Data Sources: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, PEDro and AMED for relevant studies
published between 01 January 2011 and 30 September 2020.
Methods: Predetermined inclusion/exclusion criteria were utilised to shortlist abstracts. Two reviewers
independently appraised articles, systematically extracted data and assessed the quality of individual studies
and reviews (using GRADE and AMSTAR-2, respectively). Thematic analysis used for evidence synthesis;
no quantitative meta-analysis conducted. The review was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42017073067).
Results: Seven new randomised controlled trials, nine observational studies, and three quasi-experimental
or pilot studies were identified (n = 854 participants). 75% utilised validated measures to record changes
in facial function and/or patient-rated outcomes. High-quality trials (4/7) all reported positive impacts; as
did observational studies rated as high/moderate quality (3/9). The benefit of therapy at different time
points post-onset and for cases of varying clinical severity is discussed. Differences in study design pre-
vented data pooling to strengthen estimates of therapy effects. Six new review articles identified were
all rated critically low quality.

1 5
Department of Economics, Institute of Business Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, East
Administration, Karachi, Pakistan Grinstead, West Sussex, UK
2 6
Centre for Healthcare Research, Coventry University, St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust,
Coventry, UK Liverpool, UK
Centre for Care Excellence, Coventry University &
Corresponding author:
University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire,
Coventry, UK Ala Szczepura, Centre for Healthcare Research, Coventry
4 University, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK.
Lanchester Library, Coventry University, Coventry, UK
Khan et al. 1425

Conclusion: The findings of this targeted review reinforce those of the earlier more general Cochrane
review. New research studies strengthen previous conclusions about the benefits of facial exercise therapy
early in recovery and add to evidence of the value in chronic cases. Further standardisation of study design/
outcome measures and evaluation of cost-effectiveness are recommended.

systematic review, Bell’s palsy, facial exercise therapy, telerehabilitation, COVID-19

Received January 25, 2022; accepted June 9, 2022

Introduction The evidence base for therapy in acute and

chronic cases remains limited. Currently, a range
Bell’s palsy is the most common form of acute of treatment options may be offered, with a
spontaneous peripheral facial paralysis, with poor recent study identifying considerable variation in
recovery affecting a patient’s long-term quality of the care pathways experienced by patients in the
life.1 The cause still unclear,2 although the condi- United Kingdom.20 These range from medication
tion has long been associated with reactivation of and physical therapies to surgery. Evidence of
latent virus infection,3 with evidence showing a the effectiveness of surgical interventions
rise in incidence in the United States thought to remains limited, with a Cochrane systematic
be linked to increasing herpes infection rates.4 review reporting insufficient proof of benefit and
The majority (60%) of these facial nerve paralysis further trials judged to be unlikely.21 Cochrane
cases are Bell’s palsy,5 and this condition affects reviews have identified one pharmaceutical treat-
11–40 people per 100,000 in the population each ment (prednisolone) as an effective treatment
year, most commonly in the age group 30–45.6 It (versus placebo) for Bell’s palsy, but only if admi-
is also estimated that one in sixty individuals will nistered within 72 h of symptom onset.22–24 Use
be affected over the course of their lifetime.7,8 of adjunctive antiviral therapy was reported to be
Population studies show that facial palsy is more of uncertain value,22 although more recent evi-
commonly associated with people who are dence of its value in the treatment of Ramsay
immunocompromised or pregnant, or those with Hunt syndrome, the second most common cause
obesity, hypertension, diabetes, or upper respira- of facial palsy, has emerged.25 In addition to medi-
tory conditions.1,7,9 With the appearance of cation, a number of physical therapy options are
COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2, reports are available. Facial exercise therapy (facial neuro-
also emerging of Bell’s palsy as a presenting muscular retraining) is the most widely evalu-
symptom this for infection.10,11 Although most ated.26–31 A Cochrane review of physical
patients eventually recover without any treat- therapies published in 2011 reported some evi-
ment,6,12 one in three (29%) have a poor recovery dence that facial exercise therapy could improve
resulting in a permanent deficit of facial func- facial function for moderate paralysis and
tion.6,13 This can affect important functions such chronic cases and reduce sequelae in acute cases,
as eating and speaking,14 or non-verbal communi- but it recommended the need for further
cation mediated by expression of emotion (e.g. studies.32 We have therefore undertaken a system-
smiling),15 as well as chronic facial pain.6,16 atic review to identify and appraise any further
Patients living with incomplete recovery experi- studies that have examined the effectiveness of
ence long-term psychological distress and depres- facial exercise therapy. Updated evidence on
sion, with many moving away from public-facing effectiveness is required to inform the planned
roles resulting in social alienation.6,16–19 development of facial remote activity monitoring
1426 Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)

eyewear to enable telerehabilitation in a patient’s differences resolved by discussion between the

own home.20,33 two original reviewers; if arbitration was required
this was provided by another member of the
review team (AK, AS, CT, HM, and DT partici-
Aims and methods pated in this process).
The review aimed to identify and assess recent evi- Shortlisted articles were read carefully and
dence of the effectiveness of facial exercise assessed by two independent readers (AK and
therapy, draw out any clinically relevant findings, DT) for inclusion in the review. Some articles
and identify future research needs. The review were discarded if these repeated information pro-
protocol was submitted for peer-review to the vided in another version. Details of all articles
International Prospective Register of Systematic were entered into an Endnote library and bibliog-
Reviews (PROSPERO), ID: CRD42017073067.34 raphies were scrutinised to identify possible add-
A mixed-methods approach to evidence synthesis itional studies. Screening and shortlisting data
was specified in the protocol to allow for the inclu- were presented as a PRISMA flow diagram.37
sion of different study designs, in addition to rando- For data extraction and management, articles
mised controlled trials.35,36 The peer-reviewed were organised into two groups (i) individual
protocol also specified the inclusion of evidence primary research studies and (ii) reviews.
from post-2011 reviews to maximise the evidence Summary Tables were piloted for data extraction
identified. There was strict adherence to inter- from both types of articles. Common information
national guidelines on Preferred Reporting Items extracted from all articles included author names,
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses publication date, and country of publication. For
(PRISMA).37 individual research studies, additional data
Literature searches were undertaken by an recorded included: study design; sample size &
Academic Librarian (CB) qualified in systematic patient demographics; details of clinical diagno-
reviews. Databases searched included MEDLINE, ses/conditions; details of intervention and compara-
EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library (Database tor(s); outcome measures; main findings; and
of Systematic Reviews and Central Register of conclusions. For review articles, data extracted
Controlled Trials) and PEDro; plus the Allied and also included type and number of studies reviewed,
Complementary Medicine Database). The latter publication dates, and total number of patients.
was not included in the original Cochrane review. Information was extracted and entered into the
Searches were replicated covering the period 1 Summary Table initially by two author (AK, DT).
January 2011 to 30 September 2020, allowing for This was then checked and amended and expanded
a slight overlap with the search end date (28 where necessary by other reviewers, separately for
February 2011) of the earlier Cochrane review.32 individual studies (CT, HM, AS) and for reviews
Tailored search strategies were used for the (CN, SP).
six databases and details are presented in Quality assessment was undertaken using vali-
Appendices 1–6. dated tools. For individual research studies,
Abstracts were screened against predetermined quality and risk of bias were assessed using
inclusion/exclusion criteria (see Table 1), and GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment,
abstracts shortlisted against these. Study designs Development, and Evaluation) appraisal tools.38,39
included both individual studies and reviews. All Assessment was performed independently by pairs
identified records were first imported into the of reviewers (AK, CT, HM, and DT). Studies were
Refworks Pro database. A separate file was pre- categorized into three levels of bias (low, unclear,
pared for each database. Full articles were down- and high risk of bias); a third researcher (AS) assisted
loaded and shortlisted based on content by two with any disagreements that arose. For the published
independent reviewers (blind review). Shortlists reviews shortlisted, quality was assessed using
were compared by a third reviewer and any AMSTAR-2 by two independent reviewers (SP,
Khan et al. 1427

Table 1. Selection criteria.

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria

Population Includes adults with a diagnosis of Bell’s palsy (idiopathic Patients aged <18 yrs. Bell’s palsy patients
facial palsy)/facial palsy. not included
Study design Randomised controlled trial, Quasi-experimental studies, Individual case study,
Pilot or feasibility studies, Non-experimental
observational (cross-sectional, case-series), Reviews.
Intervention All types of facial exercise interventions for facial palsy i.e. Interventions do not include facial exercise
such as strengthening and stretching; endurance; therapy.
therapeutic and facial mimic exercises (“mime
therapy”). Facial exercise therapy alone, with
biofeedback, or combined with another treatment.
Comparator No treatment, placebo treatment, drug treatment, or No comparator
other physical therapy interventions.
Outcomes House–Brackmann/Sunny Brook Facial Grading Systems; Does not report an evaluation or include
time to recovery; residual symptoms (motor descriptions of health outcome measures
synkinesis, contracture, hyperkinesia, facial spasm or
crocodile tears); incomplete recovery after one year;
quality of life and disability; adverse events attributable
to therapy e.g. pain or worsening of condition; factors
limiting efficacy of facial exercises
Other Abstract & Article in English language Article not in English language
Papers published in peer-reviewed journals, irrespective Publications in non-peer-reviewed journals
of country

CN). Confidence in the quality of each review was of studies identified.41 Where available, the results
categorised as high, moderate, low, or critically low, of individual randomised controlled trials were
based on the number of critical and non-critical reported separately, as were the findings of cohort
flaws identified.40 studies. The authors coded all the studies before
In preparation for final analysis, all papers were discussing and agreeing on descriptive categories
read in full, with data and results extracted, regard- and themes for synthesis.
less of the study design (AK, CT, HM, and AS par-
ticipated in this process). For individual studies,
data entered into the Summary Table included
study design, diagnoses, therapies considered, Figure 1 presents a PRISMA flow diagram sum-
results, limitations, and study quality rating. A marising the review process. The database searches
further table collated the main findings and conclu- identified a total of 4943 titles and abstracts for pos-
sions drawn (CT, HM, AS, SP, CN). As antici- sible inclusion. A total of 58 articles were short-
pated, authors used differing study designs, listed for the review; seven further articles were
papers considered a mix of therapies and controls, discarded because only the abstract was in the
and adopted different outcome measurement English language. In total, 51 articles were selected
tools. Statistical combination of numerical data for reading the full text; 22 further papers were
from separate studies to strengthen review conclu- removed, with reasons recorded, and three further
sions (meta-analysis) was not possible due to varia- items were discarded because they were narrative
tions in study design and quality. A thematic revisions over time of the same study, making a
analysis framework was therefore used to create a total of 25 publications excluded. This left 25 arti-
descriptive synthesis and address the heterogeneity cles for inclusion in the final review; 19 were
1428 Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)

Figure 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram outlining the
study design.

individual studies; and 6 reviews (in addition to the facial palsy patients. The six new review articles
original Cochrane review). originated from Australia,42 Brazil,43 Iran,44
Table 2 (individual research studies) and Table 4 Italy,45 New Zealand,46 and Portugal.47
(reviews) present summaries of the characteristics Characteristics of included studies: The 19 indi-
of these 25 new studies identified for the review. vidual studies shown in Table 2 included, seven
Individual studies originated from 10 different randomised controlled trials (total no. of subjects
countries, including Canada, Iran, Italy, Japan, = 354); one quasi-experimental study (n = 16
Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South patients)48; two pilot studies (n = 37 patients)49,50;
Korea, Turkey, and the United States, emphasising and nine non-experimental observational studies
the world-wide interest in physical therapy for (n = 447 patients). Observational studies varied in
Table 2. Summary table: Characteristics of included individual research studies.

Authors (date/ Participant Included diagnoses/ Therapeutic Outcome Quality
Khan et al.

country) Study design characteristics conditions interventions measurement tools (GRADE)

Alakram & A two-group 16 patients with Bell’s Bell’s Palsy of less than 30 Both groups treated with Facial Disability Index Low
Puckree48 pre-test palsy referred to 3 days duration. heat, massage, facial (FDI)
(2011; post-test hospitals exercises and given a
South experimental home programme.
Africa) design. Intervention group had
added electrical
Alayat et al.60 Randomised 48 patients with Bell’s Any patient who had Intervention 3 times per Facial disability index High
(2014; Saudi controlled trial palsy mean age 43 ± unilateral Bell’s palsy week for 6 weeks. HILT (FDI) and House–
Arabia) double blind, 9.8 years. Randomly either on the right or and LLLT group Brackmann Scale
pre- post assigned into three left side. sub-acute received facial massage (HBS) measured
comparison. groups: high intensity stage of illness 3–5 and exercises after before as well as 3
laser therapy (HILT), days after the acute laser therapy. All 3 and 6 weeks after
low level laser onset subsided groups continued treatment.
therapy (LLLT), and exercises at home.
exercise group
Azuma et al59 Prospective 13 patients; 8 patients Patients with Bell’s palsy Single dose of Percent of eye opening Low
(2012; clinical study with Bell’s palsy and and with herpes zoster botulinum-A toxin during 3 designated
Japan) 5 with herpes virus showing facial followed by facial mouth movements
infection synkinesis rehabilitation. (lip pursing, teeth
Then daily facial baring, and cheek
biofeedback puffing):/
rehabilitation with a
mirror at home.
Barth et al54 Chart review of 45 patient selected at 25 patients with 10 patients received facial Sunnybrook Facial Medium
(2020; USA) patients’ random from pool idiopathic facial palsy. physical rehabilitation. Grading System
charts, before of approximately 15 patients received (SB-FGS)
and after 100 patients treated mirror book therapy in Observational Scale
treatment for facial palsy conjunction with and Facial Disability
between 1997 and standard facial Index (FDI)
2008 rehabilitation. measured
pre-treatment and

Table 2. (Continued)

Authors (date/ Participant Included diagnoses/ Therapeutic Outcome Quality
country) Study design characteristics conditions interventions measurement tools (GRADE)
Dalla Toffola Cohort study on 102 patients (63 males, Patients with Bell’s palsy Rehabilitation treatment Estimates of clinical High
et al51 retrospective 61.8% and 39 (54 right and 48 left) personalised based on improvement at 12
(2012; Italy) clinical records. females, 38.2%), clinically evaluated EMG/ENG performed months (House
mean age 48 years within one month of 3–4 weeks after onset. scale), recovery
(range 12–80) onset. 29 patients with time, development
consecutively neurapraxia not given of synkinesis,
assessed between treatment. number of treatment
January 2003 and 38 patients sessions
December 2010. electromyographic
35 treated with mirror
visual feedback
Dalla Toffola Cohort study of 47 postsurgical Patients with complete Home rehabilitation House-Brackmann Low
et al52 30 patients patients lateral facial palsy programme involving (HBS) grade at 12,
(2014; Italy) followed up for (House-Brackmann mirror visual feedback 18 and 36 months
three years grade VI) following XII-VII after surgery
Di Stadio Randomised 20 patients over 18 Patients with unilateral Group A underwent Arianna Disease Scale Low
et al66 case-control years with Bell’s Bell’s palsy within 5 exclusively Kabat (ADS) at baseline, 1
(2020; Italy) study palsy days of symptoms rehabilitation, and week, 1 month and 3
onset. group B patients months after
MRI or clinical treated by combining treatment.
evidence of Ramsay facial taping and Kabat.
Hunt syndrome
Ferreira et al61 A prospective 73 patients, aged ≥18 Patients with unilateral Corticosteroids plus facial House–Brackmann High
(2016; single-blinded years: N = 31 facial Bell’s palsy. neuromuscular training Scale (HBS) and
Portugal) randomised neuromuscular (FNT) vs FNT only. Sunnybrook Facial
controlled trial. training (FNT); Oral corticosteroids Grading System
median age 49.0 treatment within 72 h (SB-FGS) before and

Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)
Table 2. (Continued)

Authors (date/ Participant Included diagnoses/ Therapeutic Outcome Quality
country) Study design characteristics conditions interventions measurement tools (GRADE)
Khan et al.

years; N = 42 Bell’s palsy onset, and 6 weeks after

corticosteroids + FNT within 10 days treatment.
FNT (median age after onset
37.5 years).
Fujiwara Observational 37 hospital patients 15 patients with Bell’s All patients had physical Sunnybrook Facial Medium
et al53; cohort study with peripheral palsy, 12 with Ramsay therapy involving Grading System
(2018; facial palsy: 15 male, Hunt syndrome. All 30 min home training (SB-FGS),
Japan). 22 female; median patients showing daily, and mirror asymmetry in eye
age 57 (range 28– synkinesis at 6 months biofeedback. opening width,
79) after onset synkinesis at 6, 9 and
12 months.
Karp et al55 Retrospective 76 Bell’s palsy patients Patients diagnosed with All patient had at least 2 Improvement in Facial Low
(2019; USA) case review of aged 20 to 89 years facial nerve paralysis ≥ sessions of directed Grading System
hospital (mean = 49.5 12 months (range 12– physical therapy by a (FGS) scale after
referrals years) referred 384 months) prior to single therapist These physical therapy
between 1995 and initiation of physical includes:
2016. therapy neuromuscular
retraining, stretching/
massage, and active
Kim et al56 Group 26 patients receiving 19 patients with facial Symmetric House–Brackmann Medium
(2011; comparison on Western-oriented palsy on right side; 7 self-performed facial Scale (HBS) and
South selected therapy (12 male; 14 on the left. muscle exercises Yanagihara’s
Korea) participants. female). Mean age (SSFE) in addition Unweighted Grading
47.8 ± 14.4 years. versus standard System before
Western therapy alone; therapy and 4 weeks
12 SSFE vs 14 controls. after completion.
SSFE patients exercised
3 times per day for 4
Martineau Pilot study, small 10 patients Patients with acute Mirror Effect PLUS Sunnybrook Facial Low
et al49 sample moderate-to-severe, Protocol (MEPP) Grading System
(2020; comparison severe, and total Bell’s specifically designed for (SB-FGS), and Facial
Canada) group. palsy. acute Bell’s palsy Disability Index

Table 2. (Continued)

Authors (date/ Participant Included diagnoses/ Therapeutic Outcome Quality
country) Study design characteristics conditions interventions measurement tools (GRADE)
Monini et al Randomised 20 consecutive Patients recovered from NeuroMuscular House–Brackmann Medium
(2011; Italy) controlled trial patients recovering acute-onset facial palsy Retraining Therapy Scale (HBS)
from facial palsy (12 with a residual HB II (NMRT) alone versus supported by video
females, 8 males, age and III grade observed additional FaceO-Gram
range 18–67 years) over 2-year pre-treatment with system; Sunnybrook
timeframe. Kabat Botulinum toxin type A Facial Grading
physical rehabilitation (BTX-A). System (SB-FGS) day
for at least 1 year. 7 and day 90 post
BTX-A treatment.
Monini et al58 Observational 104 patients Patients presenting with Medical treatment only House–Brackmann Medium
(2017; Italy) study, patients presenting at House-Brackmann (corticosteroids for 10 (HBS) grade shift
observed in tertiary hospital Grade IV or V. consecutive days, value; speed of
hospital ED between January subsequently tapered recovery (days to
(and assigned 2005 and June 2014 off) vs Group receiving stable or final clinical
to one group) Medical treatment + recovery; and
between Kabat physical reduced version of
January 2005 rehabilitation FaCE Scale
and June 2014. questionnaire (Beta
FaCE Scale)
Nicastri et al62 Randomised 87 patients aged 15–70 Unilateral Bell’s Palsy Physical therapy in Proportion patients High
(2013; Italy) controlled trial years presenting severity association with HBS grade ≤ II at end
from June 2008 to House-Brackmann standard steroid of 6-month.
May 2010. (HB) scale grade IV to treatment versus Secondary
VI within 10 days of pharmacological outcomes: time to
onset; onset of steroid therapy only. reach HBS grade ≤ II;
treatment within 48 h differences in mean
after initial symptoms. Sunnybrook
(SB-FGS) total score;
proportion patients
synkinesis subscore
zero at 6-months.

Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)
Table 2. (Continued)
Khan et al.

Authors (date/ Participant Included diagnoses/ Therapeutic Outcome Quality
country) Study design characteristics conditions interventions measurement tools (GRADE)
Ordahan & Randomised 46 patients (mean age Patients admitted to Low-level laser therapy in Facial Disability Index Medium
Karahan65 controlled 41 ± 9.7 years) hospital in Turkey with conjunction with (FDI) measured
(2017; study unilateral Bell’s Palsy. conventional facial pre-treatment and
Turkey). exercise vs facial 3-week and 6-week
exercise only. post-treatment
Pourmomeny Randomised 34 patients referred to Facial synkinesis Both groups EMG Facial Grading System Low
et al67 controlled trial 3 university biofeedback for 4 (FGS) using
(2015; Iran) hospitals months. One group Photoshop software
single dose of and videotape.
botulinum toxin type A
(BTXA); control group
received saline
Rodriguez Pilot study: 27 patients presenting Patients with unilateral, Patients randomized to Orbicularis oculi Low
et al50 prospective, at two Emergency idiopathic cranial fine-motor eye muscle strength
(2012; randomised Departments, 14 nerve VII paresis exercises (n = 18) or measured in both
Canada) controlled trial. male; 13 female to do no exercise (n = eyes at baseline, two
(mean age 48 ± 9) for a period of four weeks and four
15.7 years) weeks. weeks. Functional
recovery gauged by
total muscle function
determined to be
clinically significant.
Tuncay et al63 Randomised 60 patients presenting Patients with Bell’s Palsy Physical therapy (facial House-Brackmann High
(2015; controlled trial at hospital between only; new onset of expression exercises (HBS) scale and
Turkey) March 2010 and May idiopathic facial via a mirror), 5 times Facial Disability
2012, 29 male; 31 paralysis within 48 h. per week over 3 wks. Index (FDI);
female (mean age Group 2, electrical electrophysiologic
44.8 ± 17.6 years, stimulation treatment outcome compound
range 18–79 years) in addition to the muscle action
physical therapy. potentials (CMAPs)
at 4 and 12 wks.
1434 Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)

their design: three were cohort studies (n = 169 patients.45,53,66 Where specified, all patients had
patients)51–53; two were retrospective studies (n = unilateral facial palsy, although some studies did
101 patients)54,55; three used group comparisons not state the type. Some studies recorded patients’
(n = 164 patients)56–58; and one a small clinical level of facial synkinesis at entry.53,57,59 Others
study of 13 patients.59 In total, the research focused on the severity of facial palsy; this
studies identified reported the impact of physical ranged from Grade II to VII.50,52,58,62,64
therapy in a total 854 participants (age range 12– Therapies Evaluated: Only two studies evalu-
80 years old). ated the use of facial muscle strengthening exer-
Methodological quality and risk of bias: cises on their own.50,55 A further five studies
Consensus ratings of the methodological quality evaluated facial exercise therapy combined with
of studies (GRADE) are shown in the final biofeedback (via mirror or other device)49,51–54;
column of Table 2. Five of the 19 individual and one evaluated exercise with added facial
studies were rated as high quality; four of these taping.66 One paper compared Western facial exer-
were randomised controlled trials60–63; and one cise therapy with or without the addition of a
was a cohort study.51 A further six studies were Korean variant of facial muscle exercises.56 The
judged to be of moderate quality. Two were rando- remaining studies reported the effects of combining
mised controlled trials,64,65 and four were non- facial exercise therapy with another form of treat-
experimental observational studies.53,54,56,58 The ment. Two studies explored the use of laser treat-
remaining nine studies were rated as low methodo- ment before or in conjunction with facial
logical quality. Two were randomised trials,57,66 exercises,60,65 and two research teams assessed
one was a quasi-experimental study,48 and two the addition of electrical stimulation to physical
were small pilot studies.49,50 In terms of methodo- therapy.48,63 Three papers examined physical
logical flaws all, except one study,60 were at risk of therapy with and without corticosteroids58,61,62;
bias for failing to blind participants when outcomes and three studies considered Botox added to
were based on patient-reported measures. One facial therapy.57,59,64
high-quality study failed to achieve the required Outcome measures reported: Individual studies
sample size, with a significant number of severe used three main validated measurement tools (see
facial palsy patients in the control group dropping Table 2). Further details about these and patterns
out in order to access physical therapy which was of combined use are presented in Appendix 7. The
shown to be improving outcomes.62 House–Brackmann Scale (HBS) was the most
Patient characteristics (diagnoses/conditions): common method used to record improvements in
There was a high level of heterogeneity in the char- functional recovery following therapy (n = 9
acteristics of patients included in the studies as studies). A further six studies incorporated the
shown in Table 2. Where specified, there was con- Sunnybrook Facial Grading Scale (SB-FGS) to
siderable variation in time post-onset of facial palsy measure the severity of facial paralysis symptoms.
at study entry. Six studies focused on patients in the A patient-rated outcome measure of the disability
acute phase, ranging from 48 h,63 five days,66 ten resulting from facial palsy, the Facial Disability
days,62 to one month since onset.48,51 One study Index (FDI), was used in six studies; one study
recruited patients in the ‘sub-acute phase’, that is, reported separate results for the physical elements
3–5 days after the acute onset subsided.60 A (FDIP) and social elements (FDIS) of the FDI.54
further two studies focused on chronic stages of The five remaining studies utilised a different
recovery, that is, 2–30 years since onset.55,64 The single measure; two used an alternative validated
remaining 11 studies did not pre-specify time post- facial grading system,55,67 and three used another
onset at study entry. Individual studies also varied unvalidated measure.50,59,66 All these five studies
in the types of facial palsy patient recruited. All were assessed to be of low quality. Outcome mea-
studies included Bell’s palsy patients. Three sures used and their timing varied in the four high-
studies also recruited some Ramsay Hunt syndrome quality randomised controlled trials,60–63 meaning
Khan et al. 1435

comparable data were not available for study, Dalla Toffola et al.51 found no difference
meta-analysis to be undertaken.68 The choice of in the recovery in patients with idiopathic facial
outcome measure(s) was not indicative of the palsy and evidence of axonometric facial nerve
final quality (GRADE rating) of studies, although injury when provided with EMG biofeedback com-
highly rated studies tended to use a combination pared to mirror biofeedback as a primary rehabilita-
of measures. For the randomised controlled trials, tion tool. Development of synkinesis, extent of
domains in which GRADE identified critical motor recovery, and health resources used was
flaws are identified in Table 3. included in their appraisal of recovery.
The six articles rated as medium quality
included two randomised controlled trials and
Effectiveness of physical rehabilitation four non-experimental observational studies. All
Table 3 summarises the main findings and the con- reported improvements Monini et al.64 completed
clusions drawn from the 19 new research studies a small trial of 20 consecutive patients randomly
identified. Of the 11 articles assessed to be of allocated to pre-treatment with Botulinum toxin
medium to high quality, all reported improvements type-A prior to standard facial therapy. They
following the use of physical rehabilitation for found that both groups showed improved outcomes
those with facial palsy. on the SunnyBrook scale, but pre-treated patients
Among the five high-quality articles, four were had significantly better outcomes. Ordahan and
randomised controlled studies all of which reported Karahan65 randomized 46 patients with acute idio-
a positive effect. Tuncay et al.63 randomised pathic palsy to physical exercise with or without
patients with HBS scores of 2–4 into electrical low-level laser therapy. They reported that
stimulation with exercise or exercise-only treat- therapy alone showed a significant improvement
ment groups. They reported a statistically signifi- in FDI score from baseline at week 6 but not at
cant improvement in HBS scores at three months week 3. Laser therapy and exercise produced sig-
after onset in the combined treatment group but nificant improvements from baseline FDI scores
no difference in FDI scores between the groups. at both three weeks and six weeks post onset.
The exclusion of HBS grades 5 and 6 and the Among the four observational studies rated as
limited sensitivity of the HBS scale makes it diffi- medium quality, Barth et al.54 reported a statistic-
cult to draw any conclusions for these patients. ally significant increase in SFGS, FDIP and FDIS
Alayat et al.60 found that high-intensity laser when mirror therapy was combined with standard
therapy, massage, and exercise three times a week facial rehabilitation. Standard rehabilitation was
for six weeks provided statistically significant documented as including massage, stretching,
improvements in HBS and FDI scores in those in neuromuscular re-education, myofascial release,
the acute phase of unilateral Bell’s Palsy when and postural exercises. Monini et al.58 found that
compared with low-intensity light therapy with treating all age groups with steroid therapy and
massage and exercise or massage and exercise physical rehabilitation resulted in a significantly
alone; the exercise-only group showed the lowest quicker time to recovery than steroid therapy
effect. Nicastri et al.62 reported physical therapy alone. They also highlighted the importance of
produced a significant improvement in HBS physical therapy for older patients and those with
grade, but time to recovery only improved in more severe HBS grading at the onset of their
those with severe (HBS 5/6) facial palsy. Ferreira palsy. This followed their previous trial showing
et al.61 reported, with the exception of resting sym- standard facial therapy results were improved
metry of the cheek and mouth on the SFGS, that with the addition of preventive Botulinum toxin
neuromuscular retraining was as effective as acute treatment.64 Kim et al.56 compared Western phys-
provision of corticosteroids in improving static ical therapy with Korean symmetric self-performed
and dynamic symmetry in those with unilateral facial muscle exercises, reporting that the addition
idiopathic facial palsy. The final, observational of SSFE showed significant improvement in HBS
Table 3. Results reported in individual research studies.

Authors (date/ Main Findings – Recorded Outcomes and/or Functional

country) improvements Study Conclusions
Alakram & Puckree Effects of electrical stimulation, quantified by FDI, clinically Limited, not significant improvement during acute phase of Bell’s
(2011; South Africa) significant but not statistically significant. The experimental palsy through addition of electric stimulation to heat,
group also received electrical stimulation. The FDI of the massage, exercises and home programme.
control group improved between 17.8% and 95.4% with a
mean of 52.8%. The improvement in the experimental group
ranged between 14.8% and 126% with a mean of 49.8%.
Alayat et al60 Analysis of the HBS and FDI scores with Mann–Whitney U-test Further improvement in outcomes of exercise therapy by
(2014; Saudi Arabia) after 6 weeks of treatment showed a significant difference addition of high intensity laser therapy or low level laser
between the treatment groups. Greatest effect observed in therapy.
high intensity laser therapy group, followed by low level laser GRADE Rating (RCT) = High. [Critical flaws: Nil].
therapy group, and exercise group. HILT/HBS:25.97–36.44
Exercise/HBS:23.13–14.13 HILT/PFDI:20.06–39.74 Exercise/
Azuma et al59 Before treatment, the patients showed 38%, 33%, and 20% eye Single dose of botulinum A toxin followed by facial rehabilitation
(2012; Japan) opening values (for 3 types of movement). Two weeks after shows improvement in eye opening
treatment these figures were 74%, 84%, and 74%. After 10
months the patient showed 80%, 69%, and 67% of % eye
opening values.
Barth et al54 Patients in the mirror book therapy group showed an average of The addition of mirror book therapy to standard facial
(2020; USA) 24.9% increase in the Facial Grading System score, a 21.6% rehabilitation treatments significantly improves outcomes in
increase in the Facial Disability Index–Physical score, and a the treatment of idiopathic facial palsy.
24.5% increase in the Facial Disability Index–Social score.
Addition of mirror book therapy shows average 20.8%
increase in FGS, 19% increase in FDIP, and 14.6% increase in
FDIS score.
Dalla Toffola et al51 There was no difference in recovery time, number of treatment Both groups achieved a similar level of recovery. Patients with
(2012; Italy) sessions or House scores at baseline and 12 months for neurapraxia recovered without treatment. Clinical outcomes
electromyographic biofeedback and mirror visual feedback for patients treated with electromyographic biofeedback and
groups. The number of days the motor deficit remained mirror visual feedback did not differ.
unchanged before motor recovery was similar. No significant
difference in terms of presence of synkinesis (P = 0.63) or
severity (P = 0.9).
Dalla Toffola et al52 29 patients showed significant decrease in House-Brackmann Patients undergoing long-term rehabilitation programme show
(2014; Italy) grade from a value of VI for all patients before surgery, to a

Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)
Table 3. (Continued)

Authors (date/ Main Findings – Recorded Outcomes and/or Functional

country) improvements Study Conclusions
Khan et al.

median of V (25th-75th V-VI) at the first rehabilitation significant recovery of facial symmetry and movement,
assessment, and V (25th-75th IV-V), III (25th-75th III-IV) and III continuing for three years after anastomosis (surgery).
(25th-75th III-III) at 12, 18 and 36 months respectively
(Friedman test P < 0.001).
Di Stadio et al66 Group A (Kabat rehabilitation), and group B patients (combining Both groups showed significant improvement from baseline.
(2020; Italy) facial taping and Kabat) both showed statistically significant Addition of facial taping may reduce the time for recovery, but
within group improvements in ADS scores from baseline, 1 does not lead to overall improved recovery at 6 months.
week, 1 month and 3 months after treatment (P < 0.0001). GRADE Rating (RCT) = Low . [Critical flaws: Domain 1 and
Between group analysis shows addition of taping may improve 2]
speed of recovery with faster improvement on ADS scale at
the 1 month time point (P < 0.01), but outcomes at 3 months
were identical.
Ferreira et al61 Recovery degree and facial symmetry improved significantly in No difference in overall recovery and facial symmetry between
(2016;Portugal) both groups (P < 0.001), without differences between groups corticosteroids followed by facial neuromuscular training
(P > 0.05). Corticosteroid plus facial neuromuscular training (FNT) and FNT alone.
(FNT) better outcomes for cheek (P < 0.004) and mouth (P < GRADE Rating (RCT) = High. [Critical flaws: Nil].
0.022) resting symmetry at SB-FGS, if compared to FNTalone.
No significant effect on all recovery degrees (P < 0.992) and
rapid remission (P < 0.952) between the two groups.
Fujiwara et al53; All patients had physical therapy and mirror biofeedback and all Physical rehabilitation shown to prevent significant deterioration
(2018; Japan). showed improvement. Both voluntary movement scores and in synkinesis in female and younger patients with facial nerve
synkinesis scores on the Sunnybrook facial grading system palsy.
showed significant increases between the 6th and 12th month
(P < 0.05). Asymmetry in eye opening width showed a slight
improvement between the 9th and 12th months.
Female patients and younger patients did not show any
deterioration in synkinesis. Patients in the lower
electroneurography group and the later onset of synkinesis
group showed significant deterioration after the 6th month.
Karp et al55 All 76 patients, presenting 1 to 32 years after onset, showed Facial rehabilitation was associated with improved FGS score
(2019; USA) improvement in FGS scores with facial rehabilitation. Multiple regardless of patient age, gender, or latency (time) to start of
regression model identified significant improvement in FGS facial therapy.
score of 1.85 points for each additional therapy session (P <


Table 3. (Continued)

Authors (date/ Main Findings – Recorded Outcomes and/or Functional

country) improvements Study Conclusions
0.001), 0.1 less change in FGS score (P = 0.033) for each
additional point in the starting FGS score, and right-sided facial
paralysis predicted a 4.4-point improvement over left-sided
facial nerve paralysis (P = 0.008).
Kim et al56 Symmetric self-performed facial muscle exercises (SSFE) and Addition of Symmetric self-performed facial muscle exercises
(2011; South Korea) standard Western therapy showed significant improvement on resulted in greater improvement at 4 weeks.
House–Brackmann Scale and Yanagihara’s system (P < 0.01).
The change of scores in the SSFEs group between baseline and
after 4 weeks was greater than that in the control group (HBS
P < 0.05 and Y P < 0.01)
Martineau et al49 No significant effect of Mirror Effect PLUS Protocol (MEPP) No significant effect of Mirror Effect PLUS Protocol treatment.
(2020; Canada) treatment on Sunnybrook Facial Grading System, and Facial
Disability Index outcomes for the entire study sample based
on difference of means. At individual level more patients
showed progress in SB scale, Speech and swallowing score of
FDI at 1 month and 2 month for treatment than control group.
Monini et al64 Preventive Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) treatment group Addition of Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) to standard facial
(2011; Italy) showed 2.1 improvement on SunnyBrook scale (P < 0.001), in therapy results in greater improvement on the Sunnybrook
comparison to the rehab-only group. BTX-A group score for scale.
improvement of synkinesis, as defined by the 90 day vs 7 day GRADE Rating (RCT) = Medium. [Critical flaws: Domain 1, 2
difference, was 5.4 (95% CI = 4.38–6.42; P < 0.001), and and 4]
partial improvement was 3.3 (P < 0.001) versus rehab only
group, 3.8 (95% CI = 1.48–4.86; P < 0.001).
Monini et al58 Corticosteroids only patients, mean duration of clinical recovery Improved outcomes with addition of Kabat rehabilitation to
(2017; Italy) >65 years sub-group was 145.1 days; ≤65 years sub-group steroid therapy. Recovery especially influenced in >65 years
103.2 days. In steroid therapy plus Kabat rehabilitation, mean with a severe House–Brackmann grade (HBS Grade V).
duration of recovery in >65 years sub-group 85 days; ≤65
years sub-group 54.9 days.
Beta FaCE Scale total score, pre- vs post-rehabilitation, was
not significant in >65 years group; but significant in the ≤65
years sub-group (P = 0.008).

Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)
Table 3. (Continued)

Authors (date/ Main Findings – Recorded Outcomes and/or Functional

country) improvements Study Conclusions
Khan et al.

Nicastri et al Significant difference patients reaching House-Brackmann Grade The physical therapy had a significant effect on HBS grade and
(2013; Italy) II at 6-months only in severe facial palsy group (HBS Grade V/ time to recovery only in patients presenting with severe facial
VI) - control group 11/23 (48%), treatment group 17/23 (74%), palsy.
P = 0.038; and significant difference in time to recovery (P = GRADE Rating (RCT) = High. [Critical flaw: Domain 1]
0.044). No significant differences in synkinesis at 6-months.
For patients presenting with HBS grade V-VI, difference in final
SunnyBrook scores (P = 0.021 Mann-Whitney U test).
Ordahan & Karahan65 Physical exercise only group, FDI scores not significantly Combined treatment with low-level laser therapy and physical
(2017; Turkey). improved at week 3 (P < 0.05) but improvement at week 6 (P < exercise therapy associated with significant improvements in
0.001). In low-level laser therapy and physical therapy group, FDI when compared with physical exercise therapy alone.
Facial Disability Index (FDI) scores significantly improved at GRADE Rating (RCT) = Medium. [Critical flaws: Domain 1,
weeks 3 and 6 (P < 0.001). Improvement in laser group 2, 3 and 4]
significantly greater than those in the exercise group (P < 0.05).
Pourmomeny et al67 The mean Facial Grading System values using Photoshop Biofeedback rehabilitation therapy and combination biofeedback
(2015; Iran) software for the Botox group before and after treatment were and Botox appear to have same effect in reducing synkinesis
55.17 and 74.17, respectively, and those for the biofeedback and recovery of face symmetry in Belĺs palsy.
group were 65.47 and 81.37, respectively. In both groups GRADE Rating (RCT) = Low. [Critical flaws: Domain 1 and
oral-ocular and oculo-oral synkinesis decreased significantly 4]
after treatment compared with before treatment (P < 0.01).
Rodriguez et al50 By four weeks, patients who performed eye exercises improved Patients performing exercises achieved greater functional
(2012; Canada) the strength of their paretic orbicularis oculi muscle more recovery at four weeks compared to those who did not (P =
than those who did not (P = 0.029). Overall, 63.8% of patients 0.059) Eye exercises have a potential role in the treatment of
performing exercises (7/11) gauged to have achieved idiopathic cranial nerve VII paresis.
functional recovery at four weeks compared to 12.5% (1/8) of
those who did not (P = 0.059).
Tuncay et al63 HBS scores at 3 months significantly better for combined electric Addition of 3 wks. of daily electrical stimulation treatment to
(2015; Turkey) stimulation plus physical therapy group versus exercise only physical therapy shortly after facial palsy onset (4 wks.),
group (P = 0.03). FDI posttreatment scores in combined improved functional facial movements and electrophysiologic
treatment group statistically higher (physical function, P = outcome measures at 3-month follow-up.
0.02; social/well-being function, P = 0.03) Mean motor nerve GRADE Rating RCT = High. . [Critical flaws: Nil.]
latencies/compound muscle action potential amplitudes of
both facial muscles were statistically shorter in electric
stimulation group.

HBS: House–Brackmann Grading System; SB-FGS: SunnyBrook Grading Scale; FDI: Facial Disability Index; GRADE (RCT): 5 Critical Domains. [Domain 1: Risk of Bias; Domain 2:
Inconsistency; Domain 3: Indirectness; Domain 4: Imprecision; Domain 5: Publication Bias (other considerations)].
1440 Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)

at four weeks.56 In a study by Fujiwara et al.,53 Evidence from systematic reviews

physical rehabilitation was shown to prevent signifi-
cant deterioration in synkinesis in female and Table 4 presents an overview of the six reviews
younger patients with Bell’s palsy. shortlisted for examination in publication date
Eight of the 11 individual studies assessed to order, with data from the original Cochrane
be of medium to high quality included the statis- review included for comparison.32 The six new
tical significance of their results (P values). One reviews were published over the period 2011–
reported a non-significant difference between 2017 and originated from research groups in
two methods of biofeedback (electromyographic Australia,42 Brazil,43 Iran,44 Italy,45 New
and mirror visual feedback),51 while all Zealand,46 and Portugal.47 Apart from the 2011
others demonstrated a significant improve- Cochrane review by Teixeira et al., all systematic
ment.53,56,58,61–65 No studies attempted to calcu- reviews were rated as ‘critically low’ using the
late effect size, so there were insufficient data to AMSTAR-2 rating.40
assess imprecision or inconsistency as outlined Table 5 summarises the main findings and con-
in GRADE approach.39 clusions drawn by the authors, and the weaknesses
Among the remaining nine individual research identified in these reviews. The one high-quality
studies that were assessed to be of low quality, review remains that was undertaken by Teixeira
three articles reported a statistically significant et al.32 This found low-quality evidence that tai-
effect ranging from P < 0.05 to P < 0.001,52,55,57 lored facial exercise could reduce sequelae in the
Barth et al.54 reported changes were ‘statistically acute phase, could improve facial function in
significant’, one study (a small pilot trial) reported those with moderate paralysis, and could produce
no significant effect,49 and two studies simply improvements in the chronic stages. The authors
reported percentage improvements.48,59 In the one concluded that further research evidence was
poor quality randomised controlled trial, Di Stadio required, as provided by individual studies listed
et al.66 reported a significant improvement for in Tables 2 and 3, none of which are included in
Kabat rehabilitation with and without facial taping the Teixeira review.
based on a new rating Arianna Disease Scale.69 The six more recent reviews all reach largely
positive conclusions about the effectiveness of
Timescale and sustainability of therapeutic facial exercise therapy.42–47 But all have major
methodological shortcomings resulting in critically
effects low AMSTAR-2 quality ratings, so could not be
The timescales over which physical therapy was included in our synthesis. Critical weaknesses
assessed differed widely and this limits any robust include lack of clarity a priori about the review
analysis of how sustainable the reported therapeutic protocol; deviations from the original protocol; a
effects were. Dalla Toffola et al.52 compared the effi- lack of comprehensive description of search strat-
cacy of EMG and mirror biofeedback over a egies, excluded studies, or risk of bias assessments;
12-month period. Ferreira et al.61 assessed the role and no consideration of how bias might influence
of corticosteroids (prednisolone) and neuromuscular the interpretation of results. Equally important, the
retraining in recovery from acute idiopathic palsy reviews did not include additional new evidence;
and so chose to perform their analyses at the entry only half identified any studies published since the
to the study and six weeks later. Kim et al.56 2011 Teixeira review. Pourmomeny and Asadi44
reviewed acute outcomes at four weeks post onset. identified two new randomised controlled trials;
Fujiwara et al.53 appraising physical therapy in the Ferreira et al.47 included one new study; and the
treatment of synkinesis selected 6, 9 and 12-month 2017 review by Fargher and Coulson42 identified
intervals to assess the outcomes. Nicastri et al.62 fol- two randomised controlled trials. Only three of
lowed study participants up on a monthly basis for these five studies met our inclusion criteria and
six months. they had already been included in our
Table 4. Summary table: Characteristics of included systematic reviews.

Patient Review
Authors (date/ Review Type (search Articles Reviewed Characteristics (Total Therapeutic Outcome Quality
Khan et al.

country) dates) (publication dates) Number) interventions measurement tools (AMSTAR-2)

Teixeira et al32 Review of randomized 12 randomised or Patients of any age Exercise (3 trials; 199 Incomplete recovery High
(2011; and quasi-randomised with a diagnosis of patients) Electrical 6 & 12 months;
Brazil) quasi-randomized controlled trials Bell’s palsy and all stimulation (4 trials; Motor synkinesis
controlled trials included in review, degrees of 313 pts) at 6 months;
(database inception - (published 1958– severity Compare/combine Crocodile tears,
2011) 2010) (Total 872 patients) physical therapy with facial spasm at 6
acupuncture (5 trials; months; Adverse
360 pts). effects of
Pereira et al.43 Review of RCTs (facial 6 RCT studies Patients with all Mirror biofeedback; HBS; FDI; SB-FGS; Critically low
(2011; exercises with/ included in review forms of facial Conventional facial linear
Brazil). without mirror (1 suitable for palsy (67% Bells’ exercise therapy measurement of
biofeedback) meta-analysis) palsy, 13% Herpes facial movement;
(database inception - (published 1991– Zoster) CMAP amplitude;
2010) 2009) (Total 196 patients) video analysis;
Baricich Review of randomized 15 articles included in Patients with all Electrostimulation; Mime 9 studies used HBS; 3 Critically low
et al.45 or quasi randomized review: types of therapy; Biofeedback; studies used
(2012; Italy) controlled trials, case 7 RCTs, 4 pilot peripheral facial Proprioceptive SB-FGS; 1 study
Have full control, cohort studies, nerve palsy Neuromuscular used FDI; others
article now studies and case 1 preliminary study, (Total 214 patients) Facilitation (PNF); included EMG,
series > 6 patients 3 retrospective Neuromuscular video analysis,
(searched 1990– studies re-education CMAPs.
2010) (published 1991–
Holland Review of RCTs and 1 RCT and 2 Patients with a Antiviral drugs, FDI; Motor Critically low
et al.46 systematic reviews systematic reviews diagnosis of corticosteroid drugs; synkinesis; Time
(2014; New (database inception - included in review peripheral facial Hyperbaric Oxygen to begin/complete
Zealand) Oct 2013) (RCT published paralysis or Bell’s Therapy; Facial recovery
2006; Reviews palsy Re-training (Mime
published 2007 & (Total 48 RCT Therapy and Exercise)
2008) patients; 679
Review patients)


Table 4. (Continued)

Patient Review
Authors (date/ Review Type (search Articles Reviewed Characteristics (Total Therapeutic Outcome Quality
country) dates) (publication dates) Number) interventions measurement tools (AMSTAR-2)

Pourmomeny Review of RCTs 6 RCTs included in Patients with Bells’ Mirror biofeedback; HBS; SB-FGS; linear Critically low
& Asadi44 (searched 1980 - review palsy/facial nerve Mime therapy; EMG measurement of
(2014; Iran). mid-2013) (published 2003– palsy (excluded biofeedback; facial movement;
2013) immediate Physiotherapy video analysis
treatment that
(Total 269 patients)
Ferreira et al47 Review of randomized 4 studies included in Patients older than Compared facial physical Primary outcome: Critically low
(2015; and review 15 years with a therapy combined with HBS.
Portugal) quasi-randomized (published 2009– clinical diagnosis standard drug Secondary
controlled trials 2013) but designs of Bell’s palsy treatment against a outcomes:
(database inception - not clearly (Total 143 patients) control group with adverse events;
Aug 2013) reported. standard drug therapy CMAPs residual
alone. symptoms;
Fargher & Review of randomized 5 RCTs included in Patients with Bell’s Electrical stimulation HBS; SB-FGS; FDI; Critically low
Coulson42 and review palsy (4 trials therapy for patients Facial Paralysis
(2017; quasi-randomized (4 acute phase & 1 during acute with acute or chronic Recovery Profile;
Australia) controlled trials chronic) recovery; 1 trial facial nerve palsy Facial Paralysis
(database inception - (published 1958– chronic patients) Recovery Index;
Aug 2016) 2016) (Total 258 patients) Video-based
motion analysis

CMAPs: Compound Muscle Action Potentials; EMG: electromyography; FDI: Facial Disability Index; HBS: House–Brackmann Scale; SB-FGS: Sunnybrook Facial Grading System.
Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)
Table 5. Findings reported by included reviews.

Review Authors
(date/country) Review Main Findings Review Conclusions/AMSTAR-2 Rating
Khan et al.

Teixeira et al Electrostimulation produced no benefit over placebo on the AMSTAR-2 Rating = High. [Critical flaws: None]
(2011; Brazil) primary outcome of incomplete recovery (moderate quality Concludes: Evidence that tailored facial exercises can improve
evidence from one study with 86 participants). Low quality facial function (low quality), mainly for people with moderate
comparisons of electrostimulation with prednisolone (an paralysis and chronic cases; and can reduce sequelae in acute
active treatment) (149 participants), or the addition of cases.
electrostimulation to hot packs, massage and facial exercises
(22 participants), reported no significant differences on
incomplete recovery. There was moderate quality evidence for
positive effects of facial exercises on secondary outcomes of
facial disability (34 participants) and low quality evidence for
positive effects on motor synkinesis in acute cases (145
participants). There was low quality evidence for positive
effects on time for complete recovery in more severe cases (47
Pereira et al43 Mean and standard deviation showing improved functionality for AMSTAR-2 Rating = Critically low. [Critical flaws: Domains 2, 7,
(2011; Brazil). facial exercise therapy (pre- and post-treatment) reported in 11, 13, 15 (plus only ‘partial yes’ to items 4, 9)]
three randomized controlled trials. One study had sufficient Concludes: Facial exercise therapy is effective for facial palsy
data for meta-analysis; improvements in facial grading scale at 3 for the outcome functionality.
months in facial exercise therapy group (standardized mean
difference = 13.90; 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.31, 23.49; P
= 0.005
Baricich et al.45 Mime therapy: One study of moderate risk of bias (American AMSTAR-2 Rating = Critically low. [Critical flaws: Domains 2, 4,
(2012; Italy) Academy of Neurology Class II) found significant 7, 9]
Have full article improvements in HBS and SB-FGS after 3 months of treatment Concludes: Moderate level evidence for the effectiveness of
now relative to a control group. Other interventions: Four studies mime therapy in peripheral facial paralysis.
with very high risk of bias (Class IV) found evidence for
electrostimulation, biofeedback, proprioceptive
neuromuscular facilitation, and neuromuscular re-education
either over time or relative to a control group.
Holland et al.46 Weak evidence for facial re-training using mime therapy or AMSTAR-2 Rating = Critically low. [Critical flaws: Domains 4, 7,
(2014; New exercise versus a waiting list control. 9 (plus only ‘partial yes’ to item 2)]
Zealand) Mime Therapy (RCTevidence): FDI score (P < 0.02); FDI social Concludes: Facial re-training using mime therapy or exercise
score (P < 0.01); stiffness score (P < 0.001); pout score (P < may be more effective than waiting list control at improving
0.001); lip length score (P < 0.03).


Table 5. (Continued)

Review Authors
(date/country) Review Main Findings Review Conclusions/AMSTAR-2 Rating
Exercises vs waiting list (systematic review evidence): SB-FGS facial function scores at 3 months, but no more effective at
average difference 20.40; 95% CI [8.76, 32.04]; FDI social reducing risk of incomplete recovery at 3 months.
domain average difference 14.50, 95% CI [4.85, 24.15]
Pourmomeny & All of the studies reviewed demonstrate that facial exercise AMSTAR-2 Rating = Critically low. [Critical flaws: Domains 2, 4,
Asadi44 (2014; therapy is effective in terms of facial symmetry. Four studies 7, 9, 13]
Iran). reported EMG biofeedback is effective through neuromuscular Concludes: For patients with incomplete recovery of facial
re-education. nerve paralysis, facial exercise therapy is effective, with most
evidence for the value of electromyogram (EMG) biofeedback.
Ferreira et al.47 (2015; Three trials (one rated ‘good’ and two ‘fair’ methodological AMSTAR-2 Rating = Critically low. [Critical flaws: Domains 2,
Portugal) quality) indicated that physical therapy (PT) in association with 13 (plus only ‘partial yes’ to items 4, 9)].
standard drug treatment supports higher motor function Concludes: Bell’s palsy treatment by physical therapy and
recovery than standard drug treatment alone between 15 days standard drug treatment seems to have a positive effect on
and 1 year of follow-up. grade and time to recovery compared with drug treatment
One trial (rated ‘poor’ methodological quality) showed that alone. However, very little quality RCT evidence, so
electrical stimulation added to conventional PT with SDT did insufficient to decide whether combined treatment is
not influence treatment outcomes. beneficial.
Fargher & Coulson42 In the acute phase, electrical stimulation does not alter the speed AMSTAR-2 Rating = Critically low. [Critical flaws: Domains 2,
(2017; Australia) or rate of full recovery, or improve facial function. 13, 15]
Meta-analysis on changes in facial function showed no Concludes: No scientific evidence to support
statistically significant difference between intervention and electrostimulation during recovery from the acute phase of
control groups (HBS). Bell’s palsy. One study provides low level of evidence in
In the chronic phase of recovery, there is low quality evidence patients with chronic symptoms.
in one study that extensive electrical stimulation may have a
positive impact on facial function (Facial Paralysis Recovery

CMAPs: Compound Muscle Action Potentials; EMG: electromyography; FDI: Facial Disability Index; HBS: House–Brackmann Scale; SB-FGS: Sunnybrook Facial Grading System;
AMSTAR-2: 15 Critical Domains [Domain 2: Explicit protocol prior to the conduct of review; Domain 4: Comprehensive literature search strategy; Domain 7: List of excluded studies with
justification; Domain 9: Satisfactory technique for assessing risk of bias; Domain 11: If meta-analysis performed, appropriate methods for statistical combination; Domain 13: Account for risk
of bias when interpreting/discussing results of individual studies; Domain 15: If quantitative synthesis performed, investigation of publication bias (small study bias).
Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)
Khan et al. 1445

review51,62,63; the other two did not focus on facial electrical stimulation,48,63 or laser treatment.60,65
exercise therapy.70,71 Nine reported a positive improvement.
This review considerably strengthens the evi-
dence base in support of facial exercise therapy,
but information on the specific benefits of therapy
The primary aim of this study was to update the evi- at different timepoints post-onset of facial palsy or
dence base on the effectiveness of physical therapy for patients living with different levels of severity
for facial palsy rehabilitation,32 focusing on tailored is difficult to disentangle with certainty. In studies
facial exercise therapy. The review identified nine- where the stage of recovery was specified, six
teen new research studies, including eight rando- studies concentrated on the acute phase, recruiting
mised controlled trials, four quasi-experimental or patients from 48 h to one month since onset of
pilot studies, and seven observational studies. facial paralysis.48,51,60,62,63,66 A further 12 studies
These studies provide evidence on the effectiveness focused on chronic cases including patients from
of facial exercise therapy in 839 patients with ages 2 to 30 years post onset.55,64 These studies
ranging from 12 to 80 years old. Although, six strengthen previous Cochrane review evidence on
reviews published after the Cochrane review were the value of physical therapy early in recovery,
also identified all were rated as being of critically and also add to the previously limited evidence in
low quality. They also identified only three new support of its use for chronic cases.32 Evidence of
studies which met our inclusion criteria, and all the specific benefits with increased clinical severity
these were already included in our review. This is less clear. Five research studies selected patients
article therefore adds significantly to previously based on the severity of their facial palsy, with
available evidence on the effectiveness of facial cut-offs ranging from Grade II to VII,50,52,58,62,64
exercise therapy for the recovery of people diag- and a further three reported selecting patients
nosed with facial palsy. based on the presence of facial synkinesis.53,57,59
The 19 new studies included in this review vary However, it is not possible to draw any conclusions
in their research design. Seven incorporated a ran- on the impact of physical therapy depending on the
domised controlled trial, nine used a non- clinical severity of facial palsy from these studies.
experimental observational design, and the remain- The review findings also demonstrate an
der were quasi-experimental or pilot studies. increase in the use of validated outcome measures,
Overall, four out of seven trials were rated as high compared to research identified in the earlier
quality and all described a positive impact. Cochrane review.32 A clinician facial grading
Among the nine observational studies, three were system (House–Brackmann or Sunnybrook) was
rated as high or moderate quality, all cohort used in 12 studies, and a patient-rated outcome
studies. Two of these studies reported a significantly measure (Facial Disability Index) was included
better outcome for those receiving facial exercise in six studies. The use of both a clinician and
therapy, especially among younger patients.53,58 patient outcome measure was observed in the
The effectiveness of facial exercise therapy on its highly rated studies. A recent systematic review
own was evaluated in only two studies; both has recommended the adoption of Sunnybrook
reported that patients performing facial exercises for reporting outcomes of facial nerve disorders.72
achieved greater functional recovery than those Only three studies included in the review used a
who did not.50,55 Six studies assessed physical single, non-validated outcome measure; all were
therapy combined with biofeedback, either via a rated low quality. No study defined ex ante what
mirror or other means; all reported positive would represent a clinically significant change.
improvements.49,51–54,66 A similar finding has been reported in
The remaining 10 studies evaluated the effect- the service setting when monitoring patient recov-
iveness of combining facial exercise therapy with ery.20 No study included cost-effectiveness as an
corticosteroids,58,61,62 botulinum toxin,57,59,64 outcome or incorporated a health-utility outcome
1446 Clinical Rehabilitation 36(11)

measure (e.g. EQ-5D) that would enable eco- pattern of studies almost exclusively undertaken
nomic modelling.73 Finally, because the point at in the United States.31 International collaborations
which outcomes were measured ranged from 4 are already leading to standardisation of outcome
weeks to 12 months post-treatment, evidence on measures, and development of value-based reim-
the sustainability of any improvements following bursement strategies.80 A future move to digitally
therapy is difficult to gauge. Arguably, a compre- enabled facial palsy rehabilitation at home is also
hensive analysis of the impact of therapy on the likely to be catalysed.20,34 Pre-pandemic, a review
evolution of facial palsy, including synkinesis, of telerehabilitation could identify no facial palsy
should be performed over a minimum of a studies.81 This situation is likely to change as a con-
24-month period.74 sequence of an accelerated worldwide move to
digitally enable services due to COVID-19,82 new
Conclusions and future influence on routes for commissioning home-based digital ser-
vices,83,84 and the development of new wearable
clinical practice technologies.33
This review provides new evidence from high- This review has concentrated on peripheral
quality studies to support the use of facial exercise facial nerve paralysis. A similar evidence base for
therapy in patients with facial palsy. Limitations of facial palsy following stroke is currently
the evidence include differences in research design, lacking.85 Because this form of central facial
the interventions evaluated, and patients included palsy is clinically distinct,86 current review findings
in studies. This heterogeneity makes it impossible are not directly transferrable. But, the lessons
to pool data from individual studies to increase learned here might be applied to improve the evi-
the power and precision of estimates of treatment dence base for these patients.
effects.68 The heterogeneous nature of the
current evidence base also limits the ability to
draw any clear correlation between the effective- Clinical messages
ness of facial exercise therapy and time since • RCTs of facial exercise therapy confirm
onset of facial palsy, clinical severity, or other improved facial functioning and patient-
patient demographics. The use of both a clinician reported outcomes.
grading system and patient-rated outcome • Therapy is effective in early cases, when
measure, as identified in high-quality studies, is combined with other treatments, and poten-
recommended. tially in chronic cases.
Looking to the future, further improvements to • Multi-centre collaboration is needed, par-
the evidence-base will become even more import- ticularly given emerging evidence of links
ant if reports emerging of a link to COVID-19 are with COVID vaccination.
substantiated. These include a tripling of cases in • Specialist facial therapy should be inte-
patients who have had COVID-19,75 as well as pos- grated fully into treatment pathways.
sible links to vaccines,76,77 with safety concerns
already officially recorded for the latter,78 and a
recent call for surveillance following use of particu- Authors’ note
lar vaccines.79 Large-scale COVID-19 vaccine pro-
Data and other materials are available from the corre-
grammes could lead to a rise internationally in the
sponding author.
future number of facial palsy cases. Our review
demonstrates widespread international interest in
evaluation of physical therapy for facial palsy, Declaration of conflicting interests
with studies originating from 10 different countries. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
This provides a good foundation for future collab- with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publica-
orative research, moving away from a previous tion of this article.
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