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B 417

“It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.” The quote that hits me the
time I interviewed Mr. Samuel Perez. He became my inspiration for he is a Licensed Customs
Broker and has an existing brokerage. He was my mentor when I was on my On the Job
Training, he is a nice person, has a brilliant mind and good heart. When I was asked to interview
a person who will become my inspiration on reaching my dream, all I thought is Sir Sam. By the
time I interviewed him, I asked him some motivational message for me to achieve what he is
achieving right now. All he said is, he’s inspiration is his family, and this is what I really admire,
he always thought of God. He always prays, always share the word of God and specially, he
believes in God. That’s why he always makes sure that he has an integrity in doing our
profession. He always thought that he must do everything right, so that he can sleep peacefully at
night, which I think is the best part of the day after work.

I will always remember that after these sleepless nights, stress, hard works, I will not
waste it just because I want to be successful and to become rich in a very short time. Everything
takes time, every failure means learning. Also, I will always bear in my mind what Sir Sam said,
that I can always get motivation from my family and God in achieving my dreams and always so
the best out of me.

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