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Page 4 of 6 Department of Pharmacoguosy-College of Pharmacy 7 TANTA UNIVERSITY a E EA) FACULTY OF PHARMACY | | | I DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOGNOSY FINAL EXAM FOR FIRST LEVEL PHARM D CLINICAL STUDENTS 1 COURSE TITLE: MEDICINAL PLANTS COURSE 1 ae coe CODE:PG 101 DATE: T3202 TERM: FIRST TOTAL TIME | ASSESSMENT ALLOWED: | MARKS: 50__ 120 MINUTES _| The exam consists of 100 MCQs iucluding two parts in 6 pages + separate answer sheet for electronic correction machine. Part I: Cell types, Cell contents, Active constituents, and Plant Taxonomy. Qt-Q48. (0.5 x 48 = 24 marks, 60 min.) Part II: Leaf introduction and Medicinal leaves. G49-Q100. (0.5 x 52 = 26 marks, 60 min.) Mark only one correct answer in the separate answer sheet provilied using blue pen only, answers outside the electronic correction sheet will not be considered. Part I; Cell types, Cell contents, Active constituents and Plant Taxonomy. Active constituents at Q (1-3) give . colour with NaOH. 1-Khellin 2 3 Flavonoids a Yellow b- blue cored 4- violet Which of the following drugs at Q (4-6) has a specified active coustituent? 4- Squill 5- Aloe 6- Foenugreek a Starch b- Anthraquinone c- Cardiac glycoside d- Alkaloid Termed the function of each of the following organs at Q (7-9). 7- Leaves 8- Flowers 9- Roots a- Reproduction b- Absorption of water c- Assimilation d- Transportation of photosynthetic material. State the function of each of the following tissues at Q (10-12). 10- Secretory structure 11- Sclerenchymatous tissue 12- Parenchymatous tissue a Storage b- Supporting - Conduction of water. _d- Production of some active constituents Identify the meaning of each of the following items at Q (13-15). 13-Glabra 14- Muticus 15- Maculatum a- Rough ‘b- Smooth c- Short d- Spotted. State the function of the following tissues at Q (16-18). 16-Xylem 17- Cambium 18- Chlorenchyma a Conduction of water __b- Secondary thickening ¢-Assimilation _d- Secretion of volatile oils. Page 2 of 6 Department of Pharmacognosy-College of Pharmacy Mention the use of the active constituents at Q (19-21). " Os -OH Ht Ho. a HO OH He OH 19- 20- a. a Haemolytic b- Laxative c- Astringent d- Antioxidant Forms of CaOx at Q (22-24) are defined as. 2. 23- 24- a Twin b- Rosettes ©- Idioplast d- Cluster State the name of the following trichomes at Q (25-27). ae pet on 25- 26- 27. a- Stellate »- Cystoliths e- Twin d- Cannabis Select one special character for each Phylum at Q (28-30). 28- Gymnospermae 29. Thallophytae a- Embryo with two to many cotyledons. b- Undifferentiated plant body. c- Differentiated large plant. d- Ovules are enclosed in ovaries 30- Angiospermae Which drug is used to treat each of the following diseases at Q (31-33). 31-Goitre 32- Gout 33- Constipation a- Squill b- Fucus c- Aloe d- Colchicum Determine the key element related to families at Q (34-36) 34- Poaceae 35- Fabacceae 36- Papaveraceae a Crystal sheath b- Porous capsule e+ Cystolith hair d- Gramineoous stomata Select the drug which has any of the following stomata at Q (37-39). oS =< 37- 3 a- Wheat b- Papaver c- Senna d- Fucus + Page 30f6 Department of Pharmacognosy-College of Pharmacy The following drugs at Q (40-42) are selected to treat or as. 40- Squill 41-Papaver 42- Cannabis a Inflammation b- Chronic bronchitis ¢- Narcotic d- Starting material for THC synthesis. Determine the part used of the following drugs at Q (43-45). 43- Aloe 44- Liquorice 45- Corn a- Latex from the unripe fruit. b- Dried juice that flows from the incised leave. c- Grains and com silk. d- The dried peeled or unpeeled roots and rhizomes. Identify each of the following steles types at Q (46-48). 46- 47- a- Amphepholic siphanostele b- Dictostele c-Protostele _d- Solenostele Part Il: Leaf introduction and Medi 49- Phyllode is a modified: a-Stem b-Root c-Leaf d-Petiole 50-These are type of leaves developed from embryo: a-Foliage b-Cotyledons c-Prophylls 4-Bract 51- A leafy structure from its axil a flower arises: a-Bracteole b-Phyllode c-Bract d-Prophylls 52 -Itis a group of bracts enclose a whole inflorescence: a-Spathe b-Involucel ¢-Involucre 4-Glume 53- Hyoscyamus leaf is a-Memberanous ‘oriaceaous ¢-Sacculent d-Papery 54-Two sessile leaves fused at their bases around the stem: a-Connate b-Amplexicaul c-Perfoliate d-Altemate 55- Scale leaves are found in: a-Ovary b-Sepals c-Stamens d-Coms 56- Stomatal index depends on relative number of stomata to number of: a-Vein b-Epidermal cells _c-Fibers d-Vessels 57- It is one large bract enclose a whole inflorescence: a-Spathe b-Involucel c- Palea d- Involucre 58-Leaf with smooth lamina without hairs is: a-Glaucous b-Glabrous c-Rugose d-Pubscent Page 4 of 6 Department of Pharmacognosy-College of Pharmacy 59-Leaf base is .... when the lower part of sessile lamina continues for a distance along the stem: a-Connate b-Sagittate c-Hastate d-Decurrent A B 60-Leaf venation in Figure A is: a-Parallel unicostete b-Reticulate _¢-Paralle! multicostate -—_d-Palmate 61-Leaf shape in Figure B is: a-Cuneate b-Peltate e-Lyrate d-Cordate 62-Leaf midrib of Figure C contains continuous layer of ..... cells: a-Fibers b-Palisade c-Clusters 4-Stomata 63 -Leaf base of Figure D is: a-Connate b-Perfoliate c-Amplexicaul d-Petiolate 64-Phylotaxis of leaves in Figure E is: a-Spiral b-Whorled c-Opposite d-Alternate 65 -Leaf margin in figure F aEntire b-Serrate e-Dentate d-Ciliate 66-Leaf is .......... with . margin in figure Gis a-Compound, dentate b-Simple, crenate c-Lobed, serrate -Compound, entire 67-Leaf is compound .. .. in Figure H: a-Paripinnate b-Palmate e-Binate 4-Imparipinnate 68-Leafis ..... in figure J: a-Dorsiventral b-Centrie c-Isobilateral Cleft Page 5 of 6 Department of Pharmacognosy-College of Pharmacy 69- Senna is used as laxative for any number of days. a- True b- False 70- This type of hz is present in ...... a Mentha b- Senna c- Digitalis d- Rosmary 71- Which of the following can give +ve modified Borntriiger's test? a- Digitalis b- Belladonna c- Squil! d- Senna 72- Purpurea glycoside A - glucose a- Digitoxin b- Gitoxin ¢- Digoxin d- Digitoxigenin 73- Which of the following tests is specific to 2,6-dideoxyhexoses? a- Kedde's b-Liebermann’s —¢- Bomtriger's d- Keller-Kiliani 74- Digitalis can be used as crude drugs. a- True b- False 75- Which of the following has isobilateral structure and the palisade layer is discontinuous in the midrib region? a- Senna b- Belladonna ——c- Hyoscyamus muticus d= Hyoscyamus niger 76- Senna is contraindicated with diuretics. “ a- True b- False 77- Idioblast containing sandy crystals of CaOx ean be found in . a- Digitalis b- Belladonna —_—_c- Stramonium d- Senna ‘78- This picture represents the key element of ....... a-Stramonium — b- Belladonna —_c- Hyoscyamus niger 4 Squill 79- Which of the following has the largest amount of alkaloids? a aStramonium — b- Belladonna c- Hyoscyamus muticus. —_d- Hyoscyan 80- ..... leaf is rhomboidal in shape, rigid and brittle when dry, cartilaginous when moist and contains 4 lateral veins. a- Buchu b- Belladonna c- Stramonium d- Senna. a1. component of daflon drug which is used for treatment of peripheral vascular disorders. a- Diosphenol b- Diosmin ¢- Atropine d- Arbutin 82- Uva ursi extract + cone. HNO; — red or orange color (due to arbutin ) a- True b- False 83- Diosphenol can be extracted fro a-Senna b- Belladonna “Uva ursi & Buchu 84- Which of the following has CNS Stimulant effect (addictive)? a-Diosphenol —_b- Cocaine ¢- Digoxin 4- Arbutin 85- This is a T.S of Np leaf, ee a a Jaborandi ” b- Coca ¢- Stramonium é- Seana e= oe Ht Page 6 of 6 sis used as cough sedative and expectorant. a- Buchu b- Guava c- Stramonium 87- Which of the following is the antidote of atropine? a Diosphenol —_b- Diosmin ¢- Pilocarpine is liver stimulant and cholagogue. java b- Boldo a ¢- Stramonium 89- Which of the following is spasmolytic and carminative? a Mentha b- Belladonna c- Coca 90-Althea is demulcent due to ss... a Tannin b- Mucillage ¢- Volatile oil 91- This is a T.S of .........eaf, a- Senna b- Coca c- Stramonium 92- sssesseew Contains indole alkaloids. a- Buchu b- Belladonna c- Catharanthus 93- Tea is diuretic due to . a- Caffeine b-Theobromine —_¢- Theophylline ‘94- The highest amount of catechias can be found i a- Black b- Green c- White b- Belladonna o- Digitalis 96- Branched hair is the key etement of a Stramonium — b- Belladonna ¢- Hyoscyamus muticus 97- The active constituents of .....are used as anticancer, a- Buchu b- Catharanthus c-Eucalyptus 98. ‘used as antiseptic and rubefacient. a- Eucalyptus —b- Belladonna © Catharanthus 99- Mucilage + ruthenium red —- ........ color. &- Black b- Red c- Blue 100- .......has mydriasis effect . a-Diosphenol - Diosmin c- Atropine Department of Pharmacognosy-College of Pharmacy d- Senna d- Arbutin d- Senna d- Senna d- Arbutin d- Eucalyptus d- Senna d- Cocaine d- Hyoscyamus niger d- Uva ursi d- Senna d- Green d- Arbutin Best Wishes

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