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Work experience – My internship

Le preterit en Be+ ING (ou progressif)
I Formation:

Auxiliaire be au prétérit+ base verbale + ing

I was
you were
he/she/it was
we were
you were
they were

Exemples :
- I was walking with my mum yesterday. Je marchais avec ma mère hier.

- We were reading our lessons. Nous lisions nos leçons.

Exercice 1 : choisis parmi les 3 formes celle au prétérit progressif qui convient !
1) I __________________ when the phone rang . [ ]was sleeping [ ]were listening [ ]am eating

2) You __________________ two minutes ago ! [ ]was reading [ ]were phoning [ ]are eating

3) They __________________ when their mum called them. [ ]were playing [ ]is waiting [ ]are eating

4) He __________________ a sandwich. [ ]was eating [ ]is playing [ ]are waiting

5) We __________________ him but he didn't see us. [ ]are crying [ ]was listening to [ ]were looking at

6) I __________________ because I had lost my cat ! [ ]is fighting [ ]was crying [ ]am sitting

7) She __________________ in front of me. [ ]was standing [ ]was cried [ ]is look at

8) You __________________ when I came into the room. [ ]are saying [ ]were reading [ ]were hate

9) He __________________ a story about his life. [ ]was saying [ ]is waiting [ ]was telling

10) We __________________ you but you didn't come . [ ]were waiting for [ ]were sitting [ ]were eating

Exercice 2 : Conjugue ces verbes au preterit progressif.

1. I ………………………..(run).

2. They………………….. (listen) to music.

3. I……………………………………………..(not/drink) alcohol.

4. You ………………………………………….(speak) French.

5. They………………………….(sleep) at a youth hostel.

6. He …………………………………….(work) at the post office

7. We ……………………………………….. (not/play) music.

8. She……………………………………..(go) to the cinema

9. What …………………………………………….. (you/do)?

II Utilisation:

Le prétérit progressif insiste sur la durée de l'action dans le passé.

Il peut souvent se traduire par « en train de »

La seule vraie difficulté vient en fait de son utilisation : quand dois-je employer le prétérit
simple? quand dois-je employer le prétérit en BE+ING?
Pour simplifier, on peut se demander si on met l'accent sur une durée, sur une action en
progression (BE + -ING) ou sur une simple énumération de faits rapides.

Exemple :
> I played football = simple précision: qu'as-tu fait hier ? J'ai joué au football.
> I was playing football = on met l'accent sur la durée, sur l'action en cours. J'étais en train
de jouer au football quand il s'est passé quelque chose.

Parler d'une action qui avait lieu dans le passé et qui a été interrompue par une autre action

We were eating when it started raining.

Nous étions en train de manger lorsqu'il s'est mis à pleuvoir.

L'action "manger" était en progression et elle a été interrompue par l'action "pleuvoir".

Exercice 3 Compléter les phrases suivantes en utilisant le prétérit simple ou le prétérit

1. She ______________________________ (work) when her boss opened the door.

2. I was writing a letter to my sister when the telephone ______________________________ (ring).

3. They ______________________________ (play) in the garden when their mother called them.

4. Before his wreck, he ______________________________ (drive) slowly.

5. I was having a rest when you ______________________________ (arrive).

6. They ______________________________ (sleep) when the baby cried.

7. We ______________________________ (talk) when she kissed me.

8. She ______________________________ (walk) in the street when she was killed by a murderer.

9. I was reading a book when the fire ______________________________ (start).

10. She was doing her homework when she suddenly ______________________________ (decide) to go to the zoo.


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