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English test 9th form – TUESDAY 17

II.Pronunciation : 1 A. near B. dear C. hear D. bear

2.A. naked B. punished C. forced D. fixed
3.A. government B. moment C. comment D. development
4.A. whether B. ethnic C. clothing D. these
5.A. pleased B. punished C. practiced D. promised
6 A. tour B. course C. court D. pour
7 A. boot B. root C. shoot D. foot
8 A. preserve B. measure C. decision D. usual
9 A. Part B spare C. park D. card
10 A Grown B clown C brown D drown
III Choose the word whose stressed pattern is different from the others.
1A. comic B. police C . fashion D. cotton
2 A. remote B. amount C. purpose D. museum
3A. correspond B. convenient C. compulsory D. communicate
4 A. community B. minority C. biology D. dormitory
5 A. generous B. humorous C. enormous D. dangerous
6 A. friendliness B. occasion C. pagoda D. deposit
7 A. importing B. specific C . impolite D. important
8 A. museum B. poison C. visual D. disaster
9 A. conservation B. minority C. especially D. environment
10 A. rescue B. announce C. complete D. appear
11 A. relax B. recognize C. realize D. relatively
XI. Choose the best answer:
1.I was astonished that he turned down the job – I __________ it would have been ideal for him.
a. have thought b. would have thought c. am thinking d. had been thinking
2._________ that she burst into tears.
a. Such was angry girl b. So angry she was c. She was angry so d. Her anger was such
3. He suddenly saw Sue ..................... the room. He pushed his way ..................... the crowd of people to get to her.
A. across/through B. over/through C. over/along D. across/across
4. Peter: “ I’ve got to go, Betty. So long." Betty: ” So long, Peter. And __________”
A. be careful B. don’t hurry C. take care D. don’t take
5 In my company, the director deputy usually _____the responsibility for organizing meetings and conferences.
A. makes B. gets C. takes D. becomes
6 "What did you buy so much paint __?" "I'm going to paint my room again."A. for B. about C. with D. by
7. We were lucky the taxi arrived without any ______________. Otherwise we wouldn’t have arrived in time for our train
A. pause B. delay C. assure D. declare
8. We couldn’t stay long, so we only wished Mark many happy _____________ of his birthday and hurried to the airport.
A. days B. returns C. moments D. regards
9. Michael was ____________ with anger when he saw his car had been scratched. A. stored B. fixed C. loaded D. filled
10 I really can’t __________ the twins apart. They look so alike. A. say B. talk C. take D. tell
11 Released in 1915, __________A. D.W Griffith’s made an epic film about the Civil War, Birth of a Nation.
B. the Civil War was the subject of D.W. Griffith’s epic film, Birth of a Nation.
C. D.W. Griffith’s epic film Birth of a Nation was about the Civil War.
D. the subject of D.W. Griffith’s epic film Birth of a Nation was the Civil War.
12. As soon as you buy a car, it starts falling in __________.A. cost B. worth C. value D. price
13 Boy: “Would you say that English is a global language?” Girl: "__________ "
A. Yes, it has. B. I like it. C. I don’t understand the difference. D. Oh, absolutely.
14 The couple decided to __________ every month for their retirement.
A. put some money away B. put some money aside C. take up some money D. take some money away
15 The doctor gave the patient __________ examination to discover the cause of his collapse.
A. a thorough B. an exact C. a universal D. a whole
16 Henry: " _______ "John: "Nothing ."A. What do you do? B. What's new? C. How are you? D. Are you a newcomer?
17 Sarah: "I am terribly sorry, Mr. Johnson. I won't be able to come to the office tomorrow."
Mr. Johnson: " __________ " A. Oh, that's annoying. B. Sounds like fun. C. Well, never mind.D. Great,
18 Everybody was pleased with the ______ .A. vegetable soup delicious hot B. hot delicious vegetable soup
C. delicious hot vegetable soup D. delicious vegetable hot soup
19 I don’t want to be hard on you, but you _________________me before using my laptop.
A. must have asked B. might have asked C. needn’t have asked D. may as well ask
20 I met _______man in the conference.A. a tall American interesting B. an interesting tall American
C. so tall an American interesting D. an American tall interesting
21 She watched _________fascination when he was sketching. A. in B. from C. with D. on
22 The threat of failing an exam provides the ___to work harder. A. go-ahead B. incentive C. inspiration D. vitality
23 Mr. Henry was given a medal in _____ of his service to his country.
A. response B. knowledge C. gratitude D. recognition
24 don’t suppose that there is anything wrong with this computer, _____?
A. is there B. do I C. don’t I D. isn’t there
25.~ Ann : “______________” ~ Becca : "What's so special about it?"
26 .I cannot bear the noise of my brother's radio; it---------me from my work.
A disturbs B perturbs C interruptsD distracts
27 The monitor always goes to class on time to-------a good example for the class A give B set C get D bring
28 Kate is committed to _________.
A. buying goods from that shop B. buy goods from that shop C. that shop for buying goods D. that shop to buy goods
29.though they had been robbed ......... all their money , they were able to come home . A away. B of. C off. D up.
30 There’s no danger in using this machine as long as you ……………to the safety regulations
A .comply B. stick C. observe D. abide
31 We are supposed to attend __ on “Brain Electronics” tomorrow .A.a lecture Ba discussion C a meeting D. a
32 Since Elgin was fired from the university , he has been forced to work in the market to earn his---------
A wage B debt C livelihood D life
33 A(n) ----------is being conducted to determine how many people approve of the new law
a campaign b thought c survey d investigation
34 The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very--------------------position.
A. weak B. unsteady C. vulnerable D. collapsed
35 The contractor’s recommendation is that the old building ………………_.
A. is needed repairing B. needs to be repaired C. need repairing D. need to repair
36 Why did you ride your bike yesterday? B .............A: economic B: economically C: economy D: economical
37 “These beers are ___________!” whispered the grinning tenant to his customers on Sunday morning.
A. on the shelf B. on the house C. on the rocks D. on the carpet
38 Remember that things such as language, food and clothing are simply expressions of our cultural _--------------------_.
A. identity B. characteristics C. personality D. uniqueness
39 This________dictionary includes a few animations. A. electrifying B. electronic C. electric D. electrical
40 Some experienced firefighters and rangers say that in late Autumn, forests may easily ------------------ fire.
A. become B. catch C. turn D. get
41 People should not have children unless they are ----------------to being responsible parents.
A. allowed B. promised C. involved D. committed
42 All applicants must --------------their university transcript and two reference letters to be considered for this job.
A. permit B. omit C. submit D. admit
18 Everybody was pleased with the ______ .A. vegetable soup delicious hot B. hot delicious vegetable soup
C. delicious hot vegetable soup D. delicious vegetable hot soup
44. ___ he was the most prominent candidate, he was not chosen.
A. Though B. Because C. As D. Since
45. On he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. he was told B. having told C. being told D. get fined
46. The jury ______ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said
47. I had a ______ chat with my manager and gave him an update on the project.
A. brief B. short C. quick D. lull
48. There has been a hot debate among the scientists relating to the ______of using robotic probes to study distant objects
in space. A. problems and solutions B. pros and cons C. solutions and limitations D. causes and effects
49. News of the new pay agreement spread like ________throughout the factory.
A. wildfire B. butter C. the plaque D. a flood
50. Everybody was busy with the spring cleaning, except Stanley, who always refused to pull his .
A. weight B. socks C. finger D. share
51. Poor management brought the company to ________of collapse.
A. the edge B. the foot C. the ring D. the brink
52. Computers are said to be ________ for the development of mankind.
A. here today, gone tomorrow B. here and there C. here to stay D. neither here nor there
53. When I got my case back, it had been damaged ________repair.
A. over B. further C. above D. beyond
54. Bob got fired. He isn't looking forward to__the news to his family.
a) breaking b) cracking c) saying
55. I just can’t make up my ______ whether to order chicken or fish. A head b) brain c) mind
56. When my friend Chad told me he’d just won the lottery, I was ___ with envy.
A blue b) green c) red
57. She made no---------our conversation of the night before.
A. mention to B. reference with C. reference to D. comment on
58.1 don't know what all the fuss was about; it was just a/ an-------in a teacup.
A. flood B. storm C. earthquake D. blaze
59. He lost --------------of the car and crashed into a tree.
A. track B. sight C. record D. control

60. Let's meet at the cinema. No, on second------------, I'll pick you up.
A. request B. ideas C. thoughts D. thinking
61. I le achieved success beyond his wildest----------
A. thoughts B. thinking C ambition D dreams
62. We couldn't stay long, so we only wished Michael many happy-------of his birthday and hurried to the airport.
A. days B. returns C. moments D. regards
63. I just took it________that he’d always be available.
A. into consideration B. easy C. into account D. for granted
64._I was glad when he said that his car was .
A. for my use B. for me use C. at my use D. at my disposal
65. Stop_______about the bush. John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
66. My father_______when he found out that I’d damaged the car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
67. If you want a flat in the centre of the city you have to pay through the__________for it.
A. teeth B. back of your head C. nose D. arm
68. I caught the last bus by the skin of my_________.A. mouth B. leg C. neck D. teeth
69. It was a joke! I was pulling your___._________ A. thumb B. hair C. toe D. leg
70. I always get________in my stomach before visiting the dentist.
A. worms B. butterflies C. crabs D. hedgehogs
71.Those smart phones are selling like_____. If you want one, you’d better buy one now before they’re all gone.
A. shooting stars B. fresh bread C. hot cakes D. wild oats
72.My father refused to eat meat that had been fried. He had ________ in his bonnet about it causing cancer.
A. a bug B.a bee C. a bull D. an ant
73.I can’t stand Mr. Brian. He’s always blowing his own telling everyone how good he is at everything.
A. balloon B. breath C. mind D. trumpet
74.The escaped prisoner fought before he was finally overpowered.
A. head over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D. foot and mouth
75.Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it like the .
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue C. back of his hand D. hair on his head
76.I was already fed up with the job, but when the boss walked into my office and told me he expected me to work
overtime that was the ____ . I quit. curtain B.last straw C. end of the line D.last waltz
77. He has a quick temper and easily___off the handle. A. leaps B. goes C. runs D. flies
78. The similarities between all three crimes were such that they could not be ________ down to chance.
A. put B. laid C. set D. taken
79. She doesn't mind working overtime because she gets paid ________ .
A. by the hour B. all the hour C. at the hour D. in the hour
80. A huge crowd ............. in the pouring rain to cheer the president.
A. turned out B. held up C. saw off D. dropped in
81. We hadn’t ............... for such heavy traffic, and we were delayed.
A. expected B. bargained C. calculated D. supposed
82. The book says that the revolution was ………….off by the assassination of the state governor.
A. launched B. cropped C. triggered D. prompted.
83. She resigned …………. No one forced her to do so.
A. for her own sake B. of her own accord C. with a will D. on purpose
V Word formation
The Media Commentators
A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting occasion, is almost (1) ________ accompanied by
the thoughts of a commentator. This may be on television, along with the relevant pictures, or (2) ________ on radio. The
technique involved differs between the two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and (3) ________.
Because of the (4) _______ of visual information. TV commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience;
instead their various observations should add to the images that are already there. There will sometimes be silences and
pauses in TV (5) ________, although these are becoming increasingly rare. Both types of commentators should try to be
more informative, but should avoid sounding (6) _______. In sports ones, fairness and (7)_______ to both sides is vital,
but spontaneity and (8)________ are valued by those watching or listening. Sports commentators usually broadcast live in
an essentially unscripted way, although they may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because
of the (9) ________ nature of live events, thorough preparation in advance is vital. The internet has helped enormously
with this aspect of the job. Anyone interested in becoming a commentator should have excellent (10)________ skills, the
willingness to work irregular hours and a strong voice.
1 He told me _______ that he’s thinking of resigning next year. (CONFIDE)
2 The seemingly _______ oil and minerals have shown signs of depletion over the years. (EXHAUST)
3 Is it _________ to tip waiters in your country? (CUSTOM)
4 Please check the --------------------- of the language lab on that day. (avail)
5 The tendency now is to------- our cell phone ringtones. (person)
6 .Such a war would be _____for the country. (catastrophe)
7 After his (expose) ………………….. to the cold for such a long time, he developed hypothermia.
8 . This professor explained his ideas with great _______________ ( CLEAR)
9 Athens is particularly affected by ____________________pollution.( ATMOSTPHERE)
10 .Students hate their classmates who get ………………..treatment from their teachers. (PREFER)
11 Don’s father wrinkled his brow in (please)…………when he heard that Don had failed the examination.
12. Our teacher told us not to include ______information in our essay. (RELEVANCE)
13. The record of 47 hours for watching TV without stopping was set last year is still ____________.( BREAK)
14 A patriarchal society places men as the _______ figures, with more power over the women and children.
15 The _______ of women in education and employment is a big change in our Society. (involve)
16 Gender _______ refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on theirgender. (equal)
17 The online -------------------------( Apply) process is simple and can take a few minutes.
18. The Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago attracted nearly 90,000---------------( attend) and 1,200
19.I can say in all (SINCERE) that I know nothing of this plan.
20.Good (SECRETARY) skills should enhance your chances of getting a job.
21.There have been complaints about (MANAGE) levels of work recently.
22.She always (PLACE) her keys, so her assistant used to carry spare ones for her.
23.You can relax on the beach or (ALTERNATE) visit the bustling town centre.
VII Fill the blanks wih one of the following phrasal verbs key below
A put down - come out- see off- set about- work out- stand for- step up track down turn down make up for
1. The managing director _____ the company's poor performance to high interest rates. Put down
2. The police were able to ______ the car thieves using satellite technology. Track down
3. This is a sensitive matter, and we have to ___dealing with it very carefully. m
4. David's new album is expected to __ at the end of the year.
5. I hope this award will _____ your disappointment at not winning the first prize. Make up for
6. The company has decided to _____production of cars at its factory in Hull.
7. You might need a calculator to ______ this problem.
8. Claire decided to _____ the job, because it would have meant more travelling.
9. Our Maths teacher simply won't ____any talking in class. 10. Helen is going to the airport to ____ some friends.
A put lead hold land hit fall take talk look get
B into on down out upon up through with
1. Don’t try to __________ me _____ going to the concert. I can’t afford the time.
2. If the boss tries to __________ you _____ another report, just say you can’t do it this week.
3. The examination is next week, so I must __________ _____ to some serious work.
4. We __________ his rude manner _____ to ignorance of our customs.
5. They were sad because the plan __________ _____ at the last minute.
6. We don’t __________ _____ much hope that the price will fall.
7. I don’t know you are unhappy, but don’t __________ it _____ on me!
8. They __________ _____ the solution quite by chance.
9. Clever salespeople are good at __________ customers _____ so that they buy things that they don’t need.
10. Mary has always __________ _____ to her uncle, who is a very successful actor.

C come across – make out – sit up- – go in for – draw up – get away with – get by –look into – put out
– fall over - get through
1. Without my glasses I can hardly the words on this page.
2.They.......................................the stolen goods.
3. Why don't you-----------the Miss Teenage ?
4. lf you're finding it difficult to..........on your salary, why don't you ask fora rise?
5 I know what you're...........and feel really sorry for you.
6 You'd better..............your cigarette because smoking isn't allowed in here.
7 The manager promised tothe matter in response to my letter.
8 The red car front of our house. Are we expecting anyone?
9.Don' I shall probably be back very late.
10 I ..........several old friends at the meeting.
11. Be careful The road is very icy. Don’t ............

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