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Admission Orders

ADMIT – Admit to Med-Surg floor, Eskenazi General Surgery Team B, Dr. Ortiz
DIAGNOSIS – cholecystic disease
CODE STATUS – full code
VITALS – Vital signs Q4 hours: HR, BP, SPO2, RR, Temperature
ALLERGIES – sulfa drugs: hives
begin peripheral IV, now
begin IV fluid bolus, 0.9% NS, 500mL over 30 minutes, now
begin mIVF, 0.9% NS, 125ml/hr, continuous, begin after fluid bolus
Strict Inputs and Outputs recorded Q8H
Patient in Semi-Fowler’s Position, now
Daily standing weight at 0400
Assess Pain Scale Score Q6H
2L supplemental O2 via NC if SPO2 < 94%
Fall precautions, continuous
Full bathroom privileges, continuous
Ambulate in hallway TID
CMP, once, now
CBC with differential, once, now
Amylase, once, now
Lipase, once, now
GGT, once, now
Urinalysis, clean catch midstream, once, now
Urine Pregnancy Test, once, now
Transabdominal Ultrasound (cholecystosonogram) to assess for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis,
Omeprazole 20mg capsule orally daily at 0900 for 3 days.
Indomethacin 25mg capsule orally TID for 3 days
Odansetron 8mg oral tablet Q8H PRN for nausea, available for 3 days
Piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 3.375 g IV Q6H for 4 days
Call the on-call resident for General Surgery Team B if any of the following occur:
HR >115 or HR < 60
RR > 20 or RR < 12
SBP > 150 or SBP < 90
DBP > 100 or DBP < 60
SPO2 < 90%
Temperature > 102F or Temperature < 96F (Fever in excess of 102F)
Urine output < 500mL over 12 hours or urine output > 2000mL over 12 hours
Signs of jaundice (yellow eyes, yellow skin)
Clay-colored stools
Dark (brown) colored urine
Hematemesis or Hematochezia
Severe Pain > 9 or 10 within 6 hours of receiving a dose of indomethacin
DIET – NPO except medications

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