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SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVER


Power Analysis Attack: A Vulnerabilitty to Smart

Card Security
Hridoy Jyoti Mahanta Abul Kalam Azad Ajoy Kumar Khan
Department of Information Department of Information Department of Information
Technology Technology Technology
Assam University Assam University Assam University
Silchar, India Silchar, India E-mail: Silchar, India
E-mail: E-mail:

Abstract—A major breakthrough in sid de channel attacks Section 6 states some of thee common countermeasures on
came up when analysis of power coonsumption by a various devices available on liiterature. Finally a conclusion is
cryptographic device led to discovery of th he secret key. This formulated.
analysis technique popularly known as Poweer Analysis Attack is
now one of the most volatile and successful side channel attacks. II. SMART CARD AND PO
This technique uses the power consumed by b a cryptographic
system as the main parameter to identify the cryptographic
algorithms as well as the secret key used. The
T power traces of Smart cards are primaryy mode of authentication and
the system are statistically analyzed and the correlation between secure transactions in todayy’s scenario. They use some
these traces and the cryptographic technique is explored to cryptographic algorithms whhich may be symmetrical or
break the security. This attack has been succcessfully carried out asymmetrical like AES, RS SA, triple DES etc. for their
on various cryptographic algorithms like DES, AES, RSA and purpose of security [14]. Eveen though these algorithms and
ECC which are implemented on cryptogrraphic devices such protocols are highly secureed, but the smart cards uses
smart cards, FPGA, DSP, ASIC etc. In this paper we present a
additional external devices to operate which are prone to side
review on the power analysis attack and its techniques. Also, a
brief detail on some of the power analysis atttacks on smart card
channel attacks.
and FPGA have been presented. Couple of methods
m to improve Smart card consists of circcuits containing microprocessor,
such attacks has also been mentioned which are mainly based on CMOS
C gates. CMOS gates have
mainly three power sources, first is the leakage currents in
Keywords—cryptosystem, power analysis, SPA, DPA, CMOS, transistors, second the shorrt-circuit currents during the
smart cards switching of a gate during sim
multaneous conduction of NMOS
and PMOS and lastly, the dynamic power consumption which
is due to the charge and dischaarge of the load capacitance [2].
Side channel attacks as the name suggests, s uses the The dotted paths as shown below
b in figure 1 represent the
additional physical information like noise, power, fault, time load capacitance CL.
etc. of a cryptographic device known as side channel
information for breaking the security of that system. This
information may be the power consumptioon, electromagnetic
radiation, sound, time, fault etc. that can bee easily traced from
the system. Power analysis attack is one of o the most popular
and volatile side channel attacks. For thiis kind, the power
consumed by the system to execute its opperations is used to
identify the cryptographic technique used and the secret key.
The power traces are collected and then analyzed to find a
correlation among them and finally detecct the key from it.
Encryption techniques like DES, RSA, AE ES etc. are already
vulnerable to this kind of attack. The popularity of smart
cards has a major impact on the attackerrs to use this new
technique and break the security of a cryptoosystem.
The rest of the paper is organized in fivee sections. The next
section gives a detail on power analysiss attack and smart
cards. Section 3 explains the two typess by which power Fig 1: Charge and discharrge of capacitor in CMOS[2]
analysis can be done. Section 4 and 5 elabborates some of the
existing power analysis and methods to im mprove such attack.

SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVE

Equation 1 here represents the dynamic poower consumed by

the CMOS gates [2]:

Pdyn = CLV 2DDP0→1f (1)

where P0→1f is called the switching activity with P0→1

being the probability of 0→1 transition, f and VDD are the
working frequency and voltage of the poower supply of the
particular device. Figure 2 shows the circcuit for monitoring
the power dissipation by the device at thee ground pin Vss of
the smart card by connecting a small reesistor R1 in series Fig 2: Circuit for measuring power coonsumption of a smart card [5]
between the Vss pin and the ground. Current C monitoring
through R1 creates a time varying voltaage, which can be
sampled with the help of a digital oscillloscope. The same
current is responsible for charging and discharging
d of the
capacitors C1, C2 and Cload which flows ouut of the smart card
through a bond wire Ibond that acts like an inductor.
i For every
smart card the values of inductor and the capacitors are
different and will determine the shape of thhe power signal that
is observed at the Vscope [5]. In a tyypical smart card Fig 3: SPA showinng trace of DES [3]
microprocessor, the gates attached to internnal buses dissipates
a larger portion of the power. These internaal buses have large
capacitive loads that can readily leak informmation to attackers
making the smart cards vulnerable to powerr analysis attack.
Power analysis attacks are classified innto two type’s viz.
simple power analysis (SPA) and differenttial power analysis
attack (DPA). Further differential power annalysis is enhanced
to high order differential power analysis foor greater accuracy
[11]. Below we explain these both techniquues in detail. Fig 4. SPA showing tracce of round 2 and 3 of DES [3]

A. Simple Power Analysis B. Differential Power Analysiss

Simple Power Analysis (SPA) im mplements direct Differential power analyysis (DPA) attack passively
interpretation of the power consumptiion measurements performs external observationn of the power consumed by a
collected during cryptographic operations [1] from a device. circuit performing cryptograpphic computations. Unlike SPA,
SPA can depict information about the devvice`s operation as DPA is based on the theory thhat the power consumption of a
well as secret key material. It involves providing some computational logic is statisticcally correlated with the internal
random inputs to the cryptographic devicee and then visually bit transition [7]. An importaant factor leading to successful
inspecting its power consumption throughoout. DPA attack is use of correct poower model. If the power model
The attacker could measure the poower consumption is well described, the numbber of traces required may be
waveforms of the device and store the datad using a digital substantially less with the noise involved. There are different
Oscilloscope and later process the informaation to extract the power models for DPA, how wever most commonly used are
secret key [2]. The waveforms can be seen in figure 3 Hamming-Distance model annd Hamming–Weight model [6]
showing the 16 rounds of DES are clearly visible
v and figure 4 as the correlation between thee distance and weight can easily
showing details of the rounds in the DES. depict the key used.
Hamming-Distance model counts the number of 1→0 and
0→1 transitions that occur in the cryptographic device while
executing the cryptographic algorithm.
a Number of transition
occurred describes the power p consumption of the
cryptographic device at a parrticular time interval. Whereas,
Hamming-Weight model is much m simpler than Hamming-
Distance model. Here the onlyy number of 1’s in a set of data
needs to be examined to findd the power traces [6]. Figure 5
below shows the DPA tracce from a typical smart card

SPACES-2015, Dept of ECE, K L UNIVE

showing the power consumption differennce from selecting

one input bit to a DES encryption techniquee.

Fig 5: DPA traces from a typical smart card

c [2] Fig 6: Structure of the S-boox in a round of DES [6]


B. Differential Power Analysiis Attack on FPGA running AES
A DPA attack can be more perilous than SPA, as it can be The AES takes up 128-biit plain text and 128-bit key to
performed with little details on how the algoorithm was actually produce 128-bit cipher text. Each
E round has a round key say
implemented. The technique can gain morre strength if some K11 computed from the originnal key. Attacker attacks the last
statistical analysis method is used to recovver the side channel round key K11 as the original key can be calculated from this
information [11]. Below some of the DP PA techniques that round because of its reversiblee nature [15]. In [10], Velegalati
have been implemented on smart cards and a FPGA that are et. al. have performed the attaack on AES in Output Feedback
available in literature have been reviewed. (OFB) mode where the outpuut from the previous encryption
was given as input for thee next encryption. The power
ES algorithim
A. DPA Attack on Smart Card Running DE consumption for the last round was compared to a
A DPA attack starts by running the enncryption algorithm measurement of the power consumption
c in the 11th clock
cycle. They considered that foor some plain text P11 of the 11th
for N random plaintext inputs. Song Sun S et. al. in [6]
round with key K11 the cipher text
t was obtained by,
explained a DPA attack where they record r N random
plaintexts and their corresponding pow wer in a matrix C11 = K11 XOR (Shift row (subb byte (P11))) (4)
represented as PT [N][M]. The voltage value on power trace
With unknown plaintext annd key, guesses were made using
PT [i] at particular time j can be given by PT [i][j]. The the known cipher text C11. Different values of K11 were
attacker can determine the values of N andd M. The accuracy guessed and using equation 5, the plain text P11 was computed.
in guessing the final extracted key dependss on the value of N
i.e. the higher is N, the more is the accuraccy. The value of M P11= sub byte -1 (shift rows-1(K
K11(guess) XOR C11)) (5)
influences the power-sampling rate. A laarger M implies a Hamming distance model was
w then used to depict the
higher power-sampling rate [6]. After that the attackers hypothetical power.
choose an output bit of the first round S-boxx, say it be the first
output bit b0 which depends on the other siix bits of the secret The correlation between the powers measured by the
key and plaintext. The attacker makes an innitial guess of those attacker using guessed keys (P
Pguess)and actual power consumed
key bits based on which one can computee the guessed value by the system (Pmeasured)was found using some correlation
function based on cross-covariiance as in equation 6.
of b0. Since b0 can be either 0 or 1, the entire
e power traces
samples can be grouped into two sets. Those traces whose Max fCor (K11) = correlation coefficient (Pguessed ,Pmeasured) (6)
theoretical value of b0 is 0 they are assigneed into the first set
The maximum value of thee correlation is the correct key of
otherwise it is assigned into the second seet [6][17]. Figure 6
the last round. However, thee correlation may not give the
shows a typical S-box for DES algorithm. Once all the power correct key, due to lots of noiise in the measured current. The
trace values or the inputs have been colllected, the average effect of noise can be removed r using thousands of
power is calculated using the following equuations [6]: combinations of plaintext-cippher text for the same key are
measured. The method is reepeated until the complete key
∑| |
(2) round was found. After obtainning the round key the actual key
| |
can be obtained as in [10].
∑| |
(3) C. Correlation Power Anaalysis Attack on Smart Card
| |

If the attacker makes correct guess of the

t key bit then the DPA has an issue of “ghoost peaks” where peaks occurs
computed value of bit b0 will be same as thhe actual value with even at wrong guess of the attacker. Correlation Power
a probability of 1 else it will be different with
w probability 0.5 Analysis (CPA), addresses this issue by correlating and
[5][6]. ween power and hamming weight
analyzing the coefficient betw
of the data instead of only analyzing
a the data. CPA hence
offered more robust and effficient analysis than DPA [8].


Huiyun Li et. al. in [8] proposed a new enhanced power intersignal SNR is dependent on the algorithm and function
model based on correlation analysis. Their model used the used for the attack. The intersignal SNR was as like the
probability distribution of the intermediate data and correlates intrasignal SNR in the model. It was large enough whenever
it with the hamming distance and hamming weight of the the intrasignal SNR was large.
same. The correlation coefficient used in this model between The typical assumption of power leakage
any set of variables X and Y is stated in equation 7. information is mainly focused on leakage at logic level and
instruction levels. This is because most of the cryptographic
E X.Y E X .E Y algorithms are directly implemented in hardware [7].
, (7)
D X . D Y However, the fact that the leakage of power can be controlled
at early stages of design is completely ignored. In [7], Kreig
Where, E(X) and D(X) denotes the expectation and variance et. al. have proposed a power emulation hardware which is
of X. Correlation coefficient represents the linear association capable of tracing power at reasonable level. Their work
between two sets of variables. Instead of using this contributes with a semi-automatic switching activity-aware
correlation directly, its square root shifted by 1 was used. power characterization process and a data dependent power
To verify this new improved model CPA analysis was model for hardware accelerated security evaluations [7].
carried on a smart card running DES encryption. The Their approach used power emulation methodology which
correlation between the probability distribution of Hamming could speed up the power estimation and faster generation of
distance and Hamming weight used previously was found power traces highly supportive for DPA. The model mainly
10% less than the correlation obtained by this new improved had two phases: profiling phase and analysis phase. In
model making it more efficient. This model was also profiling phase, the power profile was traced using run time
compared with the classical hamming weight model which tracing with help of a power emulation unit or using some
resulted to produce 10% better correlation coefficient as RTL simulations. One the traces were available they were
compared to the classical model [8]. Hence, CPA can give a analyzed in the second phase using some analysis toolkit.
higher success in power analysis attack. For acceptability they tested their model in AES algorithm
which resulted in less than 7% average and 20% root mean
Although DPA has been a mainstream in making power
analysis attack successful, it needs to be improved for higher
robustness and efficiency. In DPA, efficiency can be termed Smart card used for secure and reliable transaction is
as making the correct guess with minimum number of power under the web of power analysis attack leading to failure of
traces. security and confidentiality of the cryptographic algorithms
One of the important factor which hurdles in the success and systems. Thus, some countermeasures have to be
of DPA is the noise that accompanies the power traces. Due introduced to prevent the cryptographic systems from such
to which it is difficult to measure the actual power attacks.
consumptions. Kocher et. al. performed DPA by averaging to It has been found that avoidance of procedures which uses
reduce the noise however many other strategies can exist. In secret intermediate or key for conditional branching can limit
[5] Messerges et. al. have stated that there can be five the expose of many SPA characteristics. Conditional
different types of noise which may be present during like branching can be avoided by using AND,OR and XOR
external, intrinsic, algorithmic, quantization and sampling operation in place of “if” clause [1].
which appears from different sources. Filtering may remove Balancing of power consumption into a constant value with
noise but with care that, it doesn’t hamper the components the use of dummy register and gate prevents power analysis
creating power traces. Messerges et. al. have developed a attack. Dummy registers are the places where useless
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) model for DPA which explores operations are made to assure that the total power of the unit
the noise present in the bias signal. The SNR was considered remain constant when a useful operation is performed [12].
for both a single as well as all the bias signals. They referred Addition of noise into power consumption measurement
them as intrasignal SNR and intersignal SNR respectively. acts as another countermeasure for such attacks. When an
The model used mean and variance of the the distribution to extra amount of noise is introduced, the number of sample
describe the intrasignal SNR [5]. The intrasignal SNR was required for an attack increases possibly to an unfeasibly
described as in equation 8 below. large number [5].
Modification of algorithm is also an approach to prevent
√N the power analysis attack. When some modification is
invoked it prevents the correlation among the power traces.
Modification like non-linear key updating destroys the partial
Where, N is the number of signals of an n-bit information of the key collected by the attacker [1].
processor with signal size , σ2 the average non algorithmic
variance and ∞ the percentage of algorithmic noise. The


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briefly explained here. Also, a review on some of the power
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explained in brief. Methods to improve the existing DPA
have also been stated in brief. Finally, some of the popular
countermeasures for such attack, which can prevent a
cryptographic system from being attacked, have been


The research presented in the paper have been supported

by Department of Electronics and Information Technology
(DeitY), Government of India
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