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Communication From the Heart.

1. Make Dua

2. What would Allah want?

Dont Be a Bear

2. Dont See a Bear

3. Minimize the Noise

4. Listen to Understand

5. Express to Be Understood

Scene: You have come home from school famished. You are tired, cold and very hungry.

Rummaging through the kitchen cupboards you find a packet of crisps. Yum! Your favourite. Your mum
calls you from the other room, so you put it down and go to see what mummy wants. When you return,
you find your little brother sat down..on your chair...munching on your packet of crisps.

You lunge forward with lightening speed, screaming with anger and frustration. "Thats mine! Give it
back!" As you rip the packet out of his hand.

"What are you going on about?" He shouts. His face turning red with the effort as he swiftly snatches it

As though in slow motion, those crunchy crisps seem to project out of the packet twriling under the
spotlights as they gracefully fall to the floor. Making a mess everywhere!
Scene: You need the laptop for an important assighnment and your sister who was using it before you is
now randomly watching cat videos on social media and is ignoring your request to use it.

Off you storm to the kitchen to find mum. "Mum!" I call as i step into the kitchen. My mum has just spilt
some milk on the kitchen table where it trickles down quickly forming a ever increasingly white pool on
the shiny black kitchen tiles. My baby brother starts screaming in his high chair spurting gooey mush all
over his red plump face.

"Mum!" I say again loudly to be heard above all the racket. "No!" Mum snaps back without looking up as
she attempts to clean the mess of the floor.

Scene: You see your classmate getting bullied after school by two girls in the year above. They see you
watching and threaten to hurt you if you tell anyone. This keeps occuring and you notice your classmate
becoming depressed and her grades are slipping. You dont tell anyone about this because you are scared
to stand up to the bullies or get bullied urself. What would you do?

Scene: You have lots of exams coming up and you have not been revising throught the year so now you
are suddenly rushed to raise your grades, but you only have a week which is not enought time. So you
try to put your head down and revise, but your mother keeps disturbing you and asking you to do
chores. This makes you even more stressed. What should you do?

Scene: You best friend has invited you to her birthday party. You are really close to her and and are
expected to go because your supposed to help her organise this party. However your parents are really
strict and say u cant go because your not allowed to celebrate birhdays. You really want to go and you
know your bestfriend will be really offended. What would you do in this situation?

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