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My Experience in a
Case Of Brain Tumor
October 11, 2010 • 21 Comments • by A. U. Ramakrishnan

Written by A. U. Ramakrishnan

The author describes his

experiences in a case of brain
tumor using a rather unusual

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My work in cancer cases has been

going on, each case being a challenge

and each case proving to be a

milestone. We experience unbelievable

results, taking us to ecstasy and then

the unrelenting march of the disease

sends us to the very depths of

depression. I must admit the latter

more often than the former. However,

continuous work in pursuit of facing the

challenge has given me the

opportunity to refine and redefine our


I wish to narrate a case of Glioblastoma

Multiforme. A lady 36 years old married,

with 2 children, saw me in 2005. The

first symptoms, headaches, recurrent

and becoming more frequent and

intense over a period of 2 to 3 months,

finally led her to see a neurologist.

Using MRI she was diagnosed with

Glioblastoma Multiforme.

The patient declined to have radiation

that was suggested by her Oncologist.

The reason for bringing up this case, is

that a rather unusual remedy came up

which is not in my “favourite” list of

“organ remedies”! For Gliomas and the

like, I normally try to see if remedies like

Baryta Carb, Plumbum Iodatum etc.

would come up.

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This case presented itself as a typical

Calcarea Carb, constitutionally. Obese,

chilly and laid back, but at the same

time restless, impatient, impulsive,

emotional, sentimental, fond of food

and so on. Calc Carb actually led me to

consider Calc Ars! One characteristic

feature of the Calcarea Arsenicum is

that they get headaches on the side

not-lain-on. And this was present in this

case. The reason that strengthened the

selection, was that I have used it in

innumerable cases of Epileptic Seizures

and also seizures due to space

occupying lesions.

Putting all this together, I ventured to

use CalcareaArs 200c in “Plussing dose”

for 1 week, alternating week with

Carcinosin plussing dose.

I continued with the same potency;

each month the case was reviewed and

the symptoms were dramatically

getting better. By the end of three

months she hardly had one or two

bouts of headaches in a month, and

they were very mild. At the end of three

months she went for an MRI of the

brain (Homeopathy for Brain Tumor)

and the lesions were definitely better;

some completely gone and most of

them showed no increase.

From here I went on to the next higher

Potency – Calcarea Ars 1m, but the

Carcinosin would be the same 200c.

After a 3 months period we saw further

reduction. I continued the same

remedy and potency for 3 more

months. By the time we completed 1

year the MRI showed the lesions were

75 to 80% gone. The patient is in

absolute comfort.

After 1 year has passed, I pushed up the

potencies to Calcarea Arsenicum 10M

and Carcinosin 1M – to be taken on

alternate weeks in plussing dose, and

this was done for 3 months.

After 1 year and 3 months I stopped the

“plussing dose” and went on to

Calcarea Ars 10M. Split dose (3 pills x 4

times in a day) for 1 day only. A month

later Carcinosin 1m split dose (3 pills x 4

times for 1 day only). And this was

continued alternate months for the

next 1 year.

I stopped active prescribing by that

time. We completed 2 ½ years.

Six months later the MRI was repeated

and the findings were the same as last.

Very stable. Patient in good health. Now

5 years have passed.

This is once again a case to illustrate

that seemingly unrelated to the


the remedy when properly matched,

can bring about a cure. Ever since this


I include Calcarea Arsenicum as one of

the “organ remedies” for Brain Tumors.

Iscador Therapy for Cancer

Cancer Cures

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About the author

A. U. Ramakrishnan
Dr. Ramakrishnan M.B.B.S., MF Hom, PhD, is an
internationally known medical doctor from India.
He travels the world lecturing on homeopathy and
treating difficult cases. Some areas of his expertise
are Cardiac Disease, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis,
Epilepsy, Arthritis and Diabetes. He is also the
homeopathic physician to the president of India.
Dr. Ramakrishnan has been presenting papers at
International Congresses since 1981. Along with
Catherine R. Coulter, he is the co-author of A
Homeopathic Approach to Cancer. Visit his website

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October 19, 2010 at 9:14 am



October 19, 2010 at 4:15 pm

Wonderful case!
I wish that you write some more cases next


dr, eidris
October 21, 2010 at 3:23 pm

sir, thanks for your wonderful article.


DR V.P.Anandhi
October 21, 2010 at 10:34 pm

excellent analysis sir we expect to hear a lot

from your case diaries to enrich ourselves


Muhammad Nisar
October 21, 2010 at 6:28 pm

Engrossing case. Very logical and very

homeopathic; constitutional deduction of
Calcarea Carb, the reasoning for selecting
Calcarea Arsenicum. Excellent Dr.
Ramakrishnan. Would love to read your other


October 22, 2010 at 10:47 am

The article is interesting. His approach to the

treatment give a new inside to the remedy calc
ars. Thank you doctor.


Rochelle Marsden
October 22, 2010 at 10:52 pm

Thanks for that. I will add it to the list in your

book that I have. I also agree that you should
post more of your more recent cases!! All the


Dr.Saif(allopath & Homeopath)

October 23, 2010 at 8:28 pm

An excellent example of finding the

simillimum;wish u continue the same service to
Dr.Saif(allopath &


brijesh narain
October 24, 2010 at 12:09 am

Dear Dr.

Wonderful analytical shown in selecting Cal ars.

Is there any case pertaining to the treatment of
Pleomorphic adenoma of sub maxillary salivary
gland may please be reported. Thank you Dr.


Prof dr shaikh shamsur rahman.

October 24, 2010 at 10:18 pm

Dr Ramkrishnan.

Thank for your article “My experience in a case

of Brain Tumar”.

Excellent analysis to selecting the Calcarea


All the best, continue the same service to


Prof dr shaikh shamsur rahman.

Abu Dhabi, U A E.


October 30, 2010 at 4:14 pm




Dr Wequar Ali Khan

November 4, 2010 at 10:58 am

A wonderful and very insightful article,as always

expected from a very respected A
.U.Ramakrishnan. Very few can do what he has
achieved in treatment of Cancer.His choice of
medicine shows what deep knowledge of
individual medicine, in this case CAL ARS, can
do in a positive manner;


Michelle McQuaid
November 6, 2010 at 6:02 pm

Personally, I work alot with brain cancers and

love hearing about remedies I have not
previously used. They are so important
especially at this time with more and more
people being diagnosed daily. I also feel that it
may be of interest to some of your readers that
the remedy Luachar Annaverna (the proving of
which I coordinated in 2007) is proving to be
very effective in the treatment of various types
of brain cancer and may be a remedy worth
considering also. I had one case of a pituitary
tumour which was untreatable allopathically
where one pill of Luachar Annaverna 10M
cleared it, no other treatment. I feel sometimes
as a homeopath that I wonder for the clients
who pass on how deeply it impacts to their
spirit. I’ve been blessed to be able to share a
case where the clients was diagnosed with a
large mass and instructed that it was too late to
do anything for him. His family approached me
and asked could I help. My sense was it was too
late to cure as this man was totally bed bound
and losing all bodily function. I explained this to
the family yet I gave them one pill of the
Luachar Annaverna 10M saying it may help him
on his passage. It had to be dissolved in water
and rubbed on his lips as he was losing his
swallow. He passed away a week later and when
they performed the autopsy there was scarring
where the tumour had been but there was no
tumour there. I really feel that trauma has been
cleared and he didn’t need to carry it to the
other side. I have printed the proving so it is
avaiable for anyone who wishes to purchase it
and the remedy is stocked in Helios pharmacy in
Kent. I just feel it’s important that this is shared.
Many thanks, Michelle.


November 6, 2010 at 10:59 pm

What exactly is Luachar Annaverna? All I find

when I search on google is the book with the
same title and the fact that Helios carries the
thank you for any information


Michelle McQuaid
November 7, 2010 at 7:21 pm

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