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When Flowers Wake Each Morning

B. Word – meaning
1. asparagus- a tall plant of the lily family
2. spears-young shoots of asparagus plant
3. obvious- very clear
4. rant – here, a long speech
C. Reference to context
“I guess it should be obvious
From listening to my rant.”

1. From which poem the above given lines are taken? And who is the
Ans. The lines given above are taken from the poem ‘When Flowers Wake
Up Each Morning’ and the poet is ‘Kenn Nesbitt.’

2. Who is the speaker of the above lines?

Ans. A little boy who is irritated of being a person is the speaker of the
above lines.

3. What does the speaker has to listen to and why?

Ans. The speaker has to listen to long speeches from his elders because
he is a child.

Reproduction in Animals
Vocabulary Words
1. reproduction
2. mammals
3. albumen
4. yolk
5. moulting
6. nymph
7. caterpillar
8. larva
9. maggot
10. chrysalis
11. metamorphosis
12. tadpoles
13. reptiles
14. parental
1. Reproduction- The process by which living
beings produce their young ones.
2. Albumen-A transparent sticky liquid inside
the egg. It is also called egg white and is a
good source of protein.

3. Yolk- A yellow liquid that provides the food

to the baby growing (embryo) inside an egg.

4. Hatching- A process to help young animals

develop inside their eggs and then to break out
or to be born.

5. Spawn- A fish lays cluster of eggs in a safe

place in the water these are called spawns.

6. Metamorphosis – A change in the form or

structure of a living organism by the process of

7. Larva- It is the feeding stage of an insect that

looks like a worm which hatches out of an egg.

8. Pupa- It is the non-feeding stage between the

larva and adult during which it undergoes
complete transformation within a protective
9. Nymph- Nymph is the immature form of those
insects that do not pass through pupa stage. They
usually resemble the adults but are smaller and lack
fully developed wings.

10. Moulting – It is a process by which the baby insects

shed their skin before they grow into adults.
11. Chrysalis- The immature butterfly stage after pupa stage.

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