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 Where is the helloWorld.c source file? Copy its full path and paste here.


 What is the content within the helloWorld.c file? Your source code, of course.
Copy all the text of your customized source statements from the Visual Studio
editor and Paste below this line. (20 marks)
/* Hello World is the traditional first program. It became legendary in 1978 when
Kernighan and Ritchie published The C Programming Language. It is now the canonical
minimal test message in the C/Unix universe. */

#include <stdio.h> // C language module providing Input/Output facilities

int main(void) // the system always calls main() to start a C program

printf("Hello, World!\n"); // output greeting

printf("This is yourNameHere.\n"); // output your name

return 0; // return to operating system


What happens when you drop the file into Firefox?

It will not be as you might expect from the file extension. (10 marks)
o lunamoth.bmp 
o lunamoth.html 

o lunamoth.jpg 

o lunamoth.txt 

 What are the new names of the files? (10 marks)

o lunamoth.bmp.??? -> lunamoth.bmp.txt

o lunamoth.html.??? -> lunamoth.html.bmp
o lunamoth.jpg.??? -> lunamoth.jpg.html
o lunamoth.txt.??? -> lunamoth.txt.jpg

 What does this experience tell you about the importance of file names and
their extensions? Did the renaming of these files have an effect on the data
contained within the files? (10 marks)

Having the right file names and their extension affects the whole data. If not
named properly, we are unable to see the file as it comes out as error. Renaming
the file allowed me to see the data in the file.

 What happens to the files (not their content) when you select the lunamoth
files in your original folder, then drag and drop them in the new folder on your
USB drive or the D: drive, i.e. when the target drive is different from the source
drive…are the files MOVED or COPIED?

When dragging and dropping files in a USB drive from the original folder, it
copies the file as the source drive is different from the target file.

 What happens to the files (not their content) when you select the lunamoth
files in your original folder, then drag and drop them in the new folder on the C:
drive, i.e. when dragging to a different folder within the same drive…are the files

The file moved from the original folder to the new folder when dragging and
dropping them in the file.

 After deleting a file from the PC's internal drive, can you restore it? If so, how?
How do you delete a file from a PC permanently so it cannot be recovered?

Deleting a file from the PC internal drive can be restored by going to the recycle
bin and clicking restore. To permanently delete a file from a PC, emptying the
recycle bin is one way to do so.

 After deleting a file from your USB drive, i.e. an external drive, can you restore
it? If so, how?
By deleting a file from your external drive, it will be deleted permanently. The
only way to restore it is by copying it again from the original file.
è Can you edit text, source, and/or MS Office files…
 directly on your USB drive? Yes
 directly in the Content System? Yes, if some features are enabled.
 directly on OneDrive? Yes
è Is it worth the effort to copy the files and directories from the USB drive (or
Content System or OneDrive) to the local drive, work with and save them
locally, and then transfer the local files back? Why or Why not? What are the
benefits and risks in having the same file on your local system and on a
removeable drive or remote system?

Having the file you need on your local files when you forgot your USB is a
benefit for saving the files locally. However, this may confuse you as it will
show that you have two of the same data.

è Create a backup: make two copies of today's files in separate geographic

locations on independent systems both of which are not the machine you are
working on now (whether the lab or your own PC). The most important files
to backup are the ones you have changed.
è Make sure you have a proper backup before doing this:
What is the state of your files on the lab PC's internal drives, C: and D:, after
the lab PC is restarted (not just logged off)? Is the lab PC's D: drive properly
named as "TEMP"?

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