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Name Rose Ann B. Aquino Section:BT401 Date: May 11. 2023
Committee: Marketing department
Role: Coordinator of Marketing Dept

1. List all the tasks that you accomplished for the small-scale event.

 Help decorate the gym.

 Draw the Maskara and draw Maskara
 Assistant/aline for each goup on Back stage for dancers
 Fix the sponsor tarpulin
 Help for tie the banderitas little bit.

2. Briefly discuss how you accomplished these tasks.

 I helped decorate the gym by tie the banderitas.
 I draw the maskara with my co- coordinator.
 I paint the maskara that I draw.
 I help tp fix sponsor tarpaulin to think how will be stable.
 I was on backstage help aline which group is next and who will be in only in dressing room.
 Also help to take down the banderitas and pick up litter after the event,

3. Who helped you in accomplishing these tasks?

 I helped Flores and sumbilia on backstage
 Flores and me helped each other for tarpulin
 Me and moralde helped to tie some banderitas
 Draw and paint with my co coordinators.

4. How long did it take you to accomplish these tasks?

 I really don’t remember how long it took to accomplish the tasks we did.

5. Rate your overall contribution to the small-scale event held from a score of 1–10 (10 being the
highest). Justify your rating by stating the significance of your contribution/s.

I rate myself 9.5/10 because I know I did my best and I’m arrived at the right time given.

Approved by:
Mara Paola S. Parale
Marketing Head

10 Self-Evaluation Form 1 *Property of STI

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