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Junior and Senior High School

Quiz Template for Synchronous Classes

Introduction to the Philosophy of Human Person
Instructions: Make a copy of this document [Click “File” then select “Make a copy”.
Change the filename as (Subject/Quiz No./Set A/B)] and fill in the required information.
Make sure to create 1 copy of this questionnaire per set. When done, save it to the
corresponding week of

Quiz No. 1 Set: (A) Week No. 2

Quiz Type: Identification
Total Items: 10 items
Time limit: 60 MINS
Passing Grade: 5/10
How many attempts to answer are allowable? 2
Do the questions need to be displayed on one page only or one question per page? (Y)
Are the students free to navigate each question or do they do it sequentially? (Y)
After the quiz is closed do you want the student to view the score they got for that
quiz? (Y)

Activity 01: Identification

Direction: Read the statement carefully and write the answer on the blank space

__________ 1. The time where the institution of the Church authority was
the powerful after the fall of Roman Empire

__________ 2. 17th century was the time which the people questioned the
authority of the church and the revival of classical period of philosophy of
Greek and Roman Empire

__________ 3. Everything knows comes to sensual experience

__________ 4. Actions are right to promote the common good of the


__________ 5. Refers to the derive the existence of God form the concept

a being than which no longer can be conceived

__________ 6. The agreement between people and the authority

__________ 7. It was called right emphasis for philosophy should be based

on the scientific methods

__________ 8. Ideas are centered on benevolence, filial piety and


__________ 9. Matter is only a mental representation in our mind

__________ 10. The study of monods, or metaphysical units that make up


1. Medieval age/period

2. Enlightenment

3. Tabula Rasa

4. Utilitarianism

5. Ontological argument

6. Social Contract

7. Positivism

8. Confucianism

9. Immaterialism

10. Monadology

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