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Daily routines 1 a) Complete the text using words from the box getup get have sleep start finish have go go have My name’s Margaret Beech. F’m a journalist. yet. up. early, at quarter to SIX, ANd a. oseee tO Work at about half past six. 1’ breakfast in a café near my office, and“ work at half past seven. I don't * a big lunch, just a sandwich and a coffee. I usually *.....ccssee WOTK at about six o'clock. 1. home at seven, then Tsu dinner with my husband - he loves cooking! After dinner we usually watch TY, then I % . to bed early, at about ten o'clock, and”... for seven or eight hours. b) (© Listen and check. 34 module 7 Present Simple Questions a) Look at the answers and write questions about Margaret's daily routine. 1 what time .dees.she.get.up, At quarter to six. 2 When work? At about half past six. 3. Where - breakfast? Ina café near her office. 4 What time . work? At half past seven Sw. a big lunch? ‘No, she doesn’t, 6 When... . work? At about six o'clock. 7 WPM NRE TIN scence canes easaenntanninanensninancenncatannnntnenerennrantnnie home? ‘At about seven in the evening, 8 Yes, she does. b) © Listen and check. Practise saying the questions. All forms 3 a) Circle) the correct answer. ‘What time(@0)/does you Gei)/gets up in the morning? My husband don’y/doesn’t usually start/starts work before nine. Do/Does your brother work/works on Saturdays? My parents finish/finishes work at about five. When do/does you have/has lunch? After work I don’t/doesn’t usually go/goes home. Do/Does Antonio have/has dinner at home every night? My cat usually sleep/leeps in my bedroom! ON anewene b) © Listen and check. module 7 Vocabulary: days of the week Write the days of the week. Number them in the correct order. a) (23y) acy NER” MORAY. ocood: ° a 9 Adverbs of frequency 5 a) Complete these adverbs of frequency. 1 USUALLY 2 A__ALS 3.N__LR 4.N_T U__ALL S SM-T_.BL b) Put the words from a in the correct place on the line, 2 usually, 100% 0% Word order with adverbs a) Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place in the sentences below. segretine 1 tget'up early. (sometimes) 2 I don't play tennis at the weekend. (usually) 3. My brother and I play football at the weekend. (always) 5. Barbara doesn’t work on Mondays. (usually) 6 listen to music when I get home. (usually) 7 Children in Britain go to school on Sundays. (never) 8 We go to work by train. (always) b) © Listen and check. 35 module 7 Verbs and nouns 7 Choose the correct verb from the box. stay meet listento read watch goto clean go do | a) ....8BY.... in ©) ssesseesneee Our homework b) the house p 7 { Tv ©) nsennns friends sport the cinema 0 soe (2 book dw. the supermarket a newspaper adub h) oscars MUSIC a restaurant i) shopping Time expressions 8 a) Complete the sentences with in, on, at or @ (no preposition). 1 [don’t go to Work .....l.... Saturday. 2. What do you do .. . the weekend? 3. My father plays tennis... every Wednesday. 4 The concert iS nnn. @ight o’clock .. Monday evening. 5. Abdul usually does his homework the afternoon. 6 We usually go to the cinema ..... every week, 7 Lusually get up ... nine O'CIOCK «ee the morning. 8 Most people don’t work night oF... Sundays, b) © Listen and check. Telling the time 9 Write the times. a _ module 7 Listen and read Life in Britain today 1 0 a) © Listen to and read the text about life in Britain today. Life in Britain Today Food British people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular — 30% of all adults have a burger every three months, but 46% have fish and chips! Sport British people don't do a lot of sport. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, 9% go cycling and 8% play golf - and only 6% of people play football (but 32% go to watch it). Cinema and TV Films are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of people between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month, ‘At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day ~ half an hour more than women. Holidays British people love going on holiday, and have 56 million holidays every year. Most of these holidays aren't in the UK - 27% are in Spain, 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn't very good! b) Read the text again and underline the correct answers in the sentences below. 1 The favourite food in Britain is: a) burgers ) fish and chips. 2 17% of British people a) go swimming b) play golf ¢) play football every week. 3. British men watch about a) 2 hours b) 3 hours 6) 4 hours of TV every day. 4 Their favourite country for a holiday is a) Spain b) France c) the USA, 37 module 7 Improve your writing Personal descriptions 11 name Jacopo Borigazzi city Milan, Italy age 28 | job computer engineer inthe week | Monday evening: have a violin lesson Thursday afternoon: play tennis with his brother Friday evening | usually/have dinner in a restaurant sometimes/go fo a club weekend colwoys/get up late sometimes/go to a friend's house/afternoon ) Look at the information about Jacopo and complete the paragraph. in Milan.........., in Italy. He's 28, and he's a On Monday evenings he .., and on Thursday afternoons he On Friday evenings he usually and he sometimes .. At the weekend he .. Nd Ne sone ... afternoon. b) Write a similar paragraph about a person you know. Spelling Pronunciation Double letters 13 (© Listen and say these words, phrases 12 Gircle) the word with the correct spel and sentences. @) work 4) footbal/ Getbail) b) word b) realy/really ©) first ©) always/allways ) Thursday d) usualy/usually ©) walk ¢) travel/travell D) sport f) cooking/cookking g) small 9) shoping/shopping h) I walk to work. h) cigarete/cigarette i) Is she your daughter? i) finish/finnish }) a small burger i) cofee/coffee k) She walks home. 1) Do you work on Thursdays?

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