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Web Development - Lesson 14

Name(s): Peggy Huynh Period: 6th Date: 05/08/2023

Activity Guide - Websites for a Purpose

Exploring Web Pages
You might have visited websites to connect with friends, play games, or find new music. Why might someone want to
make their own web page?

1. Go to the “Example Web Pages” level on Code Studio.

2. Select two different pages from the list
3. For each website
a. Discuss with your partner what purpose the site serves the user? Why visit it?
b. Discuss with your partner what purpose the site serves the creator? Why was it made?

Website Name Why Visit It? Why Was it Made?

You should visit this site if you want to learn This website was most likely created to spread
Converse our more about why saving water is critical and what more awareness about water conversation to
Water we can do to help. Additionally, it contains some
try to convince/advice others to do the same.
other facts such as statics.

Someone might visit this website if they want to This website was most likely created to inform
learn more facts/are curious about mosquitos. It people that mosquitos aren’t as bad as we
Mosquitos also contains instructions on what to do if you think/thought they are/were because they play
have a mosquito bite. a pretty significant role in the food chain.


What are three problems you might like to address with a website?

1. Spreading awareness about maladaptive perfectionism and why it’s unhealthy

2. Recipes for common food ingredients
3. Charites that you should consider donating too

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