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Romeo and Juliet Assignment Creative Writing You are to complete 3 of the following 16 assignments.

. All assignments must be at least 100 words in length and show complete knowledge of the story. All pictorial assignments must be neat and carefully detailed. All assignments must be hand written and in final draft format (free of spelling, grammar errors, neat etc). All students must complete at least 1 written assignment. You will be given time to work on this project in class, but most of this assignment will be completed on your own time. Choose from the following options: 1) A Newspaper story describing the death of Tybalt and Mercutio. Or an account of the street fight in Act 1, Scene 1. 2) A love poem written by Romeo to Rosaline. 3) An invitation to Lord Capulets Feast: Date July 14th, time, address, occasion. Art 4) A poster or bulletin posted written by the Prince to the Capulets and Montagues which is meant to keep the peace and the punishments for not obeying the law. Art 5) A diary entry by Romeo, after another rejection from Rosaline. 6) A letter written by Tybalt to Romeo expressing his feelings after the party. 7) Create a coat of arms for one of the following: Art a) Montagues b) Capulets c) The Prince d) Count Paris e) The city of Verona 8) Create a gossip column which reports the events after Capulets feast. 9) Write Frair Laurences letter to Romeo that he never received. 10) Create a storyboard of any scene from Romeo and Juliet. Art 11) A banishment notice (poster) that was issued by the prince against Romeo. Art 12) Write a eulogy OR an obituary for either Tybalt or Mercutio. (Eulogy- a speech delivered at the funeral by a close friend; Obituary death notice in a newspaper). 13) Romeo writes a farewell letter to his father asking for forgiveness for the shame brought to his family. 14) A diary entry written by Juliet after she is told to marry Paris or leave the Capulet house. She pours out her thoughts and emotions on paper with her only hope that Friar Laurence may be of some help. 15) Paris, the Nurse and Lady Capulet each deliver a brief eulogy at Juliet`s ``funeral``. Write two of these (50 words each). Consider the differences in character and their feelings for Juliet. 16) In the next few weeks after the play has ended, the Prince conducts a full investigation into the deaths of Romeo, Juliet, and Paris. Write a report describing what has happened to the people involved (Frair Laurence, Balthasar, Apothecary, Lord Montague, The Capulets, the Nurse, etc.) 17) An assignment of your own, provided the approval of the teacher.

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