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In 2015

this trane
deed mofor.tgage Tranfer of one June

important document in enough . This type a mortgage

is effected which are notified bythethe con
GoreMonday 1
() A debt
(1) Deposit of the little deede
(ii) de intention that the deede shall be security
for the debt.

6 ? AnomaloveMortgage (Sec 58(f)]

A mortgage which is not a limple mortgage
a nortgage by anditional eale on a Herfrue fuerywelgage
English mortgage or mortgage by deposit of title
deede within the meaning of this section is called
an anomalone mortgage
Anamolone mortgage is one which doce not come 2
within the purview of any me y the
mortgages as stated above. It is a combination g왕 this
two or more mortgages as stated discursed above

Right / Equity of Redemption (OR] clog of Redemption

[once a mortgase is Awo Always A Mortgage] 1

[See 60, 91 9394 295 )

Redemption meare getting back the mortgaged properly.

by the mortgager by paying back the newtgage loan
money to the mortgagee.
Redemptim urually takes place when Ultratech
the neortgagor repays the nurtgage aunery CEMENT

there by getting a right to have the

The Engineer's Choice

property. This is known as right of redemption,

Kindey clogs Redemption
2015 (a) The mortgage may be totally deprived June

of his right of redeeming the mortgased property

(6) The terme of the mortgage neay give benefit to

the eartgagee & a correepending burden in the mortgager
even after redemption by the newly agor This is clog
(a long term for redemption is not a clog but it should
he weighed depending on the circumstance of each care
if the length of the term y mortgage in opprecive &
unreas mable then it is a clog redemptim
(d) If the terme of the mortgage deed deprived the
nortgagire right y redemptim after a certain period, than
such restriction is a clos en redemption.
(8) If the condition of mortgage postponed thisSaturday 6
redemptim for default of payment it is a clog on redemption
(f) IJ a condition je stipulated presenting the nortgagor
from alienating the properly, or taking a loon on the
properly during the nortgage period, it is a clog on redemption
() If the right of redemption is areailable Sunday 7
only to the mortgagor but not tohis heirs then
it is a clog on redemptim
(h) In case of default by the newt gasor to pay mortgage
Mercy on a particular date the a there will on chanced

rate of interest on the mooisese nemmey. UltraTech


This amount to clog on redemption WE MAKE GOOD CONCRETE BETTER

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