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Data security in smart precision agriculture is crucial to protect sensitive information, ensure the
integrity of data, and maintain the privacy of farmers and researchers. Here are some key areas to
consider for data security in smart precision agriculture research:

1. Encryption: Implement encryption techniques to secure data both at rest and during
transmission. Encryption ensures that even if the data is intercepted, it remains unreadable and
protected from unauthorized access.

2. Access Control: Employ robust access control mechanisms to restrict data access only to
authorized individuals. Implement strong authentication protocols such as passwords, multi-
factor authentication, and biometrics to ensure that only authorized users can access the data.

3. Secure Communication: Use secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS, SSL/TLS, and
VPNs, to protect data during transmission between devices, sensors, and servers. Secure
communication protocols encrypt the data and provide authentication to prevent unauthorized
interception or tampering.

4. Data Anonymization and Aggregation: When sharing or analyzing data, anonymize personally
identifiable information (PII) to protect individual privacy. Aggregating data can provide valuable
insights without revealing specific details about individual farmers or their operations.

5. Secure Infrastructure: Implement robust security measures at the infrastructure level, including
firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security patches and updates. Protect servers,
databases, and other critical components from unauthorized access or attacks.

6. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regularly back up data and implement disaster recovery
plans to ensure data availability and integrity. Having redundant backups in secure locations
helps protect against data loss due to accidents, system failures, or malicious activities.

7. Employee Training and Awareness: Educate employees and researchers about data security best
practices, including password hygiene, recognizing phishing attempts, and the importance of
maintaining data confidentiality. Regular training and awareness programs can help mitigate
risks associated with human error or negligence.

8. Vendor and Third-Party Management: If utilizing third-party services or vendors, conduct

thorough due diligence to ensure they have appropriate security measures in place. Implement
contractual agreements that clearly define data security responsibilities and compliance

9. Regulatory Compliance: Stay informed about relevant data protection regulations, such as the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or industry-specific guidelines. Ensure compliance
with applicable laws and regulations to protect the privacy and rights of individuals whose data
is being collected and processed.

10. Continuous Monitoring and Auditing: Implement monitoring systems to detect and respond to
potential security breaches or anomalies. Regularly audit systems, networks, and processes to
identify vulnerabilities and implement necessary security enhancements.

By addressing these areas, researchers can enhance data security in smart precision agriculture,
safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the trust and confidence of farmers and stakeholders



Research in data anonymization for trust between smart agriculture devices is an important area of
focus to protect privacy and foster trust among stakeholders. Here are some key concepts related to
data anonymization in smart agriculture:

1. PII Anonymization: Personally identifiable information (PII) refers to data that can identify an
individual, such as names, addresses, or social security numbers. Anonymizing PII involves
removing or encrypting such information to prevent the identification of individuals. Techniques
like data masking, generalization, or tokenization can be used to anonymize PII while
maintaining the usefulness of the data for analysis purposes.

2. Differential Privacy: Differential privacy is a concept that aims to protect individual privacy while
allowing for useful analysis of aggregate data. It adds a controlled amount of noise or
randomness to the data to prevent the identification of specific individuals within the dataset.
Differential privacy techniques ensure that the statistical results derived from the anonymized
data remain accurate and useful while protecting individual privacy.

3. K-Anonymity: K-anonymity is a technique that ensures that each individual in a dataset cannot
be distinguished or re-identified based on a combination of attributes. By grouping individuals
together based on similar attributes, the risk of identification is reduced. For example, if age and
gender are the attributes, the dataset would be modified to ensure that each combination of
age and gender occurs at least k times, making it difficult to single out any individual.

4. Secure Aggregation: Secure aggregation techniques allow for the collection and analysis of data
from multiple smart agriculture devices while preserving privacy. Instead of transmitting raw
data, the devices send encrypted or aggregated data to a central server. The server performs
computations on the encrypted or aggregated data, ensuring that individual device data remains
5. Blockchain Technology: Blockchain can play a role in ensuring data privacy and trust in smart
agriculture. By utilizing decentralized and immutable ledgers, blockchain provides transparency
and data integrity. Smart contracts can be used to enforce privacy rules, data access controls,
and consent mechanisms, allowing for secure and controlled sharing of anonymized data.

6. Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning: Machine learning algorithms can be applied to analyze

smart agriculture data while preserving privacy. Techniques such as federated learning or secure
multiparty computation allow for collaborative model training without sharing raw data. By
keeping the data on local devices and only sharing model updates, privacy is maintained, and
trust is established among the devices.

7. Data Sharing Agreements and Governance: Establishing clear data sharing agreements and
governance frameworks is crucial for ensuring trust in anonymized data. These agreements
should define the purposes of data sharing, the anonymization techniques used, and the rights
and responsibilities of each party involved. Compliance with regulations such as GDPR or other
relevant privacy laws should be considered in the development of these agreements.

Continued research in data anonymization techniques and their application in smart agriculture will
contribute to building trust among devices, farmers, and stakeholders while preserving the privacy of
sensitive information.




Research in data anonymization for trust between smart agriculture devices focuses on developing
techniques and methodologies to protect the privacy of farmers and their agricultural data while
maintaining the trustworthiness of the shared information. The aim is to enable secure collaboration
and data sharing among various devices and stakeholders in the smart agriculture ecosystem. Here are
some key concepts and approaches related to data anonymization in smart agriculture:

1. Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing: The goal is to share valuable agricultural data while protecting
the sensitive information associated with individual farmers. Techniques like differential privacy
can be employed to add noise or perturbations to the data before sharing, ensuring that the
shared data does not reveal specific details about any individual farmer.

2. Anonymization Techniques: Various anonymization techniques can be applied to protect the

privacy of farmers' data. These techniques include generalization, suppression, randomization,
and k-anonymity. Generalization involves replacing specific values with more generalized ones
(e.g., replacing precise locations with broader regions). Suppression involves removing or
omitting certain attributes from the dataset, while randomization adds random noise or
perturbations to the data. K-anonymity ensures that each record in the dataset is
indistinguishable from at least k-1 other records.
3. Secure Multi-Party Computation: Secure multi-party computation (MPC) enables collaboration
and analysis of data without disclosing the raw data itself. It allows multiple parties to jointly
compute functions on their respective private datasets while keeping their inputs and
intermediate results encrypted. MPC can be used to perform data analytics and machine
learning tasks on aggregated and anonymized data without compromising individual farmers'

4. Homomorphic Encryption: Homomorphic encryption is an encryption scheme that enables

computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it. It allows data to remain
encrypted while still allowing computations to be carried out on the encrypted data.
Homomorphic encryption can be applied to enable secure data processing and analysis on
sensitive agricultural data without revealing the raw data itself.

5. Secure Data Aggregation: Data aggregation techniques can be employed to collect and analyze
data from multiple smart agriculture devices while preserving privacy. Aggregated data can
provide valuable insights while minimizing the risk of exposing individual farmers' information.
Secure aggregation protocols and mechanisms ensure that the individual data contributions are
protected and only aggregated results are revealed.

6. Trust and Reputation Systems: Trust and reputation systems can be implemented to establish
and maintain trust between smart agriculture devices and stakeholders. These systems evaluate
and assess the reliability, credibility, and behavior of participating devices, ensuring that data is
shared with trustworthy entities. Reputation scores can be assigned based on device behavior,
data quality, and adherence to privacy and security protocols.

7. Privacy Impact Assessment: Conducting privacy impact assessments helps identify potential
privacy risks and evaluate the effectiveness of data anonymization techniques. These
assessments involve analyzing the data lifecycle, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and
implementing necessary safeguards to protect privacy.

The research in data anonymization for trust between smart agriculture devices aims to strike a balance
between data sharing, collaboration, and preserving the privacy of farmers. By employing privacy-
preserving techniques, secure computation methods, and trust-building mechanisms, smart agriculture
systems can encourage data sharing and enable innovative solutions while respecting the privacy rights
and concerns of individual farmers.

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Research in data anonymization for trust between smart agriculture devices is an important area to
ensure privacy and build trust among stakeholders. Anonymization techniques aim to protect the
identity and sensitive information of individuals while still enabling the use of data for analysis and
research purposes. Here are some concepts and considerations related to data anonymization in smart

1. Differential Privacy: Differential privacy is a framework that focuses on adding noise or

perturbation to data to protect individual privacy while maintaining the overall utility of the
dataset. It provides a mathematical guarantee of privacy by ensuring that the presence or
absence of an individual's data does not significantly impact the outcomes of queries or

2. Generalization and Suppression: Generalization involves replacing specific values with more
general or aggregated representations. For example, instead of providing the exact location of a
farm, the data can be generalized to a region or a larger area. Suppression involves removing or
redacting certain data points that could potentially identify individuals.

3. Pseudonymization: Pseudonymization involves replacing identifiable information with

pseudonyms or random identifiers. This technique allows for the linkage of data records while
protecting the identity of individuals. It can be reversible, meaning the original data can be
recovered with a specific key or token.

4. Data Masking and Tokenization: Data masking involves replacing sensitive information with
fictitious or obfuscated values. Tokenization, on the other hand, involves replacing sensitive data
with unique tokens that are meaningless outside of the system. Both techniques ensure that
sensitive information is not accessible even if unauthorized access occurs.

5. Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Privacy-preserving data mining techniques aim to perform

analysis on encrypted or anonymized data without the need to decrypt or re-identify individual
records. Techniques such as secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, and
secure enclaves can be explored to enable secure collaborative data analysis while preserving

6. Privacy Impact Assessments: Conducting privacy impact assessments helps evaluate and
mitigate privacy risks associated with data collection, storage, and processing. These
assessments help identify potential privacy concerns and guide the implementation of
appropriate anonymization techniques.

7. Risk of Re-identification: Consider the risk of re-identification when applying anonymization

techniques. Re-identification refers to the possibility of combining anonymized data with other
available information to reveal the identity of individuals. Researchers need to assess and
minimize this risk by evaluating the data context and ensuring that appropriate anonymization
methods are applied.
8. Balancing Privacy and Data Utility: Striking a balance between privacy and data utility is
essential. While strong anonymization techniques may protect privacy, they can also reduce the
usefulness of the data for analysis and research. It is crucial to explore techniques that provide
adequate privacy protection while preserving the quality and usefulness of the data.

9. Emerging Technologies: Keep abreast of emerging technologies and research in the field of data
anonymization and privacy-preserving techniques. New advancements, such as federated
learning, secure multiparty computation, and privacy-enhancing technologies, can provide
innovative solutions for protecting data privacy in smart agriculture.

Research in data anonymization for trust between smart agriculture devices is an ongoing area of study.
By applying robust anonymization techniques and addressing the challenges associated with preserving
privacy while maintaining data utility, researchers can build trust among stakeholders and ensure the
responsible and ethical use of data in smart agriculture.




Using federated learning can be an effective approach to prevent the risk of re-identification and
establish trust in smart agriculture devices. Federated learning is a privacy-preserving machine learning
technique that allows multiple devices or edge nodes to collaboratively train a model without sharing
their raw data. Here's how federated learning can address the risk of re-identification and foster trust in
smart agriculture research:

1. Distributed Data Processing: Federated learning enables data processing and model training to
occur locally on individual smart agriculture devices or edge nodes. The raw data remains
decentralized, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive information through central data storage
or transmission.

2. Data Privacy: With federated learning, the data remains on the devices, and only model updates
or gradients are shared with a central server. This approach ensures that the raw data, which
may contain sensitive information about individual farms or farmers, is not transmitted or
accessible by external entities, minimizing the risk of re-identification.

3. Differential Privacy: Federated learning can be combined with differential privacy techniques to
further enhance privacy protection. Differential privacy adds controlled noise or randomness to
the model updates, making it difficult to extract specific information about individual data
points. This helps safeguard individual privacy even when aggregated model updates are shared.

4. Local Model Customization: Federated learning allows smart agriculture devices to locally
customize the global model based on their specific data characteristics. This customization
ensures that local nuances and variations in agricultural practices are considered while
maintaining the privacy of the individual devices.
5. Trust Building: By adopting federated learning, researchers and farmers can build trust in the
system. Since the raw data remains on the devices and the privacy of individual farms is
preserved, farmers may feel more confident in participating in research initiatives. They can
contribute their data without concerns about data breaches or misuse, fostering a sense of trust
and collaboration.

6. Transparent Governance: Establishing transparent governance frameworks and protocols for

federated learning initiatives is crucial to ensure accountability and trust. Clearly defining the
roles and responsibilities of the participants, data access policies, and security measures can
help mitigate concerns and build trust among stakeholders.

7. Security Measures: While federated learning offers privacy benefits, it is essential to implement
appropriate security measures to protect the integrity of the federated learning infrastructure.
This includes secure communication channels, encryption techniques, access control
mechanisms, and regular security audits to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

8. Education and Communication: Educating farmers and stakeholders about federated learning,
its privacy-preserving nature, and the benefits of participating in research initiatives can help
establish trust. Clear and transparent communication about the data handling practices, privacy
protections, and the overall research objectives can address concerns and foster acceptance.

Federated learning provides a promising approach to address the risk of re-identification and establish
trust in smart agriculture devices research. By prioritizing data privacy, implementing security measures,
and maintaining transparent governance, federated learning can enable collaborative research while
protecting the privacy of individual farmers and their data.


Using federated learning can indeed help prevent the risk of re-identification and establish trust in
smart agriculture devices research. Federated learning is a privacy-preserving machine learning
approach that allows multiple devices or entities to collaboratively train a model without sharing
their raw data. Instead, the models are trained locally on each device, and only the model updates or
aggregated model parameters are shared with a central server. Here's how federated learning can
contribute to addressing privacy risks and establishing trust in smart agriculture devices research:

1. Data Privacy: Federated learning eliminates the need for raw data to leave the local devices, reducing
the risk of exposing sensitive information. Instead of sharing individual data samples, only model
updates or encrypted parameters are transmitted. This helps protect the privacy of farmers and their
agricultural data, reducing the possibility of re-identification.
2. Decentralized Model Training: By training models locally on individual devices, federated learning
ensures that sensitive data remains on the device, minimizing the chances of data leakage or
unauthorized access. This decentralized approach enhances the security and privacy of the data used
in smart agriculture research.
3. Aggregation of Model Updates: The central server in federated learning receives model updates from
multiple devices and aggregates them to create a global model. The aggregation process is carefully
designed to protect the privacy of individual updates. Techniques such as secure aggregation and
differential privacy can be employed to further enhance privacy and prevent information leakage
during the aggregation process.
4. Trust and Transparency: Federated learning promotes transparency by enabling stakeholders to
participate in the model training process without disclosing their raw data. This collaborative
approach fosters trust among participants, as they retain control over their data while contributing to
the overall research objectives.
5. Consent and User Control: Federated learning respects the users' control over their data. Participants
have the choice to opt-in or opt-out of contributing their data for model training. This consent-
based approach empowers individuals to make informed decisions about sharing their data,
promoting trust and user agency.
6. Secure Communication: To ensure the privacy and integrity of model updates during transmission,
secure communication protocols such as encryption and secure channels can be employed. These
measures protect against unauthorized access, tampering, or interception of sensitive information.
7. Model Evaluation and Validation: Proper evaluation and validation of federated learning models are
essential to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the trained models. Robust evaluation
methodologies should be employed to assess model performance while maintaining privacy.
Techniques like federated evaluation can be used to evaluate models without sharing raw data.
8. Regulatory Compliance: Consider relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) or other regional laws, when implementing federated learning in smart
agriculture research. Ensure compliance with applicable regulations to protect the privacy and rights
of individuals whose data is being used.

By adopting federated learning in smart agriculture devices research, researchers can address privacy
concerns, prevent the risk of re-identification, and establish trust among stakeholders. This
collaborative and privacy-preserving approach allows for the collective improvement of models while
respecting data privacy and enhancing the overall security of the smart agriculture ecosystem.



Title: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for Smart Agriculture Devices using
Federated Learning and Blockchain

1. Introduction: The aim of this research proposal is to investigate the combination of federated
learning and blockchain technologies to prevent the risk of re-identification and establish trust
in smart agriculture devices research. By leveraging the privacy-preserving capabilities of
federated learning and the immutable and transparent nature of blockchain, this research seeks
to enhance data privacy, security, and trust in the context of smart agriculture.

2. Objectives:
 Explore the integration of federated learning and blockchain in the smart agriculture domain.

 Develop a secure and privacy-preserving framework for collaborative learning among smart
agriculture devices.

 Investigate techniques for preventing the risk of re-identification during model training and

 Evaluate the performance, scalability, and privacy guarantees of the proposed framework.

 Assess the effectiveness of the combined approach in establishing trust among stakeholders.

3. Methodology: a) Literature Review: Conduct an in-depth review of existing literature on

federated learning, blockchain, and their applications in smart agriculture. Identify the current
challenges, limitations, and opportunities in ensuring data privacy and establishing trust in this

b) Design of the Framework: Develop a secure framework that combines federated learning and
blockchain. Define protocols for secure communication, participant authentication, and model
aggregation using federated learning techniques. Explore the integration of blockchain for decentralized
consensus, immutability, and transparency.

c) Privacy-Preserving Techniques: Investigate and implement privacy-preserving techniques such as

differential privacy, secure aggregation, and homomorphic encryption to prevent the risk of re-
identification and protect sensitive data during the federated learning process.

d) Implementation and Evaluation: Implement the proposed framework using suitable programming
languages and tools. Conduct comprehensive evaluations to measure the performance, scalability, and
privacy guarantees of the framework. Assess the effectiveness of the approach in preventing re-
identification and establishing trust.

e) Case Studies and Real-World Deployment: Conduct case studies involving smart agriculture devices to
validate the proposed framework in real-world scenarios. Collaborate with industry partners, farmers,
and stakeholders to deploy and test the framework in practical smart agriculture environments.

4. Ethical Considerations: Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations and ethical
guidelines throughout the research. Address privacy concerns, obtain appropriate consent, and
anonymize or aggregate data to protect the identity of individuals involved in the study.

5. Expected Outcomes:

 A secure and privacy-preserving framework that combines federated learning and blockchain for
smart agriculture devices.

 Evaluation results demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach in preventing re-
identification and establishing trust.
 Insights into the performance, scalability, and privacy implications of the combined framework.

 Recommendations for the integration and deployment of the framework in real-world smart
agriculture systems.

6. Conclusion: This research proposal aims to address the challenges of data privacy and trust in
smart agriculture devices research. By combining federated learning and blockchain
technologies, this research seeks to enhance the privacy, security, and trustworthiness of
collaborative learning processes. The outcomes of this research have the potential to contribute
to the advancement of secure and privacy-preserving smart agriculture systems, ensuring the
responsible and ethical use of data in the agricultural sector.

Title: Combining Federated Learning and Blockchain for Privacy Preservation and Trust in Smart
Agriculture Devices Research

1. Introduction: The advancement of smart agriculture devices and data-driven technologies has
enabled efficient and intelligent farming practices. However, ensuring data privacy and
establishing trust among stakeholders are critical challenges. This research proposal aims to
investigate the combination of federated learning and blockchain technology to prevent the risk
of re-identification, enhance privacy preservation, and establish trust in smart agriculture
devices research.

2. Objectives: a. Explore the integration of federated learning and blockchain to develop a privacy-
preserving framework for smart agriculture devices. b. Investigate the effectiveness of federated
learning with blockchain in preventing re-identification risks and maintaining data integrity. c.
Assess the impact of the proposed framework on establishing trust among stakeholders in the
smart agriculture ecosystem.

3. Methodology: a. Literature Review: Conduct an extensive review of existing literature on

federated learning, blockchain, privacy preservation techniques, and trust mechanisms in smart
agriculture. Identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities for combining these technologies.

b. Framework Development: Design a comprehensive framework that combines federated learning and
blockchain. Explore techniques for data encryption, secure aggregation, decentralized model training,
and transparent auditing to protect data privacy and integrity.

c. Implementation: Implement the proposed framework in a simulated environment using relevant

smart agriculture datasets. Consider a diverse range of agricultural parameters, such as soil moisture,
temperature, crop yield, and pesticide usage.

d. Evaluation and Analysis: Assess the performance of the framework in terms of privacy preservation,
prevention of re-identification risks, data accuracy, and trust establishment. Compare the results with
existing approaches and evaluate the framework's effectiveness in achieving the research objectives.
4. Expected Outcomes: a. A novel framework that combines federated learning and blockchain to
address privacy concerns and prevent re-identification risks in smart agriculture devices
research. b. Evaluation metrics and performance analysis to measure the effectiveness of the
proposed framework in privacy preservation and trust establishment. c. Insights into the
benefits, challenges, and potential applications of the combined federated learning and
blockchain approach in smart agriculture.

5. Significance and Implications: The research outcomes will contribute to the advancement of
privacy-preserving techniques in the context of smart agriculture. The proposed framework can
provide farmers, researchers, and stakeholders with increased control over their data while
fostering trust and collaboration. The findings will guide policymakers and industry professionals
in implementing secure and privacy-enhanced smart agriculture solutions.

6. Conclusion: Combining federated learning and blockchain presents a promising approach to

address privacy concerns, prevent re-identification risks, and establish trust in smart agriculture
devices research. The proposed research will provide valuable insights into the practical
implementation and effectiveness of this innovative approach, contributing to the development
of privacy-preserving and trustworthy smart agriculture systems.

Title: Combining Federated Learning and Blockchain for Data Anonymization and Obfuscation to
Establish Trust in Smart Agriculture Devices Research

1. Introduction: The growing use of smart agriculture devices generates vast amounts of sensitive
data that require protection to maintain privacy and establish trust among stakeholders. This
research proposal aims to explore the integration of federated learning and blockchain
technologies to achieve data anonymization and obfuscation, ultimately fostering trust in smart
agriculture devices research.

2. Objectives: a. Investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of combining federated learning and
blockchain to achieve data anonymization and obfuscation in smart agriculture devices research.
b. Develop a framework that leverages federated learning and blockchain to protect sensitive
data while preserving the utility of the collected information. c. Evaluate the impact of the
proposed framework on establishing trust among stakeholders in the smart agriculture domain.

3. Methodology: a. Literature Review: Conduct an extensive review of literature on federated

learning, blockchain, data anonymization techniques, and trust mechanisms in smart agriculture.
Identify existing gaps, challenges, and opportunities for integrating these technologies.

b. Framework Design: Develop a comprehensive framework that combines federated learning and
blockchain to facilitate data anonymization and obfuscation. Explore techniques such as differential
privacy, homomorphic encryption, and pseudonymization to protect individual identities and sensitive
c. Implementation: Implement the proposed framework in a simulated environment using
representative smart agriculture datasets. Consider various data types, including weather conditions,
crop characteristics, and IoT sensor readings.

d. Evaluation and Analysis: Evaluate the performance of the framework in terms of data anonymization
effectiveness, obfuscation quality, and utility of the anonymized data. Compare the results with existing
approaches and assess the impact of the framework on establishing trust among stakeholders.

4. Expected Outcomes: a. A novel framework that integrates federated learning and blockchain for
data anonymization and obfuscation in smart agriculture devices research. b. Evaluation metrics
and analysis to measure the effectiveness of the proposed framework in achieving data privacy
and maintaining data utility. c. Insights into the benefits, challenges, and potential applications
of the combined federated learning and blockchain approach in establishing trust in the smart
agriculture domain.

5. Significance and Implications: The research outcomes will contribute to advancing data privacy
techniques in the field of smart agriculture. The proposed framework will enable stakeholders to
protect sensitive information while retaining the usefulness of the collected data for research
and analysis. The findings will guide policymakers, researchers, and industry professionals in
implementing privacy-preserving solutions and building trust in the smart agriculture ecosystem.

6. Conclusion: By combining federated learning and blockchain technologies, this research aims to
address data privacy concerns in smart agriculture devices research. The proposed framework
will offer an innovative approach to achieve data anonymization and obfuscation, enhancing
trust among stakeholders. The research outcomes will provide valuable insights into the
practical implementation and effectiveness of this combined approach, paving the way for
privacy-preserving and trustworthy smart agriculture systems.

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