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Romance Novel Trivia

1 Time to Discover Some Interesting Facts!

1 Studies show that reading romance novels can increase empathy and emotional
2 The first romance novel, "Pamela," was published in 1740.

3 "Gone with the Wind" is the best-selling romance novel of all time.

4 The term "bodice ripper" originated in reference to 1970s romance novels featuring
forceful male leads.
5 Romance novels account for more than half of all mass-market paperbacks sold in the
United States.
6 Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" has been adapted into numerous films and TV shows,
including the popular BBC version starring Colin Firth.
7 Romance readership is disproportionately female, with women making up over 80% of the
8 The Romance Writers of America was founded in 1980 and now has over 9,000 members.

9 The "Fifty Shades of Grey" trilogy sparked controversy and became a global phenomenon,
with over 150 million copies sold.
10 Some of the most popular romance sub-genres include historical, paranormal, and
contemporary romance.

2 Let's Learn Some New Vocabulary!

to read a book
to get lost in a story
heartwarming scene
unforgettable ending
happy ever after
the one that got away
love at first sight
once in a lifetime

3 Four Opinions, One Discussion. Let's Go!

Oliver I absolutely love romantic books! They give me all the feels and let me escape
from reality for a while. I remember reading 'The Fault in Our Stars' and crying my
eyes out, but also feeling so alive at the same time.
Emma I'm not really into romantic books. I find them predictable and boring. I prefer
books that challenge me mentally, like thrillers or mysteries. Reading should be
stimulating, not just a way to pass time.
Sam I'm not sure if I like romantic books or not. Sometimes they make me feel warm
and fuzzy inside, but other times they seem too cheesy. I guess it depends on
the book and my mood. It's hard to say definitively.
Mariah Oh my god, I LOVE romantic books! They make me believe that true love is
possible and help me forget all the bad stuff happening in the world. When I read
'The Notebook,' I couldn't stop crying because it was so beautiful.

4 Can You Spot the Target Words in These Sentences?

1 She loves reading fiction novels before bedtime.

2 The plot of the movie is unpredictable, it kept me guessing throughout.

3 Mike is my favorite character from that TV show, he's so funny and relatable.

4 Danielle has always been a fan of romance books, she finds them heartwarming.

5 Last month, I finished reading a 600-page novel in just one week!

6 The suspense in that thriller movie was too much for me to handle.

7 My mom always tells me to read a book before going to sleep to relax.

8 Whenever I read Harry Potter books, I get lost in their magical world.

9 "Gone Girl" is definitely a page-turner, it's hard to put down once you start reading.

10 "The Da Vinci Code" was such a bestseller when it first came out, everyone was reading it.

11 That heartwarming scene in "The Notebook" always makes me cry.

12 The unforgettable ending of "The Sixth Sense" left me stunned for days.
13 Jane Austen books usually end with a happy ever after vibe.

14 John regrets not asking Sarah out in high school, she was the one that got away.

15 It was love at first sight when Sara and Mark met each other at the party.

16 Visiting Paris was once in a lifetime experience for Mary.

5 Watch the Video and Answer the Questions!

The full video
1 What is the name of the restaurant in the video?
a Stanley's International Restaurant
b Stanley's Italian Restaurant
c Stanley's Greek Restaurant
d Stanley's Chinese Restaurant

2 What kind of food does Stanley cook on Monday?

a Greek food
b Italian food
c Chinese food
d Puerto Rican food

3 What kind of food does Stanley cook on Wednesday?

a Italian food
b Greek food
c Chinese food
d Japanese food

4 Does Stanley cook Puerto Rican food on Thursday?

a Yes, he does.
b No, he doesn't.
c I don't know.
d All of the above.
5 When does Stanley cook Japanese food?
a On Sunday.
b On Friday.
c On Wednesday.
d On Tuesday.

6 What do people do at Stanley's International Restaurant on Tuesday?

a Speak Italian, eat Italian food, drink Italian wine, and listen to Italian music.
b Speak Greek, eat Greek food, drink Greek wine, and listen to Greek music.
c Speak Chinese, eat Chinese food, drink chai, and listen to Chinese music.
d None of the above.

7 What kind of food does the man in the commercial like?

a Italian food
b Greek food
c Russian food
d Chinese food
Correct Answers
5 Correct Answers:
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 a
5 b
6 b
7 c

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