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English Dialogue


1. Yooshin Franky Juanno (P27838023097)

2. Radhitya Estuqisma Rohmana (P27838023080)
3. I Putu Ryan Danda Saputra (P27838023055)
4. Revana Dhera Yustika (P27838023084)

Tells about Rian asking Yooshin to help him with his practical report but Yooshin also
having difficulty helping him with it, then Yooshin had an idea, to ask Radhit and Dhera to
help him finish the report. The four of them met in the campus canteen to help Ryan with
his assignments. but in the middle of doing their work Radhit and Dhera were hungry and
Dhera asked if Yooshin and Rian were also hungry, it turned out they were also hungry. Then
the four of us decided to order food at the campus canteen for the first time, while waiting
for the food to come, Dhera asked Ryan where the digital laboratory was, then Ryan
explained where the laboratory was because Ryan had just finished his practicum. The food
came and the four of them immediately ate it. While enjoying the food, Radit commented
on the taste of the food and Dhera too.

Ryan : ”Hello Yooshin, how is you report? Is it finished?.”

Yooshin : ”Oke, so what?.”

Rian : ”Can i ask for help? Because i haven’t done the table part yet.”

Yooshin : ”Sure, i happen to have friend who can help me with the report.”

Rian : ”Good idea, thank you.”

Yooshin : “Oke, i’ll tel him to go there too.”

Ryan dan Yooshin going to the canteen.

Yooshin : “Hello Radhit are you free? I need help with my friend report. I will introduce you leter.”

Radhit : “Hello, i csn now i have free time and i happen to be with Dhera too.”

Yooshin : “Thank you for your help”.

Radhit : “You’re welcome, where are you now?.”

Yooshin: “Now i’m in the canteen.”

Radhit :”I’m done with going there.”

Radhit :”Yooshin is asking for help, can you do it or not?.”

Dhera :”Yes, you can as long as you have free time.”

Radhit :”Oke let’s go to the canteen now, they are there now.”
Dhera :”Oke, let’s go.”

Radhit and Dhera going to the canteen campus.

Radhit :”Hello Yooshin, how are you today?.”

Yooshin :”I’m fine, this is the one beside my friend his name is Ryan, Ryan this is Radhitya Estuqisma
Rohmana from Surabaya and next to him is Revana Dhera from Sragen.”

Ryan :”Hello Radhit and hello Revananice to met you.”

In between working on reports.

Radhit :“Are you hungry or not? now about we order food.”

Dhera :“I’m also hungry, hurry up and order me to treat it.”

While waiting for the food to come, Dhera asked Ryan where the digital laboratory was.

Dhera:”Ryan, where did you do your practicum?.”

Ryan :” I did practicum work in the digital laboratory.”

Dhera :”Where is the digital laboratory located?.”

Ryan :”From here you will enter building B there are ladder you go up, then turn right until you see
the bathroom. The laboratory will be across from the bathroom later.”

Dhera :”ooo oke thank you, because tomorrow i have a practice sechedule there too.”

The food arived.

Radhit :”Hey, the food is here let’s eat first.”

Dhera :”Emmm, it turns out that the food here is less salty and a little bland, different from the food
in my area, which tastes famously sweet and salty, i’m a little surprised.”

Yooshin :”Yes, i was also surprised.”

Radhit :”I think next time we wont buy this food again.”

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