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 In any type of business, your customers are your biggest asset. And
maintaining a consistently great relationship with them is just as
important in the world of B2B as it is for B2C companies. After all,
business-to-business clients are typically around for the long-term,
and the best deals rely on the personal touch.
 In theory, it should be easier for B2B companies to build strong
relationships, as sales reps and marketers spend more time on fewer
customers. But it’s not quite as simple as that. Cultivating a lasting
connection takes time, and you have to be prepared to put in the
 However, if you make the effort to get to know your clients and
understand their challenges through consistent communication, you
can build an enduring relationship that benefits both businesses. I’m
about to show you my top tips for doing just that.
Benefits of strong client relationships in B2B

Before we find out how you can build better relationships, we’ll start with why it’s so important. Let’s
take a look at some of the advantages of a relationship-based approach.

1. It creates trust :
 All relationships are based on trust. If your clients truly believe that your company has
their best interests at heart and that the relationship is about more than just making a
sale, they will place their trust in your brand. In fact, 88% of B2B buyers will only buy if
they view the rep as a trusted advisor.

 As well as trusting the quality and reliability of whatever you’re selling, they will trust
what your representatives have to say—and will even come to rely on you for valuable
business insight and support.

2. It improves loyalty :
 By building great customer relationships, you also foster loyalty. And, as we all know,
customers who stick around are likely to spend more. Once they’re confident that you’ll
treat them well and that your business can meet their needs, they won’t be tempted to go
elsewhere. Reducing customer churn has a positive impact on your bottom line. It’s easier
to upsell to loyal clients, too.
3. It encourages referrals :
 Word-of-mouth is vital for B2B business—referrals are the top source of sales and
marketing leads for B2B companies. To win the best contracts and make the best
sales, you need people out there enthusing about you, whether they’re leaving you
reviews or just chatting to industry friends about how great you are. Strong B2B
relationships mean your customers will be more than happy to sing your praises,
knowing you’ll do the same for them.

4. It widens your network :

 By strengthening relationships with your clients, you also strengthen your entire
network. And a strong network opens up a host of opportunities, from resource
sharing, community development and affiliate marketing. Once the trust is
established, you can also ask customers for recommendations to widen your circle of
8 Steps for Building Better Relationships

Now let’s explore some of the practical steps you can take to improve your client relationships,
generating increased loyalty and a higher lifetime value.

1. Listen to what they want :

 In order to build a strong B2B relationship, you have to focus on what the client needs rather than on
the sale you hope to make. And that means you really need to listen to the customer. “Active listening” is
one of the most valued traits in B2B salespeople, and it involves making a conscious effort to hear,
understand, and retain the information you receive.

 Ask about the particular challenges and pain points in the client’s industry or niche, and their own

 Ask about the particular challenges and pain points in the client’s industry or niche, and their own
unique selling points and business objectives. Allow them to express hesitation about potential risks, and
demonstrate that you genuinely care about helping them.

 The more you develop an understanding, the easier it will be to tailor your offering and your approach
to each client. Concentrate on solving problems and exceeding expectations, rather than talking about
2. Treat customers as partners :
 Relationships are a two-way street, and the strongest ones will reward you as well
as benefiting the customer. Your B2B clients are successful business-people
themselves, so it makes sense to share ideas. You could go a step further by inviting
them to become a part of your business, for instance as part of a customer advisory
board.This would typically involve clients who have been with you for a long time, so
you can position them as trusted confidants. When you’re launching a new product or
a marketing campaign, ask them to attend a brainstorming session or a conference
call dial in, and show that you value their advice.

 Social media is also handy for developing partnerships—you can like and cross-
promote your clients’ content, share customer success stories from your own business,
and keep track of comments and feedback. Make sure you respond quickly if they post
about you, or ask you a question.
3. Communicate on their terms :
 Building a relationship requires great communication, but every customer has their
own preferred channels and methods of doing business with you—some like the
convenience of asynchronous communication such as email, while others still prefer a good
old chat. And 77% of B2B decision-makers now prefer speaking to vendors via
videoconference than on the phone.

 As well as being prepared to interact on their chosen channel, you should make sure
you offer plenty of ways to get in touch. Remember that not everyone has a smartphone,
and some traditional businesses don’t have the technology for video calls. Think about
accessibility and ease of use. The digital experiences of customers are very important.

 It’s also essential to maintain consistency in the way you communicate across channels,
both in terms of the way you interact with clients and the content and messaging you
provide. This will help customers to trust what you say and do.
4. Strike the right tone :
 If your B2B relationships are going to go the distance, you need to be mindful of how you
come across to clients—whether it’s via phone, video, messaging, or social media. It’s
important to sound warm and sincere, using positive words and always addressing the
customer by name. You could set company-wide tone-of-voice guidelines for consistency.

 People like to do business with other people, not nameless, faceless companies. Work on
communicating with your customers on a human level, and demonstrate empathy when
dealing with complaints or problems. Saying a simple “thank you” for their custom is
appreciated, too.

 The client-centric approach is something that needs full buy-in and a shift in culture, so
make sure everyone in your organization is aware of its importance. You could reiterate the
message in daily stand-up meetings.

 The client-centric approach is something that needs full buy-in and a shift in culture, so
make sure everyone in your organization is aware of its importance. You could reiterate the
message in daily stand-up meetings.
5. Encourage feedback :
 This one’s linked to listening to your customers, and to great communication in
general. As well as showing clients how you can help their businesses, you need to
encourage them to reach out to you with suggestions on how you might improve.

 The more channels of communication you offer, the easier it will be for your
clients to get in touch. And when they do, you need to be ready to respond fast to
their inquiries—it’s another way to demonstrate how much you care. For example,
a cloud based phone service with advanced call management will enable you to
prioritize VIP calls.

 Customers telling you what they like and dislike about your product or service can
give you even deeper insights than automated QA testing, so encourage honest
feedback and make sure you act on it. Continuous improvement helps maintain strong
B2B relationships.
6. Use the data :
 Truly getting to know your clients doesn’t only mean talking (and listening) to them.
It also involves gathering and analyzing a lot of customer data. You should collect this
from all touchpoints on their journey with your business, and use the knowledge to forge
stronger, better relationships.

 Use your CRM software to record each client’s details (preferred products, channels,
behaviors) so that it’s on hand for everyone to view. Then, no matter which
representative handles future interactions with that customer, they will know how the
person likes to be treated. Are there any specific tactics or strategies for working with

 For further insight, you can even analyze sentiment in customer calls and messages
(because even in a strong relationship, it might sometimes be tricky to tell what
someone is really thinking). The main thing is to always think of your customers as
humans rather than statistics—and make sure you have robust cybersecurity measures in
7. Segment and personalize :
 Today’s customers want their marketing, their products, their communications, and
their customer services to be relevant and personal to them. In fact, 93% of global B2B
professionals believe that personalization efforts have paid off in revenue growth.

 Use the data you collect from every customer interaction across the organization and
create actionable, real-time client profiles and segments. Try carrying out a RFM
analysis that categorizes your customers based on how recently and frequently they’ve
purchased, and how much they spent.

 As well as creating buyer personas (fictional “people” created with the important
characteristics of your customer base), you can segment clients using whatever categories
make most sense for your business. Common examples are geographic, demographic,
psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.Once you’ve done the research and defined
these segments, you can send relevant communications to each group, perhaps using
localized language, quoting in their own currency,
8. Focus on existing customers :
 Attracting new clients is a way to refresh your customer base and keep your business in the
public eye, and it may be tempting to cast your net wide and acquire as many customers as
possible. But this also brings a high risk of churn, and fewer opportunities for close relationships
and personalization.

 It’s far more productive to maintain your existing relationships, especially when you’ve
already put in the effort to convert them from prospects to buyers. It costs less to retain a
customer than it does to acquire a new one, and you can focus on nurturing your VIPs and
forming partnerships. Here are some of the ways you can boost existing relationships:

• Start a loyalty program

• Send them offers, discounts, or even just congratulatory emails on special events (birthdays,
or the anniversary of their first purchase with you)

• Send them information on offers and new products they may be interested in

• Invite them to special events such as product launches.

Building strong B2B relationships is the
key to success
 Sales, revenue, and KPIs are important benchmarks, sure. But rather than focusing
on your customers as buyers, you should think of them as humans first and foremost—
and never stop looking for ways to show them how much they are valued and
appreciated.Concentrate on engaging with your existing customers, and carry out
segmentation so that you can personalize interactions. Analyze the data to identify
communication preferences, and keep it regular and consistent (with the right tone).
In addition to account management and sales teams, it’s worth developing
relationships between your executives and your clients’ leaders. This will help you
gain brand buy-in.

 Whether you’re selling supplies to a building company, providing software as a

service to tech start-ups, or encouraging a business to use your venue for their
conferences, the relationships you cultivate with your clients are vital to the success
of your business. Follow the steps in this post and you’ll be all set to make those
relationships stronger than ever.

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