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Furthermore, our school offers the students a project in collaboration with Leonardo

Formazione Educazione e Lavoro and the minister of culture, called Italian Model
United Nations, IMUN. It consists of putting yourself into United Nation delegates’
shoes discussing (in English) about various problems affecting the world.
You may also win several awards for your skills such as “best delegate”, “best position
paper” and “honorable mentions” which will be an important part of your future
The basic version of the project is held in Naples but there also is the same project
that extends internationally in which you could visit the United Nations in New York
and the whole city while experiencing the job of a delegate of a country.
Now we’ll show you a video of what IMUN is.

Certificazioni IGCSE e riconosciute a livello internazionale (20000 universita)

Successi e crediti universitari
Successo in ambito scolastico
Competenze future

IGCSE Certifications are accepted from all universities in the world, about 20 000, of
which 650 in the USA. In addition, we have to say that the 93% of us, 4F and 5F
students who did exams of geography and biology, reached a
theshold between A and C.
This path grants you an advanced certified level of English that also allows you to
bypass some lower-level english university exams.
The Cambridge Pathway offers student from 5 to 19 years old a way to achieve
success in later life. It also allows students to discover themselves and their skills to
achieve necessary knowledge to cope with life.

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