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Answer the following questions

1. Who does Pocahontas fall in love with?
a) Kocoum
b) Ratcliffe
c) John Rolfe
d) John Smith

2. What's the name of the talking tree character?

a) Grandad Oak
b) Grandmother Willow
c) Uncle Spruce
d) Cousin Sycamore

3. The English settlers have terrible opinions of the native people of the New World
and no regard at all for the land. What are they digging for?
a) To grow corn
b) To find gold
c) To find silver
d) To find diamonds

4. What color is Ratcliffe's cape?

a) Red
b) Orange
c) Pink
d) Black

5. Why doesn't Pocahontas want to marry Kocoum?

a) He's too old.
b) He's too young.
c) He's too serious.
d) He’s too fat.

6. Why does Pocahontas save John Smith?

a) Because she just wants to be against her father.
b) Because John threatened her.
c) Because she wants to die with him.
d) Because she loves him.

7. What happens to Pocahontas and Captain John Smith at the end?

a) Pocahontas goes to London with John Smith.
b) They say goodbye to each other.
c) John Smith stays with Pocahontas in the tribe.
d) John Smith dies.
8. Who does Pocahontas' Dad want her to marry?
a) Kocoum
b) Governor Radcliffe
c) Meeko
d) John Smith

9. Pocahontas was...
a) Irish
b) Chinese
c) West African
d) Native American

10. What is the name of Pocahontas' raccoon friend?

a) Minka
b) Mowi
c) Meeko
d) Flint

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