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Homeless people in Mexcio City in 2013 and 2023



In Mexico in 2023, 5,778 homeless and homeless people live, survive, which was previously classified
as homeless or indigence.

According to the latest projections of the National Population Council (CONAPO) in 2013 there are 118 395
054 persons in the national territory, of of which 60.6 million are women and 57.8 million are men. This
represents. 51.2 and 48.8%, respectively.

Homeless people in 2023

In this way, it is now known that of the 5,788 homeless people in the country, 5,052 are men and 726
are women, according to the census of that year.

Homeless people in 2013

in 2013 there are 118 395 054 persons in the national territory, of of which 60.6 million are women and
57.8 million are men. This represents. 51.2 and 48.8%, respectively.

Homelessness and mental disorders.

Although the pathologies that homeless people may suffer from are the same as those suffered by the general
population, there are some that stand out for their prevalence: schizophrenia, severe affective disorders
(bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder), substance abuse, severe personality disorders and post-
traumatic stress.

In general terms, the older and chronic population presents psychotic disorders and alcohol abuse, while in
the younger population there is a prevalence of substance abuse disorders, schizophrenia and an increase in
severe personality disorders.


As for treatment, it requires pharmacological action, as well as the presence of free psychological support.



Homeless unemployment in Mexico City is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive

response. Here are some potential solutions that can help address this issue:
Job Training Programs: One of the main barriers to employment for the homeless is a lack of skills and work
experience. Job training programs can help these individuals gain skills needed for the job, such as office
skills, construction skills, or customer service skills. These programs may be provided by nonprofit
organizations, local governments, or businesses.

Social Services Employment: Homeless individuals may have valuable experience working in social services,
such as a social worker, caseworker, or homeless shelter worker. These jobs can provide a sense of purpose and
self-esteem, as well as a source of income.

Temporary Employment Programs: Temporary employment programs can provide homeless individuals
with a way to earn income while they search for long-term work. These programs may include jobs in
urban cleanup, construction, and other city maintenance jobs.

Community Support Networks: Homeless people often face social and emotional barriers that can make it
difficult to find a job. Community support networks can help these individuals connect with others in
similar situations and provide emotional support and job search resources.


Older adults

Older Adults: In EDOMEX, through government programmes, food, medical and psychological care, social
work, education and clothing are provided to all older adults in the state of Mexico.

Protection of the rights of children and adolescents

In this area we will support you when you face a problem of violence against children and adolescents or when
you know of a case of children and adolescents who are victims of physical, psychological, sexual,
abandonment and negligence violence, among others. We have a team of professionals in the medical,
psychological, legal and social areas, who will guide you in the attention to your problem.

If you know of or suffer from this serious social problem, you can report it through an anonymous report of
violence or with identity, and you can do so via the internet with the service we offer online. Report Domestic
Abuse, via telephone or in person.

Go in person to the office of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Children and Adolescents or to
the Office of the Ombudsman of the Municipal DIF System closest to your home.

Report the violence in person or by telephone, in writing or any other means, providing the names of the
generator and receiver, or their description, as well as the address of both, which should contain as many
references as possible for their location, in addition to specifying the type of abuse. Note: the procedure is

Report to the Office of the Attorney General for the Protection of Children and Adolescents:
Subdirección de Protección de Derechos de los Derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes.

Strengthening social integration

This consists of the development of sporting, artistic and cultural activities and all those that benefit and
promote the integration of adolescents who are at social risk, as well as those who are undergoing treatment in
the family, social, school and work environment.

These are activities aimed at children, adolescents and young people, as an alternative to their personal problems,
with the aim of channelling their skills and abilities into recreational and leisure activities. Among these
activities are:

Graffiti competitions

Football tournaments

Skateboard competitions

Chess tournaments

Basketball tournaments

Drawing competitions

Singing competitions

Dance competitions

Public speaking competitions

(Tris) Poverty

Poverty in Mexico is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires long-term solutions in various areas,
such as education, health, employment and social security. Some possible solutions include:

1. Increase in the minimum wage: a higher minimum wage can help reduce poverty and improve the
purchasing power of workers.
2. Improvement of education: quality education is essential to improve employment opportunities and reduce
the gap of economic inequality in the country.
3. Investment in infrastructure: Investment in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and energy, can create
jobs and improve the local economy.
4. Access to basic services: it is essential to guarantee access to basic services such as water, sanitation,
medical care and housing services to improve the living conditions of the population.
5. Promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of small businesses: the creation of jobs and the
promotion of entrepreneurship can contribute to the reduction of poverty and economic development.
6. Strengthening of social programs: social programs such as Oportunidades and PROSPERA can help
provide financial assistance and support to the most vulnerable population.
7. Corruption reduction: Corruption is a major obstacle to economic and social development in Mexico. The
implementation of policies and programs to reduce corruption can help improve the efficiency of
resources and increase trust in government institutions.

It is important to note that these solutions require a joint effort by the government, civil society, the private
sector, and the international community to achieve a real and sustainable impact on poverty reduction in Mexico.

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