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Iteration 1 Worksheet


Adding a feature

Tell the story of how one of your features was added to the project.
Our feature was [Create user
accounts/profile(s)](winter-2022-a01/group-1/personal_healthcare#1) which had 2
User stories linked within it. Each user story had its own linked set of Developer

Our group initially got together to loosely plan out all parts of the Iteration
planning. We used the first few meetings to:
- plan the UI navigation flow (which Activities would show up at app launch, and
clicking which buttons can take us to related Activities etc)
- decide upon Branching Strategy
- plan the archituecture template and list the structure and requirements of the
Data/Logic Classes and Android activities
- assign each member a User story and documentation tasks
Whiteboard pictures of our initial plan are linked

Two of our Group members were assigned to the Account creation feature. They
decided amongst themselves to individually take up the UI layer (ie making all the
Android activities) and the Data layer (making hirearchy of classes that stores
Guest/Registered Users and Profiles). They continuously communicated with each
other and informed the group when changes were made. And during the group meetings,
they worked with the rest of us in combining their Android activities with ours to
complete the UI navigation flow of the app.

[Link to our Associated tests]()

[Link to our final Merge request](winter-2022-a01/group-1/personal_healthcare!35)
[Link to our Final merge commit](b2c852df69320b8bcb04b2eb2038fe68d6c45cb7)

Exceptional code

Provide a link to a test of exceptional code. In a few sentences,

provide an explanation of why the exception is handled or thrown
in the code you are testing.


[Link to our Branching Strategy](Iteration1_documents/

[Link to Branching Strategy



[Link to the SOLID violation](winter-2022-a01/group-2/student-study-stats#45)

Agile Planning

Write a paragraph about any plans that were changed. Did you
'push' any features to iteration 2? Did you change the description
of any Features or User Stories? Have links to any changed or pushed Features
or User Stories.

We had to push a few User stories to the next iteration. Namely,

- [As a user who wants to have access to extra features, I want to create an
account with a default/primary
- [As a user, I want to report/add new symptoms if I could not find my symptoms in
the list.](winter-2022-a01/group-1/personal_healthcare#16)
- [As a user who wants to use the app with my family members, I want to add extra
profiles for my family.](winter-2022-a01/group-1/personal_healthcare#17)
- [As a user, I want to search for the details of the disease to get more
- [As a user, I get all the probable causes based on the provided symptoms.]

We also brought a User story up from Iteration 2 and implemented now because along
the way, the assigned group member thought that it would be better implemented.
- [Search from the list of common conditions (I.e., cough, cold, headache)]

Documenting our code well and setting standard Git workflow for the group took
longer than expected. Which resulted in having lesser time to code.
We also overestimated the scale of our Features. Initially, we expected that we
would have features implemented with scaleable logic/database, and a nice looking
UI. But realistically, coding in Android studio took longer and we had to stop at
making the UI only functional to give the attention to other aspects

Our convention to name the issues now includes the type of the artifact in [square
brackets] the titles as along with the tags. This way, the titles becomes
strikingly apparent, which helps in distinguishing things when we are dealing with
a lot of open issues at once.

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