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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50:8 (2009), pp 920–930 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02066.x

The quality of preterm infants’ spontaneous

movements: an early indicator of intelligence
and behaviour at school age
Phillipa R. Butcher,1 Koen van Braeckel,2 Anke Bouma,2 Christa Einspieler,3
Elisabeth F. Stremmelaar,4 and Arend F. Bos4
Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and Department
of Psychology, Australian National University, ACT, Australia; 2Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology,
University of Groningen, The Netherlands; 3Institute of Physiology, Centre for Physiological Medicine, Medical
University of Graz, Austria; 4Department of Pediatrics, University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands

Background: The quality of very preterm infants’ spontaneous movements at 11 to 16 weeks post-term
age is a powerful predictor of their later neurological status. This study investigated whether early
spontaneous movements also have predictive value for the intellectual and behavioural problems that
children born very preterm often experience. Methods: Spontaneous movement quality was assessed,
using Prechtl’s method, at 11 to 16 weeks post-term in 65 infants born at £ 33 weeks of gestation in a
single centre. Intelligence and behaviour were assessed with standardised tests at 7 to 11 years of age.
Neurological status was assessed with Touwen’s test. Multiple regression was used to determine the
predictive value of movement quality for intelligence and behavioural problems. The Sobel test was used
to determine if neurological status mediated associations found between early movement quality and
outcome. Results: Spontaneous movement quality at 11 to 16 weeks post-term was significantly,
positively associated with later intelligence. The number of normal postural patterns displayed
contributed most strongly to the association, which was not mediated by neurological status. Fidgety
movements, strong predictors of later neurological dysfunction, were not associated with intelligence.
Spontaneous movement quality was not associated with internalising or externalising problems but
showed a trend to an association with attention problems. Conclusion: These findings suggest that, in
children born preterm, early spontaneous movement quality has clear prognostic value for neurological
and intellectual outcome, and to a lesser extent, for attentional outcome. However, cognitive outcome
was associated with the presence of specific, age-appropriate postural patterns, while neurological
outcome has been associated with the presence of global movement abnormalities. The presence of
specific, age-appropriate postural patterns may reflect the integrity of areas of the brain involved in
cognitive processing and the regulation of attention later in childhood. Alternately, it may facilitate
cognitive and attentional development. Keywords: General movements, intelligence, behaviour,
development, preterm. Abbreviations: GMs: general movements; FMs, fidgety movements; CP: cere-
bral palsy; ATN: asymmetric tonic neck reflex.

From several weeks after conception, the young movements observed earlier. At the same time, a
human nervous system is able endogenously to variety of concurrent movement and postural pat-
generate a variety of movements (Einspieler & terns emerge. FMs remain present until 6 months
Prechtl, 2005). As an expression of spontaneous post-term, when intentional and antigravity move-
neural activity, these movements are a potential ments predominate (Einspieler, Prechtl, Bos, Ferrari,
marker of neural dysfunction following brain injury. & Cioni, 2004). Several studies have found strong
In the last 15 years, considerable research has been associations between the quality of GMs during the
devoted to determining which movement patterns FM period, in particular the mid-FM period
provide most insight into the functional integrity of (11–16 weeks post term), and later neurological
the young nervous system. General movements development. Very poor quality of the motor reper-
(GMs), the most frequent and most complex of young toire, for example, the absence of FMs, is strongly
infants’ spontaneous movements, are the most associated with the development of serious neuro-
promising in this regard. Early GMs involve the en- logical disorders such as cerebral palsy (CP) (Cioni et
tire body in varying sequences of neck, trunk and al., 2000; Hadders-Algra & Groothuis, 1999). Less
limb movements. They remain similar in appearance serious deficits in the motor repertoire, for example,
from early fetal life until 6 to 9 weeks post-term, abnormality rather than absence of FMs, a monoto-
when smaller, circular movements of moderate nous repertoire of concurrent movements, and the
speed and variable acceleration known as ‘fidgety’ persistence of early postural reflexes, are associated
movements (FMs) begin to replace the more ‘writhing’ with less serious motor disorders such as minor
neurological dysfunction (MND) (Groen, de Blecourt,
Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared. Postema, & Hadders-Algra, 2005; Zuk, Harel,

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Journal compilation  2009 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA
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Infants’ spontaneous movements 921

Leitner, & Fattal-Valevski, 2004; Bruggink et al., nostic value not only for motor development, but also
2008). As a result of their powerful prognostic value, for intelligence and behaviour problems.
the quality of spontaneous movements during the Existing indices of the integrity of the central
FM period is considered a sensitive measure of the nervous system in young infants have limited prog-
integrity of the areas of the central nervous system nostic value for intellectual and behavioural devel-
involved in motor control. opment. In children born preterm, for example, early
The quality of spontaneous movements is partic- indices of brain injury, such as ultrasound scans,
ularly helpful in identifying which children with a and early neurological assessments generally show
history of pre- and perinatal medical complications only modest associations with cognitive and
will go on to develop neurological disorders. Neuro- behavioural development (Vollmer et al., 2003;
logical disorders that follow pre- and perinatal Pinto-Martin, Whitaker, Feldman, van Rossem, &
medical complications are frequently accompanied Paneth, 1999). The small size of the associations
by cognitive and behavioural problems. Children undoubtedly reflects the importance of environ-
with CP, for example, perform more poorly, as a mental factors in shaping behavioural and intellec-
group, than age-mates on measures of intelligence tual development. However, it also reflects the
(Fennell & Dikel, 2001) and behaviour (Goodman & limitations of existing indices of early brain injury for
Neville, 2001). Children born preterm perform more predicting intelligence and behaviour problems,
poorly on measures of motor skill, intelligence and which are generally accepted to be mediated by
behaviour (for reviews see Bhutta, Cleves, Casey, many subtle neural mechanisms in networks dis-
Cradock, & Anand, 2002; Foulder-Hughes & Cooke, tributed widely across the brain. If the quality of the
2003). Importantly, neurological, behavioural and/ spontaneous motor repertoire during the FM period
or intellectual deficits often coexist in the same child is associated with intelligence and behaviour prob-
(Volpe, 2000). This raises the question of whether lems in later childhood, then assessments of the
GMs also have prognostic value for intellectual and motor repertoire will form a valuable addition to
behavioural development. existing early indices, improving our ability to pre-
An association between early movement quality dict in which children with a history of pre- and
and later behaviour and intelligence may seem less perinatal medical complications intelligence and/or
plausible than an association between early move- behaviour are likely to be impaired.
ment quality and later motor disorders. Movement Our first goal was to investigate associations
quality at all ages is strongly associated with the between the quality of spontaneous movements
nature and severity of pre- and perinatal brain between 11 and 16 weeks post-term and intelligence
injury. Behaviour and intelligence are more closely and behaviour problems in childhood. Participants
associated with environmental factors such as the were school-age children who had been born pre-
quality of the home environment, and the mother’s term. Children born preterm show considerable
sensitivity and perception of social support (Bend- variability both in the quality of spontaneous move-
ersky & Lewis, 1994; Laucht, Esser, & Schmidt, ments in early infancy and in intelligence and
1994). Recently, however, Denckla (2005) has sug- behaviour problems in later childhood. The quality of
gested that early motor status may serve as a marker their spontaneous movements in infancy has con-
for the integrity not only of the areas of the brain sistently been found to be associated with later
involved in motor control, but also of neighbouring neurological development. They therefore constitute
areas involved in emotional and cognitive control. an appropriate group in which to explore these
A possible anatomical basis for an association be- associations. If spontaneous movement quality has
tween the quality of the early motor repertoire and broader prognostic significance, then less optimal
later cognition in preterm infants was suggested by movement quality in infancy will be associated with
Inder and colleagues (1999), who showed that seri- lower intelligence and more behaviour problems in
ous white matter injury, the dominant form of brain childhood.
injury in infants born preterm (Volpe, 2000), and a Since less optimal movement quality in infancy is
primary correlate of the quality of the motor reper- associated with neurological disorder in childhood,
toire, is followed by impaired cortical development. our second goal was to determine whether any
Reduced cortical volumes have been found in school- associations between movement quality and intelli-
age children born preterm, and abnormalities in gence and behaviour problems were mediated by
specific regions have, in turn, been found to be neurological status rather than directly associated
associated with intelligence scores (Peterson et al., with movement quality.
2000). Empirical support for an association between
the quality of the early motor repertoire and later
behaviour problems is provided by the recent finding Method
that mildly abnormal GMs at 10–16 weeks of age
predicted attention problems and aggression 4 to
9 years later (Hadders-Algra & Groothuis, 1999). Sixty-five children, between 7 and 11 years of age
Spontaneous movements may therefore have prog- (M = 8.8, SD = 1.2), and their parent(s) participated
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922 Phillipa R. Butcher et al.

in the study. The children had been born in, or Table 1 Characteristics of the participants (a) Medical risk
admitted shortly after birth to, the neonatal intensive factors (b) Age and outcome at follow-up
care unit of the University Medical Centre (UMC) (a)
between 1993 and 1998. All were born pre-
term (gestational age: M = 29.9w, SD = 1.8w, Gestational age (w),
M (SD; Range; N ) 29.9 (1.83; 25.7–33.7; 65)
Range = 27.7–33.7w) and belonged to a group of 89
Birthweight (gm),
children who had participated in earlier investiga- M (SD; Range; N ) 1196 (289; 595–1800; 65)
tions of associations between spontaneous move- Small for date (yes: no) 38:27
ment quality and development (Bos, Martijn, Okken, Ultrasound status
& Prechtl, 1998; Bos et al., 1997, 1998; Hadders- Severity of intraventricular
Algra et al., 2004). Five families could not be located
(grade 0:I:II:III:IV) 46:16:0:1:2
at follow-up. Two refused participation. Fifteen Severity of periventricular
children developed CP. In 10 children, the severity of echogenicity/leukomalacia2
the CP precluded valid measurements of intelligence. (grade 0:I:II:III:IV) 32:32:1:0:0
Five children with mild CP, all attending regular Mechanical ventilation
(yes: no) 31:34
schools, were included in the analysis to increase its
(days) M (SD; Range; N ) 7.2 (6.8;1–25; 65)
power to determine the impact of neurological status Chronic lung disease (yes: no) 17:48
on associations between early motor quality and
developmental outcome. The remaining 60 children (b)
can be considered typical of preterm infants admit- Age at follow-up: 7y:8y:9y:10y:1y 15: 21:15:13:1
ted in the mid-1990s to the neonatal intensive care Touwen’s test score, M 3.23 (3.11; 0–12; 61)
unit of the UMC who did not develop severe neuro- (SD; Range; N )
logical disorders. The children’s medical character- Intelligence
TIQ, M (SD; Range; N ) 94 (11; 67–118; 65)
istics are presented in Table 1a. Educational level VIQ, M (SD; Range; N ) 93 (12; 68–125; 65)
of the mothers and fathers ranged from elementary PIQ, M (SD; Range; N ) 94 (13; 65–119; 65)
to tertiary (mothers: M = 11.5y, SD = 3.5y, Range = CBCL
0–17y, fathers M = 12.1y, SD = 2.5y, Range 0–17y). Internalising,
Measurements of motor quality were unavailable M (SD; Range; N ) 54 (11; 32–73; 65)
for seven children because of prolonged crying and M (SD; Range; N ) 52 (11; 32–86; 65)
fussing during the video-recording. These children Attention Problems subscale,
did not differ significantly on measures of intelli- M (SD; Range; N ) 59 (9;50–83; 65)
gence or behaviour problems from those for whom Attention Problems subscale:
data were available. Four children without CP were normal:borderline/clinical 51:14
excluded from the mediation analysis. These 1
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) refers to bleeding in the
children had completed medical and neurological ventricles, where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced. When
examinations within the previous year as part of the IVH was present, four levels of severity were distinguished.
routine follow-up, and chose not to repeat these Levels III and IV are systematically associated with poorer
developmental outcome. Levels II and I are less systematically
examinations. They did not differ significantly on
associated with poorer developmental outcome.
measures of intelligence or behaviour problems from 2
Periventricular echogenicity/leukomalacia (PVE/L) refers to
the children for whom data were available. damage to the white matter tissue surrounding the ventricles.
All parents gave written consent to participate in When PVE/L was present, four levels of severity were distin-
the study, which was approved by the UMC Ethics guished. Levels III and IV are systematically associated with
poorer developmental outcome. Levels II and I are less
systematically associated with poorer developmental outcome.

The children’s intelligence, motor skill, neurological

and medical status were assessed. Parent(s) com-
Video-recordings of spontaneous movements were pleted a questionnaire on their child’s behaviour.
made at 4 to 6 week intervals between birth and The findings regarding associations between move-
6 months post-term. The recordings, lasting 5 to ment quality and neurological development have
10 minutes, were made during a period of active been reported elsewhere (Bruggink et al., 2008).
wakefulness, with the infants lying supine and
naked or wearing a romper suit. Recordings of 59
infants were made at home. Recordings of the
remaining six infants were made during visits to the Quality of spontaneous movements. The motor
Department of Developmental Psychology at repertoire was evaluated using the video-recording
the University. made between 11 to 16 weeks post-term, following
Seven to ten years later, the children participated Prechtl’s method for the assessment of the motor
in a follow-up study on visuo-motor, cognitive and repertoire between 3 and 5 months (Einspieler et
behavioural development. As part of the study, par- al., 2004). Age at assessment ranged from 11w to
ent(s) and child attended a test session at the UMC. 15w (M = 13.3, SD = 1.1). At this age, the motor
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Infants’ spontaneous movements 923

repertoire includes FMs and a variety of concurrent specific movement patterns or characteristics they
movement and postural patterns. Scores were reflect, allowing the analysis of associations with
assigned to the following five aspects: both overall score and movement details on which it
is based. The scores for the different aspects of early
1. Quality of FMs
spontaneous movements and their inter-correlations
2. Age-adequacy of concurrent movements
are presented in Table 2. The correlations ranged
3. Presence and normality of concurrent movements
from .38 to .63, showing that, although associated,
4. Presence and normality of postural patterns
the scores provided unique information.
5. Quality of concurrent movements
Two-thirds of the videos were scored by 2 or 3
Scores for each aspect can range from 1 to 4. The observers. Cohen’s kappa for Quality of FMs, Quality
first and last aspects are scored qualitatively on the of Concurrent Movements and Age-adequacy of
basis of gestalt perception of the smoothness, Concurrent Movements was .91, .87 and .89
amplitude and speed of movement patterns respectively. Agreement for Presence and Normality
(Einspieler & Prechtl, 2005). The remaining scores of Concurrent Movement Patterns and Presence and
are semi-quantitative. Movement and postural pat- Normality of Postural Patterns was 89% and 90%
terns expected to be present between 3 and respectively.
5 months are scored as present or absent and, when
present, as normal or abnormal. Normal concurrent Neurological status. Current neurological status
movements include kicking, manipulating clothing was assessed by an experienced paediatrician using
and playing with the fingers. Abnormal concurrent Touwen’s test (1979). Children without a neurological
movements include circular arm movements, arch- handicap such as CP may have less serious neuro-
ing of the trunk, and sudden bursts of activity. logical dysfunctions. The total score on Touwen’s test
Normal postural patterns include ability to overcome indicates the degree of such minor neurological
the asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATN; one arm dysfunction on the basis of assessment of posture and
extended, the other flexed, with head turned to the muscle tone, reflexes, coordination and balance,
extended arm), head held in the midline and varied choreiform activity and fine manipulative ability
finger patterns, where fingers move independently of (Hadders-Algra, 2002). Recent investigations of the
each other. Abnormal postural patterns include psychometric quality of Touwen’s test have shown
persistent ATN and invariant finger patterns (fingers moderate to good test–retest reliability, inter-observer
curled inwards to form a fist, or extended and reliability and validity (Peters, Maathuis, Kouw,
spread). Age-adequacy of concurrent movements is Hamming, & Hadders-Algra, 2007; Heineman, Bos, &
scored on the basis of the number of movement and Hadders-Algra, 2008).
postural patterns observed and the presence of
specific types of movement, in particular anti-gravity Cognitive outcome. Intelligence was assessed using
movements, movements towards the midline and four Verbal subscales (Similarities, Vocabulary,
fiddling. Presence and normality of concurrent Information, Arithmetic) and three Performance
movements and postural patterns are scored on the subscales (Picture Arrangement, Block Design,
basis of the relative frequency of normal and Object Assembly) from the WISC IIINL (Kort et al.,
abnormal characteristics: 1 (abnormal > normal), 2 2002). Verbal (VIQ), Performance (PIQ) and Total
(abnormal = normal) and 4 (normal > abnormal). (TIQ) IQ scores were calculated using Sattler’s (1992)
Note that a predominance of normal characteristics formula.
receives a heavier weighting. The scores for the five
aspects of the motor repertoire are summed to pro- Behaviour problems outcome. Behaviour problems
vide a Motor Optimality Score, range 5 to 20. Higher were assessed using the Dutch version of the
scores indicate higher movement quality. The semi- Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) (Verhulst, van der
quantitative scores can be broken down into the Ende, & Koot, 1996), a screening instrument with

Table 2 Quality of spontaneous movements at 11 to 16 weeks post-term: scores for motor optimality and its components, and the
correlations between the components of motor optimality


M (SD; Range; N) 2 3 4 5 6

1. Motor Optimality Score 15.7 (3.6; 9–20; 65) 74** .83** .81** .79**
2. Quality of FMs 3.4 (1.0; 1–4; 65) – .63** .38** .42**
3. Age adequacy of concurrent movements 3.0 (1.1; 1–4; 65) – .50** .55**
4. Presence, normality of postural patterns 2.6 (1.4; 1–4; 65) – .58**
5. Presence, normality of concurrent movements1 4.0 (0; 4; 65) –
6. Quality of concurrent movements 2.6 (1.0; 1–4; 65)
Presence, normality of concurrent movements showed no variance at the 11–16 w measurement.
All correlations significant at **p = <.01.

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924 Phillipa R. Butcher et al.

well-established validity in distinguishing between Table 1b. Mean TIQ, VIQ and PIQ scores were sig-
children with and without behaviour problems, nificantly lower than in the normative sample (94, 93
according to parental report. It yields scores on two and 94), t(64) = –4.63, p = .000; t(64) = –4.54,
broadband scales, internalising and externalising, p = .000; t(64) = –3.62, p = .001 respectively. Mean
with a separate subscale for attention problems. Raw internalising and externalising scores were (nearly)
scores can be converted into T-scores (M = 50, significantly higher than in the normative sample,
SD = 10) to provide continuous measures or classi- t(64) = 3.02, p = .004; t(64) = 1.70, p = .093 respec-
fied according to cut-off scores as normal, borderline tively. Frequency of attention problems in the bor-
and clinical. derline/clinical range was significantly higher,
v2 (1) = 16.187, p < .001.
Data analysis
Movement quality and intelligence
Intelligence and internalising and externalising
scores were normally distributed. Since intelligence After controlling for the parents’ education and the
and behaviour are multiply determined, hierarchical child’s age and attention problems, the Motor
multiple regression analysis was used to estimate Optimality Score contributed significantly to TIQ
their associations with early movement quality. The (b = .27, p = .014), VIQ (b = .24, p = .035), and PIQ
attention problems subscale scores were not nor- (b = .23, p = .043). To determine whether the
mally distributed. They were therefore dichotomised associations were caused primarily by the five
following the manual into normal (£ 92 percentile), or children with mild CP, the analysis was repeated
borderline/clinical (>92 percentile). Logistic regres- without these children. Motor Optimality remained
sion was used to estimate their association with significantly associated with both TIQ (b = .27,
early movement quality. The educational level of p = .018) and VIQ (b = .28, p = .016). The associa-
both parents, an established associate of intelligence tion with PIQ dropped below significance (b = .19,
and behaviour, and the age of the child were entered p = .104).
as first-level explanatory variables in all analyses. To explore the basis for the association between
Since attention problems may mediate associations Motor Optimality and IQ, the analysis was repeated
between motor skill and cognitive performance with the components of Motor Optimality as second-
(Wassenberg et al., 2005), the attention problems level explanatory variables, entered using the
subscale score was included as a first-level explan- stepwise entry procedure. After controlling for the
atory variable in the analysis of intelligence. parents’ education and the child’s age and attention
The Motor Optimality Score was entered as a sec- problems, the relative frequency of normal versus
ond level explanatory variable. Significant associa- abnormal postural patterns contributed significantly
tions with intelligence and/or behaviour problems to TIQ (b = .31, p = .004), VIQ (b = .27, p = .016), PIQ
were explored, with the components of the Motor (b = .27, p = .018). No other components contributed
Optimality Score as second-level explanatory vari- significantly to IQ (p’s ranged from .52 to .99). The
ables, entered using the stepwise entry procedure. components of Motor Optimality were moderately
Significant associations with semi-quantitative inter-correlated, raising the possibility of their being
components were explored by repeating the analysis dropped from the model on the basis of only small
with the relevant movement and postural patterns as differences in their unique contributions to TIQ. The
second-level variables. low semi-partial correlations between the excluded
Following Baron and Kenny (1986), multiple variables and TIQ, range .039 to .044, showed that
regression was used to determine whether neuro- this was not the case here. The associations between
logical status mediated any associations between postural patterns and TIQ, VIQ and PIQ decreased
movement quality and intelligence. First, the asso- slightly in significance (b = .29, p = .009; b = .28,
ciation between neurological status and movement p = .016; b = .24, p = .045) when the analysis was
characteristics associated with intelligence was repeated without the children with CP.
examined. Next, neurological status was included in To explore the association between postural pat-
the analysis of the association between movement terns and IQ, the analysis was repeated with the
characteristics and intelligence. Finally, the Sobel number of normal postural patterns and the number
test (Sobel, 1988) was carried out to determine if of abnormal postural patterns as second-level
including neurological status in the analysis reduced explanatory variables, again entered using the
the association between movement characteristics stepwise entry procedure. The number of normal
and intelligence. postural patterns contributed significantly to TIQ
(b = .35, p = .011), VIQ (b = .34, p = .015) and
almost significantly to PIQ (b = .27, p =.065). The
number of abnormal patterns was not associated
with IQ (TIQ p = .7; VIQ p = .691; PIQ p =.801). The
Means and standard deviations of IQ, behaviour results of the regression analysis are presented in
problems and Touwen’s test scores are presented in Table 3a. The number of normal patterns remained
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Infants’ spontaneous movements 925

Table 3 Summary of hierarchical multiple regression analyses (a)Associations between early movement quality and intelligence
scores (b) Associations between early movement quality and neurological status (c) Associations between early movement quality
and intelligence scores with neurological status as mediator


Dependent variable B SE B b B SE B b B SE B b

Independent variable
Step 1
Parents’ education 2.56** .96 .29 3.27 1.08 .34 1.85 1.19 .18
Attention problems score –.52** .13 –.44 –.533** .15 –.40 –.52** .16 –.37
Age –3.03** 1.04 –.32 –2.03t 1.17 –.19 –4.03** 1.29 –.36
Step 2
Parents’ education 2.31* .92 .26 3.01** 1.10 .31 1.61 1.18 .15
Attention problems score –.44** .13 –.37 –.44** .14 –.34 –.44** .16 –.31
Age –2.24* 1.03 –.23 –1.07 1.12 –.10 –3.20* 1.32 –.28
Normal postural patterns 4.32* 1.65 .35 4.66* 1.89 .34 3.98t 2.12 .27
Abnormal postural patterns .38 .98 .05 .44 1.10 .05 .32 1.25 .04
Note. R2 = .29 for Step 1. Note. R2 = .25 for Step 1. Note. R2 = .23 for Step 1.
D R2 = .098 for Step 2 D R2 = .037 for Step 2 (p < .05) D R2 = .056 for
(p’s < .05) (N = 65) (p’s < .05) (N = 65) Step 2 (p < .1) (N = 65)

Touwen’s test score

Dependent variable B SE B b

Independent variable
Parents’ education .33 .32 .13
Attention problems score .10* .04 .29
Age .31 .35 .11
Normal postural patterns –.1.29** .48 –.34
Note. R2 = .35 (p < .05) (N = 61)


Dependent variable B SE B b B SE B b B SE B b

Independent variable
Step 1
Parents’ education 2.17* 1.00 .24 3.25** 1.13 .32 1.58 1.17 .15
Attention problems score –.44*** .14 –.35 –.49** .16 –.36 –.44** .16 –.31
Age –2.16t 1.10 –.22 –.88 1.22 –.08 –3.23* 1.31 –.29
Normal postural patterns 4.40** 1.50 .33 4.57* 1.58 .33 3.67* 1.71 .25
Step 2
Parents’ education 2.33* .92 2.55 3.41** 1.13 .34 1.24 1.28 .11
Attention problems score –.39* .14 –.31 –.45** .16 –.33 –.32t .18 –.22
Age –2.01t 1.1 –.20 –.74 1.23 –.07 –3.27* 1.40 –.28
Normal postural patterns 3.76** 1.59 .28 3.94* 1.77 .27 3.58t 2.01 .22
Touwen’s test score –.49 .42 –.14 –.09 .47 –.02 –.90 .54 –.22
Note. R2 = .38 for Step 1. Note. R2 = .35 for Step 1. Note. R2 = .27 for Step 1.
(p < .05) D R2 = .016 for Step (p < .05) D R2 = .0 for Step 2 (p < .05) D R2 = .036 for Step
2 (p > .05) (N = 61) (p > .05) (N = 61) 2 (p > .05) (N = 61)

t = p < = .10, p = < .05; **p = < .01.

significantly associated with TIQ and VIQ when the children, we cross-validated the model for the total
analysis was repeated without the children with CP group following Cohen, Cohen, West, and Aitken
(b = .32, p = .027, b = .35, p = .017 respectively). (2003). The adjusted R2’s for TIQ, VIQ and PIQ were
The association with PIQ fell below significance .296, .247 and .183 respectively.
(p = .167). The effect sizes, ranging from 3.0 to 4.9 IQ To determine if the associations between normal
points, can be considered large given a standard postural patterns and IQ scores were mediated
deviation of 15 IQ points in the normative sample by neurological status, a mediation analysis was
and a range of 1 to 4 for number of normal postural carried out. Number of normal patterns was signifi-
patterns. cantly associated with neurological status both with
To determine how well these results would gener- (b = –.34, p = .009) and without (b = –.28, p = .05)
alise to the broader population of preterm born children with CP in the analysis. When normal
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926 Phillipa R. Butcher et al.

postural patterns and neurological status were Discussion

included in a single model, the contribution of
neurological status did not reach significance for any
measure of IQ (TIQ p = .249; VIQ p = .849; PIQ The present study found clear associations between
p = .101). The regression coefficients decreased in the quality of spontaneous movements in early
size with the inclusion of neurological status. Sobel infancy and intelligence 7 to 11 years later in a group
tests showed that the decrease was not significant of children born preterm. After controlling for the
(p = .285, p = .849 and p = .101 for TIQ, VIQ and parents’ education and the child’s age and attention
PIQ respectively). The results of the mediation problems, the number of normal postural patterns
analysis are presented in Table 3b and 3c. displayed between 11 and 16 weeks post-term con-
To illustrate the association between postural tributed significantly to Total and Verbal Intelligence
patterns and TIQ, three postural quality groups were scores, and almost significantly to Performance
formed on the basis of number of normal postural Intelligence scores. The adjusted R2, obtained by
patterns. TIQ scores were grouped into four 15-point cross-validation, then leads to the estimate that the
categories. The percentage of children from each combination parental education, age of the child,
postural quality group in each TIQ score category is CBCL attention problems score and number of nor-
shown in Figure 1. None of the infants displaying mal postural patterns explains 29.6% of the variance
fewer than two normal patterns at 11 to 16 weeks in TIQ in children born preterm.
post-term had TIQ scores above 100, while 62% of Importantly, although a minority of the children
the infants displaying more than two normal had neurological dysfunctions ranging in severity
patterns had IQ scores above 100. from minor neurological dysfunction to mild CP, a
mediation analysis showed that neurological status
did not mediate the association between early
Movement quality and behaviour problems
movement quality and intelligence. Consistent with
No significant associations were found between this, excluding the children with CP from the
Motor Optimality and CBCL externalising or inter- analysis did not affect the significance of the
nalising scores. Logistic regression showed that, associations, and the quality of FMs, a powerful
after controlling for the parents’ education and the predictor of neurological dysfunction, was not
child’s age, Motor Optimality made a near signifi- associated with intelligence. These findings then
cant, negative contribution to the classification suggest that associations between early movement
normal versus borderline/clinical on the attention quality on the one hand, and later intelligence and
problems subscale (B = –1.64, p = .071). The pre- neurological dysfunction on the other, emerge along
dictive value of the model did not reach significance different developmental pathways, which are
(p = .29). However, a Mann–Whitney U-test con- associated with different aspects of early movement
firmed the trend towards lower Motor Optimality quality.
scores in children classified borderline/clinical than
in children classified normal, U = 266.5, p = .07.
Behaviour problems
The association between Motor Optimality and
attention problems dropped below significance The quality of spontaneous movements between 11
(p = .32) when the analysis was repeated without and 16 weeks post-term was not associated with
the children with CP. internalising or externalising problems later in

TIQ < 85 (N = 14) TIQ 85 - 99 (N = 29) TIQ 100 - 114 (N = 21) TIQ ?
115 (N = 1)

Percent in IQ Category




< 2 normal postural 2 normal postural > 2 normal postural
patterns (N = 16) patterns (N = 23) patterns (N = 26)

Figure 1 Distribution of TIQ categories across the three postural quality groups
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Infants’ spontaneous movements 927

childhood. However, poorer quality tended to be et al. (2006) recently found an association between
followed more frequently by attention problems. In age of standing without support in infancy and score
a study of 4- to 9-year-old children, Hadders-Algra on a measure of categorisation in adulthood. They
and Groothuis (1999) found that poorer quality of similarly proposed that age of standing without
GMs in infancy, while not associated with CBCL support may be an early measure of quality of pro-
attention problems subscale score, was associated cessing in the areas of the prefrontal cortex later
with attention problems assessed by a questionnaire called on by the categorisation task.
derived from DSM IV diagnostic criteria. The asso- A second interpretation is that the quality of
ciations were stronger in the 4- to 5-year-olds, whose posture reflects the crucial role of motor activity in
medical histories placed them at higher risk than the the early development of perception and cognition.
7- to 9-year-olds for developmental problems. Rapid brain development in the second and third
Together, the two studies suggest that an association months post-term is accompanied by equally rapid
exists between movement quality at 2 to 3 months psychological development. Infants’ exploration of
post-term and behaviour problems in high risk their environment with eyes and hands becomes
children. However, the association is weak and more active and better coordinated. Independent
seems to vary in strength with the age and medical finger movements will facilitate exploration, sup-
history of the child, and the instruments used to plementing visual input with more precise tactile
assess GMs and behaviour problems. and proprioceptive input. Their delayed emergence
Together with the results of previous research may inhibit exploration in a period when develop-
(Bruggink et al., 2008; Cioni et al., 2000; Hadders- ment is particularly sensitive to the input explora-
Algra & Groothuis, 1999), the present results show tion provides. Inability to overcome extreme
three important things. First, the quality of the postures, such as the ATN, or to hold the head in
spontaneous movement repertoire at 11 to 16 weeks the midline, is also likely to interfere with explor-
post-term has prognostic value not only for motor atory activity. The extent to which expected postural
development but also for cognitive development, and patterns are present between 11 and 16 weeks post-
to a lesser extent, the development of behaviour term may provide a measure of the extent to which
problems. Second, different aspects of the movement spontaneous movements facilitate or inhibit infants’
repertoire are associated with outcome in the differ- interactions with the world around them during a
ent domains. FM quality – a global assessment – is phase in which sensorimotor activity drives
most strongly associated with later neurological perceptual and cognitive development (Wassenberg
dysfunction, while specific postural patterns were et al., 2005).
associated with intelligence and overall motor opti- The association between the quality of early pos-
mality showed a trend to an association with atten- ture and later intelligence is particularly interesting
tion problems. Third, the prognostic value is not against the background of current attempts to
limited to children with extremely poor early motor understand the association between measures of
repertoires who go on to develop serious neurological visual attention in infancy, for example habituation
disabilities. and novelty recognition, and intelligence in later
There are at least two interpretations of these childhood. This has been assumed to be some
results. The first is that the quality of posture pro- shared underlying process, which is tapped by both
vides a broad measure of the quality of early central infant attention and childhood intelligence measures
nervous system (CNS) development. Cortical areas (Sigman, Cohen, & Beckwith, 2000). Our findings
increase their level of activity markedly during the suggest that the predictive value of early measures
second and third months post-term, as do the which are associated with later intelligence may be
cerebellar cortex and the basal ganglia, areas which based on what they reveal about the integrity of the
are involved in networks with important motor, developing CNS, or in the quality of the foundation
cognitive and behavioural functions (Chugani, they lay for future development, and not primarily on
Phelps, & Mazziotti, 1987). The different postural shared underlying processes.
patterns which emerge at this age may provide an
index of the quality of early CNS development in
Limitations of the study
different areas of the brain. One ‘normal’ posture,
ability to overcome the ATN posture, reflects the The results are based on data from a small group of
suppression of an early reflex, suggesting normal children from a single medical centre. This raises
development of the cortical processes which allow its the question as to how far they can be generalised to
inhibition. Another ‘normal’ posture, varied finger the broader population of children born preterm. The
movements, is likely associated with the ability to below average mean IQ scores and above average
move the fingers independently, which, unlike arm, frequencies of behaviour problems in the partici-
leg and whole body movements, requires cortico- pants were highly similar to those found in other
spinal input (Nolte, 1999). Its presence may there- follow-up studies of children born preterm (Bhutta et
fore reflect the quality of cortical processing in al., 2002; Foulder-Hughes & Cooke, 2003). While
regions providing such cortico-spinal input. Murray this increases our confidence that these results can
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928 Phillipa R. Butcher et al.

be generalised to the broader population of children intelligence and behaviour problems in other
born preterm, further investigations are required to groups of high risk children are needed to test this
determine their generalisability Further, in the suggestion. Investigations should focus both on
absence of a theoretical basis for determining the children known to be at higher risk because of
order in which the components of the Motor Opti- pre- and perinatal medical complications, and on
mality Score should be entered into the regression children at risk for developmental disorders such
equation, we used stepwise regression to explore as dyslexia, autism and ADHD, which are fre-
their individual contributions to the intelligence quently accompanied by motor disorders. Finally,
score. This carries the risk of capitalising on chance these findings raise the important question of
associations in this particular sample (Tabachnick & whether the quality of the early spontaneous motor
Fidell, 2007), and highlights the need to replicate our repertoire also has prognostic value for children at
results in a new investigation. no increased medical risk. The most powerful
predictors of intelligence were postural patterns
which typically emerge between 11 and 16 weeks.
Conclusions Neurological status did not mediate between early
postural quality and intelligence. This raises the
This is the first study to our knowledge to investi-
possibility that an association between the quality
gate the association between the quality of the
of the early motor repertoire and intelligence in
spontaneous motor repertoire in early infancy and
later childhood may also be found in typically
intelligence in later childhood, and the second to
developing children.
investigate its association with behaviour problems.
The results suggest that the assessment of the
spontaneous motor repertoire can improve our
Correspondence to
ability to predict in which high-risk infants cogni-
tion and/or behaviour are likely to be impaired. Phillipa R. Butcher, Department of Psychology,
However, further investigations of the associations Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200,
between early spontaneous movements and later Australia; Email:

Key points

• As a group, children born very preterm have lower intelligence scores, more behaviour problems, and
poorer neurological development than typically developing children.
• The quality of very preterms’ early spontaneous movements (11-16 weeks post-term) has well-established
predictive value for their later neurological development.
• We found that early movement quality also has predictive value for cognitive development, and to a lesser
extent, the development of attentional problems.
• The predictive value of early movement quality was not limited to children with extremely poor movement
repertoires who later develop serious neurological disabilities.
• Early assessment of spontaneous movements may improve our ability to identify very preterm infants
whose intellectual and attentional development is likely to be impaired.

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