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a. What differentiates your solution from the existing alternatives and other

competitive solutions?

Differentiating Factor: Other Ordering system didn’t use the QR code

How it Differs: Our OrderingOrder generator System we use QR code which has the menu, so you can
start executing your order. unlike other existing ordering system, they not using the full potential of
technology by not using QR code.

b. b. What are the specific benefits your solution offers that would make a customer choose yours over

Specific Benefits:

1. Convenience: With our OrderingOrder generator System, customers can place their orders while
sitting at their table, eliminating the need to wait for a server or stand in line.

2. Efficiency: Using the QR code menu, customers can quickly browse through the options,
customize their orders, and send them directly to the kitchen or bar. This streamlines the
ordering process and reduces wait times.

3. Accuracy: By allowing customers to input their orders directly, the chances of order errors are
minimized, leading to a better dining experience.

4. Contactless: In an era where hygiene and safety are paramount, our system promotes a
contactless dining experience, reducing the need for physical menus and interactions with staff.

5. Menu Exploration: Customers can explore the menu at their own pace, access additional
information, and make informed choices, enhancing their overall dining experience.
c. How have you validated the uniqueness and the attractiveness of your


1. We studied the restaurant industry to see what other systems were in use and identified a gap
where QR code-based ordering systems were not common.
2. Comparisons: We compared our system to others on the market and found that the use of QR
codes for ordering was a unique selling point.
3. Adoption: We noticed that more customers will use our system when it was available,
demonstrating its attractiveness and value.

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