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litigation as a dispute resolution forum.

Firstly,litigation is a powerful tool in dispute

resolution because of its public record. It is conducted through the courts and
therefore becomes part of the public record. Litigation offers a clear platform with a
clear outcome.

Secondly, dispute resolution is a two-way process, hence the need for cooperation
from the parties. The court has mandated deadlines and requirements, which make it
more difficult to ignore. The court may also allow the joinder of third parties in

Thirdly, litigation is advantageous because of its precedent value, which is a major

one. Parties can point to previous rulings and use them as precedent to bolster their
own argument. It allows for speedy dispute resolution.

Lastly, the courts have rules for what constitutes evidence and for which are much
stricter. If you have a strong case, it leaves no room for you to be tipped up by
speculation and conjecture.

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