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Eric C.

Alipan BSABE 1-B

Activity 2:

Directions: Identify and explain at least five (5) advantages of information andcommunications
technology in business.

Complete the table below.

Advantages of Information Technology Reasons

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity • ICT automates manual tasks and streamlines business
processes, reducing the time and effort required to
complete them.

• It enables faster communication and collaboration

among employees, leading to increased productivity.

• Access to real-time information and data analytics

tools allows businesses to make informed decisions

Improved Communication and Collaboration • ICT provides various communication channels, such as
email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and
collaborative platforms.

• It facilitates effective communication among

employees, teams, and departments regardless of
geographical barriers.

• Remote working becomes feasible, allowing

businesses to tap into a global talent pool and foster
virtual teamwork.

Expanded Market Reach • ICT enables businesses to establish an online presence

through websites, e-commerce platforms, and social

• Online marketing tools and digital advertising

methods help reach a broader audience and target
specific customer segments.

• E-commerce capabilities enable businesses to sell

products and services globally, breaking traditional
geographical limitations.

Enhanced Customer Engagement and Service • ICT enables businesses to gather and analyze
customer data, leading to personalized marketing and
improved customer experiences.

• Customer relationship management (CRM) systems

help businesses manage customer interactions and
provide better support.

• Social media platforms and online reviews allow

businesses to engage with customers, address their
concerns, and build loyalty.

Data Management and Decision Making • ICT facilitates the collection, storage, and analysis of
vast amounts of data, helping businesses gain valuable

• Business intelligence and analytics tools enable data-

driven decision-making, identifying trends, and
predicting customer behavior.

• ICT supports data security measures, ensuring the

protection and privacy of sensitive business

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