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ROMAN GOD AND GODDESSES • What are the literary devices used in Beowulf?

• Supreme King of the gods. Roman god of the ANSWER: Alliteration-Kennings-Caesura

sky and thunder, and patron god of Rome.
• What kind of monster guides the treasure?
ANSWER: The Dragon
• Roman goddess of wisdom, arts, trade and
• How did Beowulf died?
ANSWER: when he was poisoned because he was bitten
by the dragon.
• The Roman god of fire, volcanoes, metal work
• He is a monstrous creature defeated by
and the forge; maker of the weapons of the
ANSWER: Grendel
• They are the most beautiful, the bravest, the
• Vesta was the virgin goddess of hearth, home
boldest, and the most loyal group of people in
and family who watched over the sacred fire for
the epic poem Beowulf?
every Roman house. What was the Goddess
Vesta's symbol? ANSWER: The Geats
ANSWER: FIRE • Why Hrothgar is a good king?
• The 12 lectisternium of the Twelve Great ANSWER: Because he is generous to his thanes, wise, a
Roman Gods. father figure in the epic.
ANSWER: Jupiter, Juno, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, • When Beowulf grew old but was still
Venus, Apollo, Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Vulcan, and courageous and willing to confront the dragon.
Vesta. Who was the geat who assisted or
companioned him to kill the dragon?
• Why did the Romans not want to make anger
the Gods? ANSWER: Wiglaf
ANSWER: Every aspect of your life will be under the • The Danes were a North Germanic tribe
thumb of the Gods because they have complete control. inhabiting the southern Scandinavia. Who are
Life may be quite terrible if the gods aren't on your side. the Danes in Beowulf?

ANSWER: Shield Sheafson, Beow, Wealtheow, Unfearth,

BEOWULF Hrethric, and Hrothulf.

• The demon that caused great fear, death, and • How did Beowulf kill Grendel’s mother?
despair to the Danish people. ANSWER: At first, Beowulf was unsuccessful when he
ANSWER: GRENDEL tried to kill Grendel’s Mother with his sword. But then,
he discovered an enormous weapon forged for giants in
• Who are the Geats? which he used to swing in a powerful arc to decapitate
or cut off the head to Grendel’s mother.
• He is an excellent and successful king. He builds
• Why did Beowulf accept the plea of the Dane
Heorot, a magnificent hall, and builds love and
king which is to defeat Grendel?
loyalty through his generosity and wisdom.
ANSWER: Hrothgar
• What characteristic of Beowulf that makes him
an epic hero?
• When did Cervantes became a soldier and was
ANSWER: Beowulf’s personal characteristics include the badly wounded in the Battle of Lepanto?
heroic traits of loyalty, honor, bravery, faith, and
ANSWER: 1570
superhuman strength.
• He is a Spanish writer who created one of the
• Why does Beowulf want to see the treasure?
world's greatest literary masterpieces, including
ANSWER: Beowulf begs to see the dragon's wealth as he Don Quixote.
dies. He may believe that the fortune he has amassed
ANSWER: Miguel De Cervantes
will ensure his fame for the foreseeable future. He
surely thinks that this wealth will make up for the death • How was Cervantes being described when he
of his king was an avid reader as a child?

ANSWER: A skill he was reportedly taught by relative.

• When did Cervantes became a soldier and was

DON QUIXOTE badly wounded in the Battle of Lepanto?

ANSWER: 1570
• He is a key character; he appears in many
guises, especially as knights-at-arms, and finally • He is a Spanish writer who created one of the
is the cause of Quixote's return home. world's greatest literary masterpieces, including
Answer: Samson Carrasco. Don Quixote.

ANSWER: Miguel De Cervantes

• They are frequent causes of pain and
humiliation for the pair from La Mancha. • How was Cervantes being described when he
Answer: The duke and duchess. was an avid reader as a child?

ANSWER: A skill he was reportedly taught by relative.

• Why is Don Quixote forced to go back home?
Wherein he regained his sanity and died at • it is a common thread in Don Quixote,
peace. particularly in how it relates to marriage.
Answer: At the end of the second part, another Answer: Love
character from Don Quixote’s village, dressed also as a
knight-errant, challenges Don Quixote and wins. • He is the ultimate idealist.

• In what year did Cervantes published the first Answer: Don Quixote
part of Don Quixote? • A scholar whom Antonia accuses of stealing
ANSWER: 1605 Quixote's library

• Who is the person who had to put his pen aside Answer: The priest
and, instead, picked up a weapon, joining a • The ideal aesthetic and ethical life model. He
Spanish military unit in Italy? becomes a knight-errant in order to protect the
ANSWER: Miguel de Cervantes world's justice, do good, and live his life as if it
were a work of art.
• How did Quixote regains his senses before the
novel ends? Answer: Don Quixote

ANSWER: In one scene, the deluded Don Quixote even • What themes can you expect to see in Don
fights a windmill, mistaking it for a giant. Quixote?
Answer: Idealism vs Realism, Honor vs Virtue, Love, ANSWER: c. By hiding in a wooden horse left as a
Insanity, and Social Class present.

• How could Don Quixote be considered a hero? • For the majority of the poem, why does Achilles
refuse to fight?
Answer: Quixote enters an idealistic world and must live
with the consequences. What makes him heroic is his ANSWER: Achilles refuses to fight because Agamemnon
determination to rest stole away from him a beautiful young maiden named
Briseis whom he’d won as a prize for his achievement in
• What poem narrates an episodes of the trojan
• He wanted the Greek to attack right now, but war fought between the archaeans (Greek)
Odysseus told them to rest and eat first and he against the trojans.
slew thousands of men in his onslaught.
ANSWER: Achilles
• What Century belong is the Iliad?
• He is a suitor of Helen, and his name means
ANSWER: C- 8th Century BC
“first to be slain”.
• How many comprises book has Iliad?
ANSWER: Protesilaus
ANSWER: 24 books
• Why did Achilles ask Zeus to help the Trojans?

ANSWER: Achilles seeks the payment of a debt that

Zeus owes to Thetis. Achilles asks Thetis to remind Zeus DIVINE COMEDY
of this debt and then beg him to help the Trojans
• A place or region that resembles hell.
against the Greeks, so that Agamemnon "'may know his
blindness in that he honored no whit the best of the ANSWER: Inferno
• Enumerate the eight “Terraces of Purgatorio”?
• Reputed to be the most beautiful woman of
ancient Greek Stolen by Paris from Menelaus ANSWER: Late-repentant, Proud, Envious, Wrathful,
Slothful, Avaricious, Gluttonous and Lustful
Answer: Helen
• How many chapters are in the Divine Comedy?
• How many Trojans were sacrificed to be burned
along with Patroclus's corpse? ANSWER: The Divine Comedy has three sections:
Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso
Answer: 12 (Paradise or Heaven)
• Why does Achilles allow Patroclus to go into • The first question may contain a paraphrased
battle wearing his armor? definition, which may also be from another
reference.This planet is named after the
Answer: To intimidate the Trojans and lead the Greeks
messenger of the gods?
to victory
Answer: Mercury
• She was the one who used a spell to make
Helen of Troy fall in love with Paris. • Enumerate the 10 heavens
ANSWER: Aphrodite Answer: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Fixed Stars, Primum Mobile/ The Crystalline
• What strategy did the Greeks use to finally
defeat the Trojans?
• The third question may ask how or whyWhy are The three beasts block Dante from the sunlit hill in
spirits force to leave their religious life? Canto I?

Answer: because they have broken their vows ANSWER: The Leopard,lion, and she-wolf.

• What is the three-headed guard dog of The Why is Judas unable to speak?
Answer: Lucifer is chewing on his head.
ANSWER: Cerberus

• Enumerate the three rings

ANSWER: outer ring, middle ring, inner ring
• Why Virgil asked the deceased love-of-Dante's-
life, Beatrice, to send someone down?
ANSWER: Lucia felt sorry for Dante and asked the
deceased love-of-Dante's-life, Beatrice, to send ANSWER: HUBRIS
someone down to help him. And voila! Virgil to the
• It is Service marred by ambition.
Answer: Mercury
• What Island did Odysseus and his men
• What is the verb and noun that describe plundered?
ANSWER: Ismaros Island
Answer: Justice and Rulers
• Who caused the journey of Odysseus?
• Why do Piccarda and Constance could have
ANSWER: Athena and Poseidon
willed not to break their vows indefinitely?
• How many years did Odysseus fight in the
Answer: They could have willed not to break their vows
indefinitely but attempted to return to the religious life. trojan war?
Since they did not, they wavered in their faith and were ANSWERS: 10 years
less virtuous for doing so.
• Who're the angry Gods that causes Odysseus'
• It is the punishment of souls, "Suffer te journey?
ANSWER: Athena and Poseidon
ANSWER: Contrapasso
• What did Odysseus and his 12 ships recounted
• The 3 types of sins that the three beasts when they left Ismaros island?
ANSWER: Fierce storm
ANSWER: self-indulgent, the violent, the malicious
• Who catched Odysseus and his men?
• How many cantos are in the divine comedy as a
whole? ANSWER: Polyphemus

ANSWER: there are 99 cantos in the divine comedy • It is the name of the suitor who is also a poet
who was not killed during the murder in the
• The river must souls cross before they enter hall.
ANSWER: The acheron
• What are the names of the parents of Nausicaa • She is the “appearance of culture” in masked
and what island is her mother from? sarcasm. Cares about animals, not people.
Loves worldly possessions of God.
ANSWERS: The name of the father is King Alcinous and
the mother is Queen Arete who is from the island of Answer: The Prioress
• Why are the travelers going to Canterbury?
• Why did Odysseus disguised as a beggar?
Answer: They are on a pilgrimage to see the relics of St.
ANSWERS: Because he planned to rid of the suitors Thomas Becket.

• What is the member of a race of savage one- • What is the moral of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale?
eyed giarts.
Answer: Never trust a flatterer.
ANSWERS: Cyclops
• Which tale qualifies as part of a medieval
• From what war is odysseus attempting to return sermon?
Answer: The pardoner's tale
ANSWERS: The Trojan war
• Why does the Pardoner upset the Host?
• How does the loyal nurse Eurycleia recognize
Answer: The Pardoner tries to sell indulgences to the
pilgrims, after he has already told them that he cheats
ANSWERS: By a scar on his leg people.

• What is the First Canterbury tale?

• Answer: The Knight's Tale
• What is the Host's name?
• Why do the characters tell stories in The
Answer: D. Harry Bailey
Canterbury Tales?
• How does Chaucer himself fit into the group?
ANSWER: The characters in The Canterbury Tales
tell stories to pass time on their pilgrimage to Answer: Chaucer is the anonymous Narrator. He is also
Canterbury and to compete for a free supper. one of the pilgrims.
• How long was the Pilgrims journey in The • He is branded by a red-hot poker in the Miller’s
Canterbury Tales? Tale.
ANSWER: About sixty miles southeast of London, or Answer: Nicholas
about a week-long journey.
• When does The Canterbury Tales take place?
• What literary devices are used in The
Canterbury Tales? Answer: c. In the late 14th Century

ANSWER: There are examples of imagery, allegory, • Why is the prologue important in The
alliteration, satire, hyperbole, allusion, personification, Canterbury Tales?
irony, similes and metaphors in The Canterbury Tales. Answer: The prologue to The Canterbury Tales is most
• It is a type of tale focusing on the episodic important because it established the class structure of
adventures of knights and the challenges they society in Medieval England.


• Also known as Virgil, The greatest of Classical

Roman Poets.
ANSWER: PUBLIUS VERGILIUS MARO • The legendary King of the Rutuli in Roman
history, and the chief antagonist of the hero
• He is the son of aesimus, a young greek spy who
Aeneas in Virgil's Aeneid.
pretends to have been left behind at the end of
the trojan war Answer: Turnus

ANSWER: SINON • A strong and determined queen of Carthage

and lover of Aeneas.
• How does Aeneas reveal his deep reverence for
his forebearers? Answer: Dido

ANSWER: Aeneas pays proper respect to the gods and • Why does Aeneas get so angry at Turnus?
strives to always do his duty.He is the son of
Answer: Aeneas fight Turnus because Turnus killed
Venus,Aeneas makes purposeful visits to his home. Troy
Pallas, the son of Evander.
holds his allegiance, as does his family.
• An obscure mythological hero who founded
• Who ordered to publish Aeneid even after
troy and in Virgil's poem, he did so having left
Virgil's wish to burn the composition?
from a place called “Corythus”.
ANSWER: Augustus Caesar
Answer: Dardanus
• Who did Cupid incited to fall in love with
• Who was the goddess of Venus?
Answer: Aphrodite Question
• Why did Venus drop down to Earth disguised as
• How did Turnus lose to Aeneas in their duel?
a huntress?
ANSWERS: Turnus' sword broke, he panicked and finally
Answer: to give aeneas directions to the nearest city.
was wounded by Aeneas' spear

• A villainous pretender who tricks the guileless

trojan into accepting the trojan horse.


• In the Aeneid of Virgil, she commits suicide

during the conflict between Aeneas and Turnus
over which of them would marry Lavinia.


• Who was the messenger goddess of Jupiter?


• How does Dido and Aeneas duty conflict with

their love for each other?

ANSWER: Love and duty are at odds, especially in Book

IV, and this is shown in the love Dido feels for Aeneas
and the responsibility Aeneas feels for resuming his
duties. Dido's love is a violent force because her
emotions have destroyed her self-control. It is like an
"inward fire eating her away", and she abandons her
duties to her people because of it

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