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Euler was considered, the greatest Mathematicians of all time, In the midst of

Enlightenment Era, which dates back to (1650-1750ce) He was a "Swiss polymath"

Because he was born, in Switzerland.
He contributed to almost every area of mathematics, from calculus and geometry to
number theory and mechanics. He was known for his incredible productivity, having
published over 800 papers, and for his ability to see connections between different
mathematical disciplines. He made significant contributions to the development of
calculus, and many consider him the greatest mathematician of all time.

And being considered, the greatest Mathematicians of all time is no joke, pun not

At the aged of, 28, in the year of 1735. Euler lost most of his vision. But even
then, Euler published 885 works in his lifetime, and most of those work was when he
lost his vision. So yes no wonder why's he's considered great.

Some of his, well-known notable works.

- 1727: Euler's "De quadratura curvarum" - dealt with the calculus of curves.
- 1736: Introductio in analysin infinitorum, introducing modern notation for
mathematical analysis.

- 1748: "Introductio in analysin infinitorum" - foundations of mathematical

- 1748: Mechanica, developing laws of motion.
- 1755: Elements of Algebra, laying foundations of modern algebra.
- 1755: "Institutiones calculi differentialis" - foundations of calculus.
- 1766: "Variae observationes circa lunam" - a major work on lunar theory.
- 1771: "Pyramidum quadrangularum" - a major work on pyramids.
- 1776: "Dioptrica" - a work on optics.
- 1777: "Libri duo Geometriae" - a work on geometry.
- 1781: "Commentationes opticae et dioptrices" - a major work on optics and lenses.
- 1785: "Novi commmentarii academiae scientiarum petropolitanae"
- 1736-1783: Development of calculus, including fundamental theorem of calculus,
Euler's method, and Euler's formula.

So, this is just some of his noteworthy, works he's time of service, is spanning
over 60 years.
He was so influential in math that many consider him the most prolific
mathematician in history.
Even after he went blind, he kept working. He used to tie strings between the pages
of his books to help him navigate his texts by touch and still wrote some of his
most significant works while blind.

And this is, the list of it's practical contributions of Euler's work.

- Euler revolutionized methods for solving cubic equations and laid the foundations
for the field of graph theory.
- His contributions to fluid dynamics and calculus paved the way for modern
hydrodynamics and advancements in physics and engineering.
- He also made major contributions to astronomy, helping to explain the complex
orbital mechanics of planets and moons.
- Euler also made significant contributions to the fields of number theory and
probability theory, helping to develop modern mathematical analysis and statistics.
- His work in geometry led to breakthroughs in cartography, navigation, and
- And he also made significant contributions to physics and chemistry, including
developing the concept of the "vortex," which helped explain the behavior of
- Developed the concept of "Euler's formula," which is considered one of the most
beautiful and useful formulas in all of mathematics.
- Wrote over 800 papers, which is just straight-up mind-boggling.
- Had a face so iconic that his image was printed on Swiss currency and postage

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