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Our advancement in Christ is a finished thing, it is perfect and it is complete.

Our shepherd told us we are already right now complete in Him. Calvary and
the effects and benefits of Calvary are all ours even now. There is nothing
more than can be done or that needs to be done, the plan of God for us and
our saving and our salvation etc is all complete and finished.

Our shepherd told us that we rode over the tribulation and we have even
rode over the Millennium and have sat down with the Ancient of Days in the
Throne. This is because through the Great Revelation, through the veil that
has been rent from us, through the Spirit of Revelation we indeed see God in
all things. This means God in those things is being restored unto us as we
see Him in those things. That is how they are reconciled back to God, as

This means the time of the restoring of all things, which is God and seeing
God in all things is here with us and working already. This means we are
passing through and in the Millennium. As the Children of God as to our
outer man and its redemption we are spiritually and more so already in the
Millennium as we are restoring by our spiritual eye sight and eyes of
understanding the the reconciling power of this Revelation we are seeing and
reconciling God unto all things. God in us is reconciling and restoring all
things within us, through us and by us. So we may see that out outer man in
His redemption, being alive from the dead already is entered its Millennium,
as the great Light at the end of the Millennium pulls Him through it to be one
with its head. We shall see this manifested as to the Jew but we already may
enjoy it in the greatest of ways.

Now remember though we speak of the body, it is a recipient of glory and

life and restitution, but all that it receives is from the spiritual inner man
which is the Christ shining upon it in its strength. Restoring this outer man
alive from the deadness of sinful works of unrighteousness, divorcing it and
marrying it to its new head even Christ. Our shepherd told us that though
we have indeed ridden over the tribulation, which was our Calvary
experience, and that we have indeed spiritually ridden over the Millennium,
and we sit in the throne, that we may also enjoy the great Millennium in the
greatest kind of way, meaning we have access to it and unto all things. This
means that though we have comprehended bodily redemption, that it is not
manifested until the Jew comes to it after the Millennium, thus we may
enjoy this great Millennium in our outer man right now.

As our shepherd put it and many of you have already exclaimed, the money
is already in the bank and we have a blank check already with the Fathers
name written and signed on it.
So lets all go forward, in faith, by this Faith, being one with This Faith which
is the Kingdom of God and claim what is ours, this health, this happiness,
this glory, these benefits, these treasures, our sanity, our families and
everything else, for it belongs to us.
Lets encourage ourselves in bringing back to our remembrance these
glorious things our precious shepherd taught us. May God Bless You! Bro.

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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