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Dear miss Gina,

I need to take a sick day today , I think I’m getting a cold. As you know, our group has a conference
today to discuss the progress about our new electronic project. I've asked Santiago to share the
information so that we won't miss advances even in my absence

Thank for your understanding. I'll keep you posted and let you know when I'm able to come back
in to the classroom



Hi Vero,

I'm pretty sorry and you are going to hate me after that °w° ‘’, but we need to change our date in
the arcade UnU I'm really sorry!!. Yesterday It was raining too hard and I was in the gym at this
moment. And you know-woke up this morning and felt really bad haha with a fever and sneezing a
lot, and I need to stay home to not be contagious to someone else...or you, anyways, sorry again!!
>n</ But I’ll let you know once I feel better and we can have an Arcade day

:p lagalindo

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