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"ExplorerAchievementsUnlocked": false,
"DiscoverUnlocker": false,
"TraitAchievementsUnlocker": false,
"info0": "This text explains the config, the values are either true or false, all
lowercase or it will break. A comma must follow the true/false as well.",
"info1": "ExplorerAchievementsUnlocked when set to true unlocks the TraitExplorer
traits that are gained from unlocking 20, 50, and 70 traits. (Set to false by
default in-case you want to get that achievement without cheating)",
"info2": "DiscoverUnlocker when set to true saves all achievements that you need
to discover to unlock to your save file, when set to false prevents saving to the
save file (default is false in-case you want to find them legit later on or when
you dont have this mod enabled)",
"info3": "TraitAchievementsUnlocker when set to true unlocks all achievements
related to traits, when set false you can still use these traits, but they wont be
saved when you disable the mod (Disabled by default in case you want to get those
achievements legit)",
"info4": "If you're purely interested in having all the traits unlocked without
having the mod on all the time and do not care about achievements/getting any of
them legit, you can set DiscoverUnlocker and TraitAchievementsUnlocker to true.
Afterwards you should be able to remove the mod and it still have everything

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