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Debate: Generation Gap, A bliss or A glitch

A generation gap is a sliver of opinion that separates us from them, the other generation; it allows us
to express ourselves, and who doesn't like to express themselves? Well, the Pew Research Center
conducted a survey that showed that more than 50 percent of the population in the Central Asian
states like to let their opinion be known. The generational gap gives us an understanding of our
generation that no other generation can provide; it gives us a bond that no other generation can
give; and it gives us a sense of mutual understanding. Obama once said: "The mutual understanding
provided by the generational gap is the sole reason for my election as the first black president of the
United States. It gives us tolerance of each other since we have a bond that the other generations
don’t have; it makes us feel special that we have an understanding that no other generation will ever
have; and it makes life easier as we can understand our generation and don’t have to understand
their generation because we were made to understand us. It corrects the uncorrected; it corrects
previous generations' flaws, just like how Gen Z fixed and improved computers, mobiles, and
television. It makes us decide the inevitable since they don’t decide what we understand; we decide
what we understand, and they can’t interfere with it because they don’t understand it. It can either
turn the odds in your favour or in their favor. It helps us fight for our cause and learn through either
destruction or harmony, for example, how the Germans learned from Hitler's actions, how the
terrorists learned from Osama bin Laden's actions, and how the people of the subcontinent learned
to fight for themselves after British rule on the subcontinent. It embarks you on a journey that will
last a lifetime, filled with hope, despair, and enjoyment. "A generational gap is a wonder of opinion
from the heavens," JJ Stein once said. The generation gap is an exciting thriller of joy and risk that
only the generation with greater understanding can comprehend; it empowers you and drives you to
conquer and be the best generation, for example, like how the wave of Germanic barbarian tribes
swept through the Roman Empire. In a nutshell, a generational gap is the difference in perspectives
between our generation and the other. No other generation can compare to it in terms of giving us a
comprehension of our generation. It corrects the unchecked in the same way that Generation Z
repaired and improved computers, mobile devices, and television. So, therefore, I say to you: rise for
this bliss, rise for your generation, and conquer.

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