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This week I went to Dakota Alpha. I have never heard of this organization before. Dakota

Alpha is an inpatient facility that specializes in traumatic brain injuries. I personally, really enjoy

nursing home type communities, so I really enjoyed this organization. Dakota Alpha is home to

about 20 residents. I didn’t work with any clients in particular, but I was able to see what OT

and PT do here, as well as sit in on two care plan meetings.


I got to spend time with one gentleman in occupational therapy. He had recently had a

heart and ankle surgery and was at Dakota Alpha for rehabilitation therapy. This client is very

adamant that he intends to return home as soon as possible.

Recognizing Cues

The client was on a scooter and was able to maneuver himself around the facility. He

has a lot of physical restrictions due to the recent heart surgery and is limited in his

movements. Occupational therapy is working with him so that he progresses properly while

protecting his heart.

Analyzing Cues

This client was scheduled for a care plan meeting today. The focus of his meeting was to

decide how much longer he would be staying at Dakota Alpha. The client is very firm on his

position that he wants to be home ASAP. Obviously, the care team would like him to stay so
they can continue to work with him. Home health and other organizations have not been

contacted yet, so even if the client was to leave there would not be care in place yet.

Prioritize Hypotheses

My goal for the client is that he continues to heal and progress from his surgeries. I

believe that the client is capable of caring for himself and he seems like an active participant in

his care. I share concerns with the care team that it is too early for him to leave. The care team

discussed that he has an important appointment coming up that will guide his care. The care

team is concerned that the client will not go to this appointment if the client leaves Dakota


Generate Solutions

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was decided that home health services will be

contacted, and the client will stay at least until tomorrow. The client’s family agrees with the

care team that home health needs to be on board before the client should return home. Family

also states that if the client returns home sooner, they will make sure he attends the


Take Action + Evaluate Outcomes

During this experience, I saw the care team work with the patient well. I was impressed

by their efforts to provide the best care while trying to satisfy the patient. I have encountered

many long term care and rehab patients who want to go home. It was refreshing to see a care

team work with someone and recognize this as a priority. I have never sat in on a care plan
meeting before and it was great to see all the disciplines working together. I enjoyed seeing the

client being included in this meeting and being an active participant in his care.

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