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Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body's tissues, so when there are not enough red
blood cells, the tissues do not get enough oxygen. This can cause a variety of
symptoms, including fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, and lightheadedness.

There are many different types of anemia, and the cause of each type varies. Some of
the most common causes of anemia include:

● Iron deficiency: This is the most common type of anemia. It occurs when the
body does not have enough iron to make red blood cells. Iron is found in many
foods, including red meat, poultry, fish, beans, and leafy green vegetables.
● Vitamin B12 deficiency: Vitamin B12 is needed to make red blood cells. Vitamin
B12 is found in animal products, such as meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.
It is also found in some fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals.
● Folate deficiency: Folate is also needed to make red blood cells. Folate is found
in leafy green vegetables, fruits, and beans.
● Blood loss: Blood loss can cause anemia if it is not replaced. Blood loss can
occur from injuries, surgery, childbirth, or chronic conditions, such as ulcers or
heavy menstruation.
● Destruction of red blood cells: Red blood cells can be destroyed by diseases,
such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia.
● Bone marrow problems: The bone marrow is where red blood cells are made. If
the bone marrow is not working properly, it can cause anemia.

If you are experiencing symptoms of anemia, it is important to see a doctor to get a

diagnosis and treatment. Treatment for anemia will vary depending on the cause. In
some cases, treatment may involve taking iron supplements, vitamin B12 supplements,
or folate supplements. In other cases, treatment may involve surgery or medication to
treat the underlying cause of the anemia.

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