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("For the majority of people, the Arts are

irrelevant to their daily lives." How true is
this of your society?)
In 2016, the Singapore government-
associated National Arts Council withdrew
funding from artist Sonny Chan's

production of his graphic novel "The Art of

Charlie Chan". However, the NAC did not
give clear reasons why the work had
warranted a withdrawal of financial
support. Many were quick to criticise the
NAC for its opaque handling of the issue,
but others were unsurprised by these
indirect forms of censorship.

(Social media has more influence than (Science and technology are the cause of
politicians. Discuss.) the world’s problems. To what extent is this
Malaysians participating in the Bersih true?)
movement used social media widely in Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche theorised
their protests against the election fraud the concept of the ‘will to power’, which is
alleged to have been committed by the that every action undertaken by man is to

ruling party Barisan Nasional. As a result allow himself to gain advantage over
of the use of platforms like Facebook, the another and thus increase the influence he
size of these rallies rose from tens of wields in the world. This theory influenced
thousands of participants in 2007 to and was hijacked by the technologically
hundreds of thousands of participants in superior Nazi regime, which used the theory
2015. Ultimately, the diffusive power of to validate their war crimes. The world’s
social media accelerated the ultimate problems are caused by greed instead of
downfall of the BN after 61 years of science and technology.
political stasis.

(Longer life expectancy creates more

problems than benefits. Discuss)
In Singapore, new legislation came into

effect in 2022 to raise the retirement age

to 63, and this will increase to 65 in 2030.
Singapore is putting such policies in place
to encourage elderly workers to continue
contributing economically as they age.

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