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Productive Teacher Performance Assessment In implementing pedagogic competence


This study aims to assess the performance of productive teachers in implementing pedagogic
competence. This type of research is a combination research (quantitative and qualitative). The
research subjects were 55 productive teachers in Vocational High Schools (SMK). Research data were
obtained through productive teacher questionnaires, peer assessment questionnaires, observations,
interviews and the results were analysed using the percentage formula. The results of the study
found that pedagogical competence: For the questionnaire the average total score is 4.2. For peer
assessment, the average total score is 4.0, with a respondent achievement level of 80% in the "good"
category. For observation, the average total score is 4.0, with a respondent achievement level of 80%
in the "good" category, and For the results of interviews submitted to the principal, vice principal of
curriculum and 7 productive department heads, with the conclusion of the "good" category.


Productive teacher, performance, competence, pedagogic

1. Introduction
Many teachers' pedagogical competencies have been researched in various countries in the
world with various themes, including in Australia (Burke et al., 2018), Switzerlan (Malva et
al., 2023), Sweden (Player-Koro & Sjöberg, 2018), Iran (Zolfaghari candidate et al., 2022),
Belgium (Evens et al., 2018), India (Kumar Sahana, 2018). according to (Moreira et al., 2023)
pedagogical competence is teaching and learning strategies, and planning and management
which is a set of skills, abilities and talents developed exclusively in a pedagogical
environment, and mainly involves the methods used to facilitate learning, as well as the
practice of planning and management of learning; and disciplinary competence in the ability
to understand students by teachers and which is the minimum knowledge, skills, and
attitudes required in a particular disciplinary field in teaching.
Pedagogic competence is included in a highly competitive work context that requires
educators to teach to develop quality teaching (Thomsen et al., 2021). There are four
competencies for teachers in Indonesia including pedagogic, social, professional and
personality competencies (Akbar et al., 2021). A teacher's performance in implementing
competency standards requires teacher performance assessment (Muslimin, 2020). In order
to create professional teachers, teacher performance assessments are carried out (Jeong &
So, 2020), (Fauzi & Khusuma, 2020).

Several studies show that teachers who have pedagogic competence can improve student
learning outcomes (Fauzi & Khusuma, 2020), Pedagogical competence has a good impact on
teacher performance (Febriani et al., 2023; Karno Diharjo et al., 2022), Pedagogical
competence is influenced by the teacher's education level (Negeri et al., 2022), Not only
that, school principals have an important role in developing pedagogical competence
(Hairudin et al., 2023). Teacher expertise will basically provide insight into the preparation of
teacher tasks and school culture, motivation and external factors that flow into its
development (van Dijk et al., 2022), (Mayeaux & Olivier, 2022). Basically the pedagogical
competence of teachers refers to the skills and abilities of teachers in teaching and guiding
students in the learning process effectively (Ananda, 2023).
This research aims to assess in depth the pedagogical competence in vocational high
schools. The problems that were found in the school where the research was carried out,
namely through observations made were then corroborated by interview data with the
Principal and several productive teachers, in this case information was obtained including:
Teacher performance in pedagogic competence, not optimal, which is marked by there are
approximately 90% of teachers in this school who have not collected their complete
Learning Toolkit, not yet optimal in using various learning methods or strategies. The two
components are one of the most important components in pedagogical competence which
are included in the sub-indicators of teacher performance assessment.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Performance Assessments

Teacher performance assessments are carried out on teacher competency based on the
obligation to carry out learning, mentoring, or additional work that is in accordance with the
interests of the school. Effective assessment practices in higher education support student
learning by promoting active engagement and providing feedback (Rawlusyk, 2018), Teacher
performance assessment is based on evaluating the competence of the teacher and the
effectiveness of the teacher in the classroom in conducting learning (Adlington et al., 2023).
Assessment is a systematic step and includes activities to analyze, interpret and collect
information that can be used about a person's characteristics and make conclusions or the
object of determining how far the teacher achieves learning goals (Setiawan et al., 2020).
Teacher performance assessment can be used as a measure of implementing policies that
are used to ensure teachers are ready to serve students in class (Spina et al., 2022) Teacher
performance evaluation is included in the process of measuring the tasks and
responsibilities given to teachers to improve the quality of education (Sugiyanti et al., 2022).
In addition, teacher performance assessments are used to carry out planned assessments
designed to measure teacher readiness before providing services in the learning process and
as a process for evaluating teacher performance based on certain applicable standard
criteria. (Lyness et al., 2021), (Parkes et al., 2022).
Teacher performance standards in education in Indonesia are measured based on
competency specifications that each teacher must have as regulated by the government.
The four competencies are pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional
competence and social competence (Ana et al., 2020), (Usman & Zahra, 2020), (Desmita et
al., 2021) (Joni, 2016). Teachers need to develop their pedagogical competencies to provide
teaching that is not monotonous, fun, creative, and meaningful, using various types of
media (Susilowati & Suyatno, 2021).

2.2. Pedagogical Competence

Efforts to improve pedagogical competence include participating in professional
development programs, such as training, workshops and mentoring (Sergeeva et al., 2019).
It is important for teachers to have strong pedagogical competencies in areas such as
classroom management, understanding student characteristics, curriculum development,
lesson planning, and teacher talk (Flores, 2020). Junior teachers can excel in areas such as
the use of information technology and media development in teaching (Emiliasari, 2018).
Studies highlight the importance of pedagogical competence in assessing and improving
teacher performance (Puji & Lestari, 2021; Witari & Manuaba, 2021).
This research discusses in depth the assessment of the performance of productive teachers
in vocational high schools with indicators for assessing pedagogical competence, namely the
character of students controlled by the teacher, the principles of learning and educational
learning theories that must be mastered by the teacher, the curriculum developed, the
learning activities that educate , The potential of students is developed, teachers
communicate with students and carry out evaluations and assessments.

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